2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (23) ◽  
pp. 240-259

O presente estudo, de natureza qualitativa e suportado em pesquisa documental, analisa o sistema de organização económica e a gestão do aro rural, nomeadamente a evolução das relações que se estabeleceram entre o Mosteiro de São Vicente de Fora e os particulares, assim como a diversificação e a expansão do seu património rural, mais intensas junto da cidade de Lisboa. Parte da conquista de Lisboa e da fundação do Mosteiro, em meados do século XII, seguindo-se uma análise do processo de formação e estruturação do património monástico, bem como das formas e estratégias de aquisição patrimonial, terminando com a composição da propriedade rural. Depois são apresentados os resultados, predominando na paisagem rural, por ordem decrescente, as herdades de ”pão”, as vinhas e os olivais, a par de outro tipo de propriedades rurais, assim como dos meios de transformação: moinhos e azenhas, lagares de vinho e azeite e fornos.  Conclui que o Mosteiro adquirira e possuá­a um património concentrado na região de Lisboa, apesar da sua influência se estender a ná­vel nacional, dados os direitos e os privilégios que possuá­a no reino.  Palavras-chave:  História Medieval. Mosteiro de São Vicente de Fora. Património Rural. Propriedade rural. Paisagem rural. Portugal. Séculos XII-XIII.RURAL HERITAGE OF THE MONASTERY OF SáƒO VICENTE DE FORA (LISBOA):  12th-13th centuriesAbstract:  This present study, of qualitative nature and based on documentary research, analyzes the economical organization system and the management of rural suburbs, namely the evolution of relationships fostered between the Monastery of São Vicente de Fora and individuals, as well as the diversification and expansion of its rural heritage, which had a higher intensity near the city of Lisbon. Tracing back from the conquest of Lisbon and the foundation of the monastery, in the middle of the twelfth century, conducting an analysis on the processes of formation and structuration of monastic heritage, as well as on the mechanisms and strategies of patrimony acquisition and, lastly, on rural property composition. Afterwards, it presents the results, predominantly   in rural landscape, in a descending order, are bread farms, vineyards and olive groves, and other type of rural properties, as much as of means of processing: mills and watermills, wine and olive presses, and ovens. It concludes that the Monastery acquired and owned a concentrated heritage mostly in the region of Lisbon, although its influence reached a national level due to the rights and privileges that it possessed in the kingdom.  Keywords:  Medieval History. Monastery of São Vicente de Fora. Rural Heritage. Rural Heritage. Rural landscape. Portugal. 12th-13th centuries.PATRIMONIO RURAL DEL MONASTERIO DE SAN VICENTE DE FORA (LISBOA):  siglos XII-XIIIResumen:  El presente estudio, de naturaleza cualitativa y apoyado en investigación documental, analiza el sistema de organización económica y la gestión del aro rural, en particular la evolución de las relaciones que se establecieron entre el Monasterio de San Vicente de Fora y los particulares, asá­ como La diversificación y la expansión de su patrimonio rural, más intensas al redor de la ciudad de Lisboa. Parte de la conquista de Lisboa y de la fundación del Monasterio, a mediados del siglo XII, siguiendo un análisis del proceso de formación y estructuración del patrimonio monástico, asá­ como de las formas y estrategias de adquisición patrimonial, terminando con la composición de la propiedad rural. A continuación se presentan los resultados, predominando en el paisaje rural, por orden decreciente, las  hereditates  de "pan", las viñas y los olivares, junto a otro tipo de propiedades rurales, asá­ como de los medios de transformación: molinos y aceñas, lagares de vino y aceite y hornos de pan. Concluye que el Monasterio habá­a adquirido y poseá­a un patrimonio concentrado en la región de Lisboa, a pesar de su influencia extendida a ná­vel nacional, en virtud de los derechos y los privilegios que poseá­a en el reino.Palabras clave:  Historia Medieval. Monasterio de San Vicente de Fora. Patrimonio Rural. Propiedad rural. Paisaje rural. Siglos XII-XIII.

Buildings ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 322
Simone Ferrari ◽  
Federica Zagarella ◽  
Paola Caputo ◽  
Giuliano Dall’O’

To boost energy efficiency in the building sector at urban and district scales, the use of a Geographic Information System (GIS) for data collection and energy spatial analysis is relevant. As highlighted in many studies on this topic reported in literature, the correlation among available databases is complex due to the different levels of information. As the first part of a wide research aimed at estimating the energy demand of urban buildings, we present in this article a focus on the details of the GIS-based procedure developed to assess the main energy-related features of existing building stocks. The procedure is based on the elaboration of data from the Italian Topographic Databases, under provision at the national level according to the INSPIRE European Directive and the national General Census of Population and Houses. It enables one to calculate and map the urban built volume characterized by mostly diffuse use categories in an urban context (residential and offices), to which different equipment and building usage patterns can be associated, and by construction periods, featuring different technological solutions. The method has been applied to the city of Milan (Italy). An insight into the outcomes from the overall method of the wider research is also reported.

2017 ◽  
Mook Bangalore ◽  
Andrew Smith ◽  
Ted Veldkamp

Abstract. With 70 percent of its population living in coastal areas and low-lying deltas, Vietnam is highly exposed to riverine and coastal flooding. This paper examines the exposure of the population and poor people in particular to current and future flooding in Vietnam and specifically in Ho Chi Minh City, using new high-resolution flood hazard maps and spatial socioeconomic data. The national-level analysis finds that a third of today’s population is already exposed to a flood, which occurs once every 25 years, assuming no protection. For the same return period flood under current socioeconomic conditions, climate change may increase the number exposed to 38 to 46 percent of the population. Climate change impacts can make frequent events as important as rare ones: the estimates suggest a 25-year flood under future conditions can expose more people than a 200-year flood under current conditions. Although poor districts are not found to be more exposed to floods at the national level, the city-level analysis of Ho Chi Minh City provides evidence that slum areas are highly exposed. The results of this paper show the benefits of investing today in flood risk management, and can provide guidance as to where future investments may be targeted.

2011 ◽  
Vol 5 (8) ◽  
pp. 1970
Estela Maria Leite Meirelles Monteiro ◽  
Andréa Rosane Sousa Silva ◽  
Carlos Alberto Domingues do Nascimento ◽  
Andrea Ferreira Lopes Diniz Maia ◽  
Paula Danielle de Azevedo Araujo ◽  

ABSTRACTObjective: to investigate the maternal breastfeeding practice of pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers in a deprivation of liberty situation. Method: this is a descriptive qualitative study using convenience samples. A questionnaire was applied to 13 pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers on January and February 2008 in a women's penalcolony in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. The testimonies were recorded and transcribed, and the analysis of results was based on the Collective Subject Discourse technique. This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Hospital Universitario Osvaldo Cruz (HUOC) of Universidade Estadual de Pernambuco (UPE), under the Opinion 138/2007. Results: it was observed that women’s reaction with regard to a confirmed pregnancy is related to the support they receive from their partners and family members. In their perception, one realizes conflicting feelings of wishing to be close to their children and protecting them from the reality experienced in the penitentiary system. Conclusion: the need for a professional qualification in health care considering both the issue of citizenship and the health promotion of the binomial mother-child became apparent. Descriptors: maternal breastfeeding; prison; mother-child relationships; health education; nursing.RESUMOObjetivo: investigar a prática do aleitamento materno de gestantes e nutrizes em situação de privação de liberdade. Método: trata-se de um estudo qualitativo descritivo que utiliza amostragens por conveniência. Aplicou-se questionário com 13 gestantes e nutrizes nos meses de janeiro e fevereiro de 2008 em uma colônia penal feminina da cidade de Recife-PE. Os depoimentos foram gravados e transcritos, e a análise dos resultados baseou-se na técnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa do Hospital Universitário Osvaldo Cruz (HUOC) da Universidade Estadual de Pernambuco (UPE), sob o Parecer n. 138/2007. Resultados: foi observado que a reação das mulheres diante da confirmação da gravidez está relacionada ao apoio que elas recebem dos seus companheiros e familiares. Na percepção delas, nota-se a presença de sentimentos conflitantes entre o desejo de estar próximas a seus filhos e o de protegê-los da realidade imposta pelo sistema penitenciário. Conclusão: evidencia-se a necessidade de uma formação profissional em saúde comprometida com a questão da cidadania e com a promoção à saúde do binômio mãe-filho. Descritores: aleitamento materno; prisão; relações mãe-filho; educação em saúde; enfermagem.RESUMENObjetivo: Investigar acerca del Amamantamiento Materno en gestante y amas de leche en situación de privación de libertad. Método: se trata de un estudio descriptivo, cualitativo que utiliza muestras por conveniencia. Se realizó un cuestionario a 13 mujeres gestantes y amas de leche durante los meses de enero a febrero de 2008 en una colonia penal femenina de la ciudad de Recife (Pernambuco, Brasil). Los testimonios se grabaron y transcribieron, y el análisis de los resultados se basó en el Discurso del Sujeto Colectivo. El estudio se aprobó por el Comité de Ética y Pesquisa del Hospital Universitario Osvaldo Cruz (HUOC) de la Universidad Estadual de Pernambuco (UPE), bajo parecer nº 138/2007. Resultados: se observó que la reacción de las mujeres ante la confirmación de embarazo se relaciona con el apoyo que tengan de sus compañeros y familiares. En la percepción de las mismas, se percibe la presencia de sentimientos conflictivos entre el deseo de estar cerca de sus hijos y el de protegerlos de la realidad impuesta por el sistema penitenciario. Conclusión: queda evidente la necesidad de una formación profesional en sanidad implicada en cuestiones de ciudadanía y con la promoción de la salud del binomio madre-hijo. Descriptores: amamantamiento materno; prisiones; relaciones madre-hijo; educación en salud; enfermería.

2020 ◽  
Vol 338 ◽  
pp. 383-392
Silvia Ručinská ◽  
Miroslav Fečko

Cities are using smart city and eGovernment solutions as modern trends also to enhance the management of the city and to get the citizens and entrepreneurs more engaged. Cities in the Slovak Republic are thus introducing ICT based services in order to cope with legal state obligations and also as a natural decision based on specific needs of the municipality. eGovernment developed and introduced on the national level by the state, combined with eServices at the municipality level, mutually lead to a modern, smart and better functioning city. The article is focused on current Slovak Republic’s experiences in the field of eGovernment, more concretely on the provision of eServices in small municipalities, which make up the majority of the entire municipalities in the Slovak Republic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 285-298
Darling Katiuscia de Goes Borges ◽  
Sidilene Aquino de Farias ◽  
Katiuscia Dos Santos de Souza

In the Education context, the focus of Science, Technology and Society (STS) allows researchers with social, political and environmental nature themes, among others, which involve the active participation in the human being in face of society problems, in the sense of reflect, criticize and act. Therefore, the aim of this work was to develop conceptual and atheist learning based on the urban garbage theme in an intervention project with activities involving sustainability, reuse, consumerism and responsibilities. The research had a qualitative nature based on action research principles, developed by the pedagogy of projects, with the participation of thirteen (13) high school first year students from a public institution located in the city of Manaus-AM, the students were all volunteers. Data collection occurred through questionnaires, textual production, discussions and oral exposure and then they were qualitatively analyzed in an exploratory way. The results revealed that the students presented signs of conceptual understanding of the theme related terms, such as: garbage, solid waste, recycling and reuse, then sought to draw associations with chemical concepts and to propose environmental issues solutions using sustainability and social responsibilities. The students showed sensitivity regarding the theme and were willing to change their attitudes towards the problem.

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 24-31
Saša I. Mašić

AbstractThe aim of this paper is to determine operating performance of hotel companies in Serbia. The analysis was conducted on a sample that included approximately 31.35% of the total available hotel capacity in Serbia for the period from 2004 to 2011. The sample was designed to be representative of the hotel distribution by territory and category. Business performance of hotel companies was analyzed using TREVPAR and GOPPAR indicators both at the national level, for tourism clusters and the largest Serbian cities. The results show that hotel companies in Serbia, on average, achieved low TREVPAR and GOPPAR values. In 2011, the average TREVPAR of companies in Serbia was 28 EUR, and GOPPAR approximately 3.7 EUR. The study registered a significant decline in the value of these indicators for the period from 2008 to 2011, primarily as a result of the economic crisis. Results significantly better than the national average were achieved by hotel companies from Belgrade that had a mean TREVPAR value of 46.2 EUR and GOPPAR value of 8.6 EUR. During the analyzed period, the largest increase in the value of the analyzed indicators was registered in the city of Kragujevac as a result of significant investments made by the car manufacturer “Fiat” and its sub-contractors. These investments have led to a significant increase in the number of foreign tourist arrivals and consequently to an increase in business performance of hotel companies in Kragujevac.

2021 ◽  
Elvira Valero de la Rosa

Alcaraz, with a vast historical and patrimonial legacy, has public monuments of great beauty. Its weight in medieval history was due to the strategic place it occupied in the Reconquest. It became an ideal city for the emergence and consolidation of a powerful nobility. This work constitutes the first attempt to identify the gentile heraldry of Alcaraz, the urban heritage of the local elites, the topographical evolution of the city and the genealogy of the most notorious noblemen.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-119 ◽  
Folkert Kuiken

AbstractSince the beginning of this century the Netherlands has invested much money and energy in the early education of two-and-a-half to six-year-old children in an effort to improve the quality of this type of education. In this paper we will focus on the measures that have been taken in the city with the largest number of preschools and early childhood educators in the Netherlands: Amsterdam. Great care is taken to fulfil the conditions for a successful early childhood education. What we have analyzed is the educators’ language proficiency level, their knowledge about language targets for the four to six-year-olds, and their didactic skills. A report of the schools inspectorate indicated that in many cases these competencies left much to be desired. Measures have therefore been taken in order to improve them. In this paper the contents of these measures and their results will be reported. It will become clear that constant interaction is going on between initiatives that have started on a local scale and measures that have been approved and are implemented at a national level.

Alexandros Fakos ◽  
Maria Merino

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to document the extensive heterogeneity in institutions within countries and investigate which institutional factors are the most relevant for international brands. Design/methodology/approach The paper analyzes the entry patterns of three global fast-food franchise networks in 78 Mexican cities using discrete outcome models and ordered probit in particular. To summarize the quantitative importance of the results, the analysis includes also log-linear regressions with Heckman correction for the city observations without franchise presence. Findings Institutional factors are critical for an international franchisor in the decision to enter a new market. The most important institutional quality proxy for franchise entry is the rate of formal employment. The more the informal employment in a city, the lower the number of franchised stores and the lower the probability of brand presence in the city. Research limitations/implications Only three fast-food franchises are included in the paper, which limits the generalization of the results beyond the sector and Mexico. Another limitation of the methodology of this paper is that the authors estimate the effect of institutions on multinational franchise entry conditioning on market size. The issue here is that if institutions increase gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, then the demand for multinational franchises also increases. Such an effect cannot be captured if we condition on market size in our econometric models. This is particularly important for policy-makers aiming to quantify costs and benefits of reforms but not an important consideration for practitioners who might take institutions as given and are mainly interested in entry strategies that maximize profitability. Practical implications Institutional variables, and not only market factors, are critical to understand the entry decision of global franchisors in Mexico. In particular, the extent of informality is relevant in explaining the store location. It is necessary to understand how managers value the quality of institutions and which dimensions are most important for multinationals. In addition, the analysis should be conducted both at the national and sub-national level, given that within-country heterogeneity is prevalent in emerging markets. Social implications Cities must reinforce and communicate their institutional quality to attract foreign investment by franchises in particular. Originality/value We test several dimensions of institutional quality at the urban level as determinants of multinationals? decision to enter a city in a foreign market. We use novel administrative data at the municipality level and we employ econometric model that takes into account the discreetness of entry data and the fact that there are cities with no franchise presence. We control for sample selection, which comes from the zero number of stores in some city observations in the regressions.

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