Research on the Relationship Between Intelligence and Anxiety of the Children in Primary School Age

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-27
Daniela Slavilova ◽  
Veneta Uzunova

This paper presents a study of the relationship between intelligence and anxiety in primary school children. Anxiety in children of primary school age is a specific type of anxiety that manifests itself in the interaction of the child with the educational environment. In primary school children, anxiety is a very clear sign of difficulties in the process of school adaptation. The study shows that there is an inverse relationship between students' anxiety and their intelligence. Children who have shown a higher intellectual age have a lower level of anxiety. Accordingly, children who showed a lower intellectual age have a higher level of anxiety.

2021 ◽  
Vol 113 ◽  
pp. 00054
A.A. Kozhurova ◽  
A.N. Neustroeva

The article deals with the study of the nature of anxiety and its impact on personal development, manifested in primary school children. The aim of the study is to identify the features of the influence of drawing therapy on the correction of anxiety in primary school children. The hypothesis of the study is presented as an assumption that the correction of anxiety in children of primary school age will be more successful if a set of classes is used by the method of drawing therapy in compliance with the following pedagogical conditions: classes include various forms of drawing therapy for the correction of anxiety in children, including in remote mode in the conditions of quarantine measures of the pandemic; in the course of classes, adapted individual work is carried out. A description of the entire study on the tasks set is given: to identify the initial levels of anxiety in children; implement an empirical study on the adapted correctional program of drawing therapy and verify the results by monitoring the diagnosis of anxiety in primary school children. The research work is carried out on the basis of school No. 20. Yakutsk, among the students of the 4th grade in the number of 29 people.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (87) ◽  
Anna Viala ◽  
Olena Denysiuk ◽  

The article explores the problems of motivating a healthy lifestyle of primary school children. The issue of a healthy lifestyle will always be relevant because it plays a key role in maintaining and promoting health. It is especially relevant for the younger generation, because it is our future. The work presents scientists who analyzed the theoretical and methodological principles of forming a healthy lifestyle for children, the formation of a healthy lifestyle from the standpoint of medicine, as well as psychological and pedagogical aspects of educating a healthy lifestyle for children. Selection of previously unsolved parts of the overall problem. The main material of the article states that a healthy lifestyle of children should start with a healthy example of parents and teachers, because they are the ones who lay the foundation for the children lifestyle. The ideological principles of a healthy lifestyle are described, namely: the idea of the priority of the value of health, the perception of health not only as the absence of disease, understanding of health in its four areas - mental, physical, social and spiritual. The criteria for forming a positive motivation for a healthy lifestyle in students are indicated, namely: at the level of physical health, at the level of mental health, at the level of spiritual health and at the level of social well-being. It is necessary to pay special attention when choosing a strategy for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in primary school age, to: psychological and psychophysical characteristics and rely on the area of actual development of the child to work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle was successful. To be more effective in creating motivation for a healthy lifestyle, parents and educators must remember that there must be a systematic approach that includes methods that are comprehensively aimed at implementing a healthy lifestyle. The article presents the most common methods of forming motivation for a healthy lifestyle both in school and in distance learning. The most effective methods in working with primary school children are active methods, as younger students are very active and like to move a lot.

Ekaterina V. Usenkova ◽  
Alina S. Yakovleva ◽  

The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that currently writing disorders are one of the most common speech pathologies in children, especially in children with mental retardation. The leading activity in primary school age in children with mental retardation is play, so interactive play can become a leading method in the prevention of dysgraphy. Prevention of dysgraphy is an important link for determining the content of speech therapy work to prepare children of this category to learn to read and write.

2021 ◽  
pp. 77-89
Natalya Aleksandrovna Odinokova ◽  
Victoria Eduardovna Gamanovich ◽  
Olga Vyacheslavovna Dalivelya ◽  

The article presents the author’s view of the organization extracurricular activities of primary school age children with sensory impairment based on a humanistic approach, focused on the personality of students with special educational needs, taking them into account individual characteristics, abilities and interests. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence, evolution of formation and meaning in educational space of the school of extracurricular activities, emphasizing attention to the peculiarities of its organization with children of primary school age with sensory impairment. Methodology. The methodological basis is made up of research domestic and foreign authors, the experience of practicing teachers, testifying to the relevance of theoretical and practical software implementation of extracurricular activities with children with sensory impairment. Results. Based on the analysis of regulatory documents, scientific research, literature and teaching materials the concept of “extracurricular activities” was identified and substantiated, issues of structure, content, requirements for the conditions of its conduct on an example of organizing an excursion with children with visual impairments. In detention, conclusions are drawn about the features of the organization of extracurricular activities of primary school children with sensory impairments. In the future, it is envisaged to conduct a practical diagnostic research and analysis of the results obtained, which will reveal efficiency and prioritization of extracurricular activities, organized with children of primary school age with sensory impairment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 68 (4) ◽  
pp. 216-226
M.S. Karakulovа ◽  
M.Zh. Sultanbek ◽  
A.S. Tazabekova ◽  

The article presents a theoretical analysis and methodological approaches to the development of tolerant attitude of primary school children. The concept of «tolerant attitude» is classified into several groups. They are analyzed as: subjective-subjective; values of communication, personal experience of subjects; subjects of educational influence in the organizational approach as Dialogic activity. They are guided by the methodological principles of developing a tolerant attitude of younger students. These are: axiological approach, synergetic approach, social environment approach, Dialogic approach. The article analyzes the actions «recognition», «understanding», «perception» as a functional structure for the development of a tolerant attitude. The content of the program «Education of a culture of tolerance in children of primary school age» (grades 1-4) on the formative experiment is described. The rules for building a model of development of tolerant attitude in primary school children are proposed.

Alina Yerofeyeva ◽  
Tatyana Kokhanover

Article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities and importance of the development of perceptual abilities of children studying in primary school. First of all, the concept of perception, classification and properties are considered for further understanding of the topic. The article includes a comparison of perception by age groups and shows by the example of an experiment how much perception skills affect the lives of primary school children. The peculiarities of the psyche of children aged 7-10 years, such as concentration time, attentiveness, perception of time, were taken into account. Basically, the article touches on certain types of perceptual abilities, such as visual and auditory perceptions. These types of perception skills are of the greatest importance in the development of children.

Ekaterina I. Romanovskaya

The article deals with the foreign language phonological ability as a methodological phenomenon in teaching a foreign language in primary school age. The concepts of «phonemic hearing», «phonetic hearing», «phonological ability» are analyzed. The article describes the structural components of a foreign language phonological ability and its importance for developing foreign language speech abilities in primary school children.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 38-43
I. Kovalevskaya

The article proposes to consider a cycle of lessons for younger students, the purpose of which is to familiarize themselves with the culinary traditions of different countries. The concept developed with the active participation of the author and implemented in the course "Gastronomic travel" is intended to complement the educational subject "The World Around Us": during the lessons, the preparation of national dishes by students is accompanied by a complete "regional immersion". Based on the research of reputable psychologists and teachers, the significance of the role-playing game for the child as a means of understanding the world and preparing for further serious activity is revealed. Its relevance is emphasized not only for preschoolers, but also for children of primary school age. Particular attention is paid to the practice of using educational and play techniques in the educational process of primary school, which allows you to avoid routine, stimulates the child's cognitive interest, creates conditions for his free self-expression and development.


The article is devoted to the study of the formation of information and language competence in preschool and primary school age. Children of the modern world are immersed in the information space, where they manage a variety of information stored and transmitted by the culture of society. At the same time, they must be aware of the value of information, which is the Foundation of motivation to learn, be able to find and analyze information, critically evaluate information content, be able to build meaningful statements and participate in new communication situations. This article includes a theoretical analysis and description of the organization of an experimental study of the process of formation of information and language competence in children of senior preschool and primary school age. Presents the research methods, criteria and indicators characterizing the level of development of information and language competence identified and approved a complex of psycho-pedagogical conditions providing efficiency of formation at pupils and students of information and language competence. Necessary and sufficient conditions of formation of information and language competency are the use of project activity in educational process of preschool and primary General education; development and conducting series of lessons aimed at the formation of information language competence, and orientation preschool and primary school children for language tolerance in direct communication and interaction in the virtual information-educational space. The observed changes in indicators for all components of information and language competence (cognitive, motivational, value-based, reflexive-evaluative and activity-based) convincingly prove the feasibility of using these conditions. Also, the formation of information and language competence is revealed as the prevention of asocial behaviors and intolerant signs of speech aggression at a younger age.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (9) ◽  
pp. 19-27
Tkachuk A.A. ◽  
Kolpakov V.V ◽  
Tomilova E.A. ◽  
Bespalova T.V.

Physical activity is of particular importance in the early stages of ontogenesis during the development and formation of the child's body. At the same time, recognizing the variability of motor activity in children of a healthy population, its assessment in the understanding of the norm is presented as an average indicator of the daily number of locomotions for a certain age and gender group, which does not allow us to fully characterize the individual typological features of this function. In this regard, the use of signal parametric scales is very controversial and new approaches to solving this problem are required. The aim of the work is to conceptually develop the centile distribution and partial density of motor activity in older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren in a healthy population with the identification of typological variants of individual norms and criteria for pre - nosological diagnosis of hyper-and hypokinesia. Materials and methods. 840 children of health groups I-II were examined (boys of senior preschool age-222 and primary school age-250; girls of senior preschool age-181 and primary school age-187). The study included the use of pedometry and visual assessment of children's behavior by teachers and parents. A personalized database was created based on the survey results. To identify differences in the level of distribution of a typical trait – habitual motor activity (HMA), a nonparametric test was used, taking into account Pearson's χ2 criterion. The functional type of constitution (FTC) was determined in accordance with a three – component scheme based on the level of habitual motor activity: low – LHMA-FTC–1, medium – MHMA–FTC–2 and high –HHMA-FTC–3. To solve this problem, we developed centile tables based on the daily number of locomotives (SCL) - the HMA level. At the same time, tables are proposed for the centile distribution of SCL both for the entire population of preschool and primary school children, and for children with low and high motor activity. Results. Analysis of the data and on this basis developed normative tables of centile distribution of motor activity (MA) allow typing of it is high enough differences among senior preschool children and Junior schoolchildren of the healthy population with the estimated number of daily locomotion (very low, low, medium, high, very high), to allocate the risk group of I order (up to the 3-rd centile and 97-th centile) and II (from the 3-rd to the 10-th centile and the 90-th to 97-th centile), and also give an objective description of the daily number of locomotions of each individual with the identification of such concepts as "optimal motor activity", "constitutional hypokinesia" and "constitutional hyperkinesia". Partial assessment of motor activity, taking into account the centile distribution of the number of daily locomotions in each constitutional group, provides additional opportunities to more reasonably approach the analysis of a critical (pre-nosological) decrease or increase in the optimality of motor activity in children with low and high MA. Conclusions. Senior preschool children and Junior school children of health groups I-II have their own individual and typological basic level of motor activity, which requires a comparative clinical and physiological analysis of the available data with the standard norm characteristic of each constitutional group (LHMA-FTC–1, MHMA-FTC–2, HHMA-FTC–3). Taking into account this approach, the development of normative (centile) tables of motor activity allows us to give not only a quantitative assessment of the basic variability of the physiological individuality of the child's body, but also to identify criteria for pre-nosological diagnosis of fairly common deviations in pediatric practice-hypokinesia and hyperactivity.

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