2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 653-659

ABSTRACT Strawberry plant yields improve if they accumulate a certain number of cold hours, which does not occur naturally under tropical and subtropical climatic conditions. This study evaluated the agronomic characteristics of potted transplants from 14 strawberry genotypes that had been subjected to vernalization treatment prior to planting in the field. The transplants were stored in a cold chamber at 5°C for 576 h. The genotypes used in the experiment were Camino Real, Festival, Florida Eliane, Sweet Charliefp, Sweet Charlie, Dover, IAC Guaraní, Corea, Early Bright, and hybrid clones Dover × Rosalinda1 Dover × Rosalinda4, Dover × Oso Grande, Dover × Esplendida, and Dover × Aichi. The 14 genotypes in the control group received no vernalization treatment. Each experimental unit consisted of 15 plants. A randomized complete blocks experimental design was used with a 14 × 2 factorial arrangement and three repetitions. Subjecting the strawberry transplants to the vernalization treatment had a significant effect on the total number of fruits per plant and total and commercial yield of fruits per plant, but there was no significant interaction between the factors and the evaluated yield and growth characteristics. Dover × Oso Grande, Florida Eliane, Camino Real, and Festival produced the greatest numbers of large fruits per plant. Vernalizing strawberry transplants increased the yield and the number of medium and small sized fruits per plant. The results showed that vernalization is a technique that could be used in tropical climate conditions to improve strawberry cultivation productivity.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 62-72
O. Zhukorsky ◽  
O. Nykyforuk ◽  
N. Boltyk

Aim. Proper development of animal breeding in the conditions of current global problems and the decrease of anthropogenic burden on environment due to greenhouse gas emissions, caused by animal breeding activity, require the study of interaction processes between animal breeding and external climatic conditions. Methods. The theoretical substantiation of the problem was performed based on scientifi c literature, statistical informa- tion of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the data of the National greenhouse gas emissions inventory in Ukraine. Theoretically possible emissions of greenhouse gases into atmosphere due to animal breeding in Ukraine and specifi c farms are calculated by the international methods using the statistical infor- mation about animal breeding in Ukraine and the economic-technological information of the activity of the investigated farms. Results. The interaction between the animal breeding production and weather-and-climate conditions of environment was analyzed. Possible vectors of activity for the industry, which promote global warming and negative processes, related to it, were determined. The main factors, affecting the formation of greenhouse gases from the activity of enterprises, aimed at animal breeding production, were characterized. Literature data, statistical data and calculations were used to analyze the role of animal breeding in the green- house gas emissions in global and national framework as well as at the level of specifi c farms with the consid- eration of individual specifi cities of these farms. Conclusions. Current global problems require clear balance between constant development of sustainable animal breeding and the decrease of the carbon footprint due to the activity of animal breeding.

Agriculture ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 290
Koffi Djaman ◽  
Curtis Owen ◽  
Margaret M. West ◽  
Samuel Allen ◽  
Komlan Koudahe ◽  

The highly variable weather under changing climate conditions affects the establishment and the cutoff of crop growing season and exposes crops to failure if producers choose non-adapted relative maturity that matches the characteristics of the crop growing season. This study aimed to determine the relationship between maize hybrid relative maturity and the grain yield and determine the relative maturity range that will sustain maize production in northwest New Mexico (NM). Different relative maturity maize hybrids were grown at the Agricultural Science Center at Farmington ((Latitude 36.69° North, Longitude 108.31° West, elevation 1720 m) from 2003 to 2019 under sprinkler irrigation. A total of 343 hybrids were grouped as early and full season hybrids according to their relative maturity that ranged from 93 to 119 and 64 hybrids with unknown relative maturity. The crops were grown under optimal management condition with no stress of any kind. The results showed non-significant increase in grain yield in early season hybrids and non-significant decrease in grain yield with relative maturity in full season hybrids. The relative maturity range of 100–110 obtained reasonable high grain yields and could be considered under the northwestern New Mexico climatic conditions. However, more research should target the evaluation of different planting date coupled with plant population density to determine the planting window for the early season and full season hybrids for the production optimization and sustainability.

2010 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 222-226 ◽  
Luis Eduardo C Antunes ◽  
Nara Cristina Ristow ◽  
Ana Cristina R Krolow ◽  
Sílvia Carpenedo ◽  
Carlos Reisser Júnior

The strawberry cultivation is an important economic activity in the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, however the number of offered cultivars to the growers is reduced. The yield and quality of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) cultivars Camarosa, Galexia, Earlibrite, Festival, Plarionfre and Sabrosa was evaluated under the climatic conditions of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State. We determined the number, mass, total soluble solids (TSS ºBrix), total titratable acidity (TTA), antocianin level and fresh fruits produced in an experimental unit. We also determined the production of fruits per hectare and per plant. The statistical design used in the experiment was of completely randomized blocks with 6 treatments (cultivars) and 4 replicates where the experimental unit was composed of 8 plants. The harvest began in the first half of August, extending to the second half of December, totalling 20 weeks. Plarionfre, Earlibrite and Festival cultivars showed higher production from the first half of October until the end of the first half of November. Camarosa reached higher productivity, mass of plants and fruit weight. There were no differences between the evaluated cultivars in the levels of TSS, antocianin, ATT and pH during the period of evaluation.

The Holocene ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 244-261 ◽  
Pablo G Messineo ◽  
Marcela S Tonello ◽  
Silvina Stutz ◽  
Alfonsina Tripaldi ◽  
Nahuel Scheifler ◽  

The main objective of this work is to generate and integrate interpretations of human occupation strategies and inferences of the environmental-climatic conditions in the central Pampas during the middle and late Holocene. We present a novel archeological–geological–paleoecological analysis in the area of the Cabeza de Buey lake, placed in an aeolian landscape. During the middle Holocene, two events of human occupations were recognized at Laguna Cabeza de Buey 2 archeological site. Both events present a small amount of lithic materials, a low diversity of tools and activities developed with them (principally hard material), and the hunting and primary processing of artiodactyls. These evidences suggest a locus of specific activity associated with an ephemeral human settlement under climate conditions drier than present and the presence of small, brackish, and shallow water bodies. For the late late Holocene, the hunter-gatherer occupation has a higher depositional rate of lithic assemblage, stones with diverse origins, presence of pottery fragments, a great lithic tool diversity, knapping techniques, and activities developed with these tools (processing wood, bone, hide, non-woody plant, and soft material). These evidences reveal an occupation with a higher degree of recurrence represented by a locus of multiple activities associated with a more stable landscape, such as an environment of dunes fixed by grass vegetation, and the establishment of a permanent water body. The different environmental characteristics for the middle and late Holocene in this area promoted that human groups develop two different patterns of mobility, settlement and use of space.

Brankica Babec ◽  
Srđan Šeremešić ◽  
Nada Hladni ◽  
Nemanja Ćuk ◽  
Dušan Stanisavljević ◽  

Changing climate conditions coupled with the transformations of cultivation practices and land use in sole crop-based sunflower production may significantly decline yield stability of this oilseed crop. Given that sunflower takes the third place in the world oilseed market, with 45 million tons per year, and in the fourth place in vegetable oil production, it is necessary to adapt production technologies toward sustainable agriculture. Considering that, the goal of the research was to analyze and beneficial sustainable production technology of sunflower in intercropping systems. A four-year trial was conducted in Serbia’s agroecological rain-fed conditions (45°34’23.2"N 19°86’18.9"E) using a split-plot design. Two oil types and one confectionary sunflower hybrid were intercropped with common vetch, red clover and alfalfa. Analyses showed that intercropping of sunflower with common vetch resulted in the decrease in almost all sunflower trait values. Also, sunflower × alfalfa intercropping provided to be the most appropriate. The yield of NS Gricko and Rimi PR were statistically on the same level with sole cropping, while alfalfa biomass had better results when intercropped with NS Gricko as compared to sole cropping. Concerning the general belief that yields are more stable in intercropping than in sole crop, further research in this respect is needed, in addition to the research of time and method of sowing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (35) ◽  
pp. 1175-1185
Raphael ISMAGILOV ◽  

The research aimed to identify the most productive hybrids selected by the All-Russian Research Institute of Maize to cultivate by the cereal seed technology in the natural conditions of the Middle Cis- Urals. Methodology. Maize was cultivated for seeds and green fodder for farm animals in the conditions of the Middle Cis-Urals. The maize green mass, consisting mainly of stems and leaves, usually contains up to 88-90% water. Silage being prepared for it has less dry matter and protein. Such fodder has low nutritional value and poor return from livestock products. The most high quality and nutritious feed can be received from maize seeds or its above-ground mass with seeds of milky-wax and wax ripeness. To select early-maturing hybrids with high nutritional value is the primary concern for the studied area. Results. The results demonstrate that the productivity of maize hybrids ranges from 2.50 to 6.76 t/ha depending on soil and climatic conditions. When maize hybrids are grown by seed technology, the above-ground mass of the studied crops is 30.68-68.80 t/ha. Conclusions. It is necessary to select earlier ripening and highly productive hybrids to increase the quality and nutrition of corn feed. The recommended hybrids for grain production are Ural 150 (5,45 t/ha), Baikal (5,38 t/ha) and Mashuk 170 MV (4,98 t/ha); K-170 (56,7 t/ha), Shihan (55,67 t/ha) and Mashuk 170 MV (54,99 t/ha) that provided a higher output of the green mass at milky-wax ripeness of grain are best for silage production. The resulting data make it possible to select maize hybrids with high yields and nutritional value for farms with similar soil and climate conditions and to develop diets for highly productive dairy and beef cattle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 243-248
Nassima Bakir

Most developing countries have hot climate, ordinary jobsites characterized by reduced of human resources, equipment and infrastructures. The objective of this article is to make an experimental study of the influence of the hot climate such as that of Algeria, on the different properties of concrete in the fresh state, such as excessive water evaporation from the concrete surface, increased demand for water, increased slump loss corresponding to additional water on job-site, higher plastic shrinkage cracking and difficulty in controlling air content. At the hardened state, we could mention a reduction of strength at 28 days, decreased durability resulting from cracking at long-term period. To show the problems linked to concreting under these conditions and to present the appropriate solutions concrete or mortar can withstand the conditions in which it is implemented. Thus, negative effects caused principally by hot weather concreting motivated the choice of the such study. The research experimental work conditions in which the cementitious matrix was kept concerned two different environments, namely hot and dry climate conditions (t = 40°, h = 0%) alike the climate of the region of M'sila., and that of a medium with a hot and humid environment (t = 40°, h = 100%). The output of the investigation demonstrated the crucial role of the cure method in hot regions. The comparison of results for a reference concrete kept in air without any curing measures with two curing types simulating hot weather environment of the region M’sila was undertaken. These obtained outcome results were discussed based on the influence of climatic conditions to conclude procedures for hot weather concreting and suitable cure methods.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 175
Vilson de Souza Rocha ◽  
Ajax de Sousa Ferreira ◽  
Bruna Nogueira Leite ◽  
Carla Coelho Ferreira ◽  
Karla Gabrielle Dutra Pinto ◽  

Dead cover, or mulch, consisting of plant residues, plays an important role for the success of diverse agricultural crops, working as an insulating layer protecting the soil from daytime temperature variations and maintaining the soil moist and rich in organic matter. Cowpea is a source of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Its importance in the North, Northeast and Midwest regions of the country is associated with economic and social aspects, since it is an important food for low-income populations, supplying their nutritional needs. This study was carried out under greenhouse conditions in Manaus, state of Amazonas, with the purpose of assessing the effect of different dead covers on the agronomic characteristics of cowpea cultivars. It consisted of a completely randomized design in a 4 × 4 factorial arrangement. The treatments comprised four cowpea cultivars (BRS Caldeirão, BRS Tumucumaque, BRS Guariba and BRS Tracuateua) and three species of cover plants (Brachiaria decumbens, Brachiaria ruziziensis and Mucuna pruriens) and one control treatment, without soil cover, in a total of 16 treatments, with four replications and two plants per experimental unit. Analysis of variance was applied to the data, and the means were compared by the Scott-Knott’s test at 5% probability level. The following characteristics were examined: number of pods per plant, pod length, number of seeds per pod, weight of shoot dry matter, and grain yield. Mulching provided better results for all characteristics assessed in the four cultivars when compared to the control. BRS Caldeirão is the recommended cultivar for the state of Amazonas and the other regions with similar edaphoclimatic characteristics (high air temperature, rainfall, air humidity, and low-fertility tropical soils) because it exhibited the greatest number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, shoot dry matter, and the highest average grain yield (Freire Filho et al., 2011; Souza et al., 2016).

J. Encalada Álvarez ◽  
P. Toalombo Vargas ◽  
C. Vimos Abarca ◽  
J. Trujillo Villacís ◽  
L. Silva Deley

This study was conducted in Chimborazo province, Riobamba Canton to evaluate the effect of threonine and the bioactive component of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on the productive performance of the broiler Cobb 500. A total of 270 one-day-old broiler chicken of both sexes were included, which corresponded to an experimental unit size of 15 birds. Two growth promoters were used for the treatments -- T1: Threonine (aminoacid) 200 g/Tn; and T2: bioactive oligosaccharides, obtained from the cell wall of selected strains of S. Cerevisiae (probiotic) 750 g/Tn. These were compared to a control group. The data were analyzed through Analysis of Variance (ADEVA). The separation of means was performed using the Tukey statistic at a level of significance of p < 0.05 and p < 0.01. The data were processed using the Infostat software version 2010. The results showed that the best productive yields were with treatment 2; the values for this treatment were: weight at 28 days: 1369.42 g; weight gain at 28 days: 48.90 g; food conversion at 28 days: 1.39 points; carcass weight: 2527.05 g; and yield to the carcass: 83.85%. Through the economic analysis, it was determined that the highest cost-benefit index was 1.30 USD with the application of T2. So according to the results, a better use of the nutrients that are present in the feed is achieved when bioactive components of S. cerevisiae are supplied in the diet of broiler chickens. Keywords: Threonine, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, productive performance, broiler, Cobb 500. RESUMEN Se realizó un experimento en la provincia de Chimborazo, Cantón Riobamba, para evaluar los efectos de treonina y componentes bioactivos de Saccharomyces cerevisiae sobre el comportamiento productivo en aves Cobb 500. Se utilizaron 270 pollitos mixtos Cobb 500 de un día de edad de ambos sexos, con un tamaño de unidad experimental de 15 aves. Para los tratamientos se manejaron dos promotores de crecimiento, T1: Treonina (aminoácido) 200 g/Tn y T2: Oligosacáridos bioactivos, obtenidos a partir de la pared celular de cepas seleccionadas de S. Cerevisiae750 g/Tn; frente a un testigo (T0). Los datos obtenidos fueron sometidos a Análisis de Varianza (ADEVA); la separación de medias se realizó mediante el estadístico Tukey a un nivel de significancia (p < 0,05) y (p < 0,01); los datos se procesaron mediante el software Infostat versión 2010. Los resultados muestran los mejores rendimientos productivos con el Tratamiento 2, para los parámetros: peso a los 28 días 1369,42 g; ganancia de peso a los 28 días 48,90 g; y conversión alimenticia a los 28 días con 1,39 puntos; así como peso a la canal 2527,05 g; y rendimiento a la canal 83,85%. Mediante el análisis económico se determinó que el mayor índice beneficio costo fue de 1,30 USD con la aplicación del T2. Lo que brinda un indicativo que mediante el suministro de componentes bioactivos de S. cerevisiae en la dieta de pollos broiler, se logra un mejor aprovechamiento de los nutrientes que se encuentran presentes en el alimento, lo que se refleja en los parámetros productivos. Palabras clave: treonina, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, comportamiento productivo, broilers, Cobb 500.

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