broad sense
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2022 ◽  
Charles Nsanzabera

The culture treason theory (CTT) is a cultural and behavior changes theory that explains all negative conscious and unconscious barriers, resistance, frustrations, moral pains felt by the person when he/she might adopt new culture (in a broad sense) or behavior. The conflict of new and existing behavior (in a narrow sense) in the mind of the person creates doubt and confusion. This theory development used the grounded theory process through ontological constructionism and epistemological interpretivism. The right appraisal of the CTT determines reasons for barriers, health-related issues' root causes, and the right strategies to use. Hence, it can help to predict the behavior adoption time.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Panu Pihkala

There is a growing evidence that emotions shape people's reactions to the climate crisis in profound but complex ways. Climate emotions are related to resilience, climate action, and psychological well-being and health. However, there is currently a lack of research about the array of various climate emotions. There is also a need for more integration with general research about emotions. This article conducts a preliminary exploration of the taxonomy of climate emotions, based on literature reviews and philosophical discussion. The term emotion is used here in a broad sense, as is common in climate emotion research. Because of the urgency of the climate crisis and the lack of previous research, this kind of exploration is aimed to be helpful for both practical climate work and for future research which would include more systematic reviews of the topic. Research items which discuss at least five different climate emotions, based on empirical observations, are used as major sources and a table about them is provided. Climate emotions are discussed on the basis of interdisciplinary research. The article considers many aspects of the phenomena of climate anxiety and climate grief.

2022 ◽  
Vol 951 (1) ◽  
pp. 012103
E Kesumawati ◽  
Sabaruddin ◽  
E Hayati ◽  
N Hadisah ◽  
R Hayati ◽  

Abstract Pepper is widely cultivated as a condiment and cash crop in Indonesia. However, Pepper yellow leaf curl disease (PepYLCD) caused by begomovirus is currently seriously affect the domestic pepper production. Breeding for begomovirus resistance material by crossing is currently necessary to overcome the constraint. The present study is aimed to determine the resistance of pepper (C. annuum) plants F2 progenies to begomovirus infection in the growth stage. Two local C. annuum accessions, BaPep-5 as a resistance donor for pepy-1 begomovirus resistance gene (locally called Perintis) and BaPep-4 as a susceptible parent (locally called Kencana) were crossed to generate F2 progenies. The research was conducted in Agricultural Extension Training Centre (BLPP) Saree and Horticulture Laboratory of Syiah Kuala University from February to July 2020. 500 F2 progenies were transplanted to the field along with 15 plants of each parent as control. The result suggested that plant height and crown width had the highest broad sense heritability value, whereas the dichotomous height, stem diameter, secondary branch, and tertiary branch had the lowest broad sense heritability value. Coefficient of genetic variance and coefficient of phenotypic variance from overall characteristics were relatively low which suggest the narrow sense to slightly narrow sense heritability.

Сергей Андреевич Сивцов

В статье рассматриваются коррупционные проявления в уголовно-исполнительной системе России с криминологической точки зрения, проведен анализ причин и условий совершения коррупционных преступлений и меры профилактики. Приводятся мнения ученых-юристов о понятии коррупции, которое рассматривается как в узком, так и в широком смысле слова. Автором утверждается, что коррупция в большей мере выступает как социальное и криминологическое, чем правовое явление, поэтому рассматривать ее в рамках конкретных совершенных преступлений неверно, необходимо анализировать совокупность противоправных деяний с учетом их особенностей, а также причины и условия их совершения. Автор отмечает, что пенитенциарная преступность делится на две категории: на общеуголовную преступность (преступления, совершаемые осужденными) и иную преступность, основной составляющей которой выступает коррупционная преступность в учреждениях и органах УИС. На основе изучения криминологических научных источников автор предлагает классифицировать факторы совершения коррупционных преступлений сотрудниками УИС: факторы, присущие всем коррупционным преступлениям; и факторы, присущие пенитенциарной коррупции. В представленной статье автором указывается на недостаточность антикоррупционных механизмов. Комплекс предпринимаемых мер противодействия коррупции необходимо совершенствовать и расширять. The article examines corruption manifestations in the Russian Penal System from a criminological point of view, analyzes the causes and conditions of corruption crimes and preventive measures. The opinions of legal scholars on the concept of corruption, the content of the concept of corruption are given, it is considered both in the narrow and in the broad sense of the word. The author argues that Corruption acts more as a social and criminological phenomenon than a legal one, therefore it is not correct to consider it within the framework of specific crimes committed, it is necessary to analyze the totality of illegal acts taking into account their characteristics, as well as the causes and conditions of their commission. The author notes that penitentiary crime is divided into two categories: crimes committed by convicts (ordinary crime) and other crime, the main component of which is corruption crime in institutions and bodies of the criminal justice system. Based on the study of criminological scientific sources, the author proposes to classify the factors of corruption crimes committed by the employees of the Criminal Investigation Department: factors inherent in all corruption crimes; and factors inherent in penitentiary corruption. In the presented article, the author points out the insufficiency of anti-corruption mechanisms. The range of anti-corruption measures taken needs to be improved and expanded.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (4) ◽  
pp. 21-34
Magdalena Szeflińska-Baran

The article focuses on the multisemiotic functioning of Internet memes in communication through the web, focused, among other things, on a humorous effect. The role of the image, first of all, in the creation of the Internet meme and also in its re-application in a multicultural and interlingual environment seems fundamental. This iconic element is part of the large and varied number of relationships with other types of signs (linguistic, cultural, discursive). It seems that the question of the typological diversity of image-text relations (in the very broad sense of it) can be addressed from a variety of perspectives that involve not only a philosophy of translation, but also an approach to humorous communication on the Internet. The article aims to analyse the nature of the relationship that unites an iconic element with a linguistic element that constitutes the essence of the message conveyed by internet memes.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Eulogio Castro ◽  
Inmaculada Romero

In a broad sense, all materials with a biological origin can be called biomass, which includes those materials that have been obtained from the direct conversion of solar energy, such as plants and crops, their residues, the materials obtained from their industrial transformation as well as subproducts and residues and the organic fraction of the municipal solid wastes [...]

I. Mytrofanov

The article considers the rule of law, the rule of criminal law. When studying the norm of criminal law, I rely on the fact that it is a mandatory rule of conduct for failure to commit a criminal offense under the criminal law of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, organically related orders, compliance with which is ensured by coercive potential criminal law influence. The norm of criminal law consists of: 1) conditions for the implementation of criminal law (hypothesis); 2) criminal law normative – obligatory legal requirement for non-commission of an act provided by the instruction of the Special Part of the Criminal Code (disposition); 3) sanction for non-compliance with these legal requirements. Mandatory requirements (rules) contained in the articles of the General and Special Parts of the Criminal Code and organically supplement (clarify) the content of the relevant structural part of the criminal law or contain procedural issues for its application and implementation. The article analyzes the hypothetical, dispositional and sanctioning dictates of the draft Criminal Code of Ukraine. It is concluded that the draft Criminal Code of Ukraine does not significantly change the approaches to understanding the rules of criminal law as a system of established (sanctioned) by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and legally secured universally binding criminal law norms and organically related commands. project composition, their rights and responsibilities, tasks of the Criminal Code, legal facts, etc.), compliance with which is ensured by the coercive potential of the means of criminal law influence. The considered norm in a broad sense provides for a three-tier structure and is fixed in the criminal law. At the same time, the structural elements of the norm of criminal law in the «broad» sense are placed in the articles of both the General and Special parts of the draft Criminal Code of Ukraine. Further research should focus on understanding the concept and structure of criminal law, as it will help both the legislator and the court. Proper interpretation of the concept and structure of criminal law encourages parliamentarians to more fully and accurately reproduce in the text of the Criminal Code of Ukraine all the necessary elements of criminal law in view of the purpose of its development and adoption, and the judge, investigating judge (court) – to find, compare and understand these elements, to establish their interrelations and the legal will of the legislator fixed in this norm, and also to provide its reliable realization according to a letter of the law. This knowledge allows members of society to navigate the system of criminal law obligations for their implementation.

O. Shulenok

The article deals with the study of ornithonyms "hen", "chicken", which are part of the phraseology of the modern Ukrainian language. The object of phraseology is considered in a broad sense of the word – this intermediate level includes both idioms and proverbs, sayings, idiomatic figurative comparisons, and so on. It is found that phraseological units with the names «hen», «chicken» are widely represented in the Ukrainian language and are actively used by speakers to enhance the figurative characteristics of man, the situation, quite fully and conceptually represent different areas of material and spiritual life. The semantic and linguistic-cultural peculiarities of idiomatic expressions with ornithonyms "hen", "chicken" are analyzed. It is determined that the semantic structures of the studied phrases contain a significant number of metaphorical meanings used to denote a person. It is established that the majority of idioms with studied components describe human traits: positive (caring, diligence, observation, humility, gentleness) and negative (cunning, foolishness, carelessness, talkativeness, greed, meanness, deceit, indecision, dirtiness, etc). In addition, constant expressions that characterize emotional states (joy, sadness, fussiness, anger, loneliness, etc.), social statuses (wealth, poverty, family relationships), physical characteristics (poor eyesight, hunger), appearance are given in the article. Phraseological units related to the main function of a hen (laying eggs), chicken feed (cereals) and predators (fox), which pose a danger to hens, are also widely represented in the Ukrainian language. Symbolism, existing signs, beliefs associated with these birds are studied. The examples of functioning the analyzed ornithophraseologisms in literary and publicist texts are given. The typical conception that exists in the collective consciousness of Ukrainians about the names "hen", "chicken" is also highlighted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
Jacek Moroz

The purpose of this article is to try to answer the question: is phenomenographic research underlying (in a broad sense) phenomenological assumptions? It is an important question because opinions on this topic are divided. Some researchers argue that phenomenography derive from philosophical phenomenology. Phenomenology is even treated as a philosophical foundation of phenomenographic research. In this article I argue that the statement on similarities and connections between the two approaches and especially the claim that phenomenography has phenomenological roots are based on mistaken interpretation of the method created by Ference Marton.

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