scholarly journals Problems of Islamic Law Compilation In Indonesia

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-98
Arip Purkon

Abstract.Islamic Law Compilation is one of the efforts to implement Islamic law in Indonesia constitutionally. Islamic Law Compilation covers three legal fields, namely marriage, inheritance and benefiction. The Islamic Law Compilation contributes positively in providing legal certainty, especially for judges in religious courts. In addition, there are still a number of problems related to the Islamic Law Compilation, namely the issue of socialization, equality of perception and the fear of reducing Islamic law.Keywords: Islamic Law Compilation, Marriage Law, Inheritance Law, Benefaction   Abstrak.Kompilasi Hukum Islam merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mengimplementasikan hukum Islam di Indonesia secara konstitusional. Kompilasi Hukum Islam mencakup tiga bidang hukum, yaitu perkawinan, waris dan wakaf. Kompilasi Hukum Islam memberikan kontribusi yang positif dalam memberikan kepastian hukum, khususnya untuk para hakim di pengadilan agama. Selain itu, masih ada beberapa masalah terkait Kompilasi Hukum Islam, yaitu masalah sosialisasi, persamaan persepsi dan adanya kekhawatiran tereduksinya hukum Islam.Kata Kunci: Kompilasi Hukum Islam, Hukum Perkawinan, Hukum Waris, Wakaf

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-58
Nurlaila Harun

Abstract. Children are children, and not little adults. Thus, the treatment of children whether involved in criminal acts or those experiencing social problems must be addressed for the welfare of children. The need for children adoption within Indonesian Islamic community will also be increasingly important for those who need it, in order to obtain legal certainty in which can be obtained by a court decision including the decision of the Religious Court. The marriage law and religious justice law have regulated in detail about child care and guardianship which are compiled in a compilation of Islamic law. The Law on Religious Courts explicitly states that the Religious Courts are a court for Muslims regarding cases or matters that are in its authorities. Muslims in this case are not only adults but also children. Unfortunately, the issue of children protection is not referred explicitly in the authorities of the Religious Courts. However, to serve and to fulfill the legal needs of Muslims regarding to child care, the Religious Courts, at the request of someone who adopts a child based on Islamic law, may issue a decision on adoption in terms of the child concerned as a proof of completion of the will must be regulated in the Compilation of Islamic law of Religious Courts. Consequently, the rights and obligations of parents who have adopted children with Islamic law have special characteristics that are different from the rights and obligations of parents who have adopted children without Islamic law. Abstrak. Anak-anak adalah anak-anak, dan bukan orang dewasa kecil. Dengan demikian, perlakuan terhadap anak-anak apakah terlibat dalam tindakan kriminal atau mereka yang mengalami masalah sosial harus ditangani untuk kesejahteraan anak-anak. Kebutuhan adopsi anak dalam komunitas Islam Indonesia juga akan semakin penting bagi mereka yang membutuhkannya, untuk mendapatkan kepastian hukum yang dapat diperoleh melalui keputusan pengadilan termasuk keputusan Pengadilan Agama. Hukum perkawinan dan hukum keadilan agama telah mengatur secara rinci tentang pengasuhan anak dan perwalian yang disusun dalam kompilasi hukum Islam. Undang-Undang tentang Pengadilan Agama secara eksplisit menyatakan bahwa Pengadilan Agama adalah pengadilan bagi umat Islam tentang kasus atau hal-hal yang ada dalam otoritasnya. Muslim dalam hal ini tidak hanya orang dewasa tetapi juga anak-anak. Sayangnya, masalah perlindungan anak tidak dirujuk secara eksplisit dalam otoritas Pengadilan Agama. Namun, untuk melayani dan memenuhi kebutuhan hukum umat Islam terkait perawatan anak, Pengadilan Agama, atas permintaan seseorang yang mengadopsi anak berdasarkan hukum Islam, dapat mengeluarkan keputusan tentang adopsi dalam hal anak yang bersangkutan sebagai bukti penyelesaian kehendak harus diatur dalam Kompilasi hukum Islam Pengadilan Agama. Akibatnya, hak dan kewajiban orang tua yang mengadopsi anak dengan hukum Islam memiliki karakteristik khusus yang berbeda dengan hak dan kewajiban orangtua yang mengadopsi anak tanpa hukum Islam. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-246
Ramdani Wahyu Sururie

"Isbat nikah" is the verification of a marriage. Juridically, marriage verification is regulated under the laws such as Law No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage, Law Number 7 of 1989 on Religious Courts, and Law No. 3 of 2006 and Law Number 50 of 2009 on Changes in the Religious Courts Act. The regulations stipulate that marriage verification is allowed for marriage performed before the Law Number 1 of 1974. In practice, marriage verification submitted to the Religious Court is done after the enactment of Law Number 1 of 1974. The acceptance of "marriage verification" by the Religious Court for the marriage taken place after the 1974 Marriage Law was based on the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI), whereas KHI's legal status is not included in the Indonesian legal order. The essence of marriage verification is a legal determination. This means that a verified marriage remains valid because the marriage that is verified is merely on administrative reason. The position of marriage verification is a part of giving legal protection and legal certainty. The position of the KHI, which regulates in more detail the marriage verification, functions regulatively in the midst of a vacuum of religious judicial law. In addition, the judge may decide whether to grant or deny the application of marriage verification. Thus, it can be concluded that the nature of marriage verification is a part of legal discretion.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-246
Ramdani Wahyu Sururie

"Isbat nikah" is the verification of a marriage. Juridically, marriage verification is regulated under the laws such as Law No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage, Law Number 7 of 1989 on Religious Courts, and Law No. 3 of 2006 and Law Number 50 of 2009 on Changes in the Religious Courts Act. The regulations stipulate that marriage verification is allowed for marriage performed before the Law Number 1 of 1974. In practice, marriage verification submitted to the Religious Court is done after the enactment of Law Number 1 of 1974. The acceptance of "marriage verification" by the Religious Court for the marriage taken place after the 1974 Marriage Law was based on the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI), whereas KHI's legal status is not included in the Indonesian legal order. The essence of marriage verification is a legal determination. This means that a verified marriage remains valid because the marriage that is verified is merely on administrative reason. The position of marriage verification is a part of giving legal protection and legal certainty. The position of the KHI, which regulates in more detail the marriage verification, functions regulatively in the midst of a vacuum of religious judicial law. In addition, the judge may decide whether to grant or deny the application of marriage verification. Thus, it can be concluded that the nature of marriage verification is a part of legal discretion.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-58
Nurlaila Harun

Abstract. Children are children, and not little adults. Thus, the treatment of children whether involved in criminal acts or those experiencing social problems must be addressed for the welfare of children. The need for children adoption within Indonesian Islamic community will also be increasingly important for those who need it, in order to obtain legal certainty in which can be obtained by a court decision including the decision of the Religious Court. The marriage law and religious justice law have regulated in detail about child care and guardianship which are compiled in a compilation of Islamic law. The Law on Religious Courts explicitly states that the Religious Courts are a court for Muslims regarding cases or matters that are in its authorities. Muslims in this case are not only adults but also children. Unfortunately, the issue of children protection is not referred explicitly in the authorities of the Religious Courts. However, to serve and to fulfill the legal needs of Muslims regarding to child care, the Religious Courts, at the request of someone who adopts a child based on Islamic law, may issue a decision on adoption in terms of the child concerned as a proof of completion of the will must be regulated in the Compilation of Islamic law of Religious Courts. Consequently, the rights and obligations of parents who have adopted children with Islamic law have special characteristics that are different from the rights and obligations of parents who have adopted children without Islamic law. Abstrak. Anak-anak adalah anak-anak, dan bukan orang dewasa kecil. Dengan demikian, perlakuan terhadap anak-anak apakah terlibat dalam tindakan kriminal atau mereka yang mengalami masalah sosial harus ditangani untuk kesejahteraan anak-anak. Kebutuhan adopsi anak dalam komunitas Islam Indonesia juga akan semakin penting bagi mereka yang membutuhkannya, untuk mendapatkan kepastian hukum yang dapat diperoleh melalui keputusan pengadilan termasuk keputusan Pengadilan Agama. Hukum perkawinan dan hukum keadilan agama telah mengatur secara rinci tentang pengasuhan anak dan perwalian yang disusun dalam kompilasi hukum Islam. Undang-Undang tentang Pengadilan Agama secara eksplisit menyatakan bahwa Pengadilan Agama adalah pengadilan bagi umat Islam tentang kasus atau hal-hal yang ada dalam otoritasnya. Muslim dalam hal ini tidak hanya orang dewasa tetapi juga anak-anak. Sayangnya, masalah perlindungan anak tidak dirujuk secara eksplisit dalam otoritas Pengadilan Agama. Namun, untuk melayani dan memenuhi kebutuhan hukum umat Islam terkait perawatan anak, Pengadilan Agama, atas permintaan seseorang yang mengadopsi anak berdasarkan hukum Islam, dapat mengeluarkan keputusan tentang adopsi dalam hal anak yang bersangkutan sebagai bukti penyelesaian kehendak harus diatur dalam Kompilasi hukum Islam Pengadilan Agama. Akibatnya, hak dan kewajiban orang tua yang mengadopsi anak dengan hukum Islam memiliki karakteristik khusus yang berbeda dengan hak dan kewajiban orangtua yang mengadopsi anak tanpa hukum Islam. 

Arif Rahmat ◽  
Lalu Husni ◽  
Aris Munandar

This study aims to analyze and examine the factors that influence the distribution of inheritance through grants in Dompu District, as well as reviewing the legal certainty of inheritance distribution through grants in Dompu District.The results of the study show that: Factors that influence the distribution of inheritance through grants to the Dompu Sub-District Community are Concern Factors of family conflict, Economic Factors and Efforts to protect the absolute part of the heirs. In terms of the distribution of inheritance through grants to the Dompu Subdistrict community, there is no legal certainty, that with empirical facts on the people of Dompu Subdistrict, there are still many inherited disputes from heirs after the parents as heirs die. began on some heirs who did not have good intentions and denied the results of the agreement in terms of the distribution of inheritance through grants agreed together by all heirs, which is a customary practice from generation to generation in the Dompu community, then the heirs demanded back in share based on Islamic inheritance law, under the pretext that if a family (Islam) has two laws that apply such as customary law and Islamic law, then as long as the community must obey and comply with the provisions of Islamic law as well. If the heirs still cannot agree and feel an objection regarding the inheritance given by the heir by means of the heir’s gift during his lifetime, then it can be resolved through the Religious Court. This is in accordance with Article 49 of Law No. 3 of 2006 concerning the Religious Courts. But these things affect the harmony and division within the family. That from the results of research on inheritance events in the Dompu community.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
Ana Amalia Furqan ◽  
Alfitri Alfitri ◽  
Akhmad Haries

This article is based on the fact that there is still the disparity of decisions among the Religious Court Judges on heirs, especially a child (walad), when handling the inheritance disputes. This is because there is a general provision of the meaning of walad contained in the Indonesian Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) in which it includes both a son and a daughter. In addition, there is no obligation for Religious Court Judges to use the KHI as the basis for legal considerations, allowing for some Religious Court Judges to use the classical Islamic Jurisprudence (fiqh) as the legal basis in deciding a case. This article aims to investigate the impact of the general concept of walad (a child) and measures should be taken the Government to accommodate the legal reference material for Religious Court Judges, especially the KHI and the classical Islamic Jurisprudence (fiqh). It employs normative legal research which primarily examines the decisions of the Religious Courts in East Kalimantan, specifically Samarinda, Tenggarong and Tanah Grogot. The findings reveal that since there is no obligation for the Judges to use the KHI, referring to the classical Islamic Jurisprudence when giving legal considerations and deciding cases of inheritance is not against the procedural law in Indonesia. Yet, this measure potentially creates the disparity of decisions in the Religious Courts since the fiqh differs in determining who the walad is: merely sons or include both sons and daughters. This has frustrated the objective of the KHI as the codification of Islamic Law in Indonesia which unites the differences of opinions in the fiqh and, thus, assures legal certainty in resolving the disputes. Hence, the government should enact the KHI as a Law in Indonesia in order to end the forum of choice for the Judges in basing their decisions so that the disparity of decisions in the Religious Court minimized and legal certainty assured for the justice seekers.Keywords: Islamic inheritance law, walad, fiqh, religious court's decision AbstrakArtikel ini didasarkan pada kenyataan bahwa masih ada perbedaan keputusan di antara Hakim Pengadilan Agama tentang ahli waris, terutama anak (walad), ketika menangani sengketa warisan. Ini karena ada ketentuan umum tentang makna walad yang terkandung dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam Indonesia (KHI) di mana itu mencakup anak laki-laki dan perempuan. Selain itu, tidak ada kewajiban bagi Hakim Pengadilan Agama untuk menggunakan KHI sebagai dasar untuk pertimbangan hukum, yang memungkinkan beberapa Hakim Pengadilan Agama untuk menggunakan fiqh sebagai dasar hukum dalam memutuskan suatu kasus. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki dampak dari konsep umum walad (anak) dan langkah-langkah yang harus diambil Pemerintah untuk mengakomodasi bahan referensi hukum bagi para Hakim Pengadilan Agama, khususnya KHI dan fiqh. Artikel ini didasari oleh penelitian hukum normatif yang terutama meneliti keputusan Pengadilan Agama di Kalimantan Timur, khususnya Samarinda, Tenggarong dan Tanah Grogot. Temuan ini mengungkapkan bahwa karena tidak ada kewajiban bagi para Hakim untuk menggunakan KHI, merujuk pada Yurisprudensi Islam klasik ketika memberikan pertimbangan hukum dan memutuskan kasus-kasus warisan tidak bertentangan dengan hukum acara di Indonesia. Namun, langkah ini berpotensi menciptakan disparitas keputusan di Pengadilan Agama karena fiqh berbeda dalam menentukan siapa walad: hanya anak laki-laki atau termasuk anak laki-laki dan perempuan. Kondisi ini telah menggagalkan tujuan KHI sebagai kodifikasi Hukum Islam di Indonesia yang menyatukan perbedaan pendapat dalam fiqh dan, dengan demikian, memastikan kepastian hukum dalam menyelesaikan perselisihan. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah harus memberlakukan KHI sebagai UU di Indonesia untuk mengakhiri forum pilihan bagi para Hakim dalam mendasarkan keputusan mereka sehingga perbedaan keputusan di Pengadilan Agama diminimalkan dan kepastian hukum terjamin bagi para pencari keadilan.Kata Kunci: Hukum Kewarisan Islam, Konsep Walad, Fikih,  Putusan pengadilan agama

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-78
Haqqiyah Uthlufah

The problem of the principle of submission in the divorce law in the Religious Court by a non-Muslim couple occurs because the couple's marriage is based on Islamic law. What cannot be separated from Islamic law is Islamic family law because it is related to the faith of a Muslim. Islamic family law can only apply to Muslims and cannot apply to non-Muslims. The problem of the principle of submission to the divorce law was incomplete (incomplete norm) or the existence of a legal vacuum (vacuum of norm) in marriage law in Indonesia. This research is a legal research and is normative in nature. The approach used is statutory, case, and conceptual. The legal materials used are primary, secondary and tertiary. The method of collecting legal materials is first to qualify the facts and then to qualify the law. The analytical tool used is legal interpretation in the form of principal, systematic and grammatical interpretation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 281
Muhammad Anis

Pelaksanaan Hukum Kewarisan Islam berdasarkan Kompilasi Hukum Islam di Kota Makassar sesuai instruksi Presiden RI No.1 Thn. 1991 belum efektif. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi dalam pelaksanaan Hukum Kewarisan Islam di Kota Makassar adalah substansi hukum yang belum menjamin adanya kepastian hukum, tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat, tingkat pengetahuan aparat dan tingkat persepsi masayarakat.Pelaksanaan Hukum Kewarisan Islam di Kota Makassar berdasarkan Kompilasi Hukum Islam, diharapkan menjadi input masyarakat muslim dan pejabat terkait untuk menjadi bahan koreksi dan perbaikan terhadap pelaksanaan Hukum Kewarisan Islam.Untuk mengefektifkan pelaksanaan Hukum Kewarisan Islam di Kota Makassar diharapkan agar Kompilasi Hukum Islam disempurnakan dan ditingkatkan menjadi Undang-Undang, karena itu dibutuhkan upaya yang maksimal untuk mewujudkannya guna meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat, pengetahuan aparat, dan persepsi masyarakat.The implementation of Islamic Inheritance Law is based on the Compilation of Islamic Law in Makassar City according to the instructions of the Republic of Indonesia No.1 1991 that has been ineffective. Several factors that influence the implementation of Islamic Heritage Law in Makassar City are legal substances that have not guaranteed legal certainty, the level of knowledge of the community, the level of knowledge of the officers and the level of perception of the community.The implementation of Islamic Inheritance Law in Makassar City based on the Compilation of Islamic Law is expected to be the input of Muslim communities and related officials to be the material for correction and improvement of the implementation of Islamic Heritage Law.In order to make the implementation of Islamic Inheritance Law effective in Makassar City, it is hoped that the Compilation of Islamic Law will be refined and upgraded to the Act because it requires total effort to make it happen in order to increase public knowledge, knowledge of officials, and public perceptions. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-165
Gibtha Wilda Permatasari ◽  
Yuliati Yuliati ◽  
Herman Suryokumoro

This research journal discusses legal issues relating to the substitution of places made by the heirs who previously rejected the inheritance which falls to him by comparison of the perspectives of civil inheritance law and Islamic inheritance law. Pursuant to Article 848 and Article 1060 of the Civil Code on the replacement of the place by the heirs who reject the inheritance and the notary's role as a general official in providing legal certainty to prevent the issue of inheritance according to the law of civil inheritance and the Islamic inheritance law. The purpose of this research is to know and to analyze whether or not the heirs who have rejected inheritance replace other heirs as well as to know the role of notary in giving legal certainty to prevent problems in the civil inheritance law and Islamic inheritance law. The research method used by the writer is the statue approach and comparative approach. Heirs who reject inheritance under civil law of inheritance cannot change place (plaatsvervulling) because the requirement of replacement of place according to the law of civil inheritance is derived from families of blood in the same degree and not reject the inheritance. The replacement of places in Islamic inheritance law is known as mawali however, Islamic law does not recognize the denial of inheritance only known in the law of civil inheritance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-139
Hamzah Hamzah

AbstractThis study examines the role of religious courts in the construction of Islamic inheritance law. Its urgency is to open the dimensions of birth and the growth of inheritance law in the development period of religious courts. In addition, it opens up concrete reasons for the existence of the inheritance law bill that has yet to reach a climax. The methodology in this study is a narrative literature study, with a historical approach by observing juridical aspects in the growth of inheritance law.The findings in this study show that Islamic law existed since the era of the sultanate and was used as an applied law in society, including inheritance law that has been embedded in Islamic law. The authority of the religious judiciary in the field of inheritance became disoriented when the colonialists entered the colonies by applying the receptiveness theory as outlined in the form of the Staatsblad. The climax of the authority of the religious courts is the unification of the judiciary (one roof system) and its independence as the executor of judicial power. The challenge for religious courts in the field of inheritance is the unavailability of material law and the inheritance law bill which creates uncertainty.Keywords: Dynamics; Inheritance law; Religious Courts.

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