scholarly journals Main Directions of Changing Priority Goals of Professional Education for Teachers of Foreign Languages

O. V. Usacheva ◽  

The main contradictions in teachers’ training for organizational and managerial activities are revealed. It is investigated that in professional life a student faces problems and difficulties that will contribute to the pedagogical understanding of the situation. It is proved that pedagogical modeling is a process of preparing a student for organizational and managerial activities in the educational process, and a model is a means of carrying out this activity. It is shown that in order to adequately form the organizational and managerial competence of the teacher, the teacher structures his activities, building it into a model. The conditions for the transition from educational activity to the process of student self-education are indicated. A system for preparing a teacher for the implementation of organizational and managerial activities has been developed, providing for the design of an integral educational process.

Irina A. Sizova ◽  

The article presents a qualitative analysis of museum educational products. These products have been studied in terms of the possibility of their use in formal, non-formal and informal education. Thus, the role of the museum as an actor of continuing education has been determined. The role of continuing education in the educational process is becoming more obvious for most participants, and informal education plays a huge role in this process. It is urgent now to develop high-quality educational environment. Due to museums and their offline and online educational products, it is possible to get success. The author analyzed educational activities of leading Russian and foreign museums. As a result, the possibilities of museums as an educational institution for formal, non-formal and informal education were determined. Formal education is characterized by the network interaction of educational organizations and museums when the museum educational resources are included in the educational process. The largest number of museum educational products in traditional and innovative forms is made for non-formal or supplementary education. The traditional forms of museum educational resources include excursions, game formats for acquaintance with the exposition/exhibition (quests), museum master classes, interactive classes, as well as offline continuing education programs for a professional audience. The innovative forms include intra-museum programs, for example, performances, thematic classes within the museum’s profile, and Internet resources such as pages of official museum sites, online academies of museums, museum groups on social media, official museum channels on YouTube, webinars, virtual museums. Thus, non-formal educations could be in onsite or online training forms. Informal education can apply the museum’s resources both in traditional forms and in an innovative one. The museum online resources such as online museum games, massive open online courses (MOOC), and podcasts have the highest priority in this area. Museums and universities cooperate to get high-quality competitive educational online resources. In conclusion, it is possible to speak about a new stage in the development of museum educational activity. This stage is characterized by increasing attention to professional education by adding formal and non-formal (supplementary) educational programs, and, simultaneously, increasing the role of informal education due to online technology. It should be emphasized that museum staff could develop museum educational products for formal and non-formal education independently, but it is advisable for museums to intensify cooperation with universities to enter the online education market.

Iryna Usatova ◽  
Vadym Tkachenko ◽  
Artem Vedmediuk

In the article on the basis of scientific and pedagogical sources the ways of perfection of the system of professional education with the purpose of preparing the future specialist for the practical realization of the idea of health saving of the nation at all stages of educational activity are analyzed and solved. New approaches to the development of the content, forms and methods of professional training of specialists of the new formation, as well as introduction of the modern technologies in the educational process of higher educational institutions are studied. It is noted that the educational process should be transformed in the direction of individualization of educational interaction, learning, formation of creative thinking and increase of independent work of students. It is characterized that a specialist-innovator is the bearer of specific innovations, their creator, modifier, it has wide possibilities and has an unlimited field of activity, since in practice it is convinced of the efficiency of existing technologies and teaching methods and can correct them, carry out research work, develop new methods and technology. The focus of this activity is the innovative potential of a future specialist. The directions of introduction into the educational process of modern technologies are revealed, where the teacher becomes more and more the functions of a consultant, counselor, mentor, since in professional activity not only special subject knowledge is realized, but also modern knowledge in the field of pedagogy and psychology, acmeology, technology of education and upbringing. In the course of scientific research, the preconditions for creating a concept for forming the readiness of future specialists for the implementation of innovation as the basis for improving the educational process, the essence of which is the introduction of modern tools and methods into the traditional system of education, is outlined. the pedagogical conditions of effective use of health-saving technologies are formulated, essential characteristics and stages of training of future specialists in educational institutions are highlighted; substantiated the basic provisions, the observance of which provides the training of specialists of the new formation to the implementation of healthcare-saving technologies. It is emphasized that in the educational space of a higher educational institution it is necessary to create conditions that will promote the formation of the right attitude of health professionals to the health of the future as the main value of the person that will significantly stimulate their reflective activity and awareness of personal responsibility for the health of their pupils.


The article reviews the key peculiarities of teaching foreign languages in the conditions of distance learning. It has been established that the basis of modern paradigms of education consists in scientific and theoretical concepts reflecting the main features of reality. These include personality-oriented learning, individualization and differentiation of educational activity, the formation of motivation to learn, self-development of students and etc. The given conceptual ideas of education are successfully implemented in modern information and educational environment. This provides the organization of the educational process due to information and communication technologies both in person and remotely. Modern paradigms of teaching foreign languages reflect the main features of the modern educational system. The article has considered distance learning as one of the actual areas of modernizing education, as well as the peculiarities of teaching foreign languages ​​in terms of distance learning. It has been summarized that the process of introducing distance learning into the educational system in different countries has its own peculiarities. The specificity of the subject “Foreign language” is correlated with the specifics of distance learning, the main peculiarities of which are network (remote) interaction of all participants of the learning process and a relatively bigger scope of individual work conducted in the form of “Just in time”, interactivity, selection and structuring of educational materials (authentic texts), pedagogical technologies, etc. It has been concluded that distance learning is a motivating factor in learning foreign languages. It contributes to the achievement of personal, metadisciplinary, subject learning outcomes and, ultimately, achieving the aim of learning foreign languages, that is forming foreign language communicative competence

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-134
Adela-Simina Câmpan ◽  
Mușata Bocoș

"We are all going through a difficult period, called into question by so many questions: the COVID 19 pandemic. Without a doubt, this pandemic has had and still has many implications both in the personal life of each of us and in our professional life. In addition to the fact that this virus affects our health, professional life has also been put to the test. The education system was not bypassed by challenges, therefore this period proved to be extremely demanding, with many implications on the instructive-educational activity. Preschool education has not been exempted from the impact of the changes that have occurred as a result of the outbreak of the pandemic. Teachers in the preschool education system have faced many difficulties in terms of teaching in the group. The instructive-educational process suffered in the context of the pandemic, being many variables to consider: the age peculiarities of preschoolers, the ways in which the teaching activities can be carried out through the platforms, the quality of the educational act through them, the lack of training of the teachers in this respect, the availability of parents to be able to supervise the preschooler during the synchronous online activities, etc. The present study presents the results of the application of a questionnaire addressed to teachers in preschool education, on the territory of Romania, which highlights the implications of the pandemic on the instructive-educational process in kindergarten. Keywords: “COVID 19 pandemic”, “instructive-educational process”, “kindergarten” "

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 312
Yulya Zhurat ◽  
Natalya Davydzuc ◽  
Maria Oliynyk

Motivation is a major factor in activity, including cognitive one. Pedagogical and psychological factors stimulate cognitive interest, cognitive and educational activity. Activating the cognitive interests of students to study foreign languages becomes successful due to the correspondence of the content of educational material organization, ways and methods of teaching, the provision of personal meaning educational material, the establishment of subject-subject relations in the educational process, the use of psychological and pedagogical methods of stimulation by the teacher of students’ cognitive interest and cognitive activity. The future professionals (students) successful training of foreign language, professionally oriented communication is impossible without defining a single concept that is the training clear strategy and tactics.Formation of foreign-language professional-oriented competence is possible through that modeling in the educational process typical situations of real professional communication that arise in different spheres of life and relate to different topics.The communicative activity of students during the training of professionally oriented communication in a foreign language is a system consisting of organizational and motivational, informational and procedural and criterion-effective components that derive from the social nature of human activity and create the best conditions for the improvement of the entire system of student communicative activities in relation to formation of foreign professional competence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 147-168
Svetlana Donetskaya ◽  
Bing Wang

China’s strong economic growth is undoubtedly due to a set of government initiatives, among which the priority projects are the reform of the higher education system. Since the 80s of the last century, the state has paid special attention to the training of scientific personnel. Thanks to far-sighted state planning and strong budget financing, China has created a competitive national system of postgraduate professional education almost from scratch. As a result, if only 9 postgraduate students were trained in 1978, then in 1985 – already 17004, in 1998 – 47077, and in 2018 – 604368. The number of doctorates degrees awarded from 2005 to 2018 more than doubled: from 27,677 to 60,700.The important factors in the formation of the system of postgraduate education is the promulgation of national laws and regulations governing this area of educational activity, a well-built mechanism for managing the work of postgraduate studies and a strict system to control all stages of the educational process for masters and doctoral students. Therefore, this article focuses on the organization of the learning process in Chinese universities and academic institutes, as well as the management mechanism of the national system of training scientific personnel.In addition, according to the data of China's Ministry of education, official statistical information, publications that are publicly available on the Chinese Internet, as well as scientific articles published in major publications around the world, it is shown how the number of universities and academic institutions that train masters and doctoral students, as well as the number of students, admission and graduation of specialists have changed over the past ten years.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 3535-3541
Khusan Abdurakhimovich Umarov

Studying the further development of higher education, improving the quality of education, expanding the integration of science and industry, we came to the following conclusions: literature on the formation of professional education of students, as well as an analysis of educational (and pedagogical) practice in higher education, despite the fact that more was done work on the development of professional readiness of students, the problem of the formation of professional readiness of future teachers has not yet been completely resolved. To solve this problem, we set ourselves the following tasks: to explain the concept of “professional readiness” among future teachers, taking into account the requirements of the time (for example, students of pedagogical universities); analyze factors affecting student readiness; development of innovative methods of forming students' readiness. A practical study of the problem showed that the most effective process of forming the professional readiness of a future teacher occurs in a real process or in the process of educational activity close to it. Building on the educational process on the basis of an innovative approach, bachelors develop creative skills to analyze existing materials needed to solve professional problems, to independently solve new problems. The study showed that the practical activity of students in their chosen specialties guarantees clear prospects for future professional growth, as well as employment, contributes to the formation and increase of their professional competence; The development of the experimental and educational base of educational institutions, increasing the level of education provided, stimulating the professional growth of teachers, the customer will be given the opportunity to train highly qualified personnel on the basis of educational institutions.  

T. O. Semakova ◽  
A. V. Podozyorova

The article defines the essence of the concept of “electronic educational course”, defines its characteristics and qualities, reveals the requirements for its creation and application in institutions of professional pre-high education in Ukraine. The essence of the electronic educational course concept as a didactic computer environment containing is systematized material on the relevant discipline, united by a single software shell. The description of such a course is revealed from two positions: as a structured educational material and as a computer program. The functional subsystems of the electronic educational course are characterized. They are information and navigation, informative and diagnostic. The stages of development and implementation of the electronic educational course in educational institutions are disclosed. The functional capabilities of educational resources management systems, where the electronic educational course can be located, are shown. The authors describe the peculiarities of the process of the electronic educational course creating and introducing in institutions of professional pre-high education, which are determined by peculiarities of the educational process, and are shown in the semantic content and methods of using the electronic course. The requirements for the creation of electronic educational course, which provides opportunities for students’ skills development of the self-educational activity, are considered. One of the principles, which is worth using in the development of the electronic educational course intended for the study of educational physics in institutions of professional pre-high education. The structural composition of mentioned the electronic educational course is described and some recommendations for its application in the study of physics are given.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-51
Lilia Baranovska ◽  
Alla Zasluzhena

Abstract The article is devoted to the content-analysis of peculiarities of Bachelors’ in the English language and literature training at Swiss universities. It has been revealed that domestic scientists have not paid special attention to this problem as the issues of future teachers’ training and future foreign languages teachers’ training in foreign universities, in particular in Germany, USA, Finland, Mexico, Great Britain, Hungary and Japan have been more studied. The study of curricula at Swiss universities under conditions of credit-modular organization of educational process, which affects the structure of the content, choice of forms and methods of teaching and assessing students' academic achievements has allowed us to conclude that the student learning is based on the multicultural, competent and communicative approaches. English language learning in the context of general linguistic picture of the world, its style and dialect importance is content particularity of this training. The communicative aspect of English study by Bachelors first appears in content acquirement of subjects “Exploring Sociolinguistics”, “Sociophonetics”. English is taught in the context of its understanding as a means of interaction under conditions of educational and cultural integration of the nations and a means of constructive polylogue in the country, that represents multicultural vector of bachelors’ training in philology. The experience of Swiss universities can be adopted by native universities to create a multicultural and communicative personality of a future philologist.

2021 ◽  
pp. 282-289
Елена Ивановна Белянкова

В статье рассматривается зарубежный опыт использования электронных учебников в профессиональном образовании. Автор обращает внимание на исследования, которые рассматривают проблемы преимуществ и недостатков использования цифровых учебников в учебном процессе, их функции и дидактические свойства. Отношение к электронным учебникам со стороны участников образовательного процесса постепенно менялось. Если, согласно данным исследования 2011 года студенты не видели особой разницы между бумажными и цифровыми учебниками, то к 2019 году можно увидеть более положительное отношение к последним, особенно тем, которые содержат интерактивные элементы. В работах Э. Аренаса, А. Барра, Э. Доблер представлены взгляды на функции электронных учебников. В статье рассматривается типология учебников, предложенная Э. Аренасом, А. Барром, авторы выделяют цифровые копии бумажных учебников, электронные учебники с некоторыми интерактивными функциями и учебники в виде мобильных приложений с доступом к облачным программам. Определенное внимание уделяется статьям, которые рассматривают дидактические особенности цифровых учебников, в частности возможности электронных учебников в оценке и контроле за уровнем подготовки студентов по курсу, особенности таких учебников как средства учебной деятельности, их роль в развитии информационной грамотности, критического мышления, навыков анализа, готовности к решению учебных задач – качеств, которые являются необходимыми в информационном обществе. The article examines the foreign experience of using electronic textbooks in vocational education. The author draws attention to studies that consider the problems of advantages and disadvantages of using digital textbooks in the educational process, their functions and didactic properties. The attitude towards electronic textbooks on the part of participants in the educational process gradually changed. If, according to a 2011 study, students did not see much difference between paper and digital textbooks, then by 2019 one can see a more positive attitude towards the latter, especially those that contain interactive elements. The works of E. Arenas, A. Barr, E. Dobler present views on the functions of electronic textbooks. The article discusses the typology of textbooks proposed by E. Arenas, A. The authors distinguish digital copies of paper textbooks, electronic textbooks with some interactive functions and textbooks in the form of mobile applications with access to cloud programs. Some attention is paid to articles that consider the didactic features of digital textbooks, in particular, the possibilities of electronic textbooks in assessing and monitoring the level of students' preparation for the course, the features of such textbooks as means of educational activity, their role in the development of information literacy, critical thinking, analytical skills, readiness to solve educational tasks – qualities that are necessary in the information society.

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