Problem Of Imperfection Of The Cross-Border Bankruptcy Procedure: Theoretical-Methodological Aspect

2019 ◽  
V.A. Shaposhnikov
2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 160-167
Tatiana Kareva ◽  
Vadim Sonin

The subject of the article is the legal and practical problems of cross-border personal bankruptcyin Russia and China.The main goal of this work is to analyze the major issues and obstacles in recognition andenforcement of Russian individual bankruptcy decisions in China and introduce it to Russianscholars and legal professionals.The methodological basis is analysis of the Russian and Chinese legislation, judicial practiceand special literatureThe results, scope of application. This article discusses the possibility of applying the provisionsof the Federal Law On Insolvency (Bankruptcy) to the Chinese nationals registered asindividual entrepreneurs in Russia. The article also reviews the Chinese legal regulation andoffers recommendations on execution of the court judgments on bankruptcy and collectionof debts from the PRC nationals. Existing Russian legislation allows to recognize the foreignnationals as bankrupts. The provisions on the cross-border insolvency also apply to them.The bankruptcy in China is not applied currently to the individuals, although theoretically itmay affect their property sphere during the bankruptcy of an individual private enterprise.Conclusions. The cross-border insolvency of the Chinese nationals encounters obstacles on threelevels. Firstly, the awards of the Russian arbitration courts have not been practically enforced inPRC due to inadequate notification of the Chinese party in the case. Secondly, Chinese courts inprinciple are extremely reluctant in recognizing foreign judgments on bankruptcy, such cases areexceptional. Thirdly, there is no personal bankruptcy institution in the PRC, while similar procedureslike bankruptcy of individual private enterprises are not applied in reality, and there are nolegislative prospects for the personal bankruptcy in the nearest future. Therefore, when conductingthe bankruptcy procedure for the Chinese nationals on the Russian territory, one can onlycount on their property located on this side of the border.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026732312110121
Montse Bonet ◽  
David Fernández-Quijada

This article aims to study how private European radio is becoming commercially international through the expansion of radio brands beyond their national market. It is the first ever analysis of the expansion strategies of radio groups across Europe, including their footprint in each market in which they operate, from the political economy of cultural industries. The article maps the main radio groups in Europe, analyses cross-national champions in depth and establishes three main types. This study shows that, thanks to the possibilities of a deregulated market, strengthening the role of the brand and the format, and the agreements with other groups, broadcasting radio has overcome the obstacles that, historically, hindered its cross-border expansion.

2021 ◽  
pp. 096977642110267
Alexis Gumy ◽  
Guillaume Drevon ◽  
Vincent Kaufmann

With an activity-based approach, this article offers a new reading of cross-border integration by exploring the social and spatial conditions that predispose specific populations of Greater Geneva to cross its borders. Five different daily cross-border patterns were identified showing that travelling to the neighbouring country is still uncommon among the least qualified populations and women, and that this trend now extends beyond the mere cross-border labour market. Logistic regressions show that Greater Geneva is witnessing a functionalisation of its cross-border integration, revealing mechanisms where the increase of particular mobility may foster segregation and inequalities. This article argues for an approach where cross-border integration is not an objective but rather is a consequence of obligations and constraints that individuals face in their daily behaviours.

Rosa M. Soriano Miras ◽  
Kathryn Kopinak ◽  
Antonio Trinidad Requena

El presente artículo reflexiona sobre cómo la globalización económicaafecta a la vida de las mujeres que trabajan en la industria de exportaciónen espacios fronterizos marcados por la porosidad de dicha frontera. Hemos queridointerrogarnos acerca de cómo lo macro afecta a lo micro, coadyuvando a lageneración de espacios glolocales, donde la vivencia transfronteriza y la migración(interna o internacional) adquiere relevancia. Para ello se han escogido dosrelatos biográficos (para cada caso estudiado) que nos ayudan a ejemplificar dichasvivencias, enfatizando la función expresiva del enfoque biográfico al que se refiereBertaux. Ambos casos se han seleccionado de una investigación más amplia querecoge la vida de ochenta mujeres que cuentan con experiencia laboral en la industriade exportación en la frontera de México con EEUU y la de Marruecos conEspaña.This article reflects on how economic globalization affects the livesof women working in the export industry in border areas marked by the porosity ofsaid border. We wanted to ask ourselves about how the macro affects the micro,helping to generate glolocal spaces, where the cross-border experience and migration(internal or international) becomes relevant. To this end, two biographicalaccounts have been chosen (for each case studied) that help us to exemplify theseexperiences, emphasizing the expressive function of the biographical approach towhich Bertaux refers. Both cases have been selected from a wider investigationthat includes the lives of more than a hundred and fifty people (eighty women) whohave work experience in the export industry on the border of Mexico with the USand Morocco with Spain.

2005 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-60 ◽  
Lawrie Barnes ◽  
Barry Funnell

2021 ◽  
Alexandra Marie Medley ◽  
Jonan Gasanani ◽  
Ceaser Adibaku Nyolimati ◽  
Elvira McIntyre ◽  
Sarah Ward ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 7225
Tamás Hardi ◽  
Marcell Kupi ◽  
Gyula Ocskay ◽  
Eszter Szemerédi

There are numerous examples of cross-border regions in Europe, which are regions not properly demarcated by national borders. One of the main driving forces of the European Union is to turn the dividing borders into connecting borders by strengthening the cohesion between states and regions, thus, encouraging regions to remedy the existing ethnic and cultural fragmentation by increasing the intensity and number of cross-border contacts. Our research focuses on proving that, in symbolic places, such as the cross-border area of Komárom and Komárno, the cultural values, monuments, and heritage sites are the strongest attraction factors for nationality-based cultural tourism. To support our hypothesis, we conducted an empirical survey within the framework of the H2020 SPOT (Social and Innovative Platform on Cultural Tourism and its potential towards deepening Europeanisation) in the cross-border region of Komárom and Komárno. The evaluation concentrated on four aspects of cultural tourism: the nature of cultural tourism in the area, the resident and visitor perceptions of the cultural tourism offerings, opportunities to increase cross-border collaboration, and options to improve the cultural tourism offerings of the area. Our results show that, although there is a great potential in the cross-border tourist destination of Komárom–Komárno, the integration of the (once united) two towns is advancing very slowly, which can be witnessed in the weaknesses of tourism integration as well.

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