science book
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2022 ◽  
Muhammad Hamka Syahrial ◽  
Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin

This book has a brown cover and looks like it looks normal. However, this book provides information on conflict theory in detail. In addition, what is interesting is telling the conflict from all kinds of points of view, so that it is not only focused on one side. This book is also suitable for students or students who are looking for knowledge about social or conflict as a whole. The author also recommends this book to students of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. This book is an objective description of the conflicts that occur in society. Another advantage is that it explains the basis and how conflicts are formed. At first glance, it looks like a science book, but the author tries to combine it in an easy-to-understand way. The following is a brief synopsis of this book.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 763-772
Dr. Tahani Mohammad Taha Alkalaf

This study aims to identify the percentage of inclusion of scientific and engineering practices in the content of the science book for the second intermediate grade in Saudi Arabia. To achieve the aim of the research, a descriptive and analytical method was used. A content analysis card based on the list of scientific and engineering practices found in (NRC, 2012). Appropriate statistical analyses were carried out to calculate the frequency and the percentage of all practices. The results showed that the availability of all scientific and engineering practices in the content of the analyzed book was very low, as the inclusion percentage ranged from (2.7% - 27.4%). The content did not include the practice of “engaging in the argument based on the evidence”, "where the inclusion rate was (0%). The study recommended a review of the framework of the content of science books to ensure that students undoubtedly practice scientific and engineering practices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 459-464
I Made Dwi Wahyu Kartika ◽  
Ni Made Jaya Senastri ◽  
Ni Gusti ketut Sri Astiti

Franchising is a marketing concept in order to expand the business to support the economy, in this case there are often problems related to the agreement that has been set. Therefore, a legal protection is needed for the recipient of the right. The purpose of this study is to reveal the choice of agreement in the implementation of franchise agreements in Indonesia and the form of legal protection for franchisees in Indonesia. The research method in this study is normative research focusing on the behavior of the legal community and through legal science book references. Sources of data used are primary data by examining regulations related to franchises and secondary data by examining literature, books, papers and journals. Data collection techniques by classifying primary legal materials with secondary legal materials as a support. Analysis of Legal Materials obtained by qualitative analysis. The results of the study reveal that the franchise business in Indonesia has been regulated in the provisions of PP No. 42 of 2007 concerning franchising, for the legal requirements for the establishment of a franchise business, it must meet the provisions in Article 1320 of the Civil Code, and the form of legal protection for franchisees is contained in Article 7 of the Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 12/ MDAG/Per/3/2006 so the franchisor cannot terminate the agreement at any time or at any time.

Nature ◽  
2021 ◽  
John Tregoning

Lesley Newson ◽  
Peter Richerson

It’s time for a new story of our origins. One reason is that there a great deal of new evidence about what humans are like and the conditions that shaped human evolution. Another is that the thinking on human evolution has shifted. Evolutionists recognize that humans are very different from other animals, and they have been working to explain the different evolutionary path that humans took. There are still many gaps in the story, but this book describes seven points in our ancestors’ tale and explains the evidence behind these descriptions. The story begins seven million years ago, with the life of our ape ancestors, which were also the ancestors of today’s chimpanzees and bonobos. The second point is three million years ago with an ape that walked upright and lived outside the forest. Then follows a description of the life of early humans who lived one and a half million years ago. At the fourth point, 100,000 years ago, humans lived in Africa who were physically very similar to modern humans. The fifth is 30,000 years ago, during the last ice age, when our ancestors had evolved more complex cultures. The sixth is the period of accelerating cultural evolution that began as the planet started to recover from this ice age. Finally, beginning in the 1700s, there is the transformational period we are in now, which we call “modern times.” The style of this book is unusual for a science book because it has narrative sections that illustrate the lives of our ancestors and the problems they faced.

Seyed Amir Hossein Batouli

Memory is probably one of the most complex cognitive functions of the human, and in many years, thousands of studies have helped us to better recognize this brain function. One of the reference textbooks in neuroscience, which has also elaborated on the memory function, is written by Prof. Kandel and his colleagues. In this book, I encountered a number of ambiguities when it was explaining the memory system. Here, I am sharing those points, either to find an answer for them, or to let them be a suggestion for our future works. Prof. Kandel has spent most of his meritorious lifetime on studying the memory system; however, the brain is extremely complex, and as a result, we still have many years to comprehensively understand the neural mechanisms of brain functions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Yuliani Astuti ◽  
Muhammad Zaini ◽  
Aminuddin Prahatama Putra

This development research is intended to describe the results of the development of a popular scientific book on shrimp species in the coastal waters of Tabanio, including validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The development design used was a design of Tessmer adaptation, including self-evaluation, expert testing, individual testing, and only up to small group tests. The object of research was a popular scientific book developed. Simultaneously, the research subjects consisted of 3 lecturers of Master Education of Biology, Lambung Mangkurat University, and five senior high school students of Abdul Kadir Panyipatan. Data were collected using the techniques of observation, questionnaires, and tests. The results showed that a popular scientific book was declared very valid based on expert validation results, while based on individual tests, the popular scientific book was declared very good. The popular science book that has been developed was considered practical because the results of student responses are 96.5% with very practical criteria. The result of the implementation of the popular science book was an average of 93.3%. The popular scientific book was declared effective because students' critical thinking skills increased in the Small Group, with 94.5% and N-Gain of 0.8 on high criteria. This popular scientific book has a systematic and structured writing flow. This book contains a discussion with high values of local potential. The design used is simple but easy to understand, and includes species identification, and displays original images taken directly from the coastal forest of Tabanio. All of these are the hallmarks of this popular science book.Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan validitas, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan pengembangan buku ilmiah populer jenis udang di perairan pesisir Tabanio. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan Plomp dan Nieveen yang dibatasi pada tahap prototyping phase dimana evaluasi formatif berdasarkan Tessmer yang terdiri dari evaluasi diri, pendapat ahli, uji perorangan, dan hanya sampai uji kelompok kecil. Objek dalam penelitian ini ialah buku ilmiah populer yang dikembangkan, sedangkan subjek penelitian terdiri dari 3 dosen Magister Pendidikan Biologi ULM dan 5 siswa SMA Abdul Kadir  Panyipatan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, angket dan tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukan buku ilmiah populer dinyatakan sangat valid berdasarkan hasil validasi ahli, sedangkan berdasarkan uji perorangan buku ilmiah populer ini dinyatakan sangat baik. Buku ilmiah populer yang telah dikembangkan dinyatakan praktis karena hasil respon siswa sebesar 96,5% dengan kriteria sangat praktis, dan hasil keterlaksanaan Buku ilmiah populer rata-rata 93,3%. Buku ilmiah populer dinyatakan efektif karena hasil kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa yang mengalami peningkatan pada Small Group dengan rata-rata 94,5% dan N-Gain sebesar 0,8 pada kriteria tinggi. Oleh karena itu, buku ilmiah populer “Jenis Udang di Perairan Pesisir Tabanio” ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pengayaan untuk melatihkan kemampuan  berpikir kritis siswa SMA.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1788 (1) ◽  
pp. 012048
Arief Muttaqiin ◽  
Murtiani Murtiani ◽  
Yulkifli Yulkifli

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