Práticas Integrativas e Complementares: a Enfermagem Fortalecendo essa Proposta

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 50 ◽  
Maria Elizabeth Da Costa Felipe Santiago

Atualmente, há aumento da utilização de práticas integrativas e complementares, especialmente, em países desenvolvidos. Dessa maneira, é indispensável o resgate dos principais marcos na história da saúde, que estabeleceram a Política Nacional de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares – PNPIC. Frente a essas circunstâncias, o objetivo é sondar a capacidade que o profissional enfermeiro possui para desenvolver sua autonomia, de acordo com a PNPIC, no que diz respeito à inserção das práticas integrativas durante o cuidado em enfermagem. O método de pesquisa utilizado é uma revisão de literatura, com buscas efetuadas na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), nas seguintes bases de dados: Organização Pan-Americana de Saúde (Opas), Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO), Literatura Latino-americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (Lilacs) e Literatura Internacional em Ciências da Saúde (Medline), sendo selecionados sete artigos publicados entre 2006 e 2013. As pesquisas demonstraram o desconhecimento dos enfermeiros quanto à legislação e a falta de capacitação específica. Daí a necessidade de introduzir disciplinas teóricas e práticas a respeito das práticas integrativas e complementares na graduação, com o intuito de incentivar o interesse dos acadêmicos por novas áreas de atuação, e a importância de que egressos, os enfermeiros busquem qualificação e especializações em práticas integrativas e complementares. Palavras-chave: Terapias Integrativas e Complementares. Profissional de Enfermagem. Qualificação e Especialização.AbstractNowadays, there is an increase regarding the use of integrative and complementary practices in health, especially in developed countries. Thus, it is indispensable to rescue the main milestones in the history of health that established the National Policy of Integrative and Complementary Practices (PNPIC). In view of these circumstances, the objective of this paper is to identify the nursing professional skills to develop his or her autonomy according to the National Policy on Integrative and Complementary Practices (PNPIC), regarding the insertion of integrative practices during nursing care. The research method used is a literature review carried out through searches in the Virtual Health Library (VHL), in the following databases: PanAmerican Health Organization (PAHO), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (Lilacs) and Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (Medline). Seven articles published between 2006 and 2013 were selected using the keywords integrative therapies, complementary therapies and the nursing professional autonomy. Research has shown that nurses are not aware of the legislation and lack specific training, therefore it is necessary to introduce theoretical and practical disciplines regarding integrative and complementary therapies in undergraduate courses, in order to encourage the interest in new areas of healthcare, and, once they have graduated, nurses should seek qualification and specialization in integrative and complementary therapies.Keywords: Integrative and Complementary Therapies. Nursing professional. Qualification and Specialization.

1968 ◽  
Vol 62 (3) ◽  
pp. 889-897 ◽  
Martin C. Needler

One way of acquiring insight into the processes of political development in Latin America is to compare the countries of the area systematically in terms of the “degree of development” which each can be said to have attained. Ideally, such an enterprise can lead to the understanding of the past history of the “more developed” countries by reference to the present problems of the “less developed” while an understanding of the problems confronting the more developed countries can make possible a glimpse into the future of those now less developed. Isolation of the factors responsible for a state's being more or less developed can moreover prove instructive for the understanding of the relations between political and socioeconomic phenomena.Perhaps most important, such comparisons provide the means for holding constant effects attributable to characteristics shared by all, or nearly all, of the Latin American countries. Thus it can be argued with much plausibility that military intervention in politics, say, derives from elements in the Hispanic tradition. Yet it is clear that the frequency of military intervention varies from country to country, even where they share equally in that tradidition. Thus one is forced to go beyond the “Hispanic tradition” thesis with which the investigation might otherwise have come to rest.In the present article I will be concerned with the problem of the relation of political development to socioeconomic development in the Latin American context. For reasons that will become apparent below, I will not at this point attempt a rigorous analysis of the concept of political development, which has already been the subject of a large and rapidly growing literature.

1997 ◽  
Vol 171 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-14 ◽  
Jan Volavka ◽  
Eugene Laska ◽  
Sheryl Baker ◽  
Morris Meisner ◽  
Pal Czobor ◽  

BackgroundInformation on patterns and correlates of the violent behaviour of individuals with schizophrenia is largely limited to populations in developed countries. Data from a World Health Organization epidemiological study of schizophrenia and related disorders, the Determinants of Outcome of Severe Mental Disorders (DOSMD), presented an opportunity to study patterns of violence across multinational settings.MethodCentres in 10 countries participated in the DOSMD study. An incidence sample of 1017 patients with schizophrenia who had their first-in-lifetime contact with a helping agency as a result of their psychotic symptoms was obtained. Data were available on their history of violent behaviour, substance use, and demographics.ResultsThe occurrence rate of assault in the entire cohort was 20.6 per hundred, but the rate was three times higher in the developing countries (31.5 per hundred) than in the developed countries (10.5 per hundred). History of assault was associated with positive symptoms, such as excitement and auditory hallucinations, and with serious alcohol problems.ConclusionsThe cultural context and the specific characteristics of the disease in individuals with schizophrenia may interactively affect rates of violent behaviour.

2021 ◽  
Vol 263 (2) ◽  
pp. 4028-4036
Alexis Campos ◽  
Felipe Raimann Arias ◽  
Pablo Gonzáles Padilla

The Ministry of Environment of Chile is currently updating the public policies that regulate noise mainly from industrial sources. For this reason, a background record of studies that describe the benefits and socioeconomic effects of noise in the population is needed. Through a bibliographic review it was possible to identify a variety of benefits and effects in the economy, health and social ambit, as well as new investigation lines that take in consideration the mental health and non favorable socioeconomic conditions (economic inequality, racial and ethnic problems). The different works analyzed include the recent systematic reviews for the elaboration of the "Environmental noise guidelines for the European Region" of the World Health Organization, a series of works mainly of European origin and two Latin American economic studies. Finally, due to the low regulation in Latin American countries regarding noise, it is possible that these problems are greater than those reported in developed countries and therefore their study is of interest to create or apply other public policies in the region to a greater extent.

2019 ◽  

Birth defects contribute substantially to the burden of morbidity and mortality in the Region of the Americas. Numerous efforts exist to raise awareness of this problem and to implement surveillance in health and government sectors. However, there is still a long way to go. In this regard, for several years, countries have been taking actions to coordinate efforts, while strengthening and establishing strategic alliances to achieve significant results. The extensive history of efforts aimed at responding to the situation of birth defects in the Region includes actions in health care, epidemiology, legislation, and investigation, with participation from the scientific and technical community, government, and civil society. After taking into account all these aspects, the Pan American Health Organization/Latin American Center for Perinatology, Women, and Reproductive Health (PAHO/CLAP/WR), together with the World Bank, decided to create a document summarizing the regional situation of birth defects from an epidemiological and programmatic perspective, to analyze the challenges and offer countries guidance to address birth defects, their determinants, and consequences, with the ultimate goal of helping to “leave no one behind.” This publication was made possible by financial support from the United States Agency for International Development—USAID.

Case reports ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-7
Luis Reinel Vásquez-Arteaga ◽  
Julio César Giraldo-Forero

The teniosis/cysticercosis (T/C) complex is a parasitic disease caused by the cestodes Taenia solium and Taenia saginata, and is considered as a neglected zoonosis by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Colombian Ministry of Health and Social Protection. (1-3) This parasitic infection is a public health and environmental problem in Latin-American, African and Asian countries, and is currently being introduced to developed countries through immigrant communities. Estimates are that 2 500 000 people are infected with this complex and that twice as many individuals develop the parasite at the tissue level. This disease is associated to 50 000 deaths every year, but these figures need to be updated. (4-8)

2013 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-53 ◽  
Taka Oguisso ◽  
Paulo Fernando De Souza Campos

Reflexão sobre a utilidade da História da Enfermagem na formação profissional. Analisa questões relativas à importância de estudos interdisciplinares no âmbito da arte e da ciência do cuidado, abordando aspectos inerentes à identidade profissional do enfermeiro e estratégias de ensino para desenvolver o interesse por essa temática.Descritores: História da Enfermagem, Formação Profissional, Interdisciplinaridade.Why to study History of Nursing and what is it for?Reflection on the usefulness of subject History of Nursing in the professional qualification. This work reviews some questions related to the importance of interdisciplinary studies as regards the art and science of care, approaching aspects that are inherent to the professional identity of the nurse and teaching strategies in order to develop the interest in such theme.Descriptors: History of Nursing, Professional Qualification, Interdisciplinarity.¿Por qué y para qué estudiar historia de la enfermería?Reflexión sobre la utilidad de la Historia de la Enfermería en la formación profesional. Analiza cuestiones relativas a la importancia de estudios interdisciplinarios en el ámbito del arte y de la ciencia del cuidado, abordando aspectos inherentes a la identidad profesional del enfermero y estrategias de enseñanza para desarrollar el interés por esa temática.Descriptores: Historia de la Enfermería, Formación Profesional, Interdisciplinaridad.

Rosina Lozano

An American Language is a political history of the Spanish language in the United States. The nation has always been multilingual and the Spanish language in particular has remained as an important political issue into the present. After the U.S.-Mexican War, the Spanish language became a language of politics as Spanish speakers in the U.S. Southwest used it to build territorial and state governments. In the twentieth century, Spanish became a political language where speakers and those opposed to its use clashed over what Spanish's presence in the United States meant. This book recovers this story by using evidence that includes Spanish language newspapers, letters, state and territorial session laws, and federal archives to profile the struggle and resilience of Spanish speakers who advocated for their language rights as U.S. citizens. Comparing Spanish as a language of politics and as a political language across the Southwest and noncontiguous territories provides an opportunity to measure shifts in allegiance to the nation and exposes differing forms of nationalism. Language concessions and continued use of Spanish is a measure of power. Official language recognition by federal or state officials validates Spanish speakers' claims to US citizenship. The long history of policies relating to language in the United States provides a way to measure how U.S. visions of itself have shifted due to continuous migration from Latin America. Spanish-speaking U.S. citizens are crucial arbiters of Spanish language politics and their successes have broader implications on national policy and our understanding of Americans.

Roman Fedorov

The article is devoted to the problem of the social state as one of the fundamental constitutional principles of the state structure of modern developed countries. The course of historical development of philosophical and legal thought on this problem is considered. The idea of a close connection between the concept of the social state and the ideas of utopian socialism of Thomas More and Henri Saint-Simon is put forward. Liberals also made a significant contribution to the development of the idea of the social state, they argued that the ratio of equality and freedom is a key problem for the classical liberal doctrine. It is concluded that the emergence of the theory of the social state for objective reasons was inevitable, since it is due to the historical development of society.

2020 ◽  
endang naryono

Covid-19 or the corona virus is a virus that has become a disaster and a global humanitarian disaster began in December 2019 in Wuhan province in China, April 2020 the spread of the corona virus has spread throughout the world making the greatest humanitarian disaster in the history of human civilization after the war world II, Already tens of thousands of people have died, millions of people have been infected with the conona virus from poor countries, developing countries to developed countries overwhelmed by this virus outbreak. Increasingly, the spread follows a series of measurements while patients who recover recover from a series of counts so that this epidemic becomes a very frightening disaster plus there is no drug or vaccine for this corona virus yet found, so that all countries implement strategies to reduce this spread from social distancing, phycal distancing to with a city or country lockdown.

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