2015 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 1139-1147
Nayara Bueno de Araujo ◽  
Edir Nei Teixeira Mandú

ABSTRACT This study aimed to comprehend the social construction of meanings about pregnancy-motherhood among pregnant adolescents. An explicative study, conducted in 2014, with 12 adolescents, using individual and group interview, local context observation, consultation of documents and precepts of Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis. The meaning of compatibility between pregnancy and adolescence was found, and the contraposition to the dominant discourse of adolescent pregnancy as a problem. The event answered that to which teenagers projected for themselves, in a restricted context of social opportunities. They valued it as a social ideal of maternity and family constitution, foreseeing social recognition, evidence of femininity and greater power and autonomy. However, these gains showed themselves crossed by difficulties seen, such as confronting the family evaluation and the "painful" parity. The comprehension contextualized of these meanings and of the social and ideological content is essential to the development of a higher degree of autonomy-accountability of adolescents.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1326365X2110485
Kaifia Ancer Laskar

Most of the studies on children’s programming conducted in America or India, indicating an unbalanced and stereotypical gender representation, remain limited to those on older children. The present study explores if cartoon shows for preschoolers resort to the counter-hegemonic portrayal of male/female characters, and if thereby have any scope for representation of gender fluidity within it. Consequently, it also attempts to discern the ways in which interpersonal relationships between the protagonists, and between the protagonist(s) and the secondary character(s) portray any ‘dominant/submissive’ dichotomies. Drawing on Bandura’s ‘Social Learning Theory’ and de Beauvoir’s notion of the social construction of women as the ‘other’, this study presents the results of textual analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis of a popular Russian cartoon show ‘Masha and the Bear’ (M&TB) telecast on Nick Jr. The study findings indicate more gender-sensitive representation in the show for preschoolers than those for the older children. Bearing the tropes of Soviet Russian egalitarian and cultural traits, the characters of M&TB portray non-binary gender roles compared to their American or Indian counterparts.

Kamil Fleissner

ABSTRACTThis study aims to analyze the discoursive representation of andalusian collective identity and memory in the television series “La respuesta está en la historia”. I will reflect the theoretical approach of the social construction of identities and I will use the methodology of the critical discourse analysis to identify, classify and explore the basic discoursive strategies that are reproduced by the television series.RESUMENEl propósito general de este estudio es analizar la construcción discursiva de las representaciones de la identidad social y de la memoria colectiva de los andaluces en la serie “La respuesta está en la Historia”. Reflejando las explicaciones teóricas de la construcción de la identidad y los conceptos de la memoria colectiva, y usando la perspectiva teórico-metodológica del análisis crítico del discurso identifico, clasifico y exploro las principales estrategias discursivas usadas en el programa.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 113
Khirjan Nahdi ◽  
Usuludin Usuludin ◽  
Herman Wijaya ◽  
Muh. Taufiq

Sasak song as one form of artistic discourse is used as an instrument of male domination of women in gender relations through various forms of imaging that do not benefit women. The image is understood through the process and mechanism of work of critical discourse analysis. This study aims to reveal the image of women in the Sasak song by discovering the tendency of social construction in gender relations between men and women based on the principles of Critical Discourse Analysis. Through the position of the Sasak song text, the importance of the text, and the consequences of the text in the social reality of gender relations between men and women, found six images of women in the Sasak song text, namely women as male subordination; women as inferior, resigned women, cheap women, dependent women, and women without choice. As a text, discursive reasoning, and social reality, the results of the study show the tendency to dominate women who give birth to forms of discrimination. The six images of women in Sasak song texts are contained in works of art for the purpose of disguising the tendencies behind artistic elements, so that they are accepted as truth and reasonableness in history inherited between generations.

2001 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-161 ◽  
Arran Stibbe

AbstractThis paper describes how language contributes to the oppression and exploitation of animals by animal product industries. Critical Discourse Analysis, a framework usually applied in countering racism and sexism, is applied to a corpus of texts taken from animal industry sources. The mass confinement and slaughter of animals in intensive farms depend on the implicit consent of the population, signaled by its willingness to buy animal products produced in this way. Ideological assumptions embedded in everyday discourse and that of the animal industries manufacture and maintain this consent. Through analysis of texts, this paper attempts to expose these assumptions and discusses implications for countering the domination and exploitation of animals.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 414
Muria Endah Sokowati

The power or knowledge relations determine sexuality as a discourse. How understanding and practicing sex is the negotiation of knowledges and interests. It also happens in producing discourse of sexuality to adolescence. The social construction of adolescence as social category that is apolitical, hedonic, passive and uncritical brings them to be the older people’s object of socialization and education about morality. Different social institutions, such as school, family, religion, government, and also media attempt to subjugate adolescense’ passion in the name of sex education. This research has revealed on how the discourse of sexuality becomes arena where interests of some institutuions involved are contesting. Hai magazine is chosen as locus since this magazine has existed more than three decades and presented sex education as the material in its publication. Using Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis, this research has explored the discourse of sexuality as the result of negotiation of the discourse of sex sacralization brought by social and religion norms, the idea of global sexual revolution, and the perspective of health reproduction. It becomes Hai’s survival strategy in economy, social and political context.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-179
Nyoman Deni Wahyudi ◽  
Dewa Gede Bambang Erawan

This research is a descriptive qualitative research which aims to (1) find out the descriptions of Balinese women in Sulandri's concubine by I Made Iwan Darmawan which is studied based on the study of communication ethnography and (2) to know the description of Balinese women in the short story of Kaede Bedolot by Gede Aries Pidrawan, study of ethnographic communication. Sources of data in this study are two short stories of Sulandri's concubine by I Made Iwan Darmawan and Kaung Bedolot by Gede Aries Pidrawan which contains the description of Balinese women figure. The research method used is documentation study method. Processing or data analysis is done through data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing, and verification of research data. This research will provide the description of Balinese women in two short stories and has the benefit of being a learning media in the lectures, enriching the material of literary analysis, and enriching the treasury of critical discourse analysis, art, and culture of Indonesia especially Bali. The results of this study indicate that in the work of short story (short story) Selir Sulandri by I Made Iwan Darmawan who studied based on the study of communication ethnography, Balinese women described as women who follow patrilineal lineage, high social position, forced to marry early for the social and political status of the family , to experience polygamy, to impinge on the sexual desires of men (kings / husbands), jealousy, envy, gossip, and possessive jealousy, subjugation to men's power, discrimination, courage in the midst of situations critical, and must be willing to perform mesatia ritual. In the short story of Kaung Bedolot by Gede Aries Pidrawan, the figure of Balinese women is described not as different as that of wanting a coveted marriage, having polygamy, following patrilineal lineage, being forced to marry early for the social and political status of the family, doing housework, resigned and sincerely accepting fate, become victims of domestic violence, be brave in the middle of a discouraging situation, and end up with deaths from domestic violence. The result of this research is useful both theoretically and practically for students, lecturers, literature lovers, and education. Other researchers are expected to conduct further research in more depth.

Alexandra-Niculina Babii

The digital era has determined a very easy creation and propagation of fake news. As a consequence, it has become harder for people to fight this malicious phenomenon. However, the only weapon that can have results in this informational war is critical thinking. But who should use it? The creators of fake news that do this for different reasons? The social platforms that allow the circulation of fake news with ease? Mass media which does not always verify with much attention and rigour the information they spread? The Governments that should apply legal sanctions? Or the consumer that receives all the fake news, him being the final target? Even if critical thinking would be useful for every actor on fake news’ stage, the one who needs it the most is the consumer. This comes together with the big responsibility placed on his shoulders. Even if others are creating and spreading disinformation, the consumer must be aware and be careful with the information he encounters on a daily basis. He should use his reasoning and he should not believe everything just because it is on the Internet. How can he do that? Critical thinking seems to be a quite difficult tool to use, especially for non-specialized individuals. This paper’s aim is to propose a simplified model of critical thinking that can contribute to detecting fake news with the help of people’s self judgement. The model is based on theories from Informal Logic considering the structure of arguments and on Critical Discourse Analysis theories concerning the patterns found in the content of the information.

Catrin Heite ◽  
Veronika Magyar-Haas

Analogously to the works in the field of new social studies of childhood, this contribution deals with the concept of childhood as a social construction, in which children are considered as social actors in their own living environment, engaged in interpretive reproduction of the social. In this perspective the concept of agency is strongly stressed, and the vulnerability of children is not sufficiently taken into account. But in combining vulnerability and agency lies the possibility to consider the perspective of the subjects in the context of their social, political and cultural embeddedness. In this paper we show that what children say, what is important to them in general and for their well-being, is shaped by the care experiences within the family and by their social contexts. The argumentation for the intertwining of vulnerability and agency is exemplified by the expressions of an interviewed girl about her birth and by reference to philosophical concepts about birth and natality.

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 101 ◽  
Febrina Zulmi

<p><em>Media bias will always be an interesting topic to be examined. Media plays some important roles in society. One of its roles is building public opinions. In this case, media has been assumed to be biased as it might take some advantages from its position. This study aims at investigating The Jakarta Post’s bias towards the environmental preservation issues (an ecolinguistic study). The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive method by applying Van Dijk’s model of critical discourse analysis. This research model does not only analyze the aspect of text structure but also social cognition and social context. The object for this study is the news texts taken from The Jakarta Post Online. The result of the study showed that The Jakarta Post showed its bias towards environmental preservation issues by positioning itself as a pro’s side . In the text structure level, its bias can be identified with the way it chose the theme, topics, schemes and lexical choices which were in accordance with environmental ethics principles. In the social cognition level, its bias can be identified with the nature of the knowledge involved in showing its position in accordance with environmental preservation mission. In the social context level, its bias can be identified with the social values reflected from the news and certain group domination involved in the Jakarta Post’s news report which was in accordance with pro-environmental preservation. Generally, The Jakarta Post showed its progressive attitude or tendency to the change by intensely discussing environmental issues which implied the ideas of improving the way people should preserve their environment.</em></p><p> </p><p><em>Keberpihakan media akan selalu menjadi bahan yang menarik untuk diteliti. Media memainkan peran penting dalam masyarakat. Salah satu peran media adalah membangun opini publik. Dalam hal ini, media telah diasumsikan memiliki keberpihakan karena media dapat mengambil keuntungan dari posisinya tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat keberpihakan The Jakarta Post terhadap isu pelestarian lingkungan hidup (sebuah kajian ekolinguistik). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis wacana kritis model Van Dijk. Model penelitian ini tidak hanya menganalisis aspek struktur teks, melainkan juga kognisi sosial dan konteks sosial. Objek penelitian ini adalah teks berita yang diambil dari media berita online The Jakarta Post. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa The Jakarta Post menunjukkan keberpihakannya terhadap isu pelestarian lingkungan hidup dengan meposisikan dirinya sebagai pihak yang mendukung. Dalam tataran struktur teks, keberpihakannya dapat diidentifikasi dari tema, topik, skema wacana dan pilihan kata yang digunakan yang sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip etika lingkungan. Dalam tataran kognisi sosial, keberpihakannya dapat diidentifikasi dari sifat pengetahuan yang dilibatkan yang menunjukkan posisinya yang sejalan dengan misi pelestarian lingkungan hidup. Dalam tataran konteks sosial, keberpihakannya dapat diidentifikasi dari nilai-nilai sosial yang tercermin dari berita dan dominasi kelompok yang dilibatkan dalam pelaporan berita yang ditulis The Jakarta Post yang berada pada posisi pro-pelestarian lingkungan hidup. Secara umum, The Jakarta Post menunjukkan sikap progresif atau cenderung kepada perubahan dengan mengulas secara intens isu-isu pelestarian lingkungan hidup yang secara tersirat menyarankan perlu adanya peningkatan terhadap upaya-upaya pelestarian lingkungan hidup.</em><em></em></p>

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