Demographic And Histopathological Characteristics Of Colorectal Polyps: A Descriptive Study Based On Samples Obtained From Symptomatic Patients
Abstract Background Colorectal polyps (CP) are common among individuals older than 50 years. Some polyp types can precede colorectal cancer (CRC). This study aimed at describing histopathological characteristics of colorectal polyps in relation to age and gender among symptomatic patients referred for a colonoscopy examination during 2011-2014 in Tirana, Albania. Methods Study population included 267 individuals aged ≥ 20 years and diagnosed with ≥ 1 polyp during a colonoscopy examination. A total of 346 polyps were identified, excised and measured, and underwent histopathological examination. Results Adenomas accounted for 79.8% of all polyps and tubular type was the most frequent one (74.4%). The majority of polyps (42.5%) were small (<1 cm), 38.7% of a medium size (1-2 cm) and 18.8% large (>2 cm). Adenomas were larger than non-adenomatous polyps (p<0.01) There was no gender difference with regard to patient age (p=0.22) or polyp size (p=0.84) Adenomas were more frequent among men compared to women (p=0.02). Age was strongly related to polyp characteristics. The proportion of adenomas increased significantly with age (p<0.01). Within adenomas, the proportion of villous types - a precursor of colorectal cancer - increased remarkably with age (p=0.01). Older age was positively associated with potentially malignant adenomas (defined as adenomas > 1 cm and showing high-grade dysplasia) (p<0.01). Conclusion Adenomas accounted for the majority of polyps. Their morphology, size and malignant potential were related to patient age.