Neither Nature nor Contract: Toward an Institutional Perspective on Parenthood Essay

2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 297-333 ◽  
Shahar Lifshitz

Abstract The official narrative of parental laws in Israel describes biological parenthood as the natural legal basis for determining parenthood, while recognizing legal adoption and surrogacy, in specific circumstances, as the sole official exception to the rule (and even then with some remnants of the biological connection). However, closer examination of parental laws in Israel, as well as in other countries, reveals that biological parenthood has in fact never served as the sole basis for recognizing parental status. Familial status, explicit and implicit agreements, and functional parenthood have all served, and continue to serve in many cases, albeit not always officially, as key parameters in determining the parental relationship and its consequences. The objection against the exclusivity of natural, biological parenthood has seemingly been strengthened in light of the challenge facing lawmakers through technological reproduction advances such as sperm donations, egg donations, and surrogacy. As a result of these recent developments, prominent scholars have begun to seek alternative definitions for the biological definition. One such approach, which was influenced by cultural feminism, attempts to determine the identity of the parent based on a concrete psychological relationship between the parent and the child. Another, more radical approach, views individual autonomy and the voluntary contract as the new basis for legal parenthood. In this essay, I argue that both alternatives – natural-biological and voluntary contract – do not sufficiently narrate the story behind determination of parenthood in Israeli law nor do they supply a sound normative basis for proper regulation of parental determination. In addition, I argue that while these approaches, which focus on the concrete psychological relationship between parent and child, add an important element to the discussion of parental determination, they are too focused on the private aspects of specific parent–child relationships and in doing so, these approaches overlook important elements of the proper legal regulation of parenthood. In light of this insufficiency, I suggest a social-institutional perspective of parenthood, one emphasizing that parenthood is not merely a matter of nature, but instead an artificial construct structured and designed by society. In addition, this approach rejects the current dissonance that exists between (1) the legal determination of parenthood; (2) the regulation of reproductive technologies, on the one hand, and the regulation of parenthood’s content in the sense of regulating parental status vs. state and vs. children, on the other hand. This approach maintains that the legal and social definition of parenthood will inevitably affect the content of parenthood. Therefore, I argue that on a normative level, various decisions regarding regulation of reproductive technologies and the determination of parenthood must take into account not only the involved parties but also the manner the decision can affect the conception “who is a parent” and more importantly, the ethos of parenthood that the law should encourage.

Lois Harder

Abstract Drawing primarily from the Canadian case, this paper explores the process of birthright citizenship determination for children born abroad through the use of assisted reproductive technologies. The determination of parentage is central to these cases, raising issues of how parental status is defined in the law—through biology, intentionality, and/or matrimony. Moreover, the complexities of defining who is a child and who is a parent, in order to determine who is a citizen, reveal fundamental contradictions in the consent-based model of liberal citizenship.

1976 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-162 ◽  
S. C. Pearce

SUMMARYThe design of field trials sometimes raises queries (which often go unanswered) about alternative designs and the best ways of allowing for environmental variation in the area allotted to the experiment. It is shown how recent developments in iterative methods for working out analyses of variance make possible the determination of error for systems of blocks other than the one actually used, and also for the row-and-column case. Some suggestions are also made for judging the error to be expected if plots were made larger.

Ruslan Adamovich Muratov

Extension of globalization process to the world economy allows conducting the economic activity outside the country of tax residency. It also entailed the emergence of various types of incentives in some jurisdictions, for example, preferential tax regime or non-taxation. Questions related to international taxation are currently most acute. The use of foreign jurisdictions through controlled foreign companies reduces the state tax revenue. For counteracting abuse of the privilege by taxpayers, the rules of controlled foreign companies have been developed and implemented in over 30 countries. On the one hand, the countries accept these rules for preventing tax evasion, which can be changed due to various circumstances. On the other hand, there arise situations when such rules may worsen the situation of the taxpayer. This leads to abuse of the right of regulatory authorities in counteracting tax evasion. The controlled foreign companies (CFC) rules are aimed at determination of actual tax liability of the taxpayer, and do not pursue fiscal, political or other interests that worsen the conditions of the taxpayer.

William Krakow ◽  
David A. Smith

Recent developments in specimen preparation, imaging and image analysis together permit the experimental determination of the atomic structure of certain, simple grain boundaries in metals such as gold. Single crystal, ∼125Å thick, (110) oriented gold films are vapor deposited onto ∼3000Å of epitaxial silver on (110) oriented cut and polished rock salt substrates. Bicrystal gold films are then made by first removing the silver coated substrate and placing in contact two suitably misoriented pieces of the gold film on a gold grid. Controlled heating in a hot stage first produces twist boundaries which then migrate, so reducing the grain boundary area, to give mixed boundaries and finally tilt boundaries perpendicular to the foil. These specimens are well suited to investigation by high resolution transmission electron microscopy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 449-452
Alan MacLeod ◽  
Nicola Spence

COVID 19 has raised the profile of biosecurity. However, biosecurity is not only about protecting human life. This issue brings together mini-reviews examining recent developments and thinking around some of the tools, behaviours and concepts around biosecurity. They illustrate the multi-disciplinary nature of the subject, demonstrating the interface between research and policy. Biosecurity practices aim to prevent the spread of harmful organisms; recognising that 2020 is the International Year of Plant Health, several focus on plant biosecurity although invasive species and animal health concerns are also captured. The reviews show progress in developing early warning systems and that plant protection organisations are increasingly using tools that compare multiple pest threats to prioritise responses. The bespoke modelling of threats can inform risk management responses and synergies between meteorology and biosecurity provide opportunities for increased collaboration. There is scope to develop more generic models, increasing their accessibility to policy makers. Recent research can improve pest surveillance programs accounting for real-world constraints. Social science examining individual farmer behaviours has informed biosecurity policy; taking a broader socio-cultural approach to better understand farming networks has the potential to change behaviours in a new way. When encouraging public recreationists to adopt positive biosecurity behaviours communications must align with their values. Bringing together the human, animal, plant and environmental health sectors to address biosecurity risks in a common and systematic manner within the One Biosecurity concept can be achieved through multi-disciplinary working involving the life, physical and social sciences with the support of legislative bodies and the public.

1967 ◽  
Vol 18 (01/02) ◽  
pp. 198-210 ◽  
Ronald S Reno ◽  
Walter H Seegers

SummaryA two-stage assay procedure was developed for the determination of the autoprothrombin C titre which can be developed from prothrombin or autoprothrombin III containing solutions. The proenzyme is activated by Russell’s viper venom and the autoprothrombin C activity that appears is measured by its ability to shorten the partial thromboplastin time of bovine plasma.Using the assay, the autoprothrombin C titre was determined in the plasma of several species, as well as the percentage of it remaining in the serum from blood clotted in glass test tubes. Much autoprothrombin III remains in human serum. With sufficient thromboplastin it was completely utilized. Plasma from selected patients with coagulation disorders was assayed and only Stuart plasma was abnormal. In so-called factor VII, IX, and P.T.A. deficiency the autoprothrombin C titre and thrombin titre that could be developed was normal. In one case (prethrombin irregularity) practically no thrombin titre developed but the amount of autoprothrombin C which generated was in the normal range.Dogs were treated with Dicumarol and the autoprothrombin C titre that could be developed from their plasmas decreased until only traces could be detected. This coincided with a lowering of the thrombin titre that could be developed and a prolongation of the one-stage prothrombin time. While the Dicumarol was acting, the dogs were given an infusion of purified bovine prothrombin and the levels of autoprothrombin C, thrombin and one-stage prothrombin time were followed for several hours. The tests became normal immediately after the infusion and then went back to preinfusion levels over a period of 24 hrs.In other dogs the effect of Dicumarol was reversed by giving vitamin K1 intravenously. The effect of the vitamin was noticed as early as 20 min after administration.In response to vitamin K the most pronounced increase was with that portion of the prothrombin molecule which yields thrombin. The proportion of that protein with respect to the precursor of autoprothrombin C increased during the first hour and then started to go down and after 3 hrs was equal to the proportion normally found in plasma.

1969 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 219-231 ◽  
V. H. Asfeldt

ABSTRACT This is an investigation of the practical clinical value of the one mg dexamethasone suppression test of Nugent et al. (1963). The results, evaluated from the decrease in fluorimetrically determined plasma corticosteroids in normal subjects, as well as in cases of exogenous obesity, hirsutism and in Cushing's syndrome, confirm the findings reported in previous studies. Plasma corticosteroid reduction after one mg of dexamethasone in cases of stable diabetes was not significantly different from that observed in control subjects, but in one third of the insulin-treated diabetics only a partial response was observed, indicating a slight hypercorticism in these patients. An insufficient decrease in plasma corticosteroids was observed in certain other conditions (anorexia nervosa, pituitary adenoma, patients receiving contraceptive or anticonvulsive treatment) with no hypercorticism. The physiological significance of these findings is discussed. It is concluded that the test, together with a determination of the basal urinary 17-ketogenic steroid excretion, is suitable as the first diagnostic test in patients in whom Cushing's syndrome is suspected. In cases of insufficient suppression of plasma corticosteroids, further studies, including the suppression test of Liddle (1960), must be carried out.

N.A. Altinnik , S.S. Zenin , V.V. Komarova et all

The article discusses the factors that determine the content of the legal limitations of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis in the framework of the in vitro fertilization procedure, taking into account international experience and modern domestic regulatory legal regulation of the field of assisted reproductive technologies. The authors substantiates the conclusion that it is necessary to legislate a list of medical indications for preimplantation genetic diagnosis, as well as the categories of hereditary or other genetic diseases diagnosed in the framework of this procedure.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
Houli Li ◽  
Di Zhang ◽  
Xiaoliang Cheng ◽  
Qiaowei Zheng ◽  
Kai Cheng ◽  

Background: The trough concentration (Cmin) of Imatinib (IM) is closely related to the treatment outcomes and adverse reactions of patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST). However, the drug plasma level has great interand intra-individual variability, and therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is highly recommended. Objective: To develop a novel, simple, and economical two-dimensional liquid chromatography method with ultraviolet detector (2D-LC-UV) for simultaneous determination of IM and its major active metabolite, N-demethyl imatinib (NDIM) in human plasma, and then apply the method for TDM of the drug. Method: Sample was processed by simple protein precipitation. Two target analytes were separated on the one-dimension column, captured on the middle column, and then transferred to the two-dimension column for further analysis. The detection was performed at 264 nm. The column temperature was maintained at 40˚C and the injection volume was 500 μL. Totally 32 plasma samples were obtained from patients with GIST who were receiving IM. Method: Sample was processed by simple protein precipitation. Two target analytes were separated on the one-dimension column, captured on the middle column, and then transferred to the two-dimension column for further analysis. The detection was performed at 264 nm. The column temperature was maintained at 40˚C and the injection volume was 500 μL. Totally 32 plasma samples were obtained from patients with GIST who were receiving IM. Conclusion: The novel 2D-LC-UV method is simple, stable, highly automated and independent of specialized technicians, which greatly increases the real-time capability of routine TDM for IM in hospital.

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