scholarly journals Alterações neoplásicas e não neoplásicas das mãos e dos pés de cães (2003-2016)

2018 ◽  
Vol 38 (7) ◽  
pp. 1394-1404
Lorena F. Silva ◽  
Guilherme R. Blume ◽  
Rômulo S.A. Eloi ◽  
Jaqueline A. Lemos ◽  
Anahí S. Silva ◽  

RESUMO: Mãos e pés de cães são comumente afetados por lesões neoplásicas e não neoplásicas. Estas alterações podem apresentar prognóstico histopatológico ou clínico ruim e a amputação tende a ser o tratamento de escolha. Estudos prévios avaliando a prevalência e os aspectos clínicopatológicos de alterações digitais em cães têm sido realizados em outros países, entretanto trabalhos similares não foram realizados no Brasil. O objetivo do presente estudo foi descrever e caracterizar histologicamente as lesões das mãos e pés de cães. Amostras de 105 lesões tumoriformes das mãos e pés de cães foram avaliadas. Essas amostras foram coletadas entre 2003 e 2016 e foram obtidas de três laboratórios brasileiros de diagnóstico veterinário. Todos espécimes foram fixados em formol tamponado 10%, processados rotineiramente e corados por hematoxilina-eosina. Adicionalmente, as colorações de azul de toluidina, Brown e Breen, periodic acid Schiff (PAS), Grocott Methenamine Silver (GMS) e Ziehl Neelsen foram utilizados em casos específicos. Imuno-histoquímica foi realizada usando os anticorpos anti-Leishmania spp., anti-CD117, anti-CD79, anti-CD3, anti-Melan A, anti-lisozima, anti-Pancytokeratin AE1/AE3 e anti-vimentina. Os neoplasmas (62,9%) foram as alterações mais frequentes, seguidas por inflamações (19%) e outras alterações (18,1%). Entre os neoplasmas, 40,9% foram mesenquimais, 39,4% epiteliais e 19,7% de células redondas. Todos os neoplasmas de células redondas e a maioria dos epiteliais e mesenquimais eram malignos. Não se observou predileção de prevalência dos neoplasmas em relação ao sexo. As raças Labrador Retriever, Schnauzer, Teckel, SRD, Pastor Alemão, Rottweiler e Pit Bull foram as mais afetadas. Fila Brasileiro, Pit Bull e Schnauzer tiveram alta incidência de neoplasmas mesenquimais, epiteliais e de células redondas, respectivamente. Inflamação foi mais comumente observada em cães Labrador Retriever e as outras alterações em Teckel, Labrador Retriever e SRD. A idade e o peso médio dos animais afetados foram de 8,4 anos e 28,5 kg, respectivamente. O diâmetro médio das lesões tumoriformes foi de 2,5 cm e as lesões neoplásicas apresentaram as maiores médias. As lesões ocorreram principalmente em animais de pelagem amarela. A maioria das biópsias incisionais (56,4%) e amputações (85,3%) consistiram de neoplasmas. O principal membro afetado foi o torácico direito e o dígito foi a estrutura anatômica acometida mais frequentemente. Carcinoma de células escamosas (14,2%) foi o neoplasma mais frequente, seguido do mastocitoma (7,6%), melanoma (7,6%) e sarcoma indiferenciado (7,6%). Em metade dos casos de inflamação, a lesão acometeu o folículo piloso e derme adjacente, e o infiltrado foi predominantemente piogranulomatoso ou lnfoplasmocítico. Cistos foliculares, calcinose circunscrita e acrocordoma foram as principais lesões não neoplásicas e não inflamatórias diagnosticadas.

Elia Shazniza Shaaya ◽  
Siti Atiqah Abdul Halim ◽  
Ka Wen Leong ◽  
Kevin Boon Ping Ku ◽  
Pei Shan Lim ◽  

Background:Candida chorioamnionitis is rarely encountered, even though vulvovaginal candidiasis incidence is about 15%. Interestingly, it has characteristic gross and histological findings on the umbilical cord that are not to be missed. Case Report: We report two cases of Candida chorioamnionitis with presence of multiple yellowish and red spots of the surface of the umbilical cord. Microscopically, these consist of microabscesses with evidence of fungal yeasts and pseudohyphae. The yeasts and pseudohyphae were highlighted by periodic acid– Schiff and Grocott methenamine silver histochemical stains. Both cases were associated with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus. Discussion: Peripheral funisitis is a characteristic feature of Candida chorioamnionitis. It is associated with high risk of adverse perinatal and neonatal outcomes, such as preterm delivery, stillbirth and neonatal death. We recommend careful examination of the umbilical cord of mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. e233020
Pradeep Kumar Mada ◽  
Daniel Alexander Saldaña Koppel ◽  
Majd Al Shaarani ◽  
Andrew Stevenson Joel Chandranesan

Primary cutaneous aspergillosis (PCA) occurs through inoculation of fungal spores directly into the skin from the environment through disrupted skin such as in burns, surgery or penetrating trauma patients. Most cases reported in literature were in the immunocompromised, rarely in immunocompetent patients. The characteristic lesion of cutaneous aspergillosis is a black eschar on a red plaque, or nodule at the site of skin injury. The diagnosis of PCA can be made by identifying hyphal forms on routine H&E staining or special stains such as periodic acid-Schiff or Gomori methenamine-silver stains on skin biopsy and by fungal cultures. We report a case of an 80-year-old farmer who developed cutaneous aspergillosis after a surgical procedure without any systemic spread. The diagnosis was made by histopathology and tissue fungal cultures. He was treated with incision and drainage followed by oral voriconazole for 4 weeks; which led to clinical recovery.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Yue Hu ◽  
Lin Zheng ◽  
Deng Pan ◽  
Lei Shao ◽  
Xianfa Xu ◽  

In recent years, various biomarkers have been gradually applied on bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid for the diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA). The objective of this study is to assess the value of the liquid-based cytopathology test (LCT) for improving the identification of IPA in BAL fluid from possible IPA patients, following special staining with periodic acid-Schiff staining (PAS) or Grocott’s methenamine silver (GMS). A total of 47 consecutive possible IPA patients who underwent bronchoscopy with BAL fluid from January 2017 to December 2018 were included. 45 people had a pair of BAL fluid specimens and 2 patients had two BAL fluid specimens. The 49 pairs of BAL fluid specimens were processed for culture, tuberculosis acid fast staining smear, direct microbial smear, and LCT with special staining (PAS and GMS), respectively. Then, we compared the sensitivity and specificity of PAS and GMS in BAL fluid in high-risk patients. Among 47 possible IPA patients, 25 patients had proven/probable IPA, and 11 patients had other invasive fungal diseases. The sensitivity of GMS was higher than that of PAS (92.11% versus 81.58%; P=0.175). The specificity of GMS was 81.82%, which was higher than that of PAS (81.82% versus 72.73%; P=0.611). The negative predictive value (NPV) for PAS and GMS were 53.33% and 75.00%, respectively. The positive predictive value (PPV) for PAS and GMS were 91.18% and 94.59%, respectively. This study showed that special staining of LCT in BAL fluid may be a novel method for the diagnosis of IPA, and the GMS of LCT had higher sensitivity and specificity, which was superior to PAS.

2019 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 162-165
Willy W. Suen ◽  
Steven Zedler ◽  
Rochelle Price ◽  
Tina Maguire ◽  
Catriona Halliday ◽  

We describe herein the clinical, endoscopic, computed tomography (CT), pathologic, and microbiologic features of an infection caused by an under-recognized fungal pathogen, Flavodon flavus, in a 25-y-old Australian Quarter Horse. The horse had a unilateral obstructive nasal mass, resulting in stertor and dyspnea. On endoscopy, the mass was tan, multinodular, and completely obstructed the nasal passage. CT analysis revealed a large, soft tissue–attenuating and partially mineralized mass in the right nasal passage and dorsal-conchofrontal sinus, expanding into adjacent paranasal sinuses with associated bone lysis and rhinosinusitis. Histopathology of the mass on 2 occasions revealed suppurative inflammation initially, and pyogranulomatous inflammation subsequently. The inflammatory reaction surrounded numerous spherical fungal structures (~60–80 µm diameter) that stained positively on periodic acid–Schiff and Grocott methenamine silver stains. PCR for the fungal internal transcribed spacer 1 and 2 regions followed by Sanger sequencing on a cultured isolate identified the agent as F. flavus, which has only been reported previously as pathogenic in one horse in the United States, to our knowledge. Previous reports described this fungus as a nonpathogenic, environmental commensal fungus associated with insects and plants.

1993 ◽  
Vol 41 (8) ◽  
pp. 1217-1221 ◽  
J A Reed ◽  
B A Hemann ◽  
J L Alexander ◽  
D J Brigati

We report the rapid (less than 1 hr), immunocytochemical identification of various fungi in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues using antisera originally developed for use in immunodiffusion assays. Primary antisera directed towards fungal genera including Aspergillus, Blastomyces, Candida, Coccidioides, Cryptococcus, Histoplasma, and Sporothrix were examined. The specificity of each antiserum was evaluated by the presence or absence of crossreactivity with other morphologically similar fungi in both paraffin-embedded pure fungal cultures and tissues with culture-confirmed fungal infections. Each antiserum reacted strongly with the fungus to which it had been raised, whether examined in pure culture or infected tissues. The antisera raised against Candida, Cryptococcus, and Sporothrix did not exhibit cross-reactivity with any other fungus tested. However, the antisera raised to Aspergillus, Blastomyces, Coccidioides, and Histoplasma demonstrated significant crossreactivity with other genera of fungi, thus precluding their routine use in diagnostic immunocytochemistry. The results indicate that immunocytochemistry may provide an important adjunct to other methods, such as immunodiffusion or complement fixation assays and histochemical stains such as the Grocott methenamine silver or periodic acid-Schiff, when attempts are made to specifically identify certain fungi in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues before mycology culture results are available.

2011 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
pp. 122-124 ◽  
Devesh Mishra ◽  
Maneesh Singal ◽  
Mahaveer Singh Rodha ◽  
Arulselvi Subramanian

ABSTRACTWe report a case of subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis of foot, which is a mycotic disease that produces brown pigmented hyphae, pseudohyphae and yeast form in combination. The patient was immunocompetent and had injury 23 years before, and developed a non healing foot ulcer which was clinically suspected as tuberculous or carcinomatous etiology. Local wide excision was done and sent in formalin for histopathological examination. Microscopically pigmented septate, hyphae and yeast forms were identified on hematoxylin and eosin stained sections which were confirmed by special stains such as periodic acid-Schiff and Gomori’s methenamine silver stains.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1502-1504
Nisha Sharma ◽  
Ram Chandra Adhikari

Histoplasmosis is a fungal infection caused by a dimorphic, saprophytic fungus Histoplasma capsulatum with primary predilection for the lungs and disseminated infections occurring rarely. Our case illustrates the case of disseminated adrenal histoplasmosis in an immunocompromised 42-year-old diabetic man. Radiological diagnosis suggested bilateral malignant adrenal mass, most likely metastasis. FNAC yielded blood only. Excisional biopsy from left adrenal gland, Hematoxylin & Eosin staining along with special stains as Periodic Acid Schiff and Grocott’s Methenamine Silver were performed to yield the concluding diagnosis of histoplasmosis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Mohamed Abdulcader Riyaz ◽  
Minal Awinashe ◽  
Faris Jaser Al-Mutairi ◽  
Salman Siddeeqh ◽  
Mohammed Mutni Al-Mutairi ◽  

Introduction: Lichenoid granulomatous dermatitis (LGD) is widely encountered lesions with both oral as well as dermal manifestation. Present study was done to evaluate lichenoid granulomatous stomatitis cases. Materials and methods: 226 biopsies were exposed to special stains such as acid-fast bacilli (AFB), immunohistochemical staining for CD 68 and Grocott methenamine-silver (GMS), and periodic acid‐Schiff (PAS) stains. Results: Out of 226 patients, males were 84 and females were 142. Maximum cases were seen in age group 40–60 years (122) followed by >60 years (56) and 20–40 years (48). The common site was buccal mucosa seen in 128 (56.6%) cases followed by vestibule in 30 (13.2%), gingiva in 26 (11.5%), tongue in 20 (8.8%), lip in 12 (5.3%) and palate in 10 (4.4%). The common lesion was oral lichen planus seen in 142 (62.8%), carcinoma in situ in 12 (5.3%), squamous cell carcinoma in 8 (3.53%), pemphigus vulgaris in 10 (4.42%), leukoplakia in 24 (10.6%) and pemphigoid in 30 (13.2%) cases. Most lesions were of type I seen in 117 (51.7%) cases. Conclusion: Lichenoid granulomatous dermatitis poses variety of clinical as well as oral features. A long standing follows up and consideration of differential diagnosis is mandatory for better management of patients.

2019 ◽  
Vol 47 ◽  
Erick Platiní Ferreira De Souto ◽  
Lisanka Ângelo Maia ◽  
Daniel Mederiros Assis ◽  
Eldinê Gomes De Miranda Neto ◽  
Glaucia Denise Kommers ◽  

Background: Pythiosis is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by the oomycete Pythium insidiosum. This disease has been reported in several species, but most cases occur in horses. In this species, the cutaneous form is more prevalent, with occasional involvement of adjacent lymph nodes and bone tissue. The involvement of the mammary glands was not properly characterized. Therefore, the aim of this study is to describe cases of pythiosis with the involvement of the mammary glands in mares.Case: A retrospective study of all biopsy samples and necropsy examinations of horses, performed at the Animal Pathology Laboratory of the Federal University of Campina Grande from January 2000 to December 2018, was carried out. During the study period, 142 cases of cutaneous pythiosis were identified. Of these, in three the lesions extended to the mammary glands. Mares with 3-, 7- and 12-year-old, mongrel, from the backlands of the Paraiba were affected. On physical examination, the mares presented swollen mammary glands and multifocal wounds, which discharge serosanguinolent secretion. Clinical evolution ranged from 15 to 30 days. The animals had been medicated, but the wounds did not heal and mastectomies were performed. Macroscopically, the mammary glands were enlarged and with multifocal areas of ulceration measuring 1 to 3.5 cm in diameter. At the cut surface, they exhibited fistulous tracts containing kunkers. In the histopathological evaluation, was observed diffuse and marked inflammatory infiltrate of eosinophils extending through the deep dermis and interlobular mammary stroma; and multifocal areas, sometimes focally extensive, of eosinophilic necrosis with intralesional negative images of hyphae. In histological sections stained by periodic acid–Schiff, the walls of the hyphae were weakly stained in blue; but when impregnated by Grocott methenamine silver, they were strongly marked in black and were characterized by semi-parallel walls, rare septations and branching, and a diameter varying from 3-8μm. At immunohistochemistry, the hyphae showed strong cytoplasmic and wall immunostaining for the anti-P. insidiosum antibody.Discussion: The diagnosis of mastitis by P. insidiosum was established based on the epidemiological, clinical, anatomopathological and immunohistochemical findings. Lesions in horses are more frequently located at the extremities of the limbs and the ventral portion of the thoracoabdominal wall. In these cases, it is likely that the lesions have started on the skin adjacent to the udder and have extended to the mammary parenchyma. The intralesional structures known as kunkers have been described in horses, mules, donkeys, and camels, being absent in the other animal species affected. The kunkers are always present in equine pythiosis and allow the establishment of an accurate presumptive diagnosis. Clinically important findings include wounds that discharge serosanguineous secretions and do not heal through conventional treatments. Histological lesions characterized by areas of eosinophilic necrosis with intralesional hyphae, which are weakly stained by PAS and strongly impregnated by GMS, are highly suggestive of pythiosis. Pythiosis is relatively frequent in horses in the backlands of Paraiba, predominantly in the cutaneous form. The involvement of the mammary glands is an uncommon presentation that should be included as a differential diagnosis of mastitis in mares.

1982 ◽  
Vol 19 (7_suppl) ◽  
pp. 93-103 ◽  
G. Migaki ◽  
R. E. Schmidt ◽  
J. D. Toft ◽  
A. F. Kaufmann

Lesions of candidiasis, mucormycosis (phycomycosis), entomophthoramycosis, geotrichosis, cryptococcosis, paracoccidioidomycosis and coccidioidomycosis have been reported in the alimentary tract of nonhuman primates. Candidiasis and mucormycosis were reported most often. Both Old and New World monkeys and great apes are susceptible; infection is rare in prosimians. Ulcers and necrosis of the mucosa of the alimentary tract are the principal gross lesions. A granulomatous inflammatory process occurs in which the fungi are visible histologically on hematoxylin and eosin (HE)-stained sections, but they are seen and characterized better when stained with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) or Gomori methenamine silver (GMS) techniques. Cultural or immunofluorescence studies, or both, are necessary for specific identification of the fungi. Immunosuppression is suggested as a predisposing factor in certain mycotic diseases.

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