scholarly journals Selección en cruzas interraciales tropicales de maíz de México para adaptación a valles altos

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 23
Alejandro A. Navas ◽  
Tarcicio Cervantes

The response of the selection, and its adaptation at high plateaus, of five generations of tropical corn race crosses from Mexico, with a 0- 700 masl altitude range, was evaluated. An assay was planted at Montecillo, Mexico (locale with high plateaus) using four generations of 22 tropical interracial crosses, nine race progenitors and four local populations as controls. Besides of the grain yield per stalk, 15 characters were studied, some as yield components and others as of agronomic interest for its adaptation. The selection for high platea u adaptation with tropical corn inter-racial crosses was efective to increase grain yield per stalk, achiering an average response of 18% per selection cycle, in five cycles. Although with smaller increments, the number of ears per stalk, lenght, diameter and grain percentage of the ear, volume and weight of 100 seeds were modified. Ear and plant height showed undesirable agronomic responses, while days to tasselling, blooming coincidence and plant health improved with the selection. Six crosses in F8 were identified as matching the yield and other characters to the best local control Huamantla (conical race). According to the progenitors used in these crosses, it is deduced that the Tuxpeño race was the largest gene contributor for yield and Vandeño for adaptation genes, while Tepecintle showed a very poor gene contribution to the selection response.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Made J. Mejaya ◽  
R.J. Lambert

Selection for increased oil level in maize showed the increase was associated with decrease in starch concentration, kernel weight, and grain yield. The study was conducted with the objectives: (1) to evaluate response to six cycles for increased grain yield in the high oil maize Alexho Elite (AE: 60-90 g kg-1 oil concentration) and Ultra High Oil (UHO: 100-140 g kg-1 oil concentration) using inbred tester B73; (2) to measure responses to selection for increased grain yield with changes in yield components; and (3) to determine a suitable tester. Previously the two synthetics had been selected for oil concentration. After six cycles, the six genotypes i.e. AE C0, AE C3, AE C6, UHO C0, UHO C3, and UHO C6 were testcrossed to B73, LH185, and LH202 inbreds (40 g kg-1 oil concentration) to a total of 18 testcrosses. Two field experiments were used to evaluate selection in AE and UHO testcrosses. The study showed selection using inbred tester B73 in AE and UHO was effective in increasing grain yield of AE testcrosses without changing (i.e. decreasing) oil and protein concentrations. AE testcrosses produced higher grain yield and greater selection response for grain yield than UHO testcrosses. LH185 was best for grain yield in AE and UHO testcrosses. Increase in grain yield in most of the testcrosses was associated with increases in starch concentration, kernel weight, kernel number, and grain weight.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Made J. Mejaya ◽  
R.J. Lambert

Selection for increased oil level in maize showed the increase was associated with decrease in starch concentration, kernel weight, and grain yield. The study was conducted with the objectives: (1) to evaluate response to six cycles for increased grain yield in the high oil maize Alexho Elite (AE: 60-90 g kg-1 oil concentration) and Ultra High Oil (UHO: 100-140 g kg-1 oil concentration) using inbred tester B73; (2) to measure responses to selection for increased grain yield with changes in yield components; and (3) to determine a suitable tester. Previously the two synthetics had been selected for oil concentration. After six cycles, the six genotypes i.e. AE C0, AE C3, AE C6, UHO C0, UHO C3, and UHO C6 were testcrossed to B73, LH185, and LH202 inbreds (40 g kg-1 oil concentration) to a total of 18 testcrosses. Two field experiments were used to evaluate selection in AE and UHO testcrosses. The study showed selection using inbred tester B73 in AE and UHO was effective in increasing grain yield of AE testcrosses without changing (i.e. decreasing) oil and protein concentrations. AE testcrosses produced higher grain yield and greater selection response for grain yield than UHO testcrosses. LH185 was best for grain yield in AE and UHO testcrosses. Increase in grain yield in most of the testcrosses was associated with increases in starch concentration, kernel weight, kernel number, and grain weight.

1998 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-55 ◽  
Totok Agung Dwi Haryanto ◽  
Tae-Kwon Shon ◽  
Tomohiko Yoshida

2001 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 337-342 ◽  
N. VASIC ◽  

The synthetic maize population 316PO2 was subjected to genetic correlation analyses between grain yield, yield components and morphological traits. The purpose was to enable estimates to be made of the advantage of using selection indices compared with selection based on grain yield only, and if that advantage was present, to choose enough simple selection indices for practical use. Selection indices were constructed out of four traits highly significantly correlated with grain yield, in addition to yield itself. Grain yield exhibited a highly significant additive genetic correlation with ear diameter (ra=0.588**), kernels row-1 (ra=0.643**), ears plant-1 (ra=0.871**) and ear height (ra=0.427**). The most efficient index was Index No. 14 (R.E.I12345= 108.83%), which included all four traits and grain yield. Index No. 3, one of the simplest forms of index, including only ears plant-1 and grain yield, showed slightly less relative efficiency (R.E.I35=107.24%) than Index No. 14. Using this simple form of index with two characters (Index No. 3) could improve the efficiency of selection for grain yield. The estimated advantage from its use is 179.6 kg/selection cycle for grain yield over selection based only on grain yield.

2018 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-79 ◽  

ABSTRACT Cowpea bean is a socioeconomically important legume that contribute to generate employment and income. This species presents great grain variability, and the commercial subclass black eye stands out as a very appreciated grain in Brazil and abroad, thus requiring the development of new cultivars. The objective of this work was to evaluate and select lineages of commercial black eye cowpea, based on simultaneous, and direct selection. First, 105 progenies and four controls were evaluated using the Federer's augmented block design. Seventy-seven progenies, selected from this evaluation-first selection cycle-and four controls were evaluated in three environments, using a simple 9×9 lattice design. Based on this evaluation, the second selection cycle was possible, resulting in 24 progenies. The gain by direct selection was lower than the predicted gain for grain yield in the first cycle, indicating that the selection was not effective. This result was probably due to the reduced genetic variability caused by the selection pressure. In the second cycle, the predicted and observed gains were similar, indicating that much of the expected gain was observed. The predicted and observed gains, with simultaneous selection based on the rank sum selection index, were similar in the first and second cycle. The simultaneous and direct selections resulted in genetic gains for grain yield in the two selection cycles, making it possible the selection of high grain yield lineages.

2016 ◽  
Vol 47 (4) ◽  
Al- Khazaali & et al.

Field experiment during four seasons (spring and fall 2014 and 2015) was carried out on maize at the experimental field of Field Crop Dept., Agric. Coll., Univ. of Baghdad to study the role of selection for early and late flowering (silking) of inbred lines on the grain yield of the consequent hybrids. Four inbred lines (Zm19, Zm32, Zm51 and Zm61) and two testers (Zm21 late and Zm60 early silking) were used. In the first two seasons, the seeds of the four inbred lines were planted, first 10 plants that flowered early and 10 plants that flowered late were selected, the seeds of the selected plants were multiplied. The seeds of the early and late selected inbred lines were planted in the third season and then crossed with testers. Crosses from the early and late silking (ELS) were produced and their seeds were cultivated in the last season. Comparison in some growth traits, yield and its components were conducted among the crosses. The experiments were laid out in randomized complete block (RCBD) with three replicates. The selection for parents of early and late silking has significantly influenced the Grain Yield (GY), the cross Zm19xZm60 (produced from crossing parents of early silking selected from inbred lines - PESSIL) has surpassed in the GY on its counterpart (produced from parents of late silking selected from inbred lines) (10.516 and 8.188 ton.ha-1 sequentially). The testers (Zm21 late silking and Zm60 early silking - ES) have significantly differed in their effect on the traits of some hybrids (produced from crossing) especially the GY when crossed with ES parents. The cross (Zm19 x Zm60) which produced from crossing the tester Zm60 with the ES parents selected from the inbred line Zm19 has surpassed the cross Zm19 x Zm21, which produced from crossing the tester Zm21, with PESSIL Zm19 in GY (10.516 and 6.642 mt ha-1 ton.ha-1, sequentially). Selection has also shown significant differences in several traits, the most prominent are the Seed’s Growth Rate (SGR). It can be conclude that selection for ES and LS inbred lines and testers’ effect have a great importance in deriving hybrids of a high yield and several traits.

1994 ◽  
Vol 45 (5) ◽  
pp. 985 ◽  
M Cooper ◽  
DE Byth ◽  
DR Woodruff

The objective of this study was to use classification methodology to characterize the genotypic variation and line by environment (L x E) interaction for grain yield of a sample of advanced CIMMYT wheat lines and three local check cultivars tested over six Queensland environments. The environments were managed to differ in the magnitude of water stress they imposed on the lines at the critical developmental stage of anthesis. The grouping of lines was based on grain yield. The yield differences among the groups were investigated in terms of yield components and dry matter production and partitioning attributes. Groups of CIMMYT lines which outyielded the two groups which contained the three Queensland cultivars were identified. The yield advantage of the groups of CIMMYT lines decreased with increasing severity of water stress at anthesis and in the environment where the most severe stress was characterized there were no yield differences among the groups of lines. The yield advantage of the groups of CIMMYT lines was generally associated with a higher number of grains per unit area and in some cases a higher grain size. While phenology variation could account for some of the yield differences among the line groups there was considerable yield variation among line groups with similar phenology patterns across the environments. Additional measurements taken on the lines to characterize differences in dry matter production and the partitioning of the dry matter to yield components were not effective in explaining the yield variation among the groups of lines after the effects of phenology were taken into account. While the incidence of the large L x (water-stress) interactions encountered in this study would complicate selection for yield, the identification of groups of advanced CIMMYT lines which outyielded the Queensland cultivars in five of the six environments suggests that the L x (water stress) interactions do not preclude scope for further improvement of grain yield of wheat in Queensland.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 217
Estu Nugroho ◽  
Budi Setyono ◽  
Mochammad Su’eb ◽  
Tri Heru Prihadi

Program pemuliaan ikan mas varietas Punten dilakukan dengan seleksi individu terhadap karakter bobot ikan. Pembentukan populasi dasar untuk kegiatan seleksi dilakukan dengan memijahkan secara massal induk ikan mas yang terdiri atas 20 induk betina dan 21 induk jantan yang dikoleksi dari daerah Punten, Kepanjen (delapan betina dan enam jantan), Kediri (tujuh betina dan 12 jantan), Sragen (27 betina dan 10 jantan), dan Blitar (15 betina dan 11 jantan). Larva umur 10 hari dipelihara selama empat bulan. Selanjutnya dilakukan penjarangan sebesar 50% dan benih dipelihara selama 14 bulan untuk dilakukan seleksi dengan panduan hasil sampling 250 ekor individu setiap populasi. Seleksi terhadap calon induk dilakukan saat umur 18 bulan pada populasi jantan dan betina secara terpisah dengan memilih berdasarkan 10% bobot ikan yang terbaik. Calon induk yang terseleksi kemudian dipelihara hingga matang gonad, kemudian dipilih sebanyak 150 pasang dan dipijahkan secara massal. Didapatkan respons positif dari hasil seleksi berdasarkan bobot ikan, yaitu 49,89 g atau 3,66% (populasi ikan jantan) dan 168,47 g atau 11,43% (populasi ikan betina). Nilai heritabilitas untuk bobot ikan adalah 0,238 (jantan) dan 0,505 (betina).Punten carp breeding programs were carried out by individual selection for body weight trait. The base population for selection activities were conducted by mass breeding of parent consisted of 20 female and 21 male collected from area Punten, eight female and six male (Kepanjen), seven female and 12 male (Kediri), 27 female and 10 male (Sragen), 15 female and 11 male (Blitar). Larvae 10 days old reared for four moths. Then after spacing out 50% of total harvest, the offspring reared for 14 months for selection activity based on the sampling of 250 individual each population. Selection of broodstock candidates performed since 18 months age on male and female populations separately by selecting based on 10% of fish with best body weight. Candidates selected broodstocks were then maintained until mature. In oder to produce the next generation 150 pairs were sets and held for mass spawning. The results revealed that selection response were positive, 49.89 g (3.66%) for male and 168.47 (11.43%) for female. Heritability for body weight is 0.238 (male) and 0.505 (female).

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