scholarly journals Assessing Destination Brand Image Chinatown In Term of Semarang City Branding Implementation

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-116
Novia Sari Ristianti ◽  
Santy Paulla Dewi

Abstract. Concerning to city branding, the role of brand image is very important for visitors to remember the tourism destination. The destination brand image can identify by 5 elements of city image, namely path, edge, node, district, and landmark. Semarang Chinatown is one of the historical tourism sites in Semarang that can represent the Semarang's city branding as a "variety of culture" with various cultures and interactions. The aim of this research is to identify the Semarang's City Branding (variety of culture) through destination brand image that revealed by 5 elements of city image. Research methods are carried out in two stages. The first step analysis was described the image of Chinatown area using the descriptive qualitative method. The second step was tried to find the correlation between image of the Chinatown area and the Semarang city branding. Descriptive comparative technique used to compare between the existing and the trend of Chinatown development with theory image of the city. The result of this reserach is identification destination brand image based on 5 elements of the city image. The first element is path with character toponym of alley based on its history as well as the special function as trading area, namely the Gang Baru as traditional market path and Gang Warung as semicircular market path. The second element is edge that shown by the form of Kali Semarang and Gang Beteng which has a history of Chinatown development as centre trade zone in Semarang at the past until now. The third element is node that can be seen from every pagoda located at Chinatown junction (skewers location) because of the fengshui that is embraced by Chinatown communities and it is believed that the location of pagoda can protect against evil and crime. The fourth and fifth elements are districts and landmarks that represented by the Semawis Market and pagoda as the Confucian temple. As a conclusion, Semarang Chinatown's destination brand image as a historical and cultural tourism area of China is memorable and has a strong character.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1090-1104
Sultan M.A, Kamel S.M, Hassan G. F, Khalifa A.

In confronting the intensified globalization in today’s world. Cities, the economic engines and cultural hearts of nations are in quest for creating positive images that allow them to achieve multi-dimensional uprising that will help them get their portions of the world’s tourists, talents, businesses, investment, funds, reputation, respect and attention. Therefore, city branding has become a vital need; as it attempts to give each city its distinctive image and identity. Nowadays, The New Administrative Capital (NAC) is reshaping Egypt’s future thoroughly. Nevertheless, research on its branding is lacking. Building on qualitative research, this paper aims at developing a brand for the NAC based on examining how specific target group perceive its image, and how to benefit from their perception in the branding of the NAC. The results highlight the importance of mega urban projects in creating the city image, the key role of social media in delivering that image, and suggests a positioning statements and a message that can be employed in the communication materials through which the brand identity would be communicated. This study contributes to the rapidly growing domain of city branding by exploring the perception of architects, urban planners in the context of branding new cities. And since similar studies do not exist in literature, this study fills an important research gap.

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-50 ◽  
Evinç Doğan ◽  
Ibrahim Sirkeci

This study examines the ways in which the city image of Istanbul is re-created through the mega-events within the context of the European Capital of Culture (ECoC) 2010. Istanbul “took the stage” as one of the three ECoC cities (Essen for the Ruhr in Germany and Pécs in Hungary), where the urban spaces were projected as the theatre décor while residents and visitors became the spectators of the events. Organisers and agents of the ECoC 2010 seemed to rebrand Istanbul as a “world city” rather than a “European capital”. With a series of transnational connotations, this can be considered as part of an attempt to turn Istanbul to a global city. In this study we examine posters used during the ECoC 2010 to see whether this was evident in the promoted images of Istanbul. The research employs a hermeneutic approach in which representations, signs and language are the means of symbolic meaning, which is analysed through qualitative methods for the visual data (Visual Analysis Methods), namely Semiotics and Discourse Analysis. The analysed research material comes from a sample of posters released during the ECoC 2010 to promote 549 events throughout the year. Using stratified random sampling we have drawn 28 posters (5% of the total) reflecting the thematic groups of events in the ECoC 2010. Particular attention is also paid to the reflexivity of the researchers and researchers’ embeddedness to the object of research. The symbolic production and visual representation are therefore investigated firstly through the authoritative and historically constituted discourses in the making of Istanbul image and secondly through the orders of cultural consumption and mediatisation of culture through spectacular events. Hence enforcing a transnationalisation of the image of the city where the image appears to be almost stateless transcending the national boundaries. Findings and methodology used in this study can be useful in understanding similar cases and further research into the processes of city and place branding and image relationships. 

Alessandro Portelli

This article centers around the case study of Rome's House of Memory and History to understand the politics of memory and public institutions. This case study is about the organization and politics of public memory: the House of Memory and History, established by the city of Rome in 2006, in the framework of an ambitious program of cultural policy. It summarizes the history of the House's conception and founding, describes its activities and the role of oral history in them, and discusses some of the problems it faces. The idea of a House of Memory and History grew in this cultural and political context. This article traces several political events that led to the culmination of the politics of memory and its effect on public institutions. It says that the House of Memory and History can be considered a success. A discussion on a cultural future winds up this article.

2020 ◽  
pp. 7-32
Katarzyna Kulczyńska ◽  
Natalia Borowicz ◽  
Karolina Piwnicka-Wdowikowska

Morasko University Campus in Poznań – origin, spatial and functional structure, transport solutions The purpose of the paper is to characterize the most recently created part of the Adam Mickiewicz University – the Morasko Campus. The paper consists of three parts. The first concerns the origins and development of the campus. The second part presents its spatial and functional structure on the basis of a field inventory, while the third one – campus transport solutions based on a survey conducted among students. The history of the campus located in the northern, peripheral part of the city began with laying the foundation act and the cornerstone in 1977. The agricultural role of this area, dominant until the 1980s, has been replaced with new functions, mainly academic and scientific ones. The first university buildings were commissioned in the 1990s, and the construction boom began after 2000. A total of nine faculties (out of 21 existing) are housed in eight buildings in the campus, including exact and natural sciences, as well as a part of social sciences and humanities. To this day, neither student dormitories nor accommodation for PhD students have been constructed (although they are likely to be built), which would emphasize the academic function of the campus. The campus also comprises areas with recreational, sports, residential and other service functions (e.g. catering, beauty, hairdressing, and commercial services), which are complemented by areas that serve transport functions. Location in the northern periphery of the city, and above all the railway line for freight (the northern bypass of Poznań) separating the city from the campus, makes transport to this part of the city limited. The results of the survey revealed a lack of a safe bicycle path between the western and eastern part of the campus, insufficient number of parking places for motorists, a lack of paved roads from the north and west, only three narrow access roads for car commuters, and difficult access by public transport to the eastern and north-eastern parts. In the latter case, the planned extension of the tram line towards Umultowo after the year 2022 is expected to solve the problem. Zarys treści: Celem opracowania jest charakterystyka najmłodszej przestrzeni Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza – Kampusu Morasko. Opracowanie składa się z trzech zasadniczych części. Pierwsza część artykułu dotyczy genezy powstania i rozbudowy miasteczka uniwersyteckiego. W drugiej części przedstawiono strukturę przestrzenno-funkcjonalną kampusu w oparciu o inwentaryzację terenową, w trzeciej zaś obsługę transportową na podstawie badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych wśród studentów. Historia położonego w północnej, peryferyjnej części miasta kampusu rozpoczęła się od wmurowania aktu erekcyjnego i kamienia węgielnego w 1977 r. Dominująca do lat 80. XX w. funkcja rolnicza tego obszaru została zastąpiona przez nowe funkcje, głównie akademickie i naukowe. Pierwsze budynki dydaktyczne oddano do użytku dopiero w latach 90. ubiegłego wieku, a boom budowlany rozpoczął się po roku 2000. Swoją siedzibę znalazły tutaj nauki ścisłe i przyrodnicze, a także część nauk społecznych i humanistycznych, w sumie dziewięć wydziałów (na 21 istniejących) w ośmiu budynkach. Do dzisiaj nie wybudowano akademików czy domu doktoranta (choć istnieją realne szanse na ich powstanie), co podkreśliłoby funkcję akademicką kampusu. W strukturze kampusu wyróżnia się ponadto obszary o funkcjach rekreacyjnych, rekreacyjno-sportowych, mieszkaniowych i innych o charakterze usługowym (np. usługi gastronomiczne, kosmetyczne, fryzjerskie, handel), których uzupełnieniem są obszary o funkcjach komunikacyjnych. Położenie na północnych peryferiach miasta, a przede wszystkim linia kolejowa dla przewozów towarowych (północna obwodnica Poznania) oddzielająca miasto od kampusu sprawiają, że obsługa transportowa tej części miasta jest ograniczona. Wyniki badań ankietowych wskazują na brak bezpiecznej drogi rowerowej między zachodnią i północno-wschodnią częścią kampusu, niewystarczającą liczbę miejsc parkingowych dla zmotoryzowanych, brak utwardzonych dróg od strony północnej i zachodniej, zaledwie trzy wąskie wjazdy na kampus dla dojeżdżających samochodem czy utrudniony dojazd komunikacją publiczną do części wschodniej i północno-wschodniej. W tym ostatnim przypadku rozwiązaniem ma być planowana po 2022 r. rozbudowa linii tramwajowej w kierunku Umultowa.

Natalya Gavrilova ◽  
Irina Dameshek ◽  
Sofia Kuras

The article provides the analysis of the main stages in the research career of the famous historian, urbanist and expert in the history of Siberian entrepreneurship, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V. Shakherov. The evolution of the scholar’s scientific interests is highlighted in the text. The author outlines the main areas of the scientist’s research: studying the role of the city in building economic and socio-cultural environment of Siberia in the period from the 18th to the early 20th century, history of merchant class and entrepreneurship in pre-revolutionary Siberia, history of banking and credit system of the region, historic and cultural monuments of Siberia. The article presents the analysis of Shakherov’s major works, which reflect his contribution to the development of Siberian studies. Special attention is paid to his scientific, pedagogical and social activity aimed at preserving historical heritage of Irkutsk. The author of the article emphasizes that the research career of V. Shakherov and History Faculty of Irkutsk State University are tightly connected.

Jeanne Clegg ◽  
Emma Sdegno

Our contribution concerns a phase in the history of the building that gives the University its name. When Ruskin came to Venice in 1845 he was horrified by the decayed state of the palaces on the Grand Canal, and by the drastic restorations in progress. In recording their features in measurements, drawings and daguerreotypes, Ca’ Foscari took priority, and his studies of its traceries constitute a unique witness. This work also helped generate new ideas on the role of shadow in architectural aesthetic, and on the characteristics of Gothic, which were to bear fruit in The Seven Lamps and The Stones of Venice. In his late guide to the city, St Mark’s Rest, Ruskin addressed «the few travellers who still care for her monuments» and offered the Venetian Republic’s laws regulating commerce as a model for modern England. Whether or not he knew of the founding of a commercial studies institute at Ca’ Foscari in 1868, he would certainly have hoped that it would teach principles of fair and just trading, as well as of respectful tourism.

Itinerario ◽  
1990 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 96-122 ◽  
Jim Warren

A new found interest in social history, recent developments in historical thought and methodology and a fresh awareness of the importance of gender-specific experience have led historians to question an ‘ordinary woman's place’ in Singa- pore's past. In the historiography of Singapore, there is a need to foreground the critical importance of the ah ku and karayuki-san in the sex,politics and society of the city, stressing not only alterations in their life and circumstance, but also variations in the role of the colonial government, and changes in the ideology of sex and social policy.

Sinolichka Smilevska

From city quarter with urban villas, yard houses and pittoresque ambient values, Debar Maalo in Skopje in recent time, is turning into a construction site of the intense rise of the building mass and filling in on every potential void, where the typology of multifamily residential buildings is dominant. But, can it be different? The marginalized forms of single-family housing, once a dominant lifestyle in Debar Maalo, single family yard houses, houses with ground contact are the remains of a passed image of this city quarter that should be the referent milieu of this research. This typology of a low-rise residential structure, should represent the renovation tactics of the the single-family dwelling in this part of the city of Skopje. The creation process of the new urban landscape of housing with characteristics of a dense and low-rise structure will be through the forward two stages: analysis and design. The location of interest will be analysed through architectural project of a housing block with the typology of a low-rise housing structure that should provide high urban density of 120 houses per hectare. The suggested typology of the housing structure should provide housing that will meet the new lifestyles and will achieve diversity of the houses according to their size, structure, and comfort. This thesis should refer to the idea of rethinking and reminiscing on the elementary architectural city image, low rise housing structure typology as a building type at the level of the morphology of the city of Skopje.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Nguyen Thi Khanh Chi ◽  
Vu Huyen Phuong

Purpose This study aims to investigate the impacts of travel motivations, time perspective and city image that affect travelers’ intention to visit city tourism. Design/methodology/approach The data in this study was collected through a structured questionnaire survey conducted in three big cities in the North of Vietnam (Hanoi, Hai Phong and Ha Long). The data set consists of 625 valid responses by Vietnamese tourists. Correlation analysis and structural equation modeling were used to test the causal relationships among time perspective, city image, travel motivations and tourist intention. Confirmatory factor analysis is conducted to verify the reliability and validity of each latent construct and to evaluate the discriminant validity, convergent validity, composition reliability and average variance extracted for the latent constructs. Findings This study finds that tourists’ travel motivations, time perspective and city image are significantly and positively associated with their intention to visit city tourism. This study also reports that tourists’ time perspective and city image are significantly and positively related to their travel motivation which is in turn significantly and positively correlated to their intention to engage in city tourism. Practical implications City tourism providers need to seek for understanding travel motivations of potential customers. City tourism products should be promoted to people who want to travel for knowledge enhancement, seeking, self-fulfillment, socializing and escape. Tourism businesses and marketers focus more on developing the overall image of city. They should have city slogan and have strategy to establish the city branding to evoke or remind the customers to come in. Since the Corona (COVID-19) pandemic impact on every nation around the world, the artificial intelligence has to be taken on city tourism to minimize the negative influence of this pandemic. Originality/value This study reveals three key determinants of tourists’ intention including travel motivations, city image and time perspective, which have unclear study in the city tourism literature. This study also explains the role of travel motivations in mediating the impacts of their time perspective and city image on their intention to visit city tourism. Improving the city image is important to attract tourists who want to engage in city tourism for knowledge enhancement, seeking, self-fulfillment, socializing or escape. Tourism providers need to have a strategy for establishing the city branding to evoke or remind the customers to come in. The time perspective should be paid more attention to tourists who want to travel to city tourism for knowledge enhancement, seeking, self-fulfillment, socializing or escape.

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