Combined Genetic Analysis of Brown Spot (Helminthosporium oryzae) Disease for Developed Hybrid Combinations and their Parental Lines in Hybrid Rice

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 37-48
Mostafa Mamdouh Elshenawy ◽  
Walid Hassan Elgamal ◽  
Galal Bakr Anis ◽  
Fatma Awad

This experiment was carried out at the Farm of Rice Research and Training Center, Sakha, Kafrelsheikh, Egypt during three rice grown seasons from 2014-2016. Three cytoplasmic male sterile lines, two wild abortive type (WA); IR69625A, IR70368A and one (K-type) K17A as females were tested with seven rice genotypes Giza 178, Giza 179, Giza 181,Giza 182, Sakha 105, GZ 6296-12-1-2-1-1 and HR195R as testers using line x tester model of hybridization. The parental lines and their resulting (21F1crosses) were evaluated in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) experiment having three replications during 2015 and 2016 growing seasons and surrounded by susceptible rice varieties i.e. Giza 171, Giza 177 and Giza 159 as natural infection to brown spot (Helminthosporium oryzae). Three brown spot acceptability traits; disease severity (%), infected leaves (%) and infected grains/panicle (%) were observed during this investigation. The combined data was calculated over both seasons to test the interaction of the different genetic components. According to the results, the male parents Giza178, Giza179, HR195, Giza 181 and Giza 182 could be utilized either for producing new hybrid combinations or for developing new parental lines in brown spot resistance program. The female line K17A was found to have a good combiner to brown spot resistance. Evaluation of hybrids for heterosis breeding based on mean performance, better-parent (BP %) and mid-parent heterosis (MP %) indicated that, out of 21F1hybrid rice combinations, one hybrid K17A x Giza182 found significantly desirable values for most brown spot traits and can be utilized as commercial hybrids resistant to brown spot disease.

2017 ◽  
Vol 44 (3) ◽  
pp. 235
Yuni Widyastuti ◽  
Bambang Sapta Purwoko ◽  
Dan Muhamad Yunus

ABSTRACT<br /><br />Developing of  drought tolerant hybrid rice varieties requires parental lines which have tolerance to drought. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) has been widely used as an osmotic solution for detecting drought tolerance at germination stage of rice. The objectives of this experiment were to evaluate variables of drought tolerance at germination stage  and to select drought tolerance of parental lines using osmotic solution PEG 6000 at concentration of 25%. The experiment was conducted at the greenhouse ICABIOGRAD Cimanggu Bogor, during April-May 2014. The design of the experiment was arranged in factorial randomized block design with three replications. The first factor (genotype) had 21 levels and the second factor (osmotic potential) had two levels (0 and 25% concentration levels of PEG 6000). Based on the principal component analysis, six primary indicators were proposed for drought tolerance of rice at germination stage, i.e., germination percentage, seed vigor, seminal root length, seedling length and dry weight of seminal root. Based on the clustering analysis, at 73.76% of similarity rate, the 21 tested genotypes were divided into 2 groups. The genotypes which showed similar responses with Salumpikit were IR 58025B, GMJ 14B, IR 80154B, GMJ 15B, R 3, PK 90, and PK 12 respectively. <br /><br />Keywords: drought tolerance, germination, hybrid rice PEG, parental lines <br /><br />

Agriculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 226
Hamdi F. El-Mowafi ◽  
Muneera D. F. AlKahtani ◽  
Rizk M. Abdallah ◽  
Amr M. Reda ◽  
Kotb A. Attia ◽  

Hybrid rice parental lines with better combining abilities provide an efficient tool to increase rice production. In the current study, twenty hybrid combinations were generated from five aromatic cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines and four restorer lines (three of them aromatic) using a line × tester mating design. The hybrids and their parental lines were evaluated under two water regimes: normal irrigation and water-stress. Ten yield-component traits were studied over a period of 2 years, and the significant differences between the parents and hybrids are reported in this investigation. Overall, all yield component traits were significantly affected by the water deficit and were governed by both additive and non-additive gene actions. More specifically, the grain yield (GY) was mainly controlled by non-additive gene action under both normal and water-stress conditions. The contribution of the additive variance (σ2 A) was more prominent in the genetic components of traits as compared to the dominance variance (σ2 D). The aromatic parental line CMS IR58025A and the restorer line PR2 were recorded as the best combiners for the GY and good combiners for many other characteristics under both growth conditions. The cross combinations Pusa12A/IR25571-31R and Pusa12A/Giza-Basmati-201 revealed significantly positive specific combining ability (SCA) effects for the GY under both normal and water-stress conditions. The inconsistent correlation between the general combining ability (GCA) and SCA manifested complex interactions among the positive and negative alleles of the genes controlling the yield traits. Generally, the findings of this investigation demonstrated the importance of the GCA and SCA for understanding the genetic components and gene actions of the yield characteristics in new aromatic hybrid rice parental lines. Therefore, we recommend considering these findings in the selection of elite parents for developing superior aromatic hybrid rice varieties under water-stress conditions.

2016 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 126
Ermelinda Maria Lopes Hornai ◽  
Bambang Sapta Purwoko ◽  
Willy Bayuardi Suwarno ◽  
Dan Iswari Saraswati Dewi

ABSTRACT<br /><br />Hybrid rice varieties  is an alternative technology to improve  productivity of low land rice. The results of previous studies have identified and found the male sterile lines Wild Abortive type and Kalinga are resistant to bacterial leaf blight pathotype III, IV and VIII. The objectives of the research were to obtain information on agronomic characters, yield evaluation, genetic parameters, and repeatability information. The experiment was conducted in two locations namely  Muara and Indramayu experimental stations. The design used was a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replication at each site.  Each replicate consisted of 17 hybrid rice and three check varieties. The results from locations showed that genotype BI485A/BP1 (IR53942) has the highest yield of 5.8 ton ha-1. The coefficient of genetic and phenotypic diversity of six agronomic characters was low. The repeatability for seven character observed were low, except for days to flowering. The  scoring value  of bacterial leaf blight disease in Indramayu showed that nine genotypes exhibit resistance.<br /><br />Keywords: cytoplasmic male sterile lines, disease resistance <br /><br />

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 182
Kanwar Priyanaka ◽  
Y. C. Gupta ◽  
S. R. Dhiman ◽  
R. K. Dogra ◽  
Sharma Madhu ◽  

<p>The studies on heterosis were carried with four male sterile lines namely; ms<sub>7</sub>, ms<sub>8</sub>, ms<sub>9,</sub> ms<sub>10</sub> and 18 diverse pollinators as tester by using line × tester crossing programme. The 72 F<sub>1</sub> hybrids were produced and evaluated along with 22 parental lines during summer 2009 and rainy season 2009 in Randomized Block Design. Observations were recorded on nine quantitative traits during both the seasons. Highly significant variances for all the traits indicated the sufficient variability in the parental material for all the characters under study. The performance of F<sub>1</sub> hybrids was much better than the mean performance of parents during both the crop seasons. Appreciable heterosis was observed in all the characters, except flower weight in summer and plant height in rainy season.</p>

Jurnal Agro ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 262-273
Risqa Naila Khusna Syarifah ◽  
Zulfa Ulinuha ◽  
Purwanto Purwanto

Pemupukan N pada padi hibrida menjadi krusial mengingat varietas padi hibrida sangat responsif, sehingga harus diketahui dosis yang tepat untuk menghasilkan produksi yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh dosis N terhadap serapan N, efisiensi penggunaan N, dan hasil padi hibrida. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok yang diulang tiga kali. Faktor pertama adalah varietas padi hibrida yang terdiri dari Varietas Mapan P05, Varietas SL-8 SHS Sterling, dan Varietas Intani 602. Faktor kedua adalah dosis pemupukan N yang terdiri dari kontrol tanpa pemupukan N, dosis N 100 kg ha-1, dan dosis N 200 kg ha-1. Terdapat respon yang beragam antar varietas padi hibrida terhadap taraf pemupukan N, Serapan N, efisiensi penggunaan N tertinggi yang dihasilkan oleh varietas Intani 602 masing-masing sebesar 138,57 %, dan 36,13%. Serapan N tanaman padi tertinggi dicapai pada dosis N 100 kg ha-1, dan efisiensi penggunaan N tertinggi pada dosis N 200 kg ha-1. Hasil gabah tertinggi dicapai pada varietas Mapan P05 sebesar 7,42 t ha-1, dan dosis pemupukan N 100 kg ha-1 memberikan hasil tertinggi sebesar 7,47 t ha-1. Implikasi dari penelitian ini bahwa dosis nitrogen 100 kg ha-1 dapat menjadi acuan sebagai dosis pemupukan N varietas padi hibrida di Indonesia. Hybrid rice is responsive to nitrogen, so it’s necessary to find the optimum dose to optimize the production. The  aim of this research was to examine the effect of nitrogen on N uptake, N use efficiency, and yield of hybrid rice. This study used a randomized block design with three replications. The first factor consisted of the  Mapan P05 variety, the SL-8 SHS Sterling variety, and Intani 602 variety. The second factor was Nitrogen dosage consisted of control, 100 kg ha-1, and 200 kg ha-1. There were various responses among hybrid rice varieties to the level of fertilization. The highest N uptake and N use efficiency was achieved in the Intani 602 variety at 138.57% and 36.13%, respectively. The highest N uptake was achieved at 100 kg ha-1 of N, and the highest N use efficiency was at 200 kg ha-1. The highest yield was achieved in the Mapan P05 variety (7.42 t ha-1), and the dose of N at 100 kg ha-1 gave the highest yield (7.47 t ha-1). The implication of this research is that the nitrogen dose of 100 kg ha-1 can be used as a reference for hybrid rice varieties fertilizer in Indonesia.

2013 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 28 ◽  
A. Hairmansis ◽  
Hajrial Aswidinnoor ◽  
Trikoesoemaningtyas Trikoesoemaningtyas ◽  
Suwarno Suwarno

The F1 hybrid sterility in indica/japonica crosses is the major barrier in developing hybrid rice varieties between these two diverse germplasm. The sterility problem in japonica/indica hybrids can be overcome by using wide compatibility genes. The objective of this study was to identify wide compatibility varieties (WCVs) in some tropical japonica rice. Twenty five tropical japonica varieties as male parents were crossed with indica (IR64) and japonica (Akitakomachi) testers as female parents. The crosses were planted following a randomized complete block design with three replications. Varieties having average spikelet fertility of more than 70% with both the indica and japonica testers were rated as WCVs. Result from this study showed that six tropical japonica varieties were classified as WCVs, i.e., Cabacu, Grogol, Kencana Bali, Klemas, Lampung Lawer, and Napa. Hybrid sterility is caused by partial sterility of male and female gametes. The WCVs from the present study can be used in hybrid rice breeding program to solve hybrid sterility in indica/japonica hybrids.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Victoriano V. Casco ◽  
Rosemarie T. Tapic ◽  
Jerwin R. Undan ◽  
Anna Ma. Lourdes S. Latonio ◽  
Roel R. Suralta ◽  

Abstract Background A combining ability analysis is a useful tool of plant breeders in screening and identifying promising parental lines with high potential for developing competitive rice hybrids. Also, one important factor that strongly determines the suitability of commercial utilization of hybrid rice parental lines is their extent of seed producibility. Methods In this study, the combining ability, floral biology and seed producibility of cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines were investigated to identify good combiners with good seed production potential. The Line × Tester analysis was used to determine the general combining abilities (GCA) of hybrid rice parental lines, and Specific Combining Abilities (SCA) of the different hybrid combinations. A correlation analysis was also done to determine floral traits that influence the outcrossing rate of the CMS lines. There were 4 CMS lines, 6 restorer lines, 24 hybrid combinations and 1 check variety in a randomized complete block Design (RCBD) with 3 replicates. Results Results indicated that CMS lines IR79128B and IR102758B were good combiners and the most promising restorer lines were D2031-7-1-2R, Hanareumbyeo 2, and XTR036-54-10R. Based on specific combining ability test, the most promising combination was entry 10 (IR58025A/D2013-7-1-2R). It has the highest yield of 7496 kg ha−1, a high positive SCA score of 570.54, and highest standard heterosis of 12.9%. Based on floral traits, IR79128B was the most promising with a high positive GCA score of 186.93, panicle exertion rate of 74.8%, and a high outcrossing rate of 51%. There was a significant positive association between outcrossing rate, duration of floral opening, panicle exertion rate, and general combining ability. Conclusion The floral traits found to be significantly associated with outcrossing rate are useful selection criteria not only for identifying economically usable CMS lines but also for developing new and promising parental lines and hybrids. These CMS lines do not only give heterotic combinations but are also commercially producible, the two most important factors to the success of any hybrid rice breeding program.

2019 ◽  
Vol 39 (03) ◽  
Siddappa S Chhabra ◽  
M Ravindra ◽  
E Shashikanth

Twenty four crosses were developed by crossing three male sterile lines with each of eight testers to study the combining ability. Crosses were evaluated along with the parents in randomized block design with two replications. Results indicated that female line KCMS-44 and tester AL were identified as good general combiners for earliness and green fruit yield per hectare. The KCMS-44 × AL was best specific cross for green fruit yield per hectare on the basis of specific combining ability effects. This study suggested the exploitation of hybrid vigor in chilli.

Shahida Hashim ◽  
Phebe Ding ◽  
Mohd Firdaus Ismail ◽  
Asfaliza Ramli

Rice is a strictly self-pollinating crop. However, in hybrid rice seed production, an effective male sterility system is used to produce hybrid seed in bulk. In hybrid rice system, the pollen grains of cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) are sterile and the female organ of the CMS depends on the fertile pollen released by the maintainer or restorer lines via out-crossing or cross-pollination in order to produce seed. Floral trait and flowering behavior of CMS and its corresponding maintainer or restorer lines are essential factors in hybrid rice seed production because they influenced the out-crossing or cross-pollination between parental lines. Two local CMSs and their corresponding maintainer lines were developed through breeding program in Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) namely 0025A/0025B and 0047A/0047B. This study was carried out on floral traits and flowering behavior of these two hybrid line. Present studies have shown that there were variations between the CMS and its maintainer lines whether on floral trait or flowering behavior for both hybrid rice combinations. The results showed that stigma characters for both 0025A and 0047 were superior than their respective maintainers. Therefore, it is expected that the out-crossing rate would be high. Seeding date intervals need to be done on 0025A/0025B during nursery stage because the on-set of flowering between parental lines was significantly different. Panicle of both CMS was also classified as just exserted and partially-exserted and application of exogenous hormones such as gibberellic acid was useful to improve panicle elongation and consequently increase the seed set and yield. Correlation study indicates that the stigma area of both 0025A and 0047A has significant positive correlation with out-crossing rate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 028-036
William Norbert Kuate Tueguem ◽  
Jules Patrice Ngoh Dooh ◽  
Thierry Atindo Songwe ◽  
Alain Heu ◽  
Charles Essome Sale ◽  

In Africa, rice is produced and is a source of food energy in most developing countries. But its cultivation faces to brown spot disease, caused by Bipolaris oryzae (Breda de Haan) Shoemaker, which is a serious seed-borne and seed transmitted disease of rice worldwide.The aim of this study was to screen rice varieties for resistance to brown spot disease in field conditions inYaoundé. A completely randomized Fisher block design with three repetitions was used during 2 growing seasons (2015 and 2016). Growth, yields and disease (incidence and severity) parameters were evaluated on four rice varieties (Nerica 3 and 8, White rice and Kamkou). Results show that height of the Nerica 8 variety (86.03cm) and the number of tillers of Kamkou variety (21.66) were significantly highest compared to others varieties (P<0.05) at 59 Days After Sowing (DAS). There was no significant difference on disease incidence for the different rice varieties at the end of rice plant cycle. However disease severity was lower on Nerica 3(2.71%) and Nerica8 (2.05%) varieties and higher on White variety (4.57%). Hence, Nerica 3 and 8 varieties were more tolerant to brown spot disease than others varieties. Overall, Nerica 3 (3.68 t ha-1) and Kamkou (3.51 t ha-1) varieties resulted in higher yields than white rice 28.93 t ha-1.

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