electronic textbooks
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2021 ◽  
pp. 707-716
Vitalii Svyrydiuk ◽  
Petro Luzan ◽  
Olha Svyrydiuk ◽  
Olena Titova ◽  
Oksana Popova

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 100-105
Balalaieva O. Yu. ◽  

The article deals with a relevant issue of studying the didactic potential of electronic textbooks, which has become particularly timely in the context of significant challenges to the education system caused by the pandemic. Contemporary scholars note that current educational practice is well ahead of the development of scientifically sound patterns and conditions for the formation and functioning of the components of the didactic system of e-learning. The purpose of the article is to analyze the positive and negative aspects of the implementation of the didactic principle of systematization and continuity in electronic textbooks. According to the research aim advantages and disadvantages of using electronic textbooks, in particular in of realization didactic principle of systematization and continuity are analyzed in the paper. It was found, that the expanded capacity of electronic textbooks will not only allow to implement that principle on the qualitatively new level but at the same time increase the didactic risks of their realization. The requirements for electronic textbooks, which will allow to minimize didactic risks and prevent potential negative impact on the educational process are formulated. While designing an e-textbook it is necessary to follow the sequence of presentation of educational material in a systematic and structured form and take into account the purpose, tasks, competencies to be formed and specific of a particular subject. Authors should take into account the retrospective and prospective relations of the educational material in order to ensure continuity in the acquisition of knowledge and skills. It is recommended to adhere to the general conceptual framework, use unified terminology, avoid duplication of educational material, methodically unsound hyperlinks, because the abuse both external and internal hyperlinks distracts from the main course of material presentation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (5) ◽  
pp. 465-476
Olga Anciferova ◽  
Leonid Moskovkin ◽  

This paper presents data on effective tools and methods of online learning obtained during a survey of 72 teachers of Russian as a foreign language working in various universities in St. Petersburg. The questionnaire, which included 7 open and closed questions, was created taking into account the features of the online lesson: reliance on cloud platforms for video conferencing, the dominant nature of visual perception of information, the need to constantly maintain the attention of students, and the lack of direct contact between the teacher and students. During the survey, it was found that the effectiveness of online teaching Russian as a foreign language, according to teachers, depends on the technical capabilities of cloud platforms for video conferencing, the use of both traditional textbooks in PDF format, and electronic textbooks as well as teachers' own training materials. Also it depends on the use of slide presentations, additional audio and video materials of both educational and non-educational nature, electronic simulators, sites containing game tasks, innovative methods and techniques of teaching.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
pp. 114-127
Olena Ihnatova ◽  
Kateryna Poseletska ◽  
Dmytro Matiiuk ◽  
Yana Hapchuk ◽  
Olena Borovska

Currently, many different approaches to higher education are being discussed with the requirements of the educational authorities. The importance and necessity of meeting the educational needs of the population, ensuring access to quality education and integrating education and science and technology are usually emphasised. Purpose of the study: to identify the specific features of the use of electronic textbooks (interactive publications) for teaching a foreign language on different online platforms in a distance learning environment. A systematic review can be explained as a research method and process for identifying and critically evaluating relevant studies and for collecting and analysing data from identified studies. Educational materials need to be used on time and the spot. The Pinboard method can be used to increase the efficiency of the lesson. The word "pinboard" comes from the English language and means "pinboard backing", "pin board". The essence of this teaching method is that discussion and learning dialogue are connected practically. Its strengths are its developmental and educational functions. Students will develop a culture of communication and discussion, the ability to express themselves not only orally, but also in writing, and the ability to think logically and systematically.

2021 ◽  
pp. 282-289
Елена Ивановна Белянкова

В статье рассматривается зарубежный опыт использования электронных учебников в профессиональном образовании. Автор обращает внимание на исследования, которые рассматривают проблемы преимуществ и недостатков использования цифровых учебников в учебном процессе, их функции и дидактические свойства. Отношение к электронным учебникам со стороны участников образовательного процесса постепенно менялось. Если, согласно данным исследования 2011 года студенты не видели особой разницы между бумажными и цифровыми учебниками, то к 2019 году можно увидеть более положительное отношение к последним, особенно тем, которые содержат интерактивные элементы. В работах Э. Аренаса, А. Барра, Э. Доблер представлены взгляды на функции электронных учебников. В статье рассматривается типология учебников, предложенная Э. Аренасом, А. Барром, авторы выделяют цифровые копии бумажных учебников, электронные учебники с некоторыми интерактивными функциями и учебники в виде мобильных приложений с доступом к облачным программам. Определенное внимание уделяется статьям, которые рассматривают дидактические особенности цифровых учебников, в частности возможности электронных учебников в оценке и контроле за уровнем подготовки студентов по курсу, особенности таких учебников как средства учебной деятельности, их роль в развитии информационной грамотности, критического мышления, навыков анализа, готовности к решению учебных задач – качеств, которые являются необходимыми в информационном обществе. The article examines the foreign experience of using electronic textbooks in vocational education. The author draws attention to studies that consider the problems of advantages and disadvantages of using digital textbooks in the educational process, their functions and didactic properties. The attitude towards electronic textbooks on the part of participants in the educational process gradually changed. If, according to a 2011 study, students did not see much difference between paper and digital textbooks, then by 2019 one can see a more positive attitude towards the latter, especially those that contain interactive elements. The works of E. Arenas, A. Barr, E. Dobler present views on the functions of electronic textbooks. The article discusses the typology of textbooks proposed by E. Arenas, A. The authors distinguish digital copies of paper textbooks, electronic textbooks with some interactive functions and textbooks in the form of mobile applications with access to cloud programs. Some attention is paid to articles that consider the didactic features of digital textbooks, in particular, the possibilities of electronic textbooks in assessing and monitoring the level of students' preparation for the course, the features of such textbooks as means of educational activity, their role in the development of information literacy, critical thinking, analytical skills, readiness to solve educational tasks – qualities that are necessary in the information society.

2021 ◽  
pp. 166-172
Юлия Степановна Заяц ◽  
Наталья Александровна Солодкова

Раскрываются способы подготовки бакалавров к использованию электронной формы учебников в начальном математическом образовании. Целесообразность такой подготовки обусловлена необходимостью повышения информационной компетентности младших школьников, а также значимостью продуктивного использования будущим учителем различных носителей информации, мультимедийных объектов и интерактивных технологий для повышения интереса к обучению и достижения как предметных, так и метапредметных результатов. Материалом исследования послужили результаты тестирования и анкетирования студентов, показавших недостаточное владение компетенциями, необходимыми для успешного применения электронной формы учебников на уроках в начальной школе. Раскрыты основные цели, содержание и этапы организации деятельности бакалавров для овладения умениями определять возможности электронной формы учебников в развитии личности младшего школьника на различных этапах урока, оценивать и выбирать модели ее применения и режимы функционирования. Представлены аналитические и проектировочные задания, проиллюстрированы приемы формирования основных профессиональных компетенций студентов, связанных с использованием электронной формы учебников при проведении уроков математики в начальной школе. The article deals with ways of educating undergraduate students how to use electronic textbooks while teaching mathematics in primary education. This education is a relevant approach to increase primary pupils’ information literacy; besides, it shows how important it is for a teacher to be able to use different storage media and interactive multimedia technologies to increase interest in learning and achieve pedagogical goals. The researches collected data from the results of testing and filling in questionnaires by students, who proved to be incompetent of using electronic textbooks on their own lessons at schools because they are not able to: highlight the structural elements of each layer of the textbook, perform navigating, search for interactive and multimedia elements, add their own content, use various models of using this electronic tool in primary education. The article demonstrates general goals, content and three stages of activities undergraduate students should go through to master their skills in defining potential of electronic books and how they contribute into personal growth of a pupil during the lesson. The article describes how bachelors should estimate and use electronic versions. The article presents project tasks and exercises for analysis. It gives examples of professional competencies connected with using electronic textbooks during math lessons in primary schools: searching for pages, justifying the choice of the media library, as well as the stages of the lesson where one can use them, and others.


The proposed article analyzes the role of physics in the development of modern medicine. The principles of effective teaching of medical and biological physics are considered. The conditions which provide formation of positive motivation of educational activity in the course of training to medical physics are opened. Defining the main pedagogical functions of the textbook in the educational process. The analysis of some problems of the existing textbooks on medical physics for higher medical educational institutions is made and the possible ways of their decision are offered. The structural-logical analysis of the educational text of the content module «Bioacoustics. Biophysics of the senses. Fundamentals of audiometry», The statement of the content of the theory in the textbook «Medical and biological physics» Chaly O. V. is analyzed. The description of the basic structural elements of the textbook on medical physics developed by us is given. Modern approaches to the organization of the educational process using an electronic textbook on medical physics are considered. It is concluded that the reduction of the textbook due to the reduction of mathematical calculations and calculations should not lead to the exclusion from the educational process of work on this material. We consider it expedient to transfer calculations and conclusions of laws and formulas to the collection for practical classes. In our opinion, the combination of electronic textbooks with programs that control knowledge, supplemented by communication between teacher and student in real time have great potential for effective learning, including distance learning. Key words: medical physics, biomedical research, medical technologies, learning efficiency, electronic textbook.

2021 ◽  
Vol 02 (09) ◽  
pp. 123-129
Minavvarhon Sabirovna Yunusova ◽  
Jahongir Bakhodir Ugli Jurayev ◽  

Purpose. This article describes the formation of a hybrid form of an electronic textbook in legal education, the essence of online education, theoretical and practical foundations for the correct use of available sources of information for electronic textbooks. Methodology. The article uses methods of source analysis, pedagogical experiment and comparative analysis to determine the advantages of an electronic textbook integrating search engines and open access sites. Results. The problems of using electronic textbooks in legal education are analyzed. Studies, scientific works, experiments of foreign scientists have been studied and analyzed, and proposals for implementation in Uzbekistan are given. The existing systems are recommended for the implementation of the virtual environment in the management system of the legal education process. Conclusion. From these results it is clear that with the help of these systems, students can achieve such qualities as the formation and development of research, information and professional competence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 303-306
Elmira Sherifovna Shefieva ◽  
Olga Nikolaevna Bessarabova

The paper considers the features of development and practical use of an electronic foreign language textbook at the technical university. This study is dictated by the need to resolve contradictions between the provisions declared by the higher education standards of the latest generation and the real level of students knowledge of a foreign language. The authors analyze and systematize the requirements for printed and electronic foreign language textbooks. Attention is paid to the advantages of electronic publications over printed ones. The key advantage of the electronic textbook is the presence of hypertext, which makes it possible to implement a nonlinear form of information organization. The paper formulates basic principles of an electronic textbook development, describes its structure and components and highlights the issues of filling the content with language material. The authors proposed the options for tasks aimed at stimulating students communicative and cognitive activity. It is shown that podcasts can be used as multimedia resources to intensify the development of students listening skills. It is emphasized that the availability of special programs for creating electronic textbooks allows the teacher to carry out its development without any special training in the field of programming. As a result of the analysis, the authors come to the conclusion about a high linguodidactic potential of the electronic textbook as a teaching tool.

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