scholarly journals Análise dos Resíduos Sólidos em uma Escola de Educação Infantil e Ensino Fundamental ## Analysis of Solid Waste in a Day Care and Fundamental Education School

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 206
Douglas Morales Busiquia ◽  
Syntia Lemos Cotrim ◽  
Gislaine Camila Lapasini Leal ◽  
Danilo Hisano Barbosa

ResumoO aumento da população mundial e, por consequência, mudanças na produção e no consumo da sociedade implicam em inconvenientes quanto aos resíduos gerados, porém, atitudes vêm sendo tomadas para mitigar ou eliminar os transtornos causados. No Brasil, a maior conquista foi a criação da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, que destaca a responsabilidade compartilhada do poder público e dos geradores sendo estes, pessoas físicas ou jurídicas. Escolas de educação infantil e fundamental, dos anos iniciais, são ambientes importantes para ações que visam o bem-estar social e a qualidade ambiental, visto que é o celeiro de formação de futuros cidadãos e, diante do cenário nacional, não podem ficar de fora do que pede a legislação vigente. O objetivo do trabalho é avaliar a situação de uma escola particular em Foz do Iguaçu - PR no que tange o tratamento dos resíduos sólidos, a fim de alertar para o que pede a legislação vigente. A pesquisa é um estudo de caso associado ao método de pesquisas bibliográficas acerca dos resíduos sólidos para avaliação da situação da empresa. A realidade observada é preocupante, pois são muitos os problemas relacionados ao tema e estes estão presentes em diversos níveis, desde a falta de conhecimento sobre o assunto por parte da comunidade escolar até problemas com uma estrutura física deficiente. Neste contexto o trabalho alerta para a necessidade de um Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos afim de tornar a escola um ambiente saudável e equilibrado, de acordo com a legislação.AbstractThe increase of world’s population and consequently changes in production and consumption of the society imply in inconveniences as to the generated waste, however, attitudes have been taken to mitigate or eliminate the disorders caused. In Brazil, the greatest achievement was the creation of the National Solid Waste Policy, which highlights the shared responsibility of public power and generators, both individuals and corporations. Elementary education schools in the early years are important environments for actions aimed at social welfare and environmental quality, since it is the base for the training of future citizens and, given the national scenario, cannot be left out of what is requested by the legislation in force. The objective of this work is to evaluate the situation of a private school in Foz do Iguaçu - PR regarding the treatment of solid waste, in order to alert to what is requested by the current legislation. The research method adopted was the use of bibliographical research on solid waste and field research to evaluate the company's situation. The reality observed is alarming, as there are many problems related to the theme and these are present in several levels, from the lack of knowledge, on the subject by the school community, to problems with a poor physical structure. In this context the work alert to the need of a Solid Waste Management Plan in order to make the school a healthy and balanced environment, within the parameters of the law.

Hermes de Andrade Júnior

This chapter promotes a selection of works collected that seek to analyze the need and the evolution of reverse logistics into the context of the National Policy on Solid Waste in Brazil. Nineteen years of intensive discussion have been held until the legal framework for the implementation of Agenda 21 of 1992 on the environmentally sound management of solid waste could be announced. The principle of shared responsibility for the product lifecycle, which reaches manufacturers, importers, distributors and traders, consumers, and holders of public solid waste management services, is the central theme of the law and undoubtedly innovates on the issue, placing Brazil alongside countries such as those of the European Union and Japan. However, a serious problem that distances them is to achieve large population densities with the benefit of municipalization of the process of control of urban waste. The rate of effective management of solid wastes is relatively low at the municipal level compared to the countries mentioned.

Cody Taylor ◽  
Emily Bedwell ◽  
Amy Guy ◽  
David Traeger

As awareness regarding the potential threat of climate change has grown in the US, many local governments and businesses are being asked to consider the climate implications of their actions. In addition, many leaders, including solid waste managers, who are not yet pressured from the outside, consider it prudent to account for their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and consider it a proactive measure to assess climate risks and opportunities and to show commitment to progress. Sources of GHG emissions in the solid waste management process include: waste transport vehicles, composting facilities, processing equipment, landfills, and waste-to-energy facilities. Over the past 25 years, the levels of GHG emissions have been reduced through technological advancements in waste-to-energy, environmental regulations such as the Clean Air Act, landfill gas capture and control, and the promotion of recycling and reuse. There are many opportunities for solid waste managers to further reduce their GHG emissions levels, including promotion of waste-to-energy facilities as part of a low-carbon solid waste management plan. Waste-to-energy may also, in the future, offer potential revenue from the sale of renewable energy credits and carbon credits in emerging emissions trading programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Cícero Alves Jacinto ◽  
Lucijane Monteiro de Abreu ◽  
Elaine Nolasco Ribeiro

<p>O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar um diagnóstico do sistema de gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos do Complexo Militar do Exército Brasileiro, Forte Santa Bárbara (Complexo FSB), em Formosa-GO, sob a égide da Lei 12.305/10. O levantamento dos dados ocorreu nos meses de abril a julho de 2018 por meio de visitas <em>in loco,</em> entrevistas e amostragem dos resíduos. Os resultados obtidos no diagnóstico indicaram que a instituição não faz a segregação de resíduos para o descarte, exceto a fração orgânica gerada no refeitório. Identificou-se que são geradas cerca de 3,6 ton/mês de resíduos, considerando a população de 1.000 indivíduos, sendo que 49% dos resíduos são orgânicos e originados, em grande maioria, no refeitório; 37% são recicláveis; e apenas 14% são rejeitos. Os resíduos sólidos da saúde gerados na Seção Sanitária e os gerados no setor de oficinas e garagens possuem destinação final ambientalmente adequada. Os resíduos e rejeitos são coletados pelo serviço de limpeza urbana de Formosa-GO e encaminhados para o aterro controlado da cidade. Concluiu-se que o gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos, produzidos pelo Complexo FSB, precisa se adequar à Lei 12.305/10.</p><p><strong>Palavras-chave</strong>: Plano de gerenciamento. Coleta seletiva. Caracterização de resíduos. Exército. Cerrado.</p><p> </p><p align="center">SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT OF THE MILITARY COMPLEX FORTE SANTA BÁRBARA – FORMOSA/GO</p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>The aim of this study was to carry out a diagnosis of the solid waste management system of the Brazilian Army Military Complex named Forte Santa Bárbara (Complex FSB), located in Formosa, in the state of Goiás/Brazil, under the aegis of the Law 12.305/10. Data collection was carried out from April to July 2018 through on-site visits, interviews, and waste sampling. The results obtained in the diagnosis indicated that the institution does not separate waste for proper disposal, except for the organic fraction generated in the cafeteria, it was identified that, considering a population of 1,000 individuals, about 3,6 ton/month of residues is generated; 49% of it is organic and originated in its vast majority in the cafeteria; 37% is recyclable; and only 14% configures waste. The solid health residues generated in the Sanitary Section and those generated in the garages sectors have an environmentally appropriate destination. Wastes and residues are collected by the urban cleaning service of Formosa and sent to the city’s-controlled landfill. It was concluded that the management of solid waste produced by the FSB Complex needs to comply with the Law 12.305/10.</p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Management plan. Selective collect. Waste characterization. Army. Cerrado.

2020 ◽  
Vol 38 (6) ◽  
pp. 614-625
Efi Drimili ◽  
Ruth Herrero-Martin ◽  
Juan Suardiaz-Muro ◽  
Efthimios Zervas

One of the major problems of modern cities is waste management. Cooperation and active public participation are key elements in the effective implementation of waste management programs. The purpose of this work is to investigate the views and attitudes of Athens residents towards recycling, composting and the operation of green centers, which are the key elements of solid waste management as it follows from the recently updated National Waste Management Plan. A structured questionnaire was designed and addressed to the residents of Athens. According to the main findings, half of the respondents are involved in recycling, and the majority of the respondents are willing to participate in future composting programs and have a positive opinion about the operation of green centers. The main obstacle for their further participation is their hesitation regarding the proper operation of the programs (recycling, composting, green centers). There is a need to build up the trust between citizens and the state. Active public involvement is required to successfully implement municipal solid waste strategies during all the phases (planning, siting and operation) in order to ensure public acceptance. In addition, targeted information and awareness campaigns can also contribute to this aim.

2021 ◽  
Vol 125 ◽  
pp. 235-248
Vitor Miranda de Souza ◽  
Jacqueline Bloemhof ◽  
Milton Borsato

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (56) ◽  
pp. 115-130
Fábio Renner Mingori ◽  
Sílvio Santos Junior ◽  
Simone Sehnem ◽  
Edson Luiz Kuzma

This work seeks to analyze the profile, volume produced and disposal of solid waste in small towns in the west of Santa Catarina. To operationalize the study data was collected in the municipalities of west region of Santa Catarina. Scripts were applied questionnaires for public managers, presidents of associations of pickers, waste collection points and individual collectors. For analysis of the results was considered in those with less than 25,000 habitants. The results show that: I) The population density explains more than 80% of the budget destined for household solid waste collection and recycling; II) Spent with collection and disposal services is R$ 44.22 per capita; III) Recycling provides a monthly gross income of R$ 2,286.98 for dung; IV) That 61% of municipalities have waste management plan, but the data did not demonstrate the effectiveness thereof;; V) The main difficulty pointed out by prefectures refers awareness of the population. This leads to the conclusion that the integrated solid waste management requires more than public policy. This study contributes to the understanding of the area by reinforcing that the solid waste management should (and can) be treated in an integrated manner, considering all aspects of sustainability.

2016 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 873
Alexandre Moura Rodrigues ◽  
Nara Rejane Zamberlan dos Santos ◽  
Cibele Rosa Gracioli

The National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS) proposes the practice of sustainable consumption patterns. One of the most important instruments of this policy is the concept of shared responsibility for the lifecycle of products. The State of Solid Waste/RS Policy sets forth the principles, objectives, instruments and guidelines for the integrated management and solid waste management, the responsibilities of producers and the government and to apply economic instruments. As the state of preparation of Municipal Plans for Integrated Management of Solid Waste (PMGIRS / RS) more than half of the municipalities have drawn up their plans. The objective was to analyze the knowledge and perception of the people and institutions in the city of São Gabriel, RS, for adherence to the PNRS. Data collection was conducted in four districts of the city: New Town, Vila Mariana, Independence and Center. In each neighborhood type semi-structured questionnaire instruments were applied. A second instrument was applied with nine (9) institutions. The results showed the importance of proper disposal of municipal solid waste. Negligence in the integrated management of solid waste added to the neglect of people and institutions bring social, economic and environmental consequences extremely negative to the municipality.

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