Lidija Rozentale

There is a continuous debate in the public space on the need for a legal framework for the partnership institute to ensure equal legal security for the family, regardless of the existence or non-existence of the legal fact of its foundation. The fundamental aspects of the debate include the insufficient regulatory framework and vulnerability of partners before the law, divergent national views on partnerships as a union between opposite-sex partners, religious beliefs condemning non-marital relationships, including the existing property issues in the context of partnerships. According to the Author of the Paper, the existing partnerships in Latvia are discriminated in favour for the marriage due to the moral views and legal aspects, as the individual living in the partnership is restricted in terms of access to information and is vulnerable in terms of property rights. For example, when an individual lives in the partnership, he or she is denied the right to be informed about the health status of the other partner and the existing liabilities in credit institutions. In cohabitation, the individual is not recognised as a member of the family of the tenant for the purpose of the Law on Residential Tenancy and the potential consequences of the partnership may be the denied right to inheritance or tenancy.Main methods used: sociological method for analysing the compliance of laws and regulations with public interests and aims. 

Steve Cornelius

Our modern society has become transfixed with celebrity. Business people and marketers also endeavour to cash in on the popularity enjoyed by the stars and realise the value of associating merchandise or trademarks with the rich and famous. This leads to difficulties when the attributes of a person are apparently used without consent, which poses new questions to the law: should the law protect the individual against the unlawful use of his or her image? If so, to what extent should such protection be granted? These were some of the questions which the court had to answer in Wells v Atoll Media (Pty). The judgment in Wellshas redefined the right to identity and provided some clarity on what the infringement of that right would amount to. When the attributes of a person are used without consent, the right to identity can be violated in one of four ways. A person's right to identity can be infringed upon if the attributes of that person are used without permission in a way which cannot be reconciled with the true image of the individual concerned, if the use amounts to the commercial exploitation of the individual, if it cannot be reconciled with generally accepted norms of decency, or if it violates the privacy of that person.

2021 ◽  
Zuryati Mohamed Yusoff

<p>In Malaysia, the rights and liberties of the individual are recognised in the Federal Constitution of Malaysia. However, the right to privacy does not have the express constitutional recognition enjoyed by other rights such as the right to life and liberty and freedom of expression. This thesis identifies gaps in the protection of privacy interests in the current legal framework. There is no self-standing law on privacy in Malaysia, though there are several laws which provide limited rights to privacy such as the laws on data protection and criminal law. The existing laws are inadequate to protect private information and to protect against the intrusion of privacy. The importation of foreign principles through the reception of English Common Law offers only limited protection. Malaysia should, therefore, have a specific law to protect privacy. With a view to attaining that goal for Malaysia, this thesis undertakes a comparative analysis of two different experiences of the development of the law of privacy. They are the privacy law in England, which is largely based on the law of breach of confidence, and the privacy law in New Zealand, which has a distinct privacy tort recognised in its case law. The conclusion is that those countries’ experience can inform developments in Malaysia, and that the best way for Malaysia to develop its law now is by the enactment of a specific Privacy Act.</p>

2011 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-32
Thomas Keenan

Abstract Despite the ubiquitous coverage of the Libyan revolution throughout the last six months, very little has been said regarding the legal foundations for the rebels’ actions. Within the international legal framework, it must be asked whether the Libyan people even had a legal right in the first place to overthrow the Gaddafi regime. In fact, the existence of a right to rebel under international law is very much an unsettled matter. Among the sources of international law, a right to rebel is not enumerated in any of the principal international instruments. In truth, the only significant mention of the right is a passing but ambiguous reference in the preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. A customary right of revolution is similarly absent, as many nations criminalize treason and other insurrectionary activities. Instead, if such a right exists in international law, it must derive from the well-enshrined right of self-determination. Th is right would thus constitute an additional exception to international law’s general prohibition on the use force, standing alongside self-defense and Security Council peace enforcement. Yet establishing a right of revolution would mark a significant departure from these other exemptions. In essence, the right of revolution represents an allowance for non-state actors to resort to force unilaterally for the protection of human rights. For this very reason, contemporary international law likely does not recognize a popular right to revolt. In light of international law’s fi rm restrictions on lawful uses of force, there is no evidence that the law currently acknowledges a novel exception for the individual enforcement of human rights. Th us, in the absence of a change in the law, the proper legal remedy for the Libyan people was not rebellion but rather an appeal to the international community.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-140
Justyna Kurek

Classified online search of telecommunication systems with the use of spyware tools requires comprehensive regulation. On the one hand, it should ensure the balance between an effective legal framework for guaranteeing public security in the online environment and legal regulation, on the other hand — it should respect constitutional norms, in particular the right of the individual to protect privacy, the inviolability of the home and the protection of correspondence. Legal and political consent for such activities requires, however, the creation of institutional, material, legal and procedural guarantees.

2021 ◽  
Zuryati Mohamed Yusoff

<p>In Malaysia, the rights and liberties of the individual are recognised in the Federal Constitution of Malaysia. However, the right to privacy does not have the express constitutional recognition enjoyed by other rights such as the right to life and liberty and freedom of expression. This thesis identifies gaps in the protection of privacy interests in the current legal framework. There is no self-standing law on privacy in Malaysia, though there are several laws which provide limited rights to privacy such as the laws on data protection and criminal law. The existing laws are inadequate to protect private information and to protect against the intrusion of privacy. The importation of foreign principles through the reception of English Common Law offers only limited protection. Malaysia should, therefore, have a specific law to protect privacy. With a view to attaining that goal for Malaysia, this thesis undertakes a comparative analysis of two different experiences of the development of the law of privacy. They are the privacy law in England, which is largely based on the law of breach of confidence, and the privacy law in New Zealand, which has a distinct privacy tort recognised in its case law. The conclusion is that those countries’ experience can inform developments in Malaysia, and that the best way for Malaysia to develop its law now is by the enactment of a specific Privacy Act.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Jyoti Narayan Patra ◽  
Jayanta Mete

Values are like seeds that sprout, become saplings, grow into trees and spread their branches all around. To be able to think right, to feel the right kind of emotions and to act in the desirable manner are the prime phases of personality development. Building up of values system starts with the individual, moves on to the family and community, reorienting systems, structures and institutions, spreading throughout the land and ultimately embracing the planet as a whole. The culture of inclusivity is particularly relevant and important in the context of our society, nation and making education a right for all children.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (10(79)) ◽  
pp. 12-18
G. Bubyreva

The existing legislation determines the education as "an integral and focused process of teaching and upbringing, which represents a socially important value and shall be implemented so as to meet the interests of the individual, the family, the society and the state". However, even in this part, the meaning of the notion ‘socially significant benefit is not specified and allows for a wide range of interpretation [2]. Yet the more inconcrete is the answer to the question – "who and how should determine the interests of the individual, the family and even the state?" The national doctrine of education in the Russian Federation, which determined the goals of teaching and upbringing, the ways to attain them by means of the state policy regulating the field of education, the target achievements of the development of the educational system for the period up to 2025, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 4, 2000 #751, was abrogated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 29, 2014 #245 [7]. The new doctrine has not been developed so far. The RAE Academician A.B. Khutorsky believes that the absence of the national doctrine of education presents a threat to national security and a violation of the right of citizens to quality education. Accordingly, the teacher has to solve the problem of achieving the harmony of interests of the individual, the family, the society and the government on their own, which, however, judging by the officially published results, is the task that exceeds the abilities of the participants of the educational process.  The particular concern about the results of the patriotic upbringing served as a basis for the legislative initiative of the RF President V. V. Putin, who introduced the project of an amendment to the Law of RF "About Education of the Russian Federation" to the State Duma in 2020, regarding the quality of patriotic upbringing [3]. Patriotism, considered by the President of RF V. V. Putin as the only possible idea to unite the nation is "THE FEELING OF LOVE OF THE MOTHERLAND" and the readiness for every sacrifice and heroic deed for the sake of the interests of your Motherland. However, the practicing educators experience shortfalls in efficient methodologies of patriotic upbringing, which should let them bring up citizens, loving their Motherland more than themselves. The article is dedicated to solution to this problem based on the Value-sense paradigm of upbringing educational dynasty of the Kurbatovs [15].

Law and World ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-144

The Article concerns the legal issues, connected with the situation, when a person (or group of people) disobey requirements of the Law or other State regulations on the basis of religious or nonreligious belief. The Author analyses almost all related issues – whether imposing certain obligation on individuals, to which the individual has a conscientious objection based on his/her religious beliefs, always represents interference with his/her religion rights, and if it does, then what is subject of the interference – forum integrum or forum externum; whether neutral regulation, which does not refer to religion issues at all, could ever be regarded as interference into someone’s religious rights; whether opinion or belief, on which the individual’s objection and the corresponding conduct is based, must necesserily represent the clear “manifest” of the same religion or belief in order to gain legal protection; what is regarded as “manifest” of the religion or other belief in general and whether a close and direct link must exist between personal conduct and requirements of the religious or nonreligious belief; what are the criteria of the “legitimacy” of the belief; to what extent the following factors should be taken into consideration : whether the personal conduct of the individual represents the official requirements of corresponding religion or belief, what is the burden which was imposed on the believer’s religious or moral feelings by the State regulation, also, proportionality and degree of sincerity of the individual who thinks that his disobidience to the Law is required by his/her religious of philosofical belief. The effects (direct or non direct) of the nonfulfilment of the law requirement (legal responsibility, lost of the job, certain discomfort, etc..) are relevant factors as well. By the Author, all these circumstances and factors are essencial while estimating, whether it arises, actually, a real necessity and relevant obligation before a state for making some exemptions from the law to the benefi t of the conscientious objectors, in cases, if to predict such an objection was possible at all. So, the issues are discussed in the prism of the negative and positive obligations of a State. Corresponding precedents of the US Supreme Court and European Human Rights Court have been presented and analysed comparatively by the Author in the Article. The Article contains an important resume, in which the main points, principal issues and conclusion remarks are delivered. The Author shows, that due analysis of the legal aspects typical to “Conscientious objection” is very important for deep understanding religious rights, not absolute ones, and facilitates finding a correct answer on the question – how far do their boundaries go?

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 138
Fakhrurrazi M.Yunus ◽  
Zahratul Aini

Abstrak: Dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2006 tentang Administrasi Kependudukan adanya Pasal yang mengatur tentang perkawinan beda agama, dalam Pasal 35 huruf (a) yang menyatakan bahwa perkawinan yang ditetapkan oleh pengadilan. Namun dalam Undang-Undang tersebut tidak diatur secara jelas, sehingga memberi peluang timbulnya dampak negatif. Namun yang diakui di Indonesia jika pasangan suami istri yang berbeda agama harus memeluk agama yang sama di salah satu pasangan dengan maksud mereka harus pindah agama baik memeluk agama istri maupun suami. Dengan adanya berbagai kemudharatan yang timbul, maka hal itu tidak sesuai dengan hukum Islam. Oleh karena itu, penulis ingin mengetahui dampak perkawinan beda agama yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2006 tentang administrasi  kependudukan dan tinjuan hukum Islam terhadap perkawinan beda agama dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 tahun 2006. Dalam penelitian ini, metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Kualitatif. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian, dampak dari perkawinan beda agama yaitu dampak terhadap rumah tangga yang tidak harmonis menimbulkan kegelisahan, dan sulitnya berkomunikasi. Dampak terhadap anak yang membuat hubungan antara keluarga yaitu anak dan orang tua menjadi kacau dan tidak utuh karena mengetahui kedua orang tuanya berbeda keyakinan. Dampak terhadap harta warisan yang mengakibatkan anak yang lahir dari perkawinan beda agama tidak mempunyai hak untuk mendapatkan harta warisan apabila tidak seagama dengan pewaris yang dalam hal ini pewaris beragama Islam. Adapun tinjauan hukum Islam menyatakan bahwa perkawinan beda agama itu tidak sah, karena menurut fatwa MUI Nomor:4/MUNASVII/MUI/8/2005 menetapkan bahwa nikah beda agama hukumnya haram yang diperkuat dengan firmannya dalam surat al-mumtahanah ayat 10 dan al-baqarah ayat 221.Abstract: in Law No. 23 of 2006 on the administration of the population of the article governing the marriage of different religions, in article 35 letter (a) stating that the marriage is established by the court. But the law is not regulated, so it allows causing negative impacts. But it is recognized in Indonesia if different couples of religion must embrace the same religion in one partner with the intention they have to move religion both embrace the religion of the wife and husband. With the various blessings that arise, it is not under Islamic law. Therefore, the author wants to know the impact of the marriage of different religions organized in law Number 23 the year 2006 about the administration of population and the Islamic law to the marriage of different religions in the law Number 23 the year 2006. In this study, the research method used was qualitative. Based on the results of the study, the impact of the marriage of different religions is the impact on the unharmonious households raises anxiety, and difficulty communicating. The impact on the child who makes the relationship between the family is the child and the parent becomes chaotic and not intact because knowing both parents are different beliefs. The impact on the inheritance that resulted in children born from the marriage of different religions does not have the right to obtain inheritance if not as religious as the heir, in this case, Muslim heirs. The review of Islamic law states that the marriage of different religions is not valid, because according to fatwa MUI number: 4/MUNASVII/MUI/8/2005 stipulates that the marriage of different religious religion is haram strengthened by his word in Sura al-Mumtahanah verse 10 and al-Baqarah verses 221.

2012 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Jacob Dahl Rendtorff

This paper reconstructs the argument of Axel Honneth’s recent book Das Recht der Freiheit as a theory of the institutionalization of freedom in modern society. In particular, it looks at Honneth’s argument for the realization of freedom in law and morality that is proposed as a contemporary re-interpretation of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right. Then I discuss Honneth’s argument for the reality of freedom in the ethical spheres of civil society, in particular in the family, the market and in democracy. Finally, the paper proposes some critical remarks to Honneth’s theory.

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