5. Causes of Poverty

2020 ◽  
pp. 70-97
2013 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-45
Morten Ejrnæs ◽  
Jørgen Elm Larsen

Fattigdom har fået fornyet aktualitet, fordi andelen af fattige i Danmark er steget kraftigt siden 2001. Denne stigning falder tidsmæssigt sammen med indførelsen af de såkaldte ”fattigdomsydelser”. Det har gjort spørgsmålet om årsagerne til fattigdom påtrængende, fordi det er blevet hævdet, dels at det lave ydelsesniveau ville øge incitamentet til lønarbejde og således reducere fattigdommen, dels at det netop ville skabe fattigdom. Derfor forsøger vi i denne artikel at nuancere belysningen af årsager til fattigdom. Årsager til fattigdom opdeles traditionelt i strukturelle, kulturelle og individuelle forhold eller karakteristika, uden at kausaliteten og deres indbyrdes sammenhæng diskuteres grundigt. I artiklen skelnes mellem: makrostrukturelle forhold som fx lavkonjunktur; institutionelle forhold som fx socialpolitiske tiltag; lokalsamfundsforhold der knytter sig til det boligområde eller den egn, man er bosat i; og individuelle karakteristika, der fremtræder som kendetegn ved individet. Endelig inddrages biografi i form af livsfaser og nøglebegivenheder gennem et livsforløbs faser som fx sygdom, skilsmisse og arbejdsløshed som perioder, begivenheder eller kæder af begivenheder, der kan forklare fattigdom. Med udgangspunkt i denne opdeling vises det, hvorledes forskellige faktorer, processer eller mekanismer i to konkrete cases bidrager til at skabe fattigdom for den enkelte, men også hvordan intentioner, valg og handlinger samt tilfældigheder i de enkelte livsforløb kan have en afgørende betydning. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Morten Ejrnæs and Jørgen Elm Larsen: Causes of Poverty This article focuses on causes of poverty. Causes of poverty are normally divided into structural, cultural and individual conditions or characteristics without fully considering causality and the dynamic relationships between them. In this article we distinguish between macro structural conditions such as recession, institutional conditions such as social policy measures, local conditions related to the residential area where one lives, and individual characteris-tics. Finally we include biography in terms of life phases and constraining key events during a life course such as teenage pregnancy, illness, divorce or unemployment as periods, events or chains of events that can explain why and how poverty emerges. This perspective is shown to illustrate how different factors, processes and mechanisms contribute to throwing the individual into poverty, but also how intentions, choices, actions and coincidences in the individual’s life course may have a crucial impact. This is illustrated by two case studies in which the trajectory of one’s life shows how key events in the form of coincidences cause poverty. However, the analysis also shows that because of their different age, habitus and possession of various forms of capital, the two individuals examined here will develop different life trajectories and attachment to the labour market. Key words: Poverty, causes, habitus, capital, reflexion, life trajectory.

1982 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 327-331 ◽  
Janak Pandey ◽  
Yoganand Sinha ◽  
Anand Prakash ◽  
R. C. Tripathi

1997 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
pp. 273-291 ◽  
Geoffrey Gilbert

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (5) ◽  
pp. 467-485
Lola Kola ◽  
Bernard Owumi
Old Age ◽  

1970 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 157-166
George Hoshino

Examination of the plan finds the focus still on the poor person and his presumed shortcomings, not on the societal and economic causes of poverty

2011 ◽  
Vol 110 (3) ◽  
pp. 1201-1220 ◽  
Yul Derek Davids ◽  
Amanda Gouws

2015 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
Frederick Kakwata

This article seeks to investigate the root causes of poverty in the early Christian community.The view that is put forward and argued in this article is that poverty was widespread in early Christianity with particular reference to the converted Jews in Palestine. This was the result of socio-historical factors, namely the Israelites’ contact with Canaanites during the conquest,and the implementation of the secular leadership paradigm derived from those paga n nations around Israel, which led to their subjugation under the oppressive and exploitative and economic structures of the Roman Empire. For that reason many believers, newly converted Jews, at that time were destitute and impoverished as they belonged to the lower classes in society. In spite of this state of affairs, the early Christians in Jerusalem seemed to have faced the challenges of poverty with a measure of success as can be attested by the statement ‘for there was no needy person amongst them …’ (Ac 4:34).’n Ondersoek na sosio-historiese faktore wat tot armoede binne die vroeë Christelikekerk in Palestina bygedra het. Die doel van hierdie artikel is om die grondoorsake van armoede in die vroeë Christelike gemeenskap te ondersoek met spesifieke verwysing na die bekeerde Jode in Palestina. Die standpunt wat in hierdie artikel gestel en beredeneer word, is dat armoede algemeen in die vroeë Christendom voorgekom het. Dit was as gevolg van verskeie sosio-historiese faktore, waaronder die Israeliete se kontak met die Kanaäniete ná die inname, asook die instelling van die sekulêre paradigma oor leierskap wat Israel aan die naburige heidennasies ontleen het en wat op hulle verknegting onder die Romeinse Ryk se onderdrukkende en uitbuitende strukture uitgeloop het. ’n Groot aantal gelowiges, bekeerde Jode, was in daardie tyd behoeftig en armoedig omdat hulle deel van die laer klasse in die samelewing was. Tog, ten spyte van hierdie omstandighede, het die vroeë Christene in Jerusalem klaarblyklik die uitdaging van armoede met ’n mate van sukses gehanteer, soos die stelling getuig: ‘Nie een van hulle het gebrek gely nie …’ (Hand 4:34).

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