A study on the correlation between the hardware factor of a mobile device and the finding flow of brand App users - Based on Smart Phone & Tablet PC -

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 713-726
2012 ◽  
Vol 724 ◽  
pp. 7-11 ◽  
Na Ri Lee ◽  
Soo Sun Lee ◽  
Kyeong Il Kim ◽  
Sung Jei Hong ◽  
Tae Whan Hong

Nowadays, rapidly growing mobile machines such as tablet PC and smart phone equipped with touch screen panel using a sturdy material for products surface protection. Therefore, surge of chemical strengthening glass was increased. Through large areas of chemical strengthening glass, the surface scratch will cause a major failure. Most of these failures will be discarded because it is difficult to reuse. Thus, discarded chemical strengthening glass is expected to increase as with the demand. Accordingly, the importance of environmental pollution, waste landfill has been proposed. Recently, touch screen of chemical strengthened glass all-in-one type was commercialized. Therefore reuse is possible, due to surface of discarded chemical strengthening glass is washed and wipe off the electrode. In this study, we carried out the MLCA(Material Life Cycle Assessment; MLCA) on a chemical strengthening glass by landfill scenario, reuse scenario and identified the key issues.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 195-206
Godham Eko Saputro ◽  
Toto Haryadi ◽  
Dzuha Hening Yanuarsari

AbstrakDi Indonesia khususnya kota besar, kecelakaan yang disebabkan kendaraan bermotor menjadi persoalan yang serius. Salah satunya disebabkan kurangnya pemahaman tentang safety riding. Berbagai upaya kampanye safety riding pun telah dilaksanakan oleh polisi lalu lintas melalui talkshow, siaran radio, serta media leaflet bagi masyarakat yang dilakukan berulang-ulang. Hal itu mendorong peneliti dalam upaya menemukan strategi baru, salah satunya memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi yang sangat pesat guna mengembangkan media pendukung kampanye safety riding yang tidak hanya dapat menyampaikan pesan, tetapi juga disukai dan bersifat menghibur. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara, observasi, serta studi literatur sebagai sumber konten purwarupa komik interaktif. Melalui pendekatan digital storytelling dan model komunikasi SMCR serta mengacu pada Penelitian Pengembangan, konsep purwarupa komik interaktif bisa dijabarkan lebih detail serta dapat diimplementasikan dalam perangkat mobile khususnya tablet PC. Diharapkan purwarupa ini dapat dikembangkan lebih lanjut sehingga benar-benar dapat dipublish secara umum sebagai media pendukung kampanye safety riding. Kata Kunci: komik, interaktif, safety riding, digital storytelling AbstractIn Indonesia especially in big cities, the accident which caused by rider is still become serious issue. One factor which cause accident is the lack of knowledge about safety riding. A lot of efforts which have been carried by traffic policeman are talkshow, radio broadcast, and leaflet media for public society. On the other hand, it courage the researchers in effort to find new startegy, one of them is using the advance of technology to develop another media campaign which not only can deliver the messages, but also can entertain user. This research is an effort to find unconventional media for safety riding campaign. Data was obtained through interview, observation, and study of literature as sources of content for interactive comic. Through digital storytelling approach and communication model of SMCR and refers to Research and Development, the concept prototype of interactive comic can be described more detail and also can be implemented in mobile device especially tablet PCs. The prototype is expected can be develop further so it really can be published as supported media for safety riding campaign.  Keywords: comic, interactive, safety riding, digital storytelling

2013 ◽  
Vol 779-780 ◽  
pp. 908-915
Ikuo Yamamoto ◽  
Naohiro Inagawa ◽  
Takunori Tsuji ◽  
Takenari Otawa ◽  
Takashi Takimoto ◽  

The authors developed low cost unmanned helicopter, real time video data transmitting system and a new type flying robots. The effectiveness is confirmed by real field experiment tests. Hazard map for disaster countermeasures is made on the basis of data obtained by the aviation vehicle system. The hazard map is delivered directly to a smart phone and a tablet PC. Therefore residents can keep track of disaster information quickly and accurately.

Tzvetomir Ivanov Vassilev

This paper describes several techniques for accelerating a virtual try-on garment simulation on a mobile device (smartphone or tablet) using parallel computing on a multicore CPU, GPU computing or both depending on the mobile hardware. The system exploits a mass-spring cloth model with velocity modification approach to overcome the super-elasticity. The simulation starts from flat garment pattern meshes positioned around a 3D human body, then seaming forces are applied on the edges of the panels until the garment is seamed and several cloth draping steps are performed in the end. The cloth-body collision detection and response algorithm is based on image-space interference tests and the cloth-cloth collision detection uses entirely GPU based approach on the newer hardware or recursive parallel algorithm on the CPU. As the results section shows the average time of dressing a virtual body with a garment on a modern smart phone supporting OpenGL ES2.0 is 2 seconds and on a tablet supporting OpenGL ES3.0 or 3.1 is less than one second.

Diksha Kamble

Electronic devices and appliances have become very common in this recent year of technology especially with fast development in smartphones. In this paper, the design of Home automation system with good feature of automation via mobile device are presented. Bluetooth Based smart Automation System Using Android and Arduino is design and implemented. Bluetooth Based Automation System Using Android application and Arduino is implemented and design. This paper describe about smart automation system which would use to enable home lighting, fan, cooler, water pumping motor using a smart phone application with Bluetooth wireless technology. The system included three main components an Arduino Uno for connecting the appliances, a Bluetooth module for signal transfer, and a smartphone with the Android application to control home appliances. The idea of paper is to control home appliances to avoid the dangerous of electric shock and convenience of decrepit physically disable people, who can easily access and control the home appliances by staying at particular place and access them through smart phone without the help of other people.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Juan Cuenca Tapia ◽  
Juan Ortega Castro

El presente artículo tiene como objetivo mejorar el registro de las lecturas de consumo del líquido vital sobre los medidores domiciliarios de los usuarios de la Empresa de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado de Azogues-EMAPAL, mediante una aplicación tecnológica, la misma que brindará a los lectores/digitadores, mejores condiciones de trabajo, permitiendo de esta manera la actualización inmediata de los datos. La  funcionalidad de la aplicación permite que, gracias al creciente uso de sistemas de comunicación móviles y su ayuda a la interrelación entre personas, empresas y proyectos,  el lector ingrese mediante el dispositivo móvil, SmartPhone o una Tablet con sistema operativo Android, a la aplicación vinculada a la base de datos, el cual digitará la lectura actual del medidor en la aplicación y automáticamente actualizará la base de datos, considerando que el tiempo estimado en digitalizar las lecturas en la base de datos es de 15 días aproximadamente, con la aplicación móvil se evita la re-digitalización y directamente se procede a realizar los reportes diarios de las lecturas realizadas para la elaboración de facturas. Abstract This article is developed for the reason that EMAPAL-Azogues requires to improve the registration of the consumption of the vital liquid on the home meters of the users, through a technological application, which will provide the readers / digitizers better working conditions, allowing them the immediate updating of the data. The functionality of the application allows, thanks to the growing use of mobile communication systems and its help to the interrelation between people, companies and projects; The reader can enter via the mobile device, it can be a Smart Phone or a Tablet with Android operating system, the application linked to the database, which will enter the current meter reading in the application and automatically update the database, Considering that the estimated time to digitize the readings in the database is approximately 15 days, with the mobile application, a re-digitization is avoided and the daily reports of the readings made for the billing proces.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 251 ◽  
Riad Sahara

Perkembangan ICT yang semakin pesat, melahirkan sebuah model pembelajaran baru yang dikenal sebagai mobile learning (M-Learning) yang aktifitas utamanya adalah mendistribusikan bahan belajar kepada peserta didik agar dapat diakses dimana saja dan kapan saja dengan menggunakan perangkat komunikasi portabel semacam Smart Phone, Tablet PC, PDA, dsb. Namun, M-Learning tidak begitu saja bisa langsung diimplementasikan pada suatu institusi pendidikan, mengingat kemampuan komputasi dan media untuk menyajikan konten dari M-Learning yang dimiliki oleh perangkat telepon genggam terbatas. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini akan diteliti bagaimana mengimplementasikan M-Learning dengan menggunakan MLE dan Moodle yang menggunakan platform J2ME sebagai aplikasinya. Serta akan dilakukan analisa performansi M-Learning pada jaringan wireless menggunakan aplikasi wireshark dengan dua metode pengukuran. Pertama, menggunakan satu client yang akan diberikan bandwidth yang berbeda-beda dalam mengkases kursus dan konten M-Learning. Kedua, menggunakan pengukuran skalabilitas, menggunakan lima client untuk mengkases kursus dan konten M-Learning. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian MLE dan Moodle sebagai aplikasi M-Learning merupakan sebuah solusi dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh. Untuk hasil pengukuran performansi mobile learning pada jaringan wireless didapatkan nilai throghput paling besar didapatkan pada bandwidth 1024 kbps dengan ukuran MLO 603 kb, yaitu sebesar 113958,63763565 bps. Packet loss paling besar didapatkan pada bandwidth 512 kbps dengan ukuran MLO 454 kb, yaitu sebesar 0,0039795918 %. Nilai packet loss ini tergolong baik pada komunikasi data TCP karena masih dibawah 0,1 % (berdasarkan ITU-T Y.1541). Nilai delay paling besar didapatkan pada bandwidth 28 kbps dengan ukuran MLO 274 kb, yaitu sebesar 0,0003207908 detik. Waktu untuk reload dan konten MLO sampai ke pengguna paling tercepat didapatkan pada bandwidth 1024 kbps dengan ukuran MLO 454 kb, yaitu sebesar 9,294064 detik. Berdasarkan pengujian, parameter performansi seperti throughput, packet loss, delay, dan time sangat dipengaruhi oleh besar bandwidth, ukuran file, dan jumlah user.

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