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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Maria Francilene S. Souza ◽  
Juliano G. Penha ◽  
Nair Y. Maeda ◽  
Filomena R. B. G. Galas ◽  
Kelly C. O. Abud ◽  

There is scarce information about the relationships between postoperative pulmonary hemodynamics, inflammation, and outcomes in pediatric patients with congenital cardiac communications undergoing surgery. We prospectively studied 40 patients aged 11 (8–17) months (median with interquartile range) with a preoperative mean pulmonary arterial pressure of 48 (34–54) mmHg who were considered to be at risk for postoperative pulmonary hypertension. The immediate postoperative pulmonary/systemic mean arterial pressure ratio (PAP/SAPIPO, mean of first 4 values obtained in the intensive care unit, readings at 2-hour intervals) was correlated directly with PAP/SAP registered in the surgical room just after cardiopulmonary bypass ( r = 0.68 , p < 0.001 ). For the entire cohort, circulating levels of 15 inflammatory markers changed after surgery. Compared with patients with PAP / SA P IPO ≤ 0.40 ( n = 22 ), those above this level ( n = 18 ) had increased pre- and postoperative serum levels of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor ( p = 0.040 ), interleukin-1 receptor antagonist ( p = 0.020 ), interleukin-6 ( p = 0.003 ), and interleukin-21 ( p = 0.047 ) (panel for 36 human cytokines) and increased mean platelet volume ( p = 0.018 ). Using logistic regression analysis, a PAP / SA P IPO > 0.40 and a heightened immediate postoperative serum level of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (quartile analysis) were shown to be predictive of significant postoperative cardiopulmonary events (respective hazard ratios with 95% CIs, 5.07 (1.10–23.45), and 3.29 (1.38–7.88)). Thus, the early postoperative behavior of the pulmonary circulation and systemic inflammatory response are closely related and can be used to predict outcomes in this population.

Salvatore Paiella ◽  
Matteo De Pastena ◽  
Alessandro Esposito ◽  
Erica Secchettin ◽  
Luca Casetti ◽  

Abstract Background To compare the postoperative course of elderly patients (≥70 years) submitted to minimally invasive (MIDP) versus open distal pancreatectomy (ODP) and to evaluate if the modified Frailty Index (mFI) predicts the surgical course of elderly patients submitted to DP. Methods Data of patients aged ≥70 who underwent DP at a single institution between March 2011 and December 2019 were retrospectively retrieved. A 2:1 propensity score matching (PSM) was used to correct for differences in baseline characteristics. Then, postoperative complications were compared between the two groups (MIDP vs. ODP). Additionally, the entire cohort of DP elderly patients was stratified according to the mFI into three groups: non-frail (mFI = 0), mildly frail (mFI = 1/2), or severely frail (mFI = 3) and then compared. Results A total of 204 patients were analyzed. After PSM, 40 MIDP and 80 ODP patients were identified. The complications considered stratified homogenously between the two groups, with no statistically significant differences. The severity of the postoperative course increased as mFI did among the three groups regarding any complication (p = 0.022), abdominal collection (p = 0.014), pulmonary complication (p = 0.001), postoperative confusion (p = 0.047), Clavien-Dindo severity ≥3 events (p = 0.036), and length of stay (p = 0.018). Conclusions Elderly patients can be safely submitted to MIDP. The mFI identifies frail elderly patients more prone to develop surgical and non-surgical complications after DP.

Tamara V Azizova ◽  
Maria V Bannikova ◽  
Evgenia S Grigoryeva ◽  
Ksenia Briks ◽  
Nobuyuki Hamada

Abstract The paper reports on findings of the study of mortality from diseases of circulatory system (DCS) in Russian nuclear workers of the Mayak Production Association (22,377 individuals with 25.4% of females) who were hired at the facility in 1948–1982 and followed up until end-2018. Using the AMFIT module of EPICURE software, relative risks and excess relative risks per unit absorbed dose (ERR/Gy) for the entire Mayak cohort, the subcohort of workers who were residents of the dormitory town of Ozyorsk and the subcohort of migrants from Ozyorsk were calculated based on maximum likelihood. The mean cumulative liver absorbed gamma-ray dose from external exposure was 0.45 (0.65) Gy (mean (standard deviation) gray) for males and 0.37 (0.56) Gy for females. The mean cumulative liver absorbed alpha dose from internal exposure to incorporated plutonium was 0.18 (0.65) Gy for males and 0.40 (1.92) Gy for females. By the end of the follow-up, 6019 deaths from DCS as the main cause of death were registered among Mayak PA workers (including 3828 deaths in the subcohort of residents and 2191 deaths in the subcohort of migrants) over 890,132 (622,199/267,933) person-years of follow-up. The linear model that took into account non-radiation factors (sex, attained age, calendar period, smoking status and alcohol drinking status) and alpha radiation dose (via adjusting) did not demonstrate significant associations of mortality from DCS, ischemic heart disease (IHD) and cerebrovascular disease (CeVD) with gamma-ray exposure dose in the entire cohort, the resident subcohort and the migrant subcohort (either in males or females). For the subcohort of residents, a significant association with gamma dose was observed for mortality from ischemic stroke in males with ERR/Gy=0.43 (95% CI 0.08; 0.99); there were no significant associations with liver absorbed gamma dose for any other considered outcomes. As for internal exposure, for males no significant associations of mortality from any of the DCS with liver absorbed alpha dose were observed, but for females positive associations were found for DCS (the entire cohort and the resident subcohort) and IHD (the entire cohort) mortality. No significant associations of mortality from various types of DCS with neutron dose were observed either in males or females, although neutron absorbed doses were recorded only in 18% of the workers.

Phoenix D. Bell ◽  
Yuki Teramoto ◽  
Pratik M. S. Gurung ◽  
Numbereye Numbere ◽  
Zhiming Yang ◽  

Context.— Perineural invasion (PNI) by prostate cancer has been associated with adverse pathology, including extraprostatic extension. However, the significance of PNI quantification on prostate biopsy (PBx) remains unclear. Objective.— To compare radical prostatectomy (RP) findings and long-term outcomes in patients whose PBx had exhibited PNI. Design.— We assessed 497 consecutive patients undergoing sextant (6-site/≥12-core) PBx showing conventional adenocarcinoma followed by RP. Results.— PNI was found in 1 (n = 290)/2 (n = 132)/3 (n = 47)/4 (n = 19)/5 (n = 5)/6 (n = 4) of the sites/regions of PBx. Compared with a single PNI site, multiple PNIs were significantly associated with higher preoperative prostate-specific antigen, higher Grade Group (GG) on PBx or RP, higher pT or pN category, positive surgical margin, and larger estimated tumor volume. When compared in subgroups of patients based on PBx GG, significant differences in RP GG (GG1–3), pT (GG1–2/GG1–3/GG2/GG3), surgical margin status (GG1–3/GG3/GG5), or tumor volume (GG1–2/GG1–3/GG2/GG3) between 1 versus multiple PNIs were observed. Moreover, there were significant differences in prostate-specific antigen (PNI sites: 1–2 versus 3–6/1–3 versus 4–6/1–4 versus 5–6), RP GG (1–3 versus 4–6/1–4 versus 5–6), pT (1–2 versus 3–6/1–3 versus 4–6), pN (1–3 versus 4–6), or tumor volume (1–2 versus 3–6/1–4 versus 5–6). Outcome analysis revealed significantly higher risks of disease progression in the entire cohort or PBx GG1–2/GG1–3/GG2/GG3/GG5 cases showing 2 to 6 PNIs, compared with respective controls with 1-site PNI. In multivariate analysis, multisite PNI was an independent predictor for progression (hazard ratio = 1.556, P = .03). Conclusions.— Multiple sites of PNI on PBx were associated with worse histopathologic features in RP specimens and poorer prognosis. PNI may thus need to be specified, if present, in every sextant site on PBx, especially those showing GG1–3 cancer.

2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (6) ◽  
pp. 873-879
S. Yu. Martsevich ◽  
M. M. Lukyanov ◽  
M. M. Pulin ◽  
N. P. Kutishenko ◽  
E. Yu. Andreenko ◽  

Aim. Based on the data from the register of patients with COVID-19 and community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), analyze the duration of the prehospital period, cardiovascular comorbidity and the quality of prehospital pharmacotherapy of concomitant cardiovascular diseases (CVD).Material and methods. Patients were included to the study which admitted to the FSBI "NMHC named after N.I. Pirogov" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation with a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 and/or CAP. The data for prehospital therapy, information from medical histories and a patients’survey in the hospital or by telephone contact 1-2 weeks after discharge were study. The duration of the prehospital stage was determined from the date of the appearance of clinical symptoms of coronavirus infection to the date of hospitalization.Results. The average age of the patients (n=1130; 579 [51.2%] men and 551 [48.8%] women) was 57.5±12.8 years. The prehospital stage was 7 (5,0; 10,0) days and did not differ significantly in patients with the presence and absence of CVD, but was significantly less in the deceased than in the surviving patients, as well as in those who required artificial lung ventilation (ALV). 583 (51.6%) patients had at least one CVD. Cardiovascular comorbidity was registered in 222 (42.7%) patients with hypertension, 210 (95.5%) patients with coronary heart disease (CHD), 104 (91.2%) patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). The inclusion of non-cardiac chronic diseases in the analysis led to an increase in the total proportion of patients with concomitant diseases to 65.8%. Approximately a quarter of hypertensive patients did not receive antihypertensive therapy, a low proportion of patients receiving antiplatelet agents and statins for CHD was revealed – 53% and 31.8%, respectively, anticoagulants for AF – 50.9%.Conclusion. The period from the onset of symptoms to hospitalization was significantly shorter in the deceased than in the surviving patients, as well as in those who required ALV. The proportion of people with a history of at least one CVD was about half of the entire cohort of patients. In patients with CVD before COVID-19 disease, a low frequencies of prescribing antihypertensive drugs, statins, antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants (in patients with AF) were recorded at the prehospital stage.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Mitsuaki Kojima ◽  
Akira Endo ◽  
Atsushi Shiraishi ◽  
Tomohisa Shoko ◽  
Yasuhiro Otomo ◽  

Abstract Background The benefits of a high plasma-to-red blood cell (RBC) ratio on the survival of injured patients who receive massive transfusions remain unclear, especially in older patients. We aimed to investigate the interaction of age with the plasma-to-RBC ratio and clinical outcomes of trauma patients. Methods In this retrospective study conducted from 2013 to 2016, trauma patients who received massive transfusions were included. Using a generalized additive model (GAM),we assessed how the plasma-to-RBC ratio and age affected the in-hospital mortality rates. The association of the plasma-to-RBC ratio [low (< 0.5), medium (0.5–1.0), and high (≥ 1.0)] with in-hospital mortality and the incidence of adverse events were assessed for the overall cohort and for patients stratified into non-geriatric (16–64 years) and geriatric (≥ 65 years) groups using logistic regression analyses. Results In total, 13,894 patients were included. The GAM plot of the plasma-to-RBC ratio for in-hospital mortality demonstrated a downward convex unimodal curve for the entire cohort. The low-transfusion ratio group was associated with increased odds of in-hospital mortality in the non-geriatric cohort [odds ratio 1.38, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.22–1.56]; no association was observed in the geriatric group (odds ratio 0.84, 95% CI 0.62–1.12). An increase in the transfusion ratio was associated with a higher incidence of adverse events in the non-geriatric and geriatric groups. Conclusion The association of the non-geriatric age category and plasma-to-RBC ratio for in-hospital mortality was clearly demonstrated. However, the relationship between the plasma-to-RBC ratio with mortality among geriatric patients remains inconclusive.

Obesities ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-20
Gabrielle Maston ◽  
Hamid Reza Kahlaee ◽  
Janet Franklin ◽  
Elisia Manson ◽  
Alice A. Gibson ◽  

Severely energy-restricted diets (SERDs) are an effective treatment for obesity, however, adherence to such diets is often perceived as poor by healthcare professionals. This investigation evaluated adherence to a 12-week SERD in participants with class II and III obesity. Reported food consumption was compared against individualised SERD prescriptions. Body weight measures were obtained at baseline, 12 and 52 weeks. The data were analysed in three groups (i) the entire cohort (n = 26), (ii) completers (n = 13) and (iii) non-completers (n = 13). SERD prescription elements included (i) the number of meal replacement products; (ii) total protein; (iii) total energy intake; (iv) level of dietary energy restriction; (v) vegetable serves; (vi) water serves, and (vii) how much physical activity was performed. A generalised repeated-measures mixed-effects model was used to investigate if adherence to the program elements individually, or collectively, influenced weight loss. Completers had an average (± SD) of 4549 ± 748 kJ energy intake per day, resulting in a mean energy restriction of 62% compared to the 69% prescribed, indicating a degree of non-adherence. The percent weight changes for completers and non-completers were −7.8 ± 4.7% and −1.6 ± 2.6% at 12 weeks, and −12.2 ± 12.1% and −1.8 ± 3.2% at 52 weeks, respectively. Complete dietary adherence to a SERD may not be necessary to achieve a clinically relevant weight loss of 12% at 52 weeks, if energy is restricted by at least 62% (~4600 kJ per day) relative to requirements.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Howard J. Heching ◽  
Anmol Goyal ◽  
Brian Harvey ◽  
Lindsey Malloy-Walton ◽  
Christopher Follansbee ◽  

Abstract Objectives: Many children diagnosed with COVID-19 infections did not require hospitalisation. Our objective was to analyse electrocardiographic changes in children with asymptomatic, mild or moderate COVID-19 who did not require hospitalisation Methods: All children are seen in a paediatric cardiology clinic who had asymptomatic, mild or moderate COVID-19 that did not require hospitalisation and had at least one electrocardiogram after their diagnosis were included in this retrospective analysis. Records were reviewed to determine COVID-19 disease severity and presence of Long COVID. Rhythm assessment, atrial enlargement, ventricular hypertrophy, PR/QRS/QT interval duration and ST-T wave abnormalities were analysed by a paediatric electrophysiologist. Clinically ordered echocardiograms were reviewed for signs of myopericarditis (left ventricular ejection fraction and pericardial effusion) on any subject with an electrocardiographic abnormality. Results: Of the 82 children meeting inclusion criteria (14.4 years, range 1–18 years, 57% male), 17 patients (21%) demonstrated electrocardiographic changes. Ten patients (12%) had electrocardiogram of borderline significance, which included isolated mild PR prolongation or mild repolarisation abnormalities. The other seven patients (9%) had concerning electrocardiographic findings consisting of more significant repolarisation abnormalities. None of the patients with an abnormal electrocardiogram revealed any echocardiographic abnormality. All abnormal electrocardiograms normalised over time except in two cases. Across the entire cohort, greater COVID-19 disease severity and long COVID were not associated with electrocardiographic abnormalities. Conclusions: Electrocardiographic abnormalities are present in a minority of children with an asymptomatic, mild or moderate COVID-19 infection. Many of these changes resolved over time and no evidence of myopericarditis was present on echocardiography.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
pp. 204062232110676
Ming-Han Hsieh ◽  
Tzu-Yu Kao ◽  
Ting-Hui Hsieh ◽  
Chun-Chi Kao ◽  
Cheng-Yuan Peng ◽  

Background: For chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients completing pegylated interferon (PegIFN)-α/ribavirin therapy, long-term liver histological changes remain largely unexplored. Methods: This observational cohort study included 85 CHC patients completing PegIFN-α/ribavirin therapy with liver biopsies performed at baseline and the end of surveillance (EOS). Median years between paired biopsies were 6.75 (interquartile range: 5.63–7.54). Results: In patients with baseline METAVIR fibrosis stages (F) <4 (able to undergo fibrosis progression; n = 77), cases achieving sustained virological response (SVR) ( n = 52) had a significantly lower rate of fibrosis progression than non-SVR cases ( n = 25) (3.8% versus 24.0%, p = 0.012). Among the entire cohort ( n = 85), the rate of activity response [METAVIR activity grades (A) decreasing or maintaining at A0] in SVR cases ( n = 59) was significantly higher than that in non-SVR cases ( n = 26) (94.9% versus 65.4%, p = 0.001). For SVR cases among the entire cohort, independent predictors of fibrosis clearance included baseline F <2 [odds ratio (OR) = 7.877, p = 0.042] and aspartate transaminase (AST) levels declining by >70% at EOS compared with baseline (OR = 9.013, p = 0.038). For non-SVR cases among the entire cohort, baseline AST levels >80 U/l and glucose levels ⩽ 105 mg/dl independently predicted significant fibrosis (F2/F3/F4) at EOS (OR = 12.558, p = 0.049) and activity response (OR = 17.741, p = 0.047), respectively. Conclusions: Among CHC patients completing PegIFN-α/ribavirin therapy, SVR lowers the risk of liver histological progression but does not guarantee fibrosis clearance. For SVR cases, those with baseline F ⩾ 2 or without significantly declined follow-up AST levels should be specifically monitored. As for non-SVR cases, those with a higher baseline AST or glucose level should preferentially receive retreatment.

Simon Sun ◽  
Kaelan Lupton ◽  
Karen Batch ◽  
Huy Nguyen ◽  
Lior Gazit ◽  

PURPOSE To assess the accuracy of a natural language processing (NLP) model in extracting splenomegaly described in patients with cancer in structured computed tomography radiology reports. METHODS In this retrospective study between July 2009 and April 2019, 3,87,359 consecutive structured radiology reports for computed tomography scans of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis from 91,665 patients spanning 30 types of cancer were included. A randomized sample of 2,022 reports from patients with colorectal cancer, hepatobiliary cancer (HB), leukemia, Hodgkin lymphoma (HL), and non-HL patients was manually annotated as positive or negative for splenomegaly. NLP model training/testing was performed on 1,617/405 reports, and a new validation set of 400 reports from all cancer subtypes was used to test NLP model accuracy, precision, and recall. Overall survival was compared between the patient groups (with and without splenomegaly) using Kaplan-Meier curves. RESULTS The final cohort included 3,87,359 reports from 91,665 patients (mean age 60.8 years; 51.2% women). In the testing set, the model achieved accuracy of 92.1%, precision of 92.2%, and recall of 92.1% for splenomegaly. In the validation set, accuracy, precision, and recall were 93.8%, 92.9%, and 86.7%, respectively. In the entire cohort, splenomegaly was most frequent in patients with leukemia (32.5%), HB (17.4%), non-HL (9.1%), colorectal cancer (8.5%), and HL (5.6%). A splenomegaly label was associated with an increased risk of mortality in the entire cohort (hazard ratio 2.10; 95% CI, 1.98 to 2.22; P < .001). CONCLUSION Automated splenomegaly labeling by NLP of radiology report demonstrates good accuracy, precision, and recall. Splenomegaly is most frequently reported in patients with leukemia, followed by patients with HB.

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