scholarly journals Manajemen Program Vocational Life Skill Pondok Pesantren

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 97
Ari Prayoga ◽  
Jaja Jahari ◽  
Mutiara Fauziah

<em>Archiving and reporting of the progress of the implementation of vocational programs have not been implemented properly so that the evaluation phase was not well coordinated. Pesantren in its development are not only religious education institutions but also functioned as non-formal education to educate and guide students to have vocational life skills that match their interests and talents. This study aims to uncover the processes of planning, organizing, implementing and monitoring life vocational programs at Baitul Hidayah Islamic Boarding School in Bandung. The research method used is qualitative. The results showed; first, planning is carried out at the beginning of the academic year of pesantren learning; secondly, organizing was divided into 3 coordinators: agriculture and animal husbandry, electricity and water engineering mechanics, buying and selling and trading; third, the implementation is carried out by giving field assignments directly by tutors to students consisting of 80% practice and 20% theory; fourth, supervision is carried out by the field coordinator through the achievement of field assignments and oral and written reports from each field by students.</em>

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Dedi Iria Putra

Pondok Pesantren as an educational institution that develop spiritual and life skills. One of them Pondok Pesantren Hataska. The problem in this research is what is the program of empowering students of Pondok Pesantren Hataska Semurup Kerinci-Jambi. How the implementation of empowerment program students of boarding school Hataska Semurup Kerinci-Jambi regency. There are five basic concepts of da'wah and the development of Islamic society 1. Ukhuwah (the importance of unity to gain strength) 2. Ta'awun (the inter-team approach in community development) 3. 'Amilun (a group with enough skills) 4. Ma'rifah (cultural understanding of society) 5. Yaqin have the ability to be independent). Pesantren is an institution that combines formal and non formal education that prioritizes the practice of Islamic values that become the daily lifestyle, with the development of pesantren also preparing santri in the field of life skill so as to adapt well when returning to society. In the implementation of empowerment program students of Hataska Pondok Pesantren in the field of spiritual and life skill implemented three stages: first, the giving of material. Second, training. Third, the implementation.

2012 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
A Idhoh Anas

Abstract: Education is possibly to have people attain the perfection of life both in their relationship with God, fellow human beings and nature. A well relationship is only possible if people have a balance between their orientation in the world and in the hereafter. Therefore, in order to achieve the aforementioned objective, they should have adequate religious education and general equally through educational institutions. One of the Islamic educational institutions is a dormitory or boarding school where students (Islamic pupils) learn to improve the Islamic religion. Education on Islamic educational institutions also aims to establish a generation of believers-Muslim virtuous, health, broad-minded, and social, rise intelligent scholars who have equal devotions and thought, as well as establish nationalism of Indonesian citizen who have a faithful and pious to Allah Almighty. In general, Islamic educational institutions are classified into three categories: a) traditional pesantren (Salaf), which still retains the traditional teaching methods and teaching materials with classic books (yellow book), b) modern pesantren (khalaf), which seeks to fully integrate the classical and the current school and university system, and 3) semi salaf and khalaf Islamic schools who defend the teaching of classical Islamic books, as well as open public educational institutions (formal or non-formal education).

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-35
Iswatun Hasanah ◽  
Imaniyatul Fithriyah ◽  
Arina Mufrihah

Anak-anak usia dini terutama pada usia 4 hingga 6 tahun umumnya sudah mulai dikenalkan pada pendidikan formal dan non formal, salah satunya ialah pendidikan di pesantren. Pesantren dipilih oleh orang tua agar anak dapat belajar pengetahuan agama dan pengetahuan umum, serta pembentukan kemandirian dan kedisiplinan yang diharapkan orang tua. Pada santri usia dini, fase perkembangan psikoseksual yang dilalui diantaranya adalah fase falik dan laten. Dua fase krusial yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap kepribadian anak pada masa mendatang. Pada fase falik kepuasan terletak di daerah kemaluan yang normalnya akan mmebentuk identitas dan orientasi seksual anak. Sementara pada fase laten kepuasan terletak pada aspek kognitif dan interaksi sosial yang terealisasi melalui keterbukaan diri untuk berinteraksi dan bersosialiasi dengan lingkungan secara baik.  Kehadiran orang tua sangat dibutuhkan oleh santri untuk bisa melewati fase falik dan laten dengan baik dan menyelesaikan konflik pada dua fase tersebut. Maka dari itu, meski pesantren memiliki tradisi yang kuat dalam pendidikan agama, namun orang tua tetap memiliki tanggung jawab utama dalam pendidikan dan pembimbingan anak-anak mereka.[Children especially at age 4 untill 6 years old have been introduced to formal and non-formal education where pesantren (islamic boarding school) is one of the most popular educatonal institutions in Indonesia. Commonly, pesantren is chosen by parents for their childs’ education to learn both religious and modern knowledge. Furthermore, pesantren education will form students’ independence. During their early-age development phase, santri (students who learn in pesantren) is remain similar to other children who experience psychosexual development; the two crucial stages are phallic and latent stage. Those periods would significantly affect santri’s personality. The phallic stage is closely corresponded to genitalia as the specific erotogenic zone. Normally this stage is related to sexual identity and sexual orientation. Meanwhile, latent period is a time of childs’ exploration into intellectual pursuits and social interactions, it is realized through self-disclosure towards interaction and adaptive socialization with their circumstances. On the other hand, parents are the important figure for children since they need to adapt to their psychosexual development phase including how to resolve several conflicts which may be dealed with them. Therefore, even though pesantren has a strong tradition in religious education, parents steady have main responsibility of their childs’ education and guidance].

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 27
Ahmad Masduki

The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in interest and student learning outcomes of class XI OTKP-1 SMK YPE Nusantara Slawi Academic Year 2019/2020 in the subject of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) using a Think Pair Share (TPS) type cooperative approach. The research method uses a classroom action research method with two cycles. Each cycle involved 26 students who were divided into six groups. Each cycle consists of four stages, namely planning, implementing the action, observing, and reflecting. Data analysis used comparative descriptions of initial conditions, cycle I, and cycle II for interest variables in learning and learning outcomes. The results showed that applying the TPS-type cooperative learning model could increase student interest in learning and learning outcomes. Increased interest in learning in the first cycle of the first meeting reached 52%, and the second meeting reached 63%. The first meeting reached 76.66% in the second cycle, and the second meeting reached 88.33%. Learning outcomes increased from 34.61% to 80.77% in cycle I and 65.39% in cycle II.Keywords: Think Pair Share, Interest in Learning, Learning Outcomes

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 169
Azuma Fela Sufa

Azuma Fela Sufa, Effective Learning Method Yellow Book in Madrasah Diniyah Pondok Pesantren Al-Mahalli Brajan Wonokromo Pleret Bantul academic year 2013/2014. Islamic Religious Education Program School of Religion Yogyakarta Alma Ata, 2014. The background of this research, the methods used are generally not fully assist students in understanding the yellow book. Therefore, the boarding school chaplain tried to explore their creativity to find other methods that can support learning in the yellow book pesantren Al-Mahalli. So that the students will be easier to learn to use the yellow book and they were delighted to learn of the yellow book. Thus, researchers want to know what the method used by the cleric for their teaching and learning processes, effective or not after using these methods as well as factors inhibiting and supporting factors in learning the yellow book. This research includes qualitative naturalistic. The subjects of the study are caregivers, chaplain/cleric and the students Wustho class boarding school al-Mahalli. Methods of data collection using observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques used in the field before and during field model of Miles and Huberman. The results obtained from this study is that the methods used in the yellow book learning is effective and runs well. Judging from the results of their observations are very enthusiastic about learning the yellow book and will affect their understanding. Then apart from observations and interviews, the researchers took the data as a value and when viewed from the average value is good, then the method used was effective and well. Such inhibiting factors in learning, problem of time, the majority of students are not familiar yellow book, the method sorogan, often seen some students do not focus, in mengkhatamkan book takes a long time. Supporting factors, the chaplain/ cleric experienced in accordance with their respective fields, the availability of facilities and infrastructure are adequate, the majority of students live in boarding school so that automatically terkondusif by the environment. Efforts made by the boarding school chaplain include, in addition to the afternoon of madrasah diniyah done at night so that learning can be optiimal yellow book. As well as the cleric always tried to explore their creativity in order etode-learning methods used in the yellow book can be run properly and effectively.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-146
Syafri Rizka Martabe Nasution

Regarding religious education itself (Islam) basically quite enliven the Indonesian people, especially when viewed from a historical dimension, before the Dutch colonial government introduced Western education system is secular, it is known that the boarding school is the only formal education institutions in Indonesia, and it lasted for centuries. That's why the trip and the subsequent development of religious education can not be separated from the life of the Indonesian nation is predominantly Muslim, although in its operations always have ups and downs with all its dynamics. But it is clear the religious education or compulsory basic subjects of education that taught from elementary schools to the universities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-78
Epan Manullang

Abstract - The research aim was to find out the using of audiovisual by teachers in learning Christian religious education of eight-grade of SMP Negeri 3 Parlilitan, Humbang Hasundutan in academic year 2018/2019. The research method was a quantitative descriptive. The result of the hypothesis test was obtained tcount=16,438ttable=2,000 in the area of H0 rejection curve and acceptance of Ha. Thus the research hypothesis was accepted where the effectiveness of the using of audio-visual in learning outcomes of eight-grade SMP Negeri 3 Parlilitan in academic year 2018/2019 was higher than 75% of 100% expected. The achievement was 3,32 in the good category with a large percentage of 83,02% in the very strong category.Keywords: Audiovisual Media, Student Learning Outcomes

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Ricky Mallisa'

The purpose of research is to examine integrated Christian religious education among the disabled. The disability is for everyone who has a long period of intellectual, and mental disability. Limitations that have been imposed have a bearing on the difficulty of effectively interacting with those around them. Therefore, what happens in the lives of those who have disability is feeling neglected. As though no room in living life is what everyone is entitled to. This is what has become a problem until now. The onset of the problem requires Christianity education is not only present in the form of a formal educations but also in non-formal education. The non-formal education referred to is the family, and community ward Church. Hence the research method to be used is, a descriptive qualitative study method. Descriptive qualitative research is understood to describe a condition of its nature without manipulating the variables. This type of research is exploited with qualitative data and then descriptive. Like analyzing phenomena of phenomena and social circumstances. So based on that the findings that are available in the research are: the integration of Christian religious education is where all parties in either formal education are the family, and community churches capable of building the character and mentality of those with disabilities. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji pendidikan agama kristen yang terintegrasi terhadap penyandang disabilitas. Penyandang disabilitas adalah setiap orang yang mengalami keterbatasan fisik, intelektual, mental, dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Keterbatasan yang dialami memberi dampak terhadap sulitnya berinteraksi secara efektif dengan orang disekitarnya.  Terkait itu, maka yang terjadi dalam kehidupan para penyandang disabilitas ialah merasa terabaikan. Seperti tidak diberi ruang dalam menjalani kehidupan seperti hak setiap orang pada umumnya. Hal inilah yang kemudian menjadi masalah hingga saat ini.  Timbulnya masalah tersebut mengharuskan pendidikan agama kristen tidak hanya hadir dalam dunia Pendidikan formal, namun juga dalam Pendidikan non formal. Pendidikan non formal yang dimaksud ialah gereja, lingkungan keluarga dan masyarakat.  Oleh karena itu metode penelitian yang akan digunakan ialah, metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dipahami sebagai penggambaran suatu kondisi apa adanya tanpa melakukan manipulasi pada variabel yang diteliti. Jenis penelitian ini memanfaatkan data kualitatif lalu menguraikan secara deskriptif. Seperti menganalisis suatu kejadian, fenomena, dan keadaan sosial.  Maka berdasarkan hal itu, temuan temuan yang ada dalam penelitian adalah: hadirnya Pendidikan agama kristen secara terintegrasi, dimana semua pihak baik dalam Pendidikan formal ataupun non formal yakni: Gereja, keluarga dan masyarakat mampu membina karakter dan mental para penyandang disabilitas.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (9) ◽  
pp. 407-420
H. Muntholib ◽  
Maisah ◽  
Maryani S.Ag,

Management of Islamic Boarding Schools in the Development of Islamic Education in Jambi Province. Dissertation, Management of Islamic Education / Postgraduate Program of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi Islamic University, 2018. The purpose of this study was to find out about Islamic boarding schools that have not been effective in the development of Islamic Education in Jambi Province due to interenal and external factors, want to know and find planning ), organizing, implementing actuating and controlling Islamic boarding schools in the development of Islamic Religious Education in Jambi Province, and wanting to know about the concept of Islamic boarding school development in Islamic Education in Jambi Province. The research approach used is a qualitative approach to the type of case study. It is hoped that the image will be raised about quality, social reality, the perception of the target researchers. Data collection techniques are carried out by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study have not been effective, because of internal and external factors that exist in Islamic boarding schools in the development of Islamic Religious Education. Planning the management of Islamic boarding schools has been based on clear objectives, but not optimal, there is no maximum human and financial resources. Organizing at the Islamic Boarding School is functional, the division of labor has been achieved, the work guidelines are not optimal, and leaders of Islamic boarding schools often delegate to Deputy leaders, because the Kyai are not daily at the pesantren. The management of Islamic boarding schools has cooperated with stakeholders, has not produced graduates above national standards, the committee is not optimal, guidance is not optimal and there are rewards and funmenmen. Supervision of Islamic Boarding School management for maximal absenteeism, optimal information, active computerized system, pesantren website is less active, six-month meetings are less optimal, once a year meeting are optimal, active in motivation and active in clarification and correction. The concept of development is the design of developing something that already exists in order to improve the quality of more advanced. Recommendations The results of this dissertation research, researchers recommend specifically to: Leaders and Managers of the Zulhijjah Muara Bulian Islamic Boarding School in Batanghari, Syekh Maulana Qori Merangin Leaders and Pesantren, Head of the Ministry of Religion Jambi Province and Leaders of Non-Formal Education Institutions, and Community Organizations.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 133-155
Vivit Nur Arista Putra

This study aims to describe the management of lesson-plan in Pondok Pesantren Takwinul Muballighin Yogyakarta. The qualitative descriptive research method is used in conducitng this research. The research subjecs consist of ustadz who is the founder pf the pesantren, two of teaching-learning staff, and six students. The data is collected through interviews, observations, and documentation which is then analysed using interactive model of Milles and Michael Huberman consisting of three concurrent steps, namely data reduction, data display, and deduction. This research found that Pondok Pesantren Takwinul Muballighin Yogyakarta principally prepares the syllabus and the instructional planning as the lesson-plan. However, it has not been well- documented since Pondok Pesantren Takwinul Muballighin Yogyakarta is a non-formal religious education institution in which syllabus and lesson plan is not necessarily be structured like formal education.  

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