parental lines
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Zahirul A. Talukder ◽  
Vignesh Muthusamy ◽  
Rashmi Chhabra ◽  
Nisrita Gain ◽  
Shashidhar B. Reddappa ◽  

AbstractWaxy maize rich in amylopectin has emerged as a preferred food. However, waxy maize is poor in lysine and tryptophan, deficiency of which cause severe health problems. So far, no waxy hybrid with high lysine and tryptophan has been developed and commercialized. Here, we combined recessive waxy1 (wx1) and opaque2 (o2) genes in the parental lines of four popular hybrids (HQPM1, HQPM4, HQPM5, and HQPM7) using genomics-assisted breeding. The gene-based markers, wx-2507F/RG and phi057 specific for wx1 and o2, respectively were successfully used to genotype BC1F1, BC2F1 and BC2F2 populations. Background selection with > 100 SSRs resulted in recovering > 94% of the recurrent parent genome. The reconstituted hybrids showed 1.4-fold increase in amylopectin (mean: 98.84%) compared to the original hybrids (mean: 72.45%). The reconstituted hybrids also showed 14.3% and 14.6% increase in lysine (mean: 0.384%) and tryptophan (mean: 0.102%), respectively over the original hybrids (lysine: 0.336%, tryptophan: 0.089%). Reconstituted hybrids also possessed similar grain yield (mean: 6248 kg/ha) with their original versions (mean: 6111 kg/ha). The waxy hybrids with high lysine and tryptophan assume great significance in alleviating malnutrition through sustainable and cost-effective means. This is the first report of development of lysine and tryptophan rich waxy hybrids using genomics-assisted selection.

Neha Thakur ◽  
S.N. Vasudevan ◽  
B.V. Tembhurne ◽  
S.R. Doddagoudar

Background: Molecular markers are the landmarks on DNA that identifies a particular sequence of base pairs coding for a character. SCAR (Sequenced Characterized Amplified Region) markers are proving to be more effective in identification of genotypes as they are PCR based co-dominant markers. In view of plant variety registration under PPV and FRA, 2001 molecular characterization/ identification of the variety is essential to ascertain the trueness of the variety, hence present studies have been planned and executed. Methods: In present investigation CGMS based chilli hybrid UARChH42 and its parental lines were identified using molecular techniques. A line, B line, R line and hybrid seedlings were used for DNA extraction and characterized on the basis of polymorphism with respect to sterility or fertility by using SCAR markers. Result: P1 and P2 and coxII-SCAR which are sterility specific markers could amplify A line and hybrid showing a definite band. CRF-SCAR 870 is a fertility specific marker amplified R line and hybrid. Also CMS-SCAR 130 and CMS-SCAR 130/140 were able to identified A line, B line, R line and hybrid. Two of the markers viz. orf-456-SCAR atp6-SCAR and were not able to specify any case of parental lines or hybrid identification. Hybridity of UARChH42 (JCH42) chilli hybrid was determined by any similarity in the banding pattern with any of its parent. This study would help in the fulfillment of the requirements of protection of plant varieties and farmers’ rights authority (PPVFRA), New Delhi for registration purpose.

2021 ◽  
pp. 35-38
Louis K. Prom ◽  
Thomas Isakeit

The frequent rains coupled with cooler than normal maximum temperatures in the early part of the 2021 growing season created conditions for severe outbreaks of zonate leaf spot infection on sorghum plants in the experimental plots at the Texas A&M AgriLife Farm, Burleson County, Texas. As a result, the incidence of zonate leaf spot was recorded for 68 accessions planted in one of the field trials. In this study, 13 sorghum accessions, including TAM428, BTx635, PI330255, PI534157, PI570841, PI609251, PI570726, and PI267588 were free of zonate leaf spot infection, indicating that they were highly resistant to the disease. The lines identified in this study may possess genes for resistance which can be useful in breeding programs for introgression of the resistant genes to elite or parental lines.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 289-298
Amitava Roy ◽  
Anil Kumar ◽  
Vaishali Rawat ◽  
Anu Singh

The present research investigation was conducted in order to analyze combining ability and nature of gene actions in 33 F1s of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell) developed by crossing eleven lines with three testers in a line x tester mating design in terms of grain yield and associated traits. The hybrids along with the parental lines and two check varieties were planted in a randomized block design in three replications. Variance ratio between general and specific combining ability was found to be less than unity which indicated the prevalence of non-additive gene actions involved in the inheritance of these characters. Parental lines QLD 75 (3.164), followed by SOKOLL (2.888) and QLD 65 (2.819) exhibited significant GCA for grain yield, while another line PRL/2*PASTOR*2//FH6-1-7/3/KINGBIRD#1//… was observed to be the better general combiner for most other traits including maturity. Among the hybrids cross combination NAC/TH.AC//3*PVN/3/MIRLO/BUC/4/2*PASTOR/5/…x HD 3237 showed significant higher positive SCA for grain yield and biological yield per plant, whereas, F1 QLD 75 x HI 1621was a good specific combiner for harvest index (%) and number of grains per spike. The cross combination VORB/4/D67.2/PARANA66.270 x PBW 725 was observed with significant higher positive SCA for days to 75% heading, days to maturity and plant height, and another hybrid VORB/4/D67.2/PARANA 66.270 x HI 1621 exhibited significant positive SCA for 1000 grain weight and spike length.

М.Н. Маринич ◽  
В.И. Чернявских

В 2017–2020 годах проведены экологические испытания существующих сортов и новых селекционных образцов овсяницы красной, созданных на основе исходного материала, полученного из местных популяций, произрастающих в различных экотопах мелового юга Среднерусской возвышенности. Объектом изучения были сорта овсяницы красной газонного типа Россинант (стандарт), Гостёнка, Искринка, Везёлка и 14 селекционных образцов, выделившихся в селекционном питомнике по комплексу морфо-биологических признаков, характерных для сортов газонного направления. Опыты проводили в трёх экологических точках: г. Геленджике (Краснодарский край); пгт Новомихайловский (Туапсинский район Краснодарского края); с. Драгунское (Белгородский район Белгородской области). Изучали продуктивность побегообразования, выраженную в среднем количестве сформированных побегов в год, и урожайность зелёной массы. Установлено, что исходный материал обладает высокой побегообразующей способностью и невысокой надземной продуктивностью, сопоставимыми с сортами, широко используемыми в газонных культурфитоценозах. Анализ корреляции между изучаемыми признаками показал, что в условиях юга Среднерусской возвышенности (экологическая точка «Белгородская область») с высокой вероятностью можно вести селекционную работу и отбор ценных генотипов овсяницы красной для условий Черноморского побережья Западного Кавказа по признаку «Среднегодовой прирост побегов». Показана корреляционная связь этого признака между экологическими точками «г. Геленджик» и «Белгородская область», подтверждённая достоверной корреляцией рангов Спирмена средней силы (rs = 0,446, P > 0,05). Не установлено тесной связи между урожайностью зелёной массы в экологической точке «Белгородская область» и экологических точках Западного Кавказа. В связи с этим для оценки селекционного материала необходимо проводить широкие экологические испытания исходного материала в экологических точках регионов, в которых предполагается использовать перспективные сорта. Сделано заключение о возможности использования исходного селекционного материала мелового юга Среднерусской возвышенности для создания сортов газонного направления для условий Западного Кавказа. The variety trial for red fescue genotypes tool place in 2017–2020. Local populations growing in the south of the Central Russian Upland were used as parental material to obtain the genotypes. The following lawn varieties were tested: “Rossinant” (standard), “Gostenka”, “Iskrinka”, “Vezelka” as well as 14 other genotypes carrying the number of valuable traits. Plants were grown in three different locations: Gelendzhik; the Tuapse region; the Belgorod region. The trial tested the average number of shoots formed in a year as well as green mass productivity. Parental lines actively formed shoots but had low productivity similar to widely cultivated lawn varieties. Red fescue genotypes with high annual shoot yield were widely spread in Gelendzhik and the Belgorod region (rs = 0.446, P > 0.05). The correlation between green mass productivity and the Belgorod region were insignificant same as for the Western Caucasus. It is highly important to test parental lines in the area of respective cultivation. Parental material from the south of the Central Russian Upland can be used to develop lawn genotypes for the Western Caucasus.

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 2480
Zoltán Felföldi ◽  
Floricuta Ranga ◽  
Sonia Ancuta Socaci ◽  
Anca Farcas ◽  
Mariola Plazas ◽  

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is the globally most consumed vegetable. The objective of this research was to analyze physico-chemical, nutritional and sensorial components (taste and flavor) in two new commercial hybrids (AS 300 F1 and AS 400 F1) and their four F7 parental lines. Two widely grown F1 hybrids (Precos F1 and Addalyn F1) were used as controls. The results obtained for carbohydrates (HPLC-RID) indicated that the highest values (27.82 mg/g) were recorded in the paternal line AS 10 of the new hybrid AS 400 F1. The highest values of total organic acids (HPLC-VWD) were recorded in Addalyn F1 (5.06 m/g), while the highest value of phenolic compounds (HPLC-DAD-ESI⁺) were identified in the maternal line AS 09 of the hybrid AS 400 F1 (96.3 µg/g). Intrinsic sensory values were analyzed by male and female tasters of different ages using a hedonic scale. The tasters’ perception revealed obvious taste differences between tomato genotypes. The study allowed determining genetic parameters of interest (heterosis and heterobeltosis) for the new hybrids, as well as a detailed characterization of the chemical composition and organoleptic quality of the parental breeding lines and their hybrids, which is useful in tomato breeding.

2021 ◽  
Vol 911 (1) ◽  
pp. 012037
M. Aqil ◽  
F. Tabri ◽  
N. N. Andayani ◽  
S. Panikkai ◽  
Suwardi ◽  

Abstract The study of android based maize assessment was done by involving two popular machine learning software i.e. teachable machine and android studio. The classification model was performed in online teachable machine learning while interface generation was performed in android studio. Various maize tassel from male, female and contamination plants were collected and used for training and model validation. The results indicated that Android-based tassel classification was successfully applied to the study area with accuracy of 80.7%. In addition, the error of classification was 19.3%, a relatively lower values for large testing datasets. Several mis-classification were found particularly at similar tassel shape. The integration of the model with smartphone technology enables rapid recognition of off-type plant at real-time, even though operated by personnel with limited skills or no knowledge seed technology on maize parental lines ideotype.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 455-462
H. R. Bhandari ◽  
K. Srivastava ◽  
M. K. Tripathi ◽  
B. Chaudhary ◽  

The multilocational studies were conducted to evaluate 21 hybrids of tomato in Pratapgarh(Uttar Pradesh), Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh) and Burdwan (West Bengal), India during August–February of 2015–16 and 2016–17. Data on four quality traits viz., total soluble solids, titrable acidity, carotene content and lycopene content were estimated. Combined analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed significant effects of locations, genotypes, genotype-location interaction and parents vs hybrids-location interaction for all the traits. The significance of combining ability effects (general combining ability and specific combining ability) and their interaction with location revealed environmental influences on combining ability effects for all the traits. The Present study indicated higher estimates of to , lower estimates of heritability and GCA/SCA ratio for quality traitsandthereby implied preponderance of non-additive gene action in determination of quality traits studied. Desirable parental lines were identified for different traits like EC 620438 and BS 24-2 for TSS, BS 24-2 and Superbug for titrable acidity, Columbia, EC 620438 and Superbug for carotene content, and H 86 and EC 620541 for lycopene content. Similarly, desirable specific combiners for different traits were identified. The hybrid combination EC 620438×BS 24-2 appeared good specific combiner for TSS, carotene and lycopene content. The parental lines/hybrids identified in present study will be useful in identifying hybrids adapted to a range of environments.

2021 ◽  
Dongyang Dai ◽  
Shuang Zeng ◽  
Ling Wang ◽  
Junfeng Li ◽  
Peng Ji ◽  

Abstract Fruit firmness is an important target of melon breeding, as it is associated with shelf life and economic value; however, the precise mechanism determining fruit firmness during fruit ripening remains elusive. In the present study, one hundred forty-four F2 plants and F2-3 families derived from the high-firmness melon line M2-10 and the low-firmness melon line ZT091 were used to identify major quantitative trait loci (QTLs) by specific-locus amplified fragment (SLAF) sequencing with bulked segregant analysis (BSA). Simple sequence repeat (SSR) and cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (Caps) markers based on the resequencing of parental lines were also used to narrow the associated region to identify candidate genes. Two regions associated with fruit firmness were investigated, including a 4.87 Mb region on chr. 2 and a 28.7 Mb region on chr. 5 of the melon genome. SSR and Caps markers were used to construct a genetic map of the associated regions: QTL ff5.1 was located between CmSSR13509 and CmSSR13423 and explained 38.44% of the observed variation, with an LOD threshold of 17.44; ff2.1 was located between CmSSR07709 and SNP22228 and explained 28.14% of the variation, with an LOD threshold of 3.8, and this region included 106 Kb and 10 candidate genes. Quantitative Real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) was used to investigated the investigate candidate gene expression at 15, 20 and 25 days after pollination (DAP) in the parental lines, and significant expression levels were detected for most of the genes, including four genes of unknown function and MELO3C017519, MELO3C017520, MELO3C017522, MELO3C029506, and MELO3C029520. These results revealed a new QTL, ff2.1, for melon fruit firmness-related gene identification.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (10) ◽  
pp. e0259171
Enoch Narh Kudjordjie ◽  
Rumakanta Sapkota ◽  
Mogens Nicolaisen

Plant associated microbiomes are known to confer fitness advantages to the host. Understanding how plant factors including biochemical traits influence host associated microbiome assembly could facilitate the development of microbiome-mediated solutions for sustainable plant production. Here, we examined microbial community structures of a set of well-characterized Arabidopsis thaliana mutants disrupted in metabolic pathways for the production of glucosinolates, flavonoids, or a number of defense signalling molecules. A. thaliana lines were grown in a natural soil and maintained under greenhouse conditions for 4 weeks before collection of roots for bacterial and fungal community profiling. We found distinct relative abundances and diversities of bacterial and fungal communities assembled in the individual A. thaliana mutants compared to their parental lines. Bacterial and fungal genera were mostly enriched than depleted in secondary metabolite and defense signaling mutants, except for flavonoid mutations on fungi communities. Bacterial genera Azospirillum and Flavobacterium were significantly enriched in most of the glucosinolate, flavonoid and signalling mutants while the fungal taxa Sporobolomyces and Emericellopsis were enriched in several glucosinolates and signalling mutants. Whilst the present study revealed marked differences in microbiomes of Arabidopsis mutants and their parental lines, it is suggestive that unknown enzymatic and pleiotropic activities of the mutated genes could contribute to the identified host-associated microbiomes. Notwithstanding, this study revealed interesting gene-microbiota links, and thus represents valuable resource data for selecting candidate A. thaliana mutants for analyzing the links between host genetics and the associated microbiome.

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