LANGUAGE LITERACY Journal of Linguistics Literature and Language Teaching
Latest Publications





Published By Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

2580-9962, 2580-8672

Sheila Agustina

Teachers’ use of language was believed to give impact for the success of language learners in one way or another. As some teachers’ speech included managing classroom, giving instructions, and providing feedbacks, it is inevitable that a teacher would use the power and make the students uncomfortable. To soften the speech or lessen the impact to the students, a teacher could use some strategies of politeness inside the classroom. Seeing how linguistic politeness manifested by teachers could generally affect the students’ esteem, this study aimed at observing face-threatening and face-saving utterances produced by six lecturers during 6 different lessons in a state university. Combining Brown and Levinson’s theory of politeness and Yule’s concept of face, this study would also contrast the language production by lecturers of different gender and different length of teaching experience to find out if they were correlated. Under the qualitative method, the researcher carried out class observation, recorded the interaction, and transcribed all of the lecturers’ utterances. This study revealed that lecturers generally tend to manage more face-saving acts. However, it showed that most face-threatening utterances were generated by male lecturers. It also indicated that lecturers with longer teaching experience produced more face-threatening utterances, and lecturers with shorter teaching experience produced more face-saving utterances. The fact that female lecturers in this study were dominant in negotiating face-saving acts justified women are more polite than men.

Hidayatul Mahmudah ◽  
Harni Kartika Ningsih

The rise of sexual violence against women and children encourages the government to establish Government Regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah) hereafter (PP) number 70 of 2020, which contains the application of the chemical castration penalty for the offenders of sexual violence. This regulation causes pros and cons from the various parties, including women and children's observer community, selected in this case This study aims to discuss the attitude or position built by toward the Government Regulation (PP) ratification concerning the chemical castration penalty for the sexual violence offenders. This research uses a qualitative approach, especially discourse analysis. The discourse analysis in this research uses the appraisal theory, which studies the attitudesystem explicitly The result of this research shows that the attitude that appears in the text is generally negative. Furthermore, the attitude aspect with the highest frequency is negative judgement.The negative attitude refers to the incompatibility and inability of the chemical castration penalty in overcoming the sexual violence problem in Indonesia. The chemical castration penalty has negative impacts, such as exacerbating sexual violence in Indonesia in the future, disturbing, like an inclement regulation, and violating human rights. The positive attitude refers to the PP’s capacity for the chemical castration penalty of the sexual violence offenders in upholding the rights of the underprivileged. Other priorities that considers more critical in overcoming the sexual violence problem are the recovery of the victims and the immediate ratification of the Bill on the Elimination of Sexual Violence. 

Fitriyah Fitriyah

The translation of cultural words needs some consideration and recognition of the cultural achievements referred to in the Source Language (SL) text, and respect for all foreign countries and their cultures. Therefore, translating cultural words is quite difficult, because their structures cannot always be translated literally and, even tend to form new meanings. The aims of this research are to describe the cultural words and analyze the translation strategies used in Mary Higgins Clark’s novel The Anastasia Syndrome and Other Stories, already translated into Indonesian entitled Sindrom Anastasia dan Kisah-kisah lainnya by Ade Dina Sigarlaki. This research is a qualitative descriptive study.  The data are the cultural words in English (SL) and their translation in Indonesian (TL). Those are analyzed based on Newmark’s cultural categories and Baker’s translation strategies. The results show that there are 74 cultural words and four translation strategies in Mary Higgins Clark’s novel The Anastatia Syndrome and other stories: 1) Translation by a more general word (superordinate), 2) Translation by a more neutral/less expressive word, 3) Translation by cultural substitution, 4) Translation using a loan word or loan word plus explanation. 

Nadia Khumairo Ma'shumah ◽  
Aulia Addinillah Arum ◽  
Arif Nur Syamsi

This study explores the translation of cultural-specific terms in the literary text as the translation process connects cultural differences between the source and target languages. Using Eco's notion of "translation as negotiation"; Bassnett's "translators as a mediator of cultures", and Newmark's cultural categorizations of terms as the framework and this qualitative study analyzed two Indonesian versions of the novel The Secret Garden by Francess Hodgson Burnett (1911). The first translated version was published in 2010 under the title "Taman Rahasia", whereas the second translated version was published in 2020 under the same title as the original version. This study has shown the complexity in closing the cultural gap between the source text and target text. As the impact, both translators used different forms of negotiation to accommodate readers' expectations and to functionally create optimal target texts in the target culture, which differentiate into five categories (i.e., ecological, material culture; social culture, social, politic, and administrative organizations; and gestures and habits).

Suprayogi Suprayogi ◽  
Dian Puspita ◽  
Sandi Nuansa ◽  
Kamelia Sari

As indigenous belief acknowledgement in Indonesia is still progressive, debatable but limitedly investigated from critical discourse analysis perspective, this research is aimed at revealing the discursive construction of indigenous belief issue in The Jakarta Post. This research focuses on analyzing indigenous belief as phenomenon, indigenous believers and government as social actor through the analysis of nomination and predication strategies. Articles published in The Jakarta Post online newspaper from 2013 - 2020 are chosen as corpus data. To analyze this research, Discourse-Historical Approach by Wodak and Meyer (2009) is used as the framework. This research also employs corpus analysis using Sketch Engine. The finding suggests that the issue centralized in the discussion of identity card and human right framed in five different periods. The use of collective proper name, anthroponym and deixis are significant to refer to indigenous believers, meanwhile institutional name, anthroponym and synecdoche are mostly used as referent for government. There is a shift of predication strategies from negative to positive when it discussed government policy on putting indigenous belief column on identity card. This research suggests that the use of corpus software as well as manual corpus screening is important to locate more detail language data. 

Mohamad Irham Poluwa ◽  
Nafilaturif'ah Nafilaturif'ah

The current study aimed to find out the translation techniques applied by the translator in creating the Indonesian subtitles for the original lyrics of Shelter – a collaboration project of music video by Porter Robinson and Madeon, A1-Pictures and Crunchyroll uploaded on YouTube in 2016. The data were analyzed based on the audiovisual translation theory, especially the linguistics of subtitling, the translation technical procedures in the compared stylistics, and the choice in song translation. The study also applied qualitative approach which enabled the researchers to emerge data in descriptive way (in the form of words or pictures instead of numbers). Furthermore, the data were also in the forms of an audiovisual content. The study indicated that most of the lyrics were translated based on literal translation that was reflected by the equivalence of the source language and the target language. The audiovisual theory, particularly reduction theory was also applied in creating the subtitles. In addition, the subtitles were created without taking the music into consideration, meaning that the subtitles were devoted as a supplement or no more than another piece of the source text.  

Wedhowerti Wedhowerti

Verb Phrase (VP) is one of the most important types of phrase for its function. It provides information about the subject of the sentence. Verb Phrase itself has more than one type. It also has ontological aspect, an aspect by which a certain situation is represented. This aspect is made up by features. This study aims at finding out and analyzing the types of VP and their ontological features in National Geographic’s Visions of Mars. By analyzing and understanding the types of VP and their ontological features, readers understand the discourse more. They gain more perspective syntactically. This study employs syntactic approach and is qualitative in nature. The results yield three different types of VP, i.e. action, process, and state where action VP places the highest position. There are four ontological features found in Visions of Mars, i.e. dynamic, agentive, non-evolving, and evolving. The findings imply how Visions of Mars is structured. The deeds are mostly conducted or done by an agent and show prompt situations.

Shofiyyahtuz' Zahro ◽  
Emy Sudarwati

Complimenting is a typical speaking act and the method in which it is responded to can vary based on the culture of the speakers as well as the influence of other circumstances. The purpose of this study was to provide a more in-depth knowledge of compliment response research based on how it is used by university students learning EFL in everyday life. Furthermore, this study also aims at finding out if exposure to another culture affects university students learning English as a second language while responding to compliments. The data were garnered using data elicitation method by complimenting the participants’ look, possession, character, or aptitude. The finding found that the participants used ten types of responses; listed from the most frequently used type of compliment responses to the least used type of compliment responses: Comment Acceptance (8), Appreciation Token (2), Comment History (2), Question (2), Praise Upgrade (1), Reassignment (1), Return (1), Scale Down (1), Disagreement (1), and Qualification (1). According to the data, the majority of students in an international English literature class at Brawijaya University are likely to accept the compliments. Students tend to take compliments by thanking them and then making related comments. English-speaking countries consider a simple "thank you" to be an adequate response to a praise. This present study also confirms that short term encounterance with foreign culture exposure slightly affect EFL learners’ way of responding to compliments. This shows that the students learn the English language culture in terms of compliment.

Zanyar Faiq Saeed

This paper entitled “She, Robot: Male Characters’ Mechanisation of Ophelia in Shakespeare’s Hamlet” is an attempt to explain how Ophelia is deprived of her subjectivity and objectified into a machine-like being that cannot think, speak, and act independently. The agents of this mechanisation are three male characters, namely, Laertes, Polonius and Hamlet respectively. The paper traces the mechanisation process by expounding how each one of the male characters, thinking himself superior, commanding and abusing Ophelia until she turns into a broken machine. This may be considered as one of the major reasons behind her mental breakdown and, ultimately, her supposed suicide. The organisation of the text is based on the successive roles of each of the above-mentioned male characters in the process of turning Ophelia into a machine, i.e., a robotic character. The paper delineates the situation of renaissance women under a male-dominated society and highlights the danger of exerting too much pressure on people to a degree that may lead to untoward consequences.

Nurhanna Harahap ◽  
Muhammad Rusli

This study aims to determine and describe (1) online learning media used in the teaching and learning process in the new normal era, (2) students’ understanding of the use of online learning media, (3) students’ preference of the way of communication, and (4) students’ preference of material form. The participants of this research are the students of English Education Study Program at Universitas Al Washliyah (UNIVA) Labuhanbatu. The instrument of the research is questionnaire distributed via Google Form. Data analysis technique used in this study consists of data colletion, data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion. The result shows that the most frequently used online learning media are WhatsApp and Google Classroom. Almost all students understand how to operate WhatsApp, Zoom, and Email. As many as 47% students choose two-way semi communication in teaching learning process. Using video as the material form in teaching learning proces is the most preferred by students.

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