Rehabilitation Counseling: In Critical Condition

1977 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-21
Maunsell W. Wilkinson

Although there has been an array of advances in rehabilitation within the past few years, rehabilitation counseling is presently in critical condition. Little objective evidence is available to indicate that intensive one-to-one or group counseling is well accepted in the rehabilitation process. This article maintains that counseling is not emphasized within the State-Federal system, and advocates putting the counselor back in rehabilitation since he is the vehicle by which rehabilitation advances are converted into rehabilitants. It is people who make the difference in other people, and the counselor is the person with whom the client associates. The continued dissipation of time spent counseling may one day see the State-Federal program as little more than a funding service for disabled individuals.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  

Many Researchers have written on the SMEs and Entrepreneurship in the past but failed to distinguish clearly the difference between the two concepts, thereby leaving a gap in literature. This study attempts to bridge his gap. The study identified the difference between entrepreneurship and Small/Medium Enterprises (SMEs), clarified the erroneous practice of using both words interchangeably by Researchers/Practitioners, categorized the supporting agencies and climaxes their contributions and limitations with suggestions for future considerations. In examining their contributions, a sample population of 1200 stakeholders was purposely selected in the state of Osun, Nigeria. Overall findings revealed that Agencies’ impacts have been minimal due to the high rate of corruption, bureaucracy and inability to separate entrepreneurial SMEs from non-entrepreneurial SMEs, These Agencies fall within the intermediate environment of businesses, categorized as participatory, facilitating & regulatory and are public sectors dominated with low entrepreneurship orientation. The study averred that Agencies/government officials should be more entrepreneurial by promoting auxiliary marketing systems for SMEs. It is suggested that having business-minded and entrepreneurial politicians/ leaders would promote SMEs and entrepreneurship in Nigeria.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-39
Yashomati Ghosh

India has been experiencing docket explosion and the problem of huge arrears of pending cases for the past seventy years. At present there are more than 22 million cases pending in various courts across the country. The large number of pending cases has crippled the efficient working of the judiciary and had adversely affected the right of the citizens to timely delivery of justice. In this paper a comprehensive analysis of the state of Indian judiciary has been made. The various factors which have attributed to docket explosion and arrears have been discussed by looking into various government and judicial reports, starting from the Arrears Committee Report of 1949 to the Supreme Court Report on Access to Justice (2016). The paper further discusses the challenges and impediments faced in dealing with the burdens of pendency and arrears, and analyses the recommendations of the various committee reports relating to judicial reforms. The article critically analyses the various procedural, legal and infrastructural reforms introduced in the recent past to bring about substantive judicial reforms, however these efforts have largely been piecemeal in nature. In addition the difference of perception between the judiciary and the government regarding the right solution has further aggravated the crisis. In this context the harmonious functioning of the three organs of the state and honest commitment of all the important stakeholders such as the Bar Council, the members of the legal profession and litigants holds the key to resolve the cyclic syndrome of delay, arrears and pendency.

1910 ◽  
Vol 56 (235) ◽  
pp. 700-714 ◽  
George M. Robertson

I have been asked by the President to open a discussion on the “Treatment of Mental Excitement in Asylums.” The subject is a very important and practical one, and goes to the root of many of the most difficult problems connected with the management of the insane. Of cases of mental excitement in asylums it may be said, “they are always with us,” and the manner in which they are treated and the success attending their treatment may be taken as tests of the good management of an asylum. The difference between the state of the madhouses of the past and of the mental hospitals of the present day is largely the result of better methods of dealing with it.

2009 ◽  
Vol 52 (2) ◽  
pp. 124-128 ◽  
Michael O'Brien ◽  
Michael Graham

1984 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 15-19 ◽  
Kenneth R. Thomas ◽  
Randall M. Parker

To gain professional stature, rehabilitation counselors (RCs) have promoted the viewpoint that rehabilitation counseling is unique and different from generic counseling. The research literature reflects a concomitant trend in the continuous erosion over the past 15 years of the counseling function. The necessity of a re-emphasis on counseling is presented along with a review of the literature on basic considerations in counseling, career counseling, and psychosocial counseling. Finally, a call is made for renewed emphasis on the core of the rehabilitation process-counseling.

2008 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 55-59 ◽  
Michael O'Brien ◽  
Michael Graham

Rehabilitation counseling has played a significant role in the public rehabilitation program since its inception. Rehabilitation educators have also been critical in this partnership. This article reviews current trends in the relationships between public rehabilitation agencies, university programs, accreditation bodies, and others to dicuss future potential paths. Also reviewed are current expectations for skills and opportunities for rehabilitation counselors in the state/federal vocational rehabilitation programs. Opposing alternatives for how these relationships may affect the future of rehabilitation counseling practice are suggested.


At the end of the twentieth century, questions of a secondary nature suddenly became topical: what do we remember and who owns the memory? Memory as one of the mental characteristics of an individual’s activity is complemented by the concept of collective memory, which requires a different method of analysis than the activity of a separate individual. In the 1970s, a situation arose that gave rise to the so-called "historical politics" or "memory politics." If philosophical studies of memory problems of the 30’s and 40’s of the twentieth century were focused mainly on the peculiarities of perception of the past in the individual and collective consciousness and did not go beyond scientific discussions, then half a century later the situation has changed dramatically. The problem of memory has found its political sound: historians and sociologists, politicians and representatives of the media have entered the discourse on memory. Modern society, including all social, ethnic and family groups, has undergone a profound change in the traditional attitude towards the past, which has been associated with changes in the structure of government. In connection with the discrediting of the Soviet Union, the rapid decline of the Communist Party and its ideology, there was a collapse of Marxism, which provided for a certain model of time and history. The end of the revolutionary idea, a powerful vector that indicated the direction of historical time into the future, inevitably led to a rapid change in perception of the past. Three models of the future, which, according to Pierre Nora, defined the face of the past (the future as a restoration of the past, the future as progress and the future as a revolution) that existed until recently, have now lost their relevance. Today, absolute uncertainty hangs over the future. The inability to predict the future poses certain challenges to the present. The end of any teleology of history imposes on the present a debt of memory. Features of the life of memory, the specifics of its state and functioning directly affect the state of identity, both personal and collective. Distortion of memory, its incorrect work, and its ideological manipulation can give rise to an identity crisis. The memorial phenomenon is a certain political resource in a situation of severe socio-political breaks and changes. In the conditions of the economic crisis and in the absence of a real and clear program for future development, the state often seeks to turn memory into the main element of national consolidation.

Walter Lowrie ◽  
Alastair Hannay

A small, insignificant-looking intellectual with absurdly long legs, Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855) was a veritable Hans Christian Andersen caricature of a man. A strange combination of witty cosmopolite and melancholy introvert, he spent years writing under a series of fantastical pseudonyms, lavishing all the splendor of his mind on a seldom-appreciative world. He had a tragic love affair with a young girl, was dominated by an unforgettable Old Testament father, fought a sensational literary duel with a popular satiric magazine, and died in the midst of a violent quarrel with the state church for which he had once studied theology. Yet this iconoclast produced a number of brilliant books that have profoundly influenced modern thought. This classic biography presents a charming and warmly appreciative introduction to the life and work of the great Danish writer. It tells the story of Kierkegaard's emotionally turbulent life with a keen sense of drama and an acute understanding of how his life shaped his thought. The result is a wonderfully informative and entertaining portrait of one of the most important thinkers of the past two centuries.

2013 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-31 ◽  
Maria Mrówczyńska

Abstract The paper attempts to determine an optimum structure of a directional measurement and control network intended for investigating horizontal displacements. For this purpose it uses the notion of entropy as a logarithmical measure of probability of the state of a particular observation system. An optimum number of observations results from the difference of the entropy of the vector of parameters ΔHX̂ (x)corresponding to one extra observation. An increment of entropy interpreted as an increment of the amount of information about the state of the system determines the adoption or rejection of another extra observation to be carried out.

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