Edu Consilium: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Pendidikan Islam
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Published By Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

2720-9709, 2716-2087

Anna Aisa

Salah satu kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia untuk memutus mata rantai penularan virus covid 19 adalah pembatasan sosial atau lebih dikenal dengan psysical distancing. Pemerintah membatasi kegiatan-kegiatan yang tidak terlalu penting. Semua kegiatan sementara waktu dilakukan di rumah, termasuk perkuliahan.  Kegiatan perkuliahan yang semula secara tatap muka harus beralih menjadi kuliah online. Pola perubahan pendekatan perkuliahan ini memicu munculnya stres akademik pada mahasiswa. stres akademik yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan gangguan proses berpikir, persepsi dan kemampuan memecahkan masalah serta gangguan tidur dan berkurangnya kekuatan pengambilan keputusan. Jika dibiarkan, akan mengganggu kualitas hidup mahasiswa. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan adanya kegiatan lain untuk mengisi waktu luang dan mengurangi stres akademik mahasiswa. Salah satunya dengan terapi seni dengan metode mewarnai. Kegiatan ini dinilai mampu menurunkan tingkat stres akademik. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara terhadap subjek dan dianalisis dengan metode eksplikasi data. Subjek berjumlah lima orang yang diperoleh dengan dengan cara purposif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelima subjek mengalami penurunan tingkat stres akademik setelah melaksanakan aktivitas terapi mewarnai. Tampak pada semangat dan usaha kelima subjek untuk kembali aktif mengikuti perkuliahan online, semangat mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan dosen dan semangat untuk bertanya serta mencari tahu secara mandiri mengenai informasi seputar materi maupun informasi perkulihan yang belum dipahami.

Mahmuddah Dewi Edmawati ◽  
Aldila Fitri Radite Nur Maynawati ◽  
Candra Giri Murti
T Test ◽  

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh layanan informasi secara daring dapat meningkatkan minat siswa SMA N 3 Sukoharjo untuk melanjutkan studinya ke Perguruan Tinggi. Metode dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode kuantitatif ekperimen. Penelititan kuantitatif tidak mempermasalahkan hubungan antara peneliti dengan subyek penelitian karena hasil penelitian lebih banyak tergantung dengan instrumen yang digunakan dan terukur variabel yang digunakan, dari pada intim dan keterlibatan emosi antara peneliti dengan subyek yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian adalah ada pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pemberian layanan informasi secara daring kepada siswa kelas XI MIPA 3 SMA Negeri 3 Sukoharjo tahun pelajaran 2020/2021 untuk melanjutkan pendidikanya ke Perguruan Tinggi. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan perhitungan uji Paired Sample T-Test pada Pre Test dan Post Test menunjukkan nilai Signifikansi (2-tailed) 0,000 < 0,05 , artinya menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara variabel awal dengan variabel akhir. Ini menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh yang bermakna terhadap perlakuan yang diberikan pada masing-masing variabel. Sehingga dapat disimpukan bahwa: “Terdapat pengaruh pemberian layanan informasi secara daring mengenai studi lanjut terhadap minat siswa kelas XI MIPA 3 SMA Negeri 3 Sukoharjo tahun pelajaran 2020/2021 untuk melanjutkan pendidikanya ke Perguruan Tinggi. Kata Kunci : layanan informasi, daring, minat studi lanjut

Arina Mufrihah ◽  
Rusmiyati ◽  
Nur Erlinasari

Aims of this descriptive qualitative research are organizing cooperational models of guidance and counseling and analizing use of those professional cooperation activities between counselor and other professionals for students as targeting subject of guidance and counseling service. Author got the needed data from observation method, interview method, and documentation method, while subject of this research are guidance and counseling teachers and students. Guidance and counseling teachers have created some cooperational patterns with motivator, psychology institution, college, and alumna. By these cooperational programs, students acknowledged that they got many supports in understanding and developing their potentials, coping their obstacles, and programming their individual planning. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan tujuan mengorganisasikan pola-pola kerjasama bimbingan dan konseling dan menelaah manfaat yang diperoleh siswa sebagai subjek sasaran layanan BK dari kegiatan kerjasama profesional antara konselor dengan pihak-pihak profesional lainnya. Data penulis peroleh dari observasi, wawwancara, dan dokumentasi, subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah Guru BK dan siswa. Penulis memperoleh hasil penelitian berupa pola kerjasama yang dijalin oleh tenaga BK ialah dengan: (1) motivator; (2) lembaga psikologi; (3) perguruan tinggi; dan (4) alumni. Dengan program kerjasama tersebut siswa mengakui banyak terbantu dalam memahami-mengembangkan potensinya, mengatasi hambatannya, dan melakukan perencanaan individual.

Nuri Istiqlailia ◽  
Ishlakhatus Sa'idah

This research was motivated by many students at MA Miftahul Qulub who still lacked confidence in making career decisions. This can be seen from their inability to determine further studies to college as desired. There are also some students who are still confused about what to do after graduation. Self efficacy can influence students in determining the chosen decision making. So that in this study, researchers are interested in conducting research with the title "The Relationship Between Self Efficacy With Career Decision Making in Class XII Female Students of MA Miftahul Qulub Galis Pamekasan". The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not there was a relationship and the magnitude of the relationship between self-efficacy and career decision-making for the class XII female students of MA Miftahul Qulub Galis Pamekasan. This research is a quantitative research with the type of correlational analysis to see the relationship of the two variables of this study. The subjects in this study were 25 people. Data analysis used the Product Moment correlation method with the help of SPSS v.25 software for windows. The results of the correlation analysis showed that the significance value (p) obtained was 0.000, and the correlation coefficient (r) was 0.709. So that in this study the hypothesis is accepted, namely there is a relationship between self-efficacy and career decision making in class XII Putri MA Miftahul Qulub Galis Pamekasan students.

Sukria Ahsan ◽  
IM Hambali ◽  
Nur Hidayah

The purpose of this study was to produce a description of the content and format of a career planning guide based on the life principles of toma loa se banari that is suitable for helping high school students plan their careers. The method used in this research is research and development using stages from Borg and Gall. The instruments used in this study were (1) expert assessment instruments (2) user assessment instruments and (3) career planning scales. The final result of this research is a product which is a career planning handbook based on the life principle of Toma Loa Se Banari that meets the elements of acceptance consisting of aspects of accuracy, usefulness, worthiness and attractiveness. The results of the effectiveness test conducted at SMA N 1 Tidore City showed that this guide was effective in increasing the career planning of high school students. Given the limitations of the research the researcher hopes that the next researcher will test the effectiveness of other schools in the City of Tidore and be able to develop the local wisdom of the City of Tidore to be applied to the Guidance and Counseling service

Fayrus Slamet

Pembelajaran online yang berjalan selama 1 tahun lebih, membuat persepsi ataupun tanggapan dari siswa bermacam-macam, sehingga, pembelajaran online perlu di evaluasi. Peneliti menganggap perlunya untuk meneliti persepsi siswa MA Attaraqqie mengenai pembelajaran selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunnakan metode survey yang dilaksanakan secara online. Penyebaran angket melalui google form terdapat 101 respoden siswa yang terdata. Berdasarkan paparan hasil penelitian maka bisa disimpulkan bahwa siswa MA Attaraqqie Kota Malang, menginginkan pembelajaran secara tatap muka atau offline.

Iswatun Hasanah ◽  
Imaniyatul Fitriyah ◽  
Septinda Rima Dewanti ◽  
Sri Rizqi Wahyuningrum

The Covid-19 pandemic in Pamekasan Regency has had a major impact on various aspects of people's lives, especially in terms of health, namely Covid-19 can cause respiratory system disorders, severe lung infections, and even death. The frightening condition of the Covid-19 Pandemic can lead to denial and denial of the truth (Denial Syndrome). Denial Syndrome is a form of self-defense against anxiety against a threatening reality. In the short term Denial Syndrome will help individuals to think logically and make peace with their own fears, but in the long term Denial Syndrome will be dangerous and cause problems for themselves or the environment. Empirical phenomenological research through observations and interviews regarding the behavior of the Pamekasan community in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic shows a prolonged Denial Syndrome, so that the impact is the spread of the virus quickly and widely which results in the number of cases being positively infected with the corona virus and the death increasing. Therefore, every individual must be able to accept and be aware of the existence of the corona virus and its impact on themselves and others by making various efforts so that they can continue to carry out routines without conflicting with government regulations. This can be a solution for individuals to get out of their comfort zone and make peace with themselves and the situation so that this Pandemic can be resolved properly.

Yekti Endah Pambudi ◽  
Siti Nur Khofifah Amini

Kepala Sekolah mempunyai peran yang penting di dalam Sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pentingnya peran Kepala Sekolah terhadap Manajemen Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling di masa pandemi.  Jenis penelitian menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengambilan sumber data menggunakan purposive sampling. Teknik Pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. analisis data yaitu data reduction, data display, dan conclusion drawing/verification. Hasil penelitian ini Kepala Sekolah sesuai perannya memonitoring kinerja Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling serta membantu keterlaksanaan layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling dengan baik dengan cara menyediakan fasilitas yang mempermudah Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling baik berupa finansial ataupun media serta siswa dipermudah dengan pemberian kuota internet agar bisa mendapat layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling dengan baik.

Mahmuddah Dewi Edmawati ◽  
Sri Rahayu Purwaningsih ◽  

The effect of the Covid (Coronavirus) has constrained a few neighborhood governments to settle on the execution of strategies to close understudy exercises at school and carry out internet learning frameworks or distance learning. The approach for executing internet learning has been in actuality since Walk 2020 in all schools in Indonesia, including SMAN 1 Nguter. One of the impacts of learning with this online framework is the decrease in understudy revenue in SMA N 1 Nguter. This examination is a library research, which is a kind of exploration that is utilized to gather top to bottom data and information through different written works and pertinent past research results to acquire answers and hypothetical establishments in regards to the issues to be contemplated. This examination intends to look at the job of online-based gathering direction with bunch conversation methods in expanding understudy revenue in learning. Gathering direction with bunch conversation procedures can expand learning inspiration, this is on the grounds that in bunch direction there is a gathering dynamic that can make expanded understudy learning inspiration. Through bunch direction exercises, all gathering individuals lead conversations, give and get data, foster correspondence and relational abilities, inspire each other so that bunch individuals' learning inspiration increments. The execution of online-based gathering direction is one successful methodology because of the pandemic that doesn't permit the execution of up close and personal direction and advising exercises.

Ishlakhatus Saidah ◽  
Adi Atmoko ◽  
Muslihati Muslihati

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi data berupa deskripsi problematik terkait makna karier bagi generasi milenial khususnya di kawasan industri Gresik. Pada era ini, aspirasi karier masyarakat telah mengalami pergeseran paradigma. Pergeseran paradigma tersebut juga terjadi pada masyarakat industri yang memiliki kekhasan karakteristik yakni memiliki motivasi yang tinggi dalam mencapai kesejahteraan ekonomi. Hal tersebut dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya peluang pekerjaan yang ada di kawasan industri. Menggunakan penelitian kualitatif fenomenologi, penelitian ini diharapkan mampu memberikan gambaran tentang makna aspirasi karier generasi milenial baik dari segi orientasi, sikap maupun perilaku. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa aspirasi karier bermakna sebagai ambisi bagi generasi milenial. Adapun tiga aspek yang mendasari makna tersebut yaitu aspek orientasi, sikap dan perilaku. Pada aspek orientasi, generasi milenial memiliki idealisme terhadap profesi impiannya. Mereka menetapkan profesi impian mereka adalah profesi yang menuntut kualifikasi keahlian, kenyamanan baik dari segi gaji maupun lingkungan kerja, serta adanya sisi pengabdian terhadap sesama. Sisi idealis ini juga tercermin dalam standar keberhasilan karier mereka yakni mampu mengembangkan usaha milik pribadi selambat-lambatnya pada usia 60 tahun dengan target usia pensiun pada usia 40-60 tahun. Pada aspek sikap, generasi milenial memiliki dorongan kuat dan memiliki kemampuan untuk menentukan jalur yang sesuai dengan keinginannya. Hal ini terlihat dari dua pekerjaan yang mereka tekuni dalam kurun waktu yang sama. Dua pekerjaan tersebut teridentifikasi sebagai pekerjaan primer dan sekunder. Adapun figur pendorong dalam berkarier adalah keluarga dan teman. Pada aspek perilaku, generasi milenial merupakan generasi yang pekerja keras dan memiliki strategi yang hebat. Kerja keras generasi ini juga terlihat dari usaha-usaha yang telah dilakukannya sejak dini dalam mencapai profesi impian mereka, bahkan mereka memulainya sejak duduk di bangku SMA. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa mereka memiliki dedikasi yang tinggi terhadap profesi impian mereka. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan informasi dan pengetahuan bagi guru BK terkait aspirasi karier generasi milenial. Kepada peneliti selanjutnya diharapkan mampu mengembangkan informasi dalam bidang lain terkait kekhasan generasi milenial. Saran lain bagi peneliti selanjutnya adalah melakukan pengembangan layanan karier baik berupa teknik atau media yang tepat bagi generasi milenial. This study aims to explore data in the form of problematic descriptions related to the meaning of careers for the millennial generation, especially in the Gresik industrial area. In this era, people's career aspirations have undergone a paradigm shift. This paradigm shift also occurs in industrial societies which have unique characteristics, namely having high motivation to achieve economic prosperity. This is motivated by the many job opportunities that exist in industrial areas. Using phenomenological qualitative research, this research is expected to be able to provide an overview of the meaning of millennial generation career aspirations in terms of orientation, attitude and behavior. The results of this study indicate that career aspirations are meaningful as ambitions for the millennial generation. There are three aspects that underlie this meaning, namely aspects of orientation, attitude and behavior. In the aspect of orientation, the millennial generation has idealism towards the profession of their dreams. They determine that their dream profession is a profession that demands skill qualifications, comfort in terms of both salary and work environment, as well as a side of devotion to others. This idealistic side is also reflected in the success standards of their careers, namely being able to develop privately owned businesses by the age of 60 with a target retirement age of 40-60 years. In the aspect of attitude, the millennial generation has a strong drive and has the ability to determine the path according to their wishes. This can be seen from the two jobs they have been engaged in during the same period. The two jobs were identified as primary and secondary jobs. The driving figures for a career are family and friends. In the aspect of behavior, the millennial generation is a generation that works hard and has a great strategy. The hard work of this generation can also be seen from the efforts they have done from an early age in achieving their dream profession, they even started when they were in high school. This shows that they are highly dedicated to their dream profession. This research is expected to be used as information and knowledge for counseling teachers regarding the career aspirations of the millennial generation. It is hoped that the next researchers will be able to develop information in other fields related to the peculiarities of the millennial generation. Another suggestion for future researchers is to develop career services in the form of techniques or media that are right for the millennial generation.  

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