The Meaning and the Role of Environmental Identity for Pro-environmental Behavior

2021 ◽  
Vol 61 ◽  
pp. 179-208
Zong-yi Li ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 5935
Beatriz Carmona-Moya ◽  
Antonia Calvo-Salguero ◽  
María-del-Carmen Aguilar-Luzón

The deterioration and destruction of the environment is becoming more and more considerable and greater efforts are needed to stop it. To accomplish this feat, all members of society must identify with solving environmental problems, environmental collective action being one of the most relevant means of doing so. From this perspective, the analysis of the psychosocial factors that lead to participation in environmental collective action emerges as a priority objective in the research agenda. Thus, the aim of this study is to examine the role of “environmental identity”, as conceptualized by Clayton, as a central axis for explaining environmental collective action. The inclusion of the latter in the theoretical framework of the SIMCA (social identity model of collective action) model gives rise to the model that we have called EIMECA (environmental identity model of environmental collective action). Two studies were conducted (344 and 720 participants, respectively), and structural equation modeling was used. The results reveal that environmental identity and a variety of negative emotional affects, as well as group efficacy, accompanied by hope for a simultaneous additive effect, are critical when it comes to predicting environmental collective action.

Beatriz Carmona-Moya ◽  
Antonia Calvo-Salguero ◽  
M.Carmen Aguilar-Luzón

The deterioration and destruction of the environment is becoming more and more considerable and greater efforts are needed to stop it. To accomplish this feat, all members of society must identify with environmental problems, with collective environmental action being one of the most relevant means of doing so. From this perspective, the analysis of the psychosocial factors that lead to participation in environmental collective action emerges as a priority objective in the research agenda. Thus, the aim of this study is to examine the role of "environmental identity" as conceptualized by Clayton, as a central axis for explaining environmental collective action. The inclusion of the latter in the theoretical framework of the SIMCA model gives rise to the model that we have called EIMECA. Two studies were conducted, and the results reveal that environmental identity, a variety of negative affects, as well as group efficacy accompanied by hope for a simultaneous additive effect, are critical when it comes to predicting environmental collective action.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 3109 ◽  
Min-Seong Kim ◽  
Jinwon Kim ◽  
Brijesh Thapa

Jeju Island is a popular destination in South Korea that is dependent on nature-based tourism. The annual increase in the influx of visitors has created major environmental impacts due to overuse and commercial expansion. With projected growth in arrivals and the development of tourism infrastructure, the island will experience perpetual challenges for sustainable management of natural resources. However, the role of visitors will be central via a commitment to practice pro-environmental behaviors to protect the island from further degradation. This study was grounded in the cognition-affection-attitude-behavior model to examine the predictive validity of tourists’ environmental knowledge, environmental affect, and nature affiliation on pro-environmental behavior. The data comprised responses from 304 domestic visitors who had visited Jeju Island. The empirical findings indicate that environmental affect was significantly impacted by two dimensions of environmental knowledge (i.e., subjective and objective). Additionally, nature affiliation was positively impacted by environmental affect, while pro-environmental behavior was significantly influenced by both environmental affect and nature affiliation. Overall, these findings provide theoretical and practical implications for sustainable tourism at a nature-based destination. The findings can be utilized for implementation of intervention programs and visitor management at Jeju Island.

Eka Srirahayu Ariestiningsih ◽  
Azmy Ali Muchtar ◽  
Marhamah Marhamah ◽  
Maryam Sulaeman

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 597
Jiangchi Zhang ◽  
Chaowu Xie ◽  
Alastair M. Morrison ◽  
Kun Zhang

Residents are important participants and stakeholders in destination development. Identifying factors that assist in predicting resident pro-environmental behavior (PEB) may contribute to enhanced sustainability. Based on a traditional Chinese culture, this research constructed a model of resident PEB by introducing pro-environmental destination image (PEDI) and Confucianism as the independent and moderating variables, respectively. The structural equation modeling for 402 residents indicated the model had a satisfactory level of predictive power for PEB. The results showed that: (1) PEDI positively affected residents’ environmental identity, pro-environmental attitudes, and PEB; (2) environmental identity and pro-environmental attitudes completely mediated the impact of PEDI on residents’ PEB; and (3) Confucian culture had a positive U-shaped moderating effect in the relationships among these four variables. Overall, these findings advance the understanding of the formation of PEB in Confucian culture and provide theoretical and practical implications for fostering residents’ PEB.

2018 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 313-332 ◽  
Hossein G. T. Olya ◽  
Arash Akhshik

This empirical study improved our understanding of how to simulate visitors’ pro-environmental behavior intentions (PEBIs) during interpretive marine turtle tours in Cyprus. Complexity theory was applied as a sufficient theoretical basis of the proposed configurational model that was tested using fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) as an innovative set theoretic approach. Four configurations—demographics, values, beliefs, and norms and attitudes—were used to explore causal recipes leading to both high and low PEBI scores. The findings highlighted the heterogeneity issue in predicting PEBIs, addressed by determining the positive or negative role of PEBI indicators along with attributes of other indicators in causal recipes. The fsQCA results of four configurations suggested 12 recipes for attaining high PEBI scores. Further insight was obtained via configurational modeling of visitors’ PEBIs during endangered species tours, which contributed to the current knowledge of tourism management in protected areas. Implications for practice and further research are discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-34 ◽  
Myriam Martinez-Fiestas ◽  
Luis Casado-Aranda ◽  
Jessica Alzamora-Ruiz ◽  
Francisco J. Montoro-Rios

Abstract Attitudes toward ecological consumption can trigger environmentally responsible intentions and behaviors. Understanding how ecological messages can influence attitudes is essential to mitigate climate change. This paper analyzes how religious affiliation (or lack of), can influence attitudes toward green advertising and explores the role of religious affiliation in the effectiveness of ecological messages. The findings indicate that religious affiliation has an influence on the degree of effectiveness of each message. So, green communications can be a useful tool to persuade atheists to develop more sustainable attitudes when they are exposed the benefits that can be achieved with green behavior. However, persuasive environmental messages, in general, do not generate major changes of attitude among Catholics. Businesses, NGO s, states, educators and society in general should acknowledge that environmental discourses fostering sustainable behavior. Furthermore, messages depicting the problems of environmental behavior have no repercussion on atheists and little on Catholics.

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