Jurnal KATA
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Published By Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi - Lldikti - Wilayah X

2502-0706, 2459-9530

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Yandri Yandri ◽  
Maulid Hariri Gani ◽  
Putri Khairina Masta ◽  
Eldiapma Syahdiza ◽  
Fadlul Rahman

<em>Culture of architectural photography is a branch of photography that exposes the aesthetic value of an architectural object of a building<strong>.</strong> The presence of drone technology in the culture of photography recently brings changes to the results of the photography itself and one of them is in the area of architectural photography.  This study aims at verifying the influence of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle technology (Drone) on the artwork of architectural photography. The method used in this research was qualitative method with descriptive technique. Data were collected through library research and field research with observation and interview techniques. The culture using drones offer significant results in architectural photography artworks. The high flexibility of the drone gives results on a very detail architectural artwork. Using a drone also provides a very dazzling point of view that cannot be obtained by using only a DSLR camera. Furthermore by using drone, the artworks of photography are no longer limited by areas that cannot be reached. Therefore by using a drone, the photographer can make architectural photography works with unlimited perspective dimensions. There are some weaknesses of using this drone that the camera and lens are not adjustable and they also cannot be changed.</em>

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Hera Meganova Lyra ◽  
Gugun Gunardi ◽  
Teddi Muhtadin

<p><em>Si Mamih is a Sundanese comic character created by the cartoonist Edyana Latief. This obese female cartoon character, identical with black spotted shirt and crested hair, may deliver a comical communication that brings smiles and laughs as the Sundanese people character’s assertion that are fond of humor. Evidently, in delivering her humor, Si Mamih does not always disobey the cooperative principle. There is obedience toward Grice’s theory performed by Si Mamih. This obedience can be observed in maxims of quality, quantity, relevance and manner. The obedience of Si Mamih toward the cooperative principle is intentionally performed by its cartoonist creator as a uniqueness of delivering creativity and imagination which bring smiles and laughs.</em></p>

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 155
Temmy Thamrin ◽  
Maulid Hariri Gani

<p><em>The idea of phatic communion was introduced by Malinowski where the phrase is refered to the language used to unite the union with other members of the community. As Minangkabau community is well known for their Phatic Communication ‘Baso-Basi’. This research was conducted to describe the cultural value of phatic communication of Minangkabau society in the form, the function, and the factors that affected on the use of phatic cmmunicatin. This research is descriptive qualitative research which used the socio-pragmatics approach. The respondents were chosen among native Minangkabau community. The result shows that Phatic communion occurs for in formal or informal situation and the relationship between the participants can be intimate or distant. It can be found in both higher and lower status. The function of phatic communication is to establish and maintain social relationship between people in society. The influenced factors of the use of phatic communication are: (1) Differences in situation; (2) Difference in relatives; (3) Differences in age, (4) Differences in position, (5) Differences in social status, (6) Gender differences, (7) Marital status, (8) Relationship intimacy,  and (9) The purpose of conversation</em><em>.</em></p>

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 167
Yuliana Setyaningsih ◽  
R. Kunjana Rahardi

<p><em>This research is meant to describe reduplication of word classes in prosedic morphology in the perspective of semantico-pragmatics. This research data is in the form of reduolication  of closed class words in the use of language in the mass media. The substantive data source of this research is in the form of text in which there are data in the form of reduplicative forms. The locational data source is the national mass media, i.e. Net TV both print and electronic, which can be reached by the research team around the time of research. After the data is classified and properly verified, the next step is the analysis and interpretation of the data. The analytical method applied is a distributional method with techniques for direct elements. Finally, the results of the analysis and interpretation of the data are presented in an informal method. The results showed that the most dominant reduplication occurred in closed word classes in Indonesian in the mass media was adverb reduplication. In this study, adjective reduplication was also quite significant, even though it was not the case with adverb reduplication and verb reduplication. Reduplication of nouns occupies the least significant portion.</em> <em>In terms of meanings, research in a semantico-pragmatic perspective rather than semantic linguistics is purely necessary to continue to be pursued so that new perspectives can be born in researching language.</em></p>

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Rosdiana Puspita Sari

<p align="justify"><em>This research aims to describe Old Javanese Elements that still exist in The language of the Banyumas Javanese. Banyumas Javanese experiences language retention so that there are several Old Javanese elements in the Banyumas Javanese language. This research uses qualitative approach where the data will not be shown in numeric. Collecting Data method uses “Padan” method where the Determinant Instrument is throughout the language of the research object. The source of the Data of old Javanese are from  the book of Old Javanese text, Old Javanese grammar, Old Javanese story etc. The data of Banyumas Javanese are taken from Banyumas Javanese dialect that is commonly Spoken in Banyumas regency. The result of this research shows that there are four Old Javanese elements that experience retention in Banyumas Javanese dialect. Those elements are in phonology (there is “/a/” phoneme), in morphology (there is “-aken” suffix), in lexicon (there is the word “katon”) and in the third singular person pronoun (there is “sira”).</em></p>

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Zahra Wulandari ◽  
Yulia Sri Hartati ◽  
Titiek Fujita Yusandra

<p><em>This article aims to describe social conflicts that include the forms, causes and impacts of social conflicts in the novel “Bulang Cahaya” by Rida K Liamsi. The problem of this novel lies in its content which tells a lot about social conflict. Method of the research is descriptive anaysis method. Based on the research findings and discussion it can be concluded that the social conflicts contained in the novel Bulang Cahaya by Rida K Liamsi include: (1) Personal conflict. This conflict impacts on the destruction of group unity where disputes that occur make the two sides contradict each other. (2) Political conflict. The political conflict that occurred between Raja Kecik and Tengku Sulaiman had an impact on the growing sense of group solidarity between the Bugis and Malays. (3) Conflict of social classes. conflicts between social classes in the novel Bulang Cahaya by Rida K Liamsi occur between the Bugis and the Malays.</em></p>

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Vincentia Tri Handayani ◽  
Dadang Suganda ◽  
Nani Darmayanti

<p><em>Kuta is a traditional village, a village that is still very thick with culture and upholds ancestral traditions. Through a critical pragmatic study, this research discusses the problem of maintaining cultural identity. This study aims to describe the types of directive speech acts used to express cultural identity in Kampung Kuta and describe the social structure in reconstructing cultural identity through the theory of habitus from Bourdieu. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method with note taking and interview techniques. The research results obtained are directive speech acts that are widely used containing prohibitions and orders, relating to pamali and manners to maintain the environmental order used as a hereditary guideline. Ancestors' views on nature dominate the application of people's behavior in everyday life to shape the cultural identity of the Kuta Traditional Village.</em></p>

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Syahrotul Latifah ◽  
Purwati Anggraini

<p><em>The purpose of this research is to describe (1) the form of feminism based on the perspective of the main male character; (2) strategies of male main characters in implementing feminism towards female main characters; (3) failure of the perspective of the main male characters in interpreting feminism. This research uses a feminism approach. The method in this research is descriptive analysis method. The source of the research data is the text of Orang Kasar by Anton Chekov. The data in this study are excerpts of dialogue in the text of Orang Kasar by Anton Chekov. The results of the study are as follows (1) the form of feminism based on the perspective of male figures found the thoughts and actions of men who reject the existence of women's character; the necessity of overall equality of mindset, speech, and deeds between men and women; and there are no restrictions on talks between men and women; (2) the strategy of male main characters in carrying out feminism towards female main characters, namely through the thought of male feminism which considers no boundaries in any case with women such as bluffing, arguing, and inviting dueling with women who actually have no mastery about that; (3) Misperception of men in interpreting feminism causes feelings of falling in love with men towards men towards men towards women which causes the perspective of male feminism to no longer be the main thing and accept any error for applying feminism according to male perspective.</em><em></em></p>

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Hari Kusmanto ◽  
Atiqa Sabardila ◽  
Ali Imron Al-Ma’Ruf

<p><em>This research aims to describe the values of character education in humorous discourse on Facebook social media. The main approach of this research is descriptive qualitative. This study data in the form of humorous discourse worth character education on Facebook social media. the source of the data is humor on facebook social media. This research data was collected by the documentation and listening method and continued with the note-taking technique. The data analysis of this research used the referential equivalent method. The results of this study indicate there are twenty values of character education found in humorous discourse on social media. The twenty characters include (1) character of business power; (2) love characters; (3) intelligent character; (4) caution character; (5) discipline character; (6) the character of pious attitude; (7) humble character; (8) the character of responsibility; (9) the character of justice; (10) analytical characters; (11) the character of common sense; (12) innovative characters; (13) independent character; (14) character please help; (15) pay attention character; (16) the character of hospitality; (17) visionary characters; (18) citizenship character; (19) self-control character; and (20) accuracy character. This finding shows the character of business power is a character that needs to be cultivated in everyone. Given the 4.0 revolution era, the era of disruption in various areas of one's life must have a strong character of effort.</em><em></em></p>

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 145
Sherly Sherly

<p><em>This study aimed to describe the refusal speech contained in the novel Sepasang Kaus Kaki Hitam by Ariadi </em>Ginting (2017)<em>. The method of the study was the observasional method. Analyzing the data was used the pragmatic and referential equivalent methods. The character’s speech in the novel were as objects in this study; because it was consisted of the refusal words in the conversation. Refusal Speech was taken as the data to observe the effect of the influences the speech participants' factors . At the presentation stage, the researcher presented the results of the refusal speech data which had been classified using the speech participant factors, namely the speaker, the speech partner, and the third person. However, other factors also have a certain impact on the refusal speech in the novel Sepasang Kaus Kaki Hitam.</em></p>

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