Self-Actualization Level and Adaptation Potential as Personality Coping Resources at the Stage of Self-Realization

2021 ◽  
pp. 80-98
L.I. Dementiy ◽  
A.A. Malenov ◽  
A.Yu. Malenova ◽  

The article raises a problem of strengthening personal resources when facing difficult life situations at the stage of self-realization. The latter refers to the period of personality develop-ment from the age of 20 to 55. At this stage, the adaptation potential, the level of self-actualization; and proactive coping behavior are highlighted as personality resources. Proac-tive coping behavior is considered to be an important factor in the personality’s self-efficacy, while the other two constructs are its predictors. Proactive coping is revealed as a set of strate-gies that launches preparatory work to prevent stress exposure, the purposeful development of which is an independent copying resource. Presumably, at the stage of self-realization, a person seeks self-actualization, the maxi-mum manifestation of his abilities, based on existing experience in opposing adverse envi-ronmental influences. The study involved 155 people aged from 21 to 55. The main method of data collection is psychological testing, implemented via the following methodological com-plex: Self-actualization test (E. Shostrom, adapted by Yu.E. Aleshina, L.Ya. Gozman, M.V. Zagika, M.V. Kroz); Losses and acquisitions of personal resources (N. Vodopyanova, M. Stein); Proactive coping behavior (L. Aspinwall, R. Schwarzer and S. Taubert, adapted by E. Starchenkova). Statistical data processing method is the regression analysis. The results of the regression analysis proved the influence of self-actualization and adaptive potential on the proactive coping behavior of an individual at the stage of self-realization. The choice of each strategy is determined by predictors (from 2 to 6). The greatest contribution belongs to the indicators of self-actualization scales (9 out of 14). Value orientations, spontaneity, synergy, cognitive needs and creativity stayed outside the influence on proactive coping. The connec-tions between the proactive coping strategies and the components of self-actualization are contradictory and ambiguous (most of them - 14 out of 22 - have the opposite character). The explanation is largely determined by the traits of the collectivist culture, the values of which are shared by adult members of the society. Adaptation potential was revealed to have a con-nection only in relation to the strategy of preventive coping. Self-esteem, sociability and the ability to find the optimal balance in the system of “internal-external support” should be attributed to the key predictors of proactive coping at the stage of self-realization.

2021 ◽  
Tetiana Nechytailo ◽  
Halyna Fesun ◽  
Tetiana Kanivets ◽  
Alla Simak

The article is devoted to the psychological peculiarities of the manifestation of coping-resources of educators. The teaching profession belongs to the category of professions especially vulnerable to stress, since the teacher has to solve various professional tasks in the absence of time and information, constant open contact with people, which entails considerable emotional energy. The professional activity of a modern teacher requires constant and maximum mobilization of their personal resources. Maintaining or enhancing a person's stress resistance is associated with finding and using resources well enough to help the educator overcome the negative effects of stressful situations. The article reveals such characteristics of personality and social environment that facilitate or make possible adaptation to life stresses, promotes the development of a means of overcoming it, and increases stress resistance. These personal structures help a person cope with threatening circumstances and facilitate adaptation. The author analyzes the scientific and psychological approaches to understand personal resources, determinants of the choice of coping-strategies, and the influence of the characteristics of professional activity on the behavior of the individual. Questions about structure, functions, and types of coping behavior are raised. According to the majority of modern researchers, the generalized classification of the methods of mastering stressful circumstances is analyzed: coping aimed at evaluation; problem-oriented coping; coping aimed at emotions. Also presented were the most up-to-date and most modern models of coping resources, which can be viewed from different angles to look at the choice of coping-resources by the personality of the teacher, taking into account the conditions of his professional activity. The organization and methods of conducted research of the features of manifestation of coping-resources in teachers are described. The presented quantitative and qualitative results are disclosed according to the stages of the study. In particular, the analysis of teacher’s coping-strategies depending on the level of emotional burnout, ways of overcoming difficult life situations, as well as the methods of coping-behavior of the respondents. Relationships between teachers' coping-resources and emotional and mental stress as well as the monotony of professional activities are also identified. Adaptive and non-adaptive coping behaviors are differentiated in terms of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral coping strategies are analyzed separately. Based on the theoretical analysis of the scientific literature and empirical research, the author substantiates the relevant conclusions and recommendations for school educators on the effective use of their own coping resources.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 21-35
A.A. Bekhter

Difficulties in the rehabilitation and treatment of drug addicts are associated with the peculiarities of their behavior, which are a consequence of a change in their personality. The author conducted an empirical study on two groups of drug-dependent men with a combined form of drug addiction at the stage of treatment (n=30) and rehabilitation with a remission period of about a year (n=30); healthy male volunteers (n=30) acted as a control group. The study was conducted on the basis of the Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital, Khabarovsk Territory, Department of Medical Rehabilitation for people with drug addiction disorders in Khabarovsk. All men participating in the study had a higher education, a family, and the average age of all subjects was 32 ± 10.1 years. The study used: Kellerman-Plutchik's “Life style Index” methods (adapted by Wasserman L.I., Eryshev O.F., Klubova E.B. et al., 2005); coping test by Lazarus R. and Folkman S. (adapted by T.L. Kryukova, Kuftyak E.V., Zamishlyaeva M.S., 2005); questionnaire “Proactive coping behavior” Greenglass E., Schwarzer R. et al. (adapted by Belinskaya E.P., Vecherin A.V., Agadullina E.R., 2018). The main features of reactive-proactive coping in groups of drug addicts are defined: in the first group, coping is emotionally-oriented and cognitive-oriented in nature with a focus on social and emotional support, the protection mechanisms “denial”, “projection”, “substitution”, “intellectualization” prevail; in the second group, the intensity of avoidance strategies in combination with proactive overcoming without a focus on external support is identified, intellectual defenses are combined with strategies for reflective analysis. The main differences between the two groups of drug addicts are in the nature of the relationship between defense mechanisms and reactive-proactive coping strategies, in the variation of reactive strategies and their orientation, in the features of building proactive behavior. Understanding the features of reactive-proactive coping with drug addicts can greatly facilitate the work of a psychologist in remedial and rehabilitation activities with patients focused on life planning during remission.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-15
Adi Sucipto ◽  
Hasanuddin Remmang ◽  
Haeruddin Saleh

Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji pengaruh Etika Pegawai, Pelayanan Publik dan Reformasi Birokrasi terhadap Penerapan Zona Integritas. Pengaruh Etika Pegawai, Pelayanan Publik dan Reformasi Birokrasi terhadap Penerapan Zona Integritas pada Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas I Makassar Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah Pengunjung dan keluarga nara-pidana Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas I Makassar. Jumlah pengunjung yang menjadi sampel penelitian ini adalah 55 orang. Metode penentuan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Simple Random Sampling, sedangkan metode pengolahan data yang digunakan peneliti adalah analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Etika Pegawai dan Pelayanan Publik berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Penerapan Zona Integritas di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas I Makassar.     This study examines the effect of employee ethics and the improvement of public services on the implementation of the integrity zone. The effect of employee ethics, and improvement of public services on the implementation of integrity zone on Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas 1 Makassar. Respondents in this study were Makassar class in penitentiary visitors. the number of visitors who sampled this study was 55 people. the method of determining the sample used in this study is simple random sampling, while the data processing method used by researchers is multiple regression analysis. the results of this study indicate that employee ethics and public services have a significant effect on the implementation of the integrity zone in Makassar class in penitentiary.

2021 ◽  
Vol 113 ◽  
pp. 00022
L.Y. Belenkova ◽  
S.A. Sazonova

The article reflects the problem of formation of students' motivational competence in an inclusive environment of the university (motivations of affiliation, achievement, self-actualization and value orientations of the individual), presents the results of experimental work, testing of training for the of professional motivation of students in the process of studying disciplines of socio-psychological orientation, contributing to their successful professional development.

2018 ◽  
D Berdnikova

This article is devoted to the study of psychological correlates of the achievement motivation on the personal-meaning level of the first-year psychology students. The author revealed a wide range of psychological correlates of achievement motivation: value orientations (universal values, power, self-development, etc.), the parameters of existential fulfillment (self-transcendence, freedom, etc.) and the general level of life meaningfulness, self-actualization parameters (creativity, self-acceptance, spontaneity, etc.). Based on the conducted correlation research, the author developed a training program aimed at actualization and growth in the motivation of the firstyear psychology students. The study involved experimental and control groups. Inthe course of the study, when comparing the data of preliminary and final testing, the dynamics of achievement motivation indicators in the experimental group was revealed in the direction of increasing the achievement motivation, while in the control group there were no significant differences in the level of achievementmotivation, which indicates the effectiveness of the training developed by author. At the same time, it is shown that the growth of the achievement motivation occurred due to the growth of its transcendent component, which is a good indicator, since psychology students with high motivation of transcendence are predominantlyoriented toward acquiring knowledge and mastering the profession. The data obtained in the study enriches author’s understanding of the psychological phenomenon, such as achievement motivation, and have applied significance: the training program developed by the author can be used to increase the achievement motivation of students and can also be tested on another contingent. Keywords: achievement motivation, value orientations, existential fulfillment, self-actualization, psychology students

2020 ◽  
pp. 1356336X2097133
Leah K. May ◽  
Matthew D. Curtner-Smith

The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of two effective and expert physical education (PE) teachers’ value orientations on the curricula they delivered and the pedagogies they employed. The specific research questions we attempted to answer were: (a) What were the teachers’ current value orientations? (b) How had these value orientations influenced their curricula and pedagogies? and (c) How had the teachers’ value orientations, curricula, and pedagogies evolved during the course of their careers? Data were collected from PE teachers Hudson and Garrett with the short form of the value orientation inventory and six interpretive techniques (i.e. formal, informal, and stimulated recall interviews; non-participant observations; document analysis; and reflective journaling). Value orientation profiles were graphed. Qualitative data were analyzed by employing analytic induction and constant comparison. Key findings were that the two PE teachers prioritized the disciplinary mastery and social responsibility orientations and they employed curricular models and pedagogies that were congruent with these perspectives. Data also indicated that the self-actualization perspective had a minor influence on Hudson and the learning process orientation had a similar influence on Garrett. Both PE teachers began teaching with a primary focus on disciplinary mastery and expanded their views to include social responsibility later in their careers. The study highlights the importance of exposing preservice and in-service teachers to different value orientations, curricular models, and pedagogies and requiring them to consider the congruence between their goals and objectives and the models and methods they employ.

Leah K. May ◽  
Matthew D. Curtner-Smith

Purpose: To determine the impact of two preservice teachers’ value orientations on their interpretation and delivery of the skill themes approach. Method: The short form of the value orientations inventory and five qualitative techniques were used to collect data. Participants’ value orientations inventory profiles were illustrated graphically. Interpretive data were analyzed using analytic induction and constant comparison. Findings: Results from the short form of the value orientations inventory indicated that Meagan prioritized social responsibility, learning process, and disciplinary mastery, while Jared favored social responsibility, self-actualization, and ecological integration. Qualitative data largely supported these value orientation profiles and indicated that the preservice teachers’ approaches to teaching skill themes differed and were influenced by their pedagogical beliefs. Moreover, qualitative data illustrated how Meagan’s and Jared’s value orientations and interpretations of the skill themes approach had changed and developed. Conclusions: These findings emphasize the importance of preservice teachers engaging in philosophical reflection on the connections between their beliefs and their interpretations of curriculum models.

2003 ◽  
Vol 93 (3) ◽  
pp. 955-960 ◽  
Sherman A. Lee ◽  
Kathleen M. Chard

43 graduate students' willingness, within a hypothetical situation, to forgive a friend whose negligent actions negatively affected their chances of getting a job was examined. Self-actualization, age, and general interpersonal closeness were proposed as possible variables related to these students' ratings of willingness to forgive while-controlling for sex. A hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed this model predicted 23% of the variability in Forgiveness scores using self-actualization and age as significantly related to forgiveness in a positive direction, but with sex and general interpersonal closeness showing no significant relation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 18-22

The problem of upbringing of difficult teenagers in pedagogical theory and practice has been and remains the subject of special attention of pedagogical scientists were found out during analyzed scientific works in this article. The difficult teenagers in educational terms – are just ordinary children who have a specific personality particularity, namely, they are difficulties to upbringing. The children who are the difficult to upbringing, they are characterized by developmental defects and violations of norms and rules of behavior. This is why the difficult teenagers need the formation of moral and volitional qualities, the formation of socially significant value orientations, the mobilization of personal resources and sustainable socialization extremely hard.The complex patterns of adolescence, negative socio-economic and political processes, the parental views on upbringing and their pedagogical methods, shortcomings in the work of educational institutions also were mentioned in this article. And the category of difficult teenagers arose as a result of these influences.The essence and content of the concept the «difficult teenagers» has been determined in this article.

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