Historical Cognition and Cognitive Sciences: New in Russian Historiography

Istoriya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (8 (106)) ◽  
pp. 0
Lidia Sofronova

The article presents an analytical review of the recent literature on cognitive history, especially the Russian collective monograph “Cognitive Sciences and Historical Cognition”, published in 2020. It traces the patterns typical for interdisciplinary research not only within the humanitarian disciplines, but also at the “borders” between the humanities and the “natural sciences”. The article highlights the paradoxical and productive nature of the “mutual interventions” of cognitive science and the humanities, which contribute to overcoming “atomism” both within the humanities and at the “frontier” between them and the natural science disciplines.

Natallia Belavusava

The main mechanism that guarantees the quality of education in Republic of Belarus is based on the state educational standards. According to the current standards, the aim of professional training is to obtain an integrat-ed result: expert (professional) skills coupled with solid general education. This education is build upon the de-velopment of a common system of competences. Therefore, the quality of professional education is strongly con-nected with the problem of the specialist (who has to possess all necessary skills and competencies) formation method. The problem includes development and advancing of the system of competences in the conditions of the current educational process and elaboration of an evaluation methodology and techniques for this system. Taking into account, that the educational process of high school professional training in Belarus includes the studying of four cycles of disciplines (socially-humanitarian, natural-science, general professional and special professional), it is essential to investigate the influence of each of the cycles on the final system of competences formation. In the present article, the capability of the natural-science disciplines cycle for the handling of the pro-fessional system of competences development is discussed in reference to military specialties. It has been found that during the professional disciplines studying, the replacement (but not integration) of the knowledge received at the previous stage of the natural-science cycle is taking place. It interferes with prin-cipal understanding of natural sciences as a fundamental basis for the professional competence; it does not pro-mote the recognition of cultural and social importance of natural sciences; and, consequently, it does not support the formation of general orientation on continuous self-education in the field of natural sciences. And that is con-sidering that insufficiency of natural-science culture of graduates of military high schools can lead to possible serious economic consequences for the country and risks in the field of national safety. In the course of the experiment, the didactic conditions have been formulated and the model of the peda-gogical process, directed to the elaboration of a persistent natural-science system of competences, has been devel-oped and approved. The incorporation of the conditions and the process does not assume an essential transfor-mation of the volume and structure of class hours allocated to the studying of natural-science disciplines. Intro-duction of the course "Fundamentals of modern natural sciences » in syllabus of the internal security troops de-partment of military academy of Belarus is essentially new. The technique of examination of the integrative abilities of students with use of the methods of fuzzy mathematics was applied for the evaluation of the developed model efficiency. The interest to this method is caused by the possibility use this approach to deal with estimations of competences, which cannot be unequivo-cally structured in an algorithm presentation by definition. Key words: quality of education, educational process, science education, system of competences.

2016 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 341-361 ◽  
David A. Wood

SYNOPSIS I present two types of data about the publication and review process in the accounting, economics, finance, management, marketing, psychology, and natural science disciplines. First, I collect all articles published in 2012 in top-tier journals of these disciplines and compare the articles based on word counts, figures, and tables included in each article, the time it took to be published, citations, the number of co-authors, and submission fees. I then survey academics in each discipline. Survey questions were designed to evaluate overall perceptions of the review process, changes in the review process in the last five years, opinions about appropriate acceptance rates, assessment of reviewers and editors, and general assessments of reviewers and the review process, faculty evaluation, and journals. While there are many results, key results for the accounting discipline include very low citation patterns relative to other disciplines, a belief that reviewers have not improved in the last five years, a desire for acceptance rates twice as high at the top-tier journals, and that reviewers focus too much on incremental contribution and rigor and not enough on research that contributes to practice. Additional results are presented and discussed. Data Availability: Contact the author.

2019 ◽  
Vol 188 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-146
Martin Bohatý ◽  
Dalibor Velebil

Adalbert Wraný (*1836, †1902) was a doctor of medicine, with his primary specialization in pediatric pathology, and was also one of the founders of microscopic and chemical diagnostics. He was interested in natural sciences, chemistry, botany, paleontology and above all mineralogy. He wrote two books, one on the development of mineralogical research in Bohemia (1896), and the other on the history of industrial chemistry in Bohemia (1902). Wraný also assembled several natural science collections. During his lifetime, he gave to the National Museum large collections of rocks, a collection of cut precious stones and his library. He donated a collection of fossils to the Geological Institute of the Czech University (now Charles University). He was an inspector of the mineralogical collection of the National Museum. After his death, he bequeathed to the National Museum his collection of minerals and the rest of the gemstone collection. He donated paintings to the Prague City Museum, and other property to the Klar Institute of the Blind in Prague. The National Museum’s collection currently contains 4 325 samples of minerals, as well as 21 meteorites and several hundred cut precious stones from Wraný’s collection.

2019 ◽  
Раиса Николаевна Афонина ◽  
Татьяна Степановна Малолеткина

В статье рассматриваются психодидактические аспекты освоения студентами-гуманитариями содержания естественнонаучных дисциплин. Специфика обучения естественнонаучным дисциплинам студентов-гуманитариев определяется наличием у данной группы обучающихся особенностей восприятия и переработки информации. Для гуманитариев в большей мере характерно превалирование ассоциативного, образного мышления, эмоционального восприятия информации, отторжение формализованных, доказательных способов рассуждений, доминирование реального восприятия окружающего мира над абстрактным, идеализированным. Современные педагогические методики в основном ориентированы на левополушарное восприятие, именно поэтому правополушарные учащиеся оказываются в невыгодном положении. The article deals with psychodidactic aspects of mastering the content of natural sciences by humanities students. The specificity of teaching the natural science disciplines of humanities students is determined by the presence of features of perception and processing of information in this group of students. For the humanities, the prevalence of associative, figurative thinking, emotional perception of information, the rejection of formalized, evidence-based ways of reasoning, the dominance of the real perception of the world over the abstract, idealized, are more characteristic. Modern pedagogical methods are mainly focused on left hemisphere perception, which is why right hemispheric students find themselves at a disadvantage.

Marek Jakubiec

AbstractAlthough much ink has been spilled on different aspects of legal concepts, the approach based on the developments of cognitive science is a still neglected area of study. The “mental” and cognitive aspect of these concepts, i.e., their features as mental constructs and cognitive tools, especially in the light of the developments of the cognitive sciences, is discussed quite rarely. The argument made by this paper is that legal concepts are best understood as mental representations. The piece explains what mental representations are and why this view matters. The explanation of legal concepts, understood as mental representations is one of (at least) three levels of explanation within legal philosophy, but—as will be argued—it is the most fundamental level. This paper analyzes the consequences of such understanding of concepts used in the field of legal philosophy. Special emphasis is put on the current debate on the analogical or amodal nature of concepts.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (5) ◽  
pp. 450-476
Flavio A. Geisshuesler

AbstractThis article proposes a 7E model of the human mind, which was developed within the cognitive paradigm in religious studies and its primary expression, the Cognitive Science of Religion (CSR). This study draws on the philosophically most sophisticated currents in the cognitive sciences, which have come to define the human mind through a 4E model as embodied, embedded, enactive, and extended. Introducing Catherine Malabou’s concept of “plasticity,” the study not only confirms the insight of the 4E model of the self as a decentered system, but it also recommends two further traits of the self that have been overlooked in the cognitive sciences, namely the negativity of plasticity and the tension between giving and receiving form. Finally, the article matures these philosophical insights to develop a concrete model of the religious mind, equipping it with three further Es, namely emotional, evolved, and exoconscious.

Sofia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 124-145 ◽  
Diego Azevedo Leite

One of the central aims of the neo-mechanistic framework for the neural and cognitive sciences is to construct a pluralistic integration of scientific explanations, allowing for a weak explanatory autonomy of higher-level sciences, such as cognitive science. This integration involves understanding human cognition as information processing occurring in multi-level human neuro-cognitive mechanisms, explained by multi-level neuro-cognitive models. Strong explanatory neuro-cognitive reduction, however, poses a significant challenge to this pluralist ambition and the weak autonomy of cognitive science derived therefrom. Based on research in current molecular and cellular neuroscience, the framework holds that the best strategy for integrating human neuro-cognitive theories is through direct reductive explanations based on molecular and cellular neural processes. It is my aim to investigate whether the neo-mechanistic framework can meet the challenge. I argue that leading neo-mechanists offer some significant replies; however, they are not able yet to completely remove strong explanatory reductionism from their own framework.

Mikhail Krivosheev ◽  
Evgeniy Pererva ◽  
Maksim Eltsov ◽  

Introduction. Recent archaeological studies deal with the integration of natural science disciplines. Such scientific interaction includes the reconstruction of climatic changes, human adaptation to the changing conditions of nature, study of sociocultural specifics in nomadic groups as well as rising archaeological cultures, with emphasis on the interconnection between the fluctuations of steppe environmental conditions and steppe populations. Analysis. The article presents the results of the carried out interdisciplinary analysis of classic and modern archaeological studies and natural science disciplines. This allows evaluating the specifics of different factors (paleoclimatic, sociocultural, etc.) influencing the “steppe-human” system in a new way. Such factors as registered climatic changes, spreading areas of archaeological cultures, mortuary funeral rites, results of paleoanthropological examination, written records and ethnographic data provide evidence to reconstructing different time-span events of early nomads’ history in one context. The reconstruction of historical reality shows quite strong correlation between the environment and specific features in the development of ancient steppe societies. Human has high adaptive abilities to changing factors. However, the steppe population mode of life is extremely conservative and it has practically never changed during the Sarmatian or Sauromatian history. Climate fluctuations over the steppe area influenced the demographic and social structure of nomadic society. During auspicious periods, nomadic communities became populous and active politically and military. If negative factors dominated, the population tended to decrease and the social structure tended to simplify. Critical indicators of aridization and humidization in Eurasian steppes are followed with the population outflow, which is evidenced by small amount of archaeological sites or even by vanishing of cultures. Results. Thus, the authors conclude that when studying archaeological sites of the Early Iron Age nomadic cultures, it is necessary to consider the steppe and human as a single organism responsive to changing and a strong impact of environmental and socio-cultural factors.

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