Robert Frost’s poems: some light from corpus analysis

Iasmine Oliveira

Linguistics and literature seem distant fields, but they can be related. This study aims at doing a discourse analysis of Robert Frost’s poems using a corpus to investigate the most frequent semantic domain in his poetry. This analysis should also allow us to make connections with his personal life. A corpus composed by 35 poems of Frost (3,725 words) was investigated focusing on nouns. The corpus was tagged by CLAWS 7 and AntConc was the software used to generate the frequency lists and concordance lines for the analysis. Results of this research indicate that 26% of the nouns are related to nature. A connection between people and the nature elements was verified in 91% of the poems, which suggests that human experiences are portrayed through this relation. Furthermore, nature nouns may be found in different linguistic environment, affecting how they are portrayed: 31% is positive (e.g. bright flowers), 32% is negative (e.g. heavy sky) and 37% is neutral (e.g mowing field). Therefore, nature nouns can also be understood by their semantic prosody. If nature is depicted positively, negatively or neutrally, it is where “man finds himself” (LYNEN, 1962, p. 177). Frost’s poems consider all the conflicts that surround a man’s life.Key words: Robert Frost, literature, corpus linguistics, nouns, nature.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 81
Rosita Masfirotul Uyun

This study aims to discover the theme of popular physics book, The GrandDesign, through corpus linguistics and discourse analysis as well as how theauthors of the book describe the field of study which in fact is not their mainfocus to work on. In this case, the authors are physicists and cosmologists whoattempt to use quantum to interpret the history if the universe. There were twoterms, quantum and cosmology, which would be examined to gain the number ofappearance in the book. A computer-based corpus software, AntConc v 3.4.3w andchi square test were employed to gain the hit numbers and the significant value ofthe possible different number appeared. This result would answer the question ofwhat the theme of the book is. The procedure of corpus analysis, which raw textis directly analyzed, was used along with collocation and concordance analysis.After the data was gained from collocation and concordance analysis, discourseanalysis was applied to obtain the profound findings of how the authors asserttheir opinion of quantum in the study of the cosmology. This paper resulted thatquantum has more hit numbers than cosmology. In addition, it was found thatthe theory proposed in this book was quite inadequate in a certain circumstance.

Ahlam Ahmed Mohamed Othman

Corpus-based critical discourse analysis studies have gained momentum in the last decade. Corpus Linguistics allowed critical discourse analysts to avoid bias in data selection and enlarge their samples for more representative findings. Critical Discourse Analysis, on the other hand, gave depth to corpus linguistic analysis by contextualizing it. The present study combines the two approaches to analyze the semantic prosody of Islamic keywords common to John Updike's Terrorist published in 2006 and Jonathan Wright’s translation The Televangelist published in 2016. The results of the corpus-based analysis show that while the semantic prosody of Islamic keywords is negative in Updike’s novel, it is highly positive in the translated novel. The conclusion is that Van Dijk’s proposition of the polarized representation of ‘us’ versus ‘them’ holds for Updike’s fundamentalist Islamic discourse which negatively represents Islam and Muslims. However, Van Dijk’s proposition holds only partially for Wright's tolerant Islamic discourse which positively represents Islam and Muslims without misrepresenting the other.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 00018
Restu Anggi Gustara

This is a Critical Discourse Analysis of the collocation of ‘homosexual’, ‘lesbian’, and ‘gay’ terms in the corpus data of Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) and British National Corpus (BNC). By conducting Halliday’s theory, this study aims to find out the representation of three terms, ‘homosexual’, lesbian’, and ‘gay’, also the ideology, from the collocation words. As a combined study between Critical Discourse Analysis and Corpus Linguistics, a qualitative and quantitative data were used. By using corpus analysis as the method, the researcher analyzes the ideology based on the collected collocates words. The result of the analysis shows that ‘homosexual’, ‘lesbian’, and ‘gay’ has a linier relationship. Those three terms are used in different area of public text, which are ‘homosexual’ is more acceptable in academic term and ‘lesbian’ and ‘gay’ are mostly used in the non-academic term. Even though COCA and BNC show the different amount of their existence, they are share the same collocation: rights, relationship, lifestyle, identity, activist, and couple.

2019 ◽  

Buku Sukacita di dalam Surat Filipi adalah sebuah penelitian tentangkonsep sukacita di dalam surat Filipi dengan menggunakanpendekatan integrasi antara analisis wacana (discourse analysis)dan rentangan semantis (semantic domain). Buku ini juga adalah revisi daribuku sebelumnya yang berjudul Konsep Sukacita di dalam Surat Filipi yangpernah terbit pada tahun 2012. Penulis menyempurnakan konsep sukacitaini dengan penambahan pendekatan yakni analisis wacana (makro)sebelum melakukan analisis rentangan semantis (mikro).Penelitian William G. Morrice tentang sukacita dalam bukunya Joy inthe New Testament(1984), karya tulis dari Johanes P. Louw dalam bukunyayang berjudul the Semantics of New Testament Greek (1982), dan karyamonumental dari Louw dan Eugene A. Nida dalam leksikon yang berjudulGreek-English Lexicon of the New Testament Based on Semantic Domains (1988)telah menginspirasi dan membantu penulis dalam menyelesaikan buku ini.Bagi penulis, buku ini adalah bentuk nyata pertolongan AllahTritunggal yang Mahakudus. Pujian dan kemuliaan hanya ditujukankepada-Nya. Buku ini telah melalui proses penulisan yang panjangsehingga tidak lupa penulis mengucap terima kasih kepada para mentordan inspirator seperti Pdt. Ir. Armand Barus, Ph.D, Pdt. Dr. MarulakPasaribu, D.Min., dan Pdt. Dr. Hardi Budiyana.Buku ini didedikasikan kepada para pembaca yang serius mencaripikiran Allah yang tertulis di dalam Alkitab. Semoga buku ini bisabermanfaat bagi gereja-gereja dan kalangan akademisi untuk menambahkekayaan spiritual yang begitu banyak di dalam Alkitab. Tidak lupa jugabuku ini adalah produk manusia yang tentu tidak luput dari kesalahansehingga penulis mengharapkan masukan-masukan dari para pembacauntuk kesempurnaan buku ini.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 195
Amal Riyadh Kitishat ◽  
Murad Al Kayed ◽  
Mohammad Al-Ajalein

The present study employs corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis to investigate the attitudes of Jordanian news towards the Syrian refugee crisis. The corpus of the research, which consists of 10140 articles (Word types: 103170 and Word tokens: 1956589), were taken from the Petra news agency between 2016 and 2018. Antconc Tools Version 3.4.4w was used to analyze the data. The study used corpus statistical tools of collocates and concordance. Collocates tool used to create a list of 200 collocates associated with the words: /lad3iʔ/ ‘refugee’, /lad3iʔi:n/ ‘refugees’, /su:ri:/ ‘Syrian’, and /su:ryi:n/ ‘Syrians’. These collocates were organized into two thematic categories: ‘services and resources’ and ‘Jordanians and Syrians’. The study used a concordance tool to unveil the attitudes of newspapers towards the Syrian refugee crisis. The findings of the study showed that Jordanians see Syrians as “brothers” and “guests”. However, Jordanian newspapers overstated the negative effect of Syrian refugees on the Jordanian economy, education, healthcare, etc. Jordanians were frustrated because Syrians compete with them on their resources and governmental services.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (22) ◽  
pp. 57
Luisa Chierichetti

This article, based on the most recent studies on telecinematic dialogue, proposes a contribution to linguistic research on television series, one of the most influential popular cultural products in contemporary society. The work is based on the complete scripts of the successful Spanish series Águila Roja, aired on Radio Televisión Española between 2009 and 2016. Combining techniques of corpus linguistics and discourse analysis, this study examines the characterization of Satur, one of the main characters of this fiction, through the co-construction of the meaning, as processed by the television audience. The results suggest that Satur’s discourse is characterized by the use of contemporary colloquial language and by incongruity; such features create humor and familiarity with the audience.

2015 ◽  
Vol 48 (4) ◽  
pp. 506-530 ◽  
Alex Gilmore

Discourse studies is a vast, multidisciplinary, and rapidly expanding area of research, embracing a range of approaches including discourse analysis, corpus analysis, conversation analysis, interactional sociolinguistics, critical discourse analysis, genre analysis and multimodal discourse analysis. Each approach offers its own unique perspective on discourse, focusing variably on text, context or a range of semiotic modes. Together, they provide foreign language teachers and material designers with new insights into language, and are beginning to have an observable impact on published English Language Teaching (ELT) materials. This paper examines the ways in which the four approaches with the strongest links to the ELT profession (corpus analysis, conversation analysis, discourse analysis and genre analysis) have found their way into language learning materials, and offers some suggestions on how discourse studies may influence ELT classrooms in the future.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 180-190 ◽  
Xin Huang ◽  
Wenzhong Zhu

Purpose After over 30 years’ reform and opening-up, China as the second largest economy is now facing the most essential transformation of management philosophy and the biggest challenging issue of business sustainable development, with people’s increasing worry of the deterioration of environmental pollution, food security and human health. It can be said that what China needs urgently today is business ethical value and long-term sustainable development concept, rather than rapidly growing GDP. The purpose of this paper is to assess how the term “sustainable development” is constructed and valued in the sustainability reports or corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports of Chinese corporations, so as to interpret these Chinese firms’ conception of sustainable development in their real business practices. Design/methodology/approach A corpus of sustainability reports collected from 30 Chinese corporations totaling 247,311 tokens is first of all compiled to realize the objective of study. Then the authors use the AntConc, a corpus analysis toolkit, to generate word lists, key-word-in-context concordances and collocation lists, as well as calculating statistical significance measures for collocates, of which the mutual information (MI) score 3 is most relevant to the paper’s purposes. Based on the key-word-in-context concordance and collocation list, the authors can find what context “sustainable development” usually appears in sustainability reports, thus inferring Chinese corporations’ conception of sustainable development. Findings The result indicates that Chinese corporations use the rhetoric of weak sustainability, indicating that sustainable development is compatible with further economic growth, which means that Chinese corporations in current China, strongly promoting the concept of new normal economy, still put economic growth as a dominant goal, on which other dimensions of sustainability like environmental protection depend. Research limitations/implications The data gleaned in current corpus are limited to the sustainability reports in 2014 thus the study provides no hints as to diachronic trends. However, this study increases our understanding of how Chinese corporations attach value to sustainable development from the view of corpus analysis. Originality/value Different from traditional discourse analysis, which usually carries out qualitative analysis to analyze how a word or phrase is constructed in a small number of texts, the authors’ study innovatively introduces the method of corpus analysis to explore how Chinese corporations construct “sustainable development” in their sustainability reports. Thus, the number of texts analyzed is larger in the authors’ study and their findings are more representative and convincing. The authors create a more qualitative understanding of what the reports are actually saying on their reports and prove that corpus methods can bring new application to the discourse analysis of the biggest challenging issue of China’s future economic growth, suggesting a potential novel way to work out the meaning and implication of sustainable development in Chinese real business world.

2018 ◽  
Vol 55 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-133 ◽  
Ahmad S. Haider

Abstract Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) investigates the relationship between language, power, and society. Corpus linguistics (CL) is the study of language based on examples of real life language use. Over the last two decades, various scholars have combined some approaches and notions of CDA with the analytical framework of CL to examine the representation of several phenomena in relatively large texts. This study follows a corpus-assisted (critical) discourse analysis approach to investigate a 2.5 million word corpus of Arabic news articles by Jordan’s News Agency (PETRA). It demonstrates how some researchers following this approach may make some decisions, at some stages of their analysis, which are likely to affect their findings. These potential decisions may include selecting what statistical measures to use, what threshold to consider, what terms from the frequency, cluster, and collocation results to further investigate, which concordance lines to include in their study, and some others. In this study, I argue that some of these decisions can be made to suit the researchers’ preconceived assumptions and pre-existing hypotheses. The study concludes that using corpus linguistic techniques to discursively analyze large data reduces but not completely removes researchers’ bias.

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