scholarly journals Melacak Landasan Hukum Pengelolaan Aset Tanah Negara melalui Konsep Bank Tanah

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 405-428
Fatimah Al-Zahra

Kebutuhan akan pembangunan fisik semakin meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk. Problematika penyediaan tanah untuk pembangunan terjadi karena adanya pergeseran makna dan nilai tanah, sebagai akibat dari berkembangnya ideologi ekonomi kapitalis. Rakyat cenderung tidak mau melepaskan tanahnya kepada pemerintah untuk tujuan pembangunan dengan dalih bahwa besaran nilai ganti kerugian yang ditetapkan atas tanah terlalu rendah dan tidak adil. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan revisi kebijakan dalam aspek pertanahan yang mengarahkan pada mekanisme pengelolaan aset tanah negara terintegrasi yang dapat mengakomodasi keinginan semua pihak, sehingga dapat menjamin terciptanya keadilan sosial (al-‘Adalah al-Ijtima’iyyah). Penerapan konsep bank tanah sebagai sarana pengelolaan aset tanah negara dapat menjadi solusi dalam mengatasi krisis tanah untuk pembangunan yang terjadi saat ini. Konsep bank tanah yang memperoleh tanah melalui mekanisme jual beli, tukar menukar, hibah maupun lelang akan memenuhi rasa keadilan yang diidam-idamkan oleh rakyat. Sebelum menerapkan konsep bank tanah melalui suatu instrumen hukum, maka konsep tersebut harus terlebih dahulu disesuaikan dengan hukum positif nasional, khususnya dalam sistem hukum agraria. Hal ini perlu dilakukan untuk menghindari terjadinya disharmonisasi antar peraturan perundang-undangan dalam sistem hukum agraria yang saling berhubungan antara satu dan yang lainnya. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis landasan hukum mengenai konsep bank tanah sebagai pengelola aset tanah negara yang dapat mewujudkan keadilan sosial (al-‘Adalah al-Ijtima’iyyah) bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia.(The need for physical development is increasing as the increase in population. Any problems in clearing land for development are caused by shifts in land meaning and value, as a consequence of the development of the capitalist economic ideology. The people tend not to relinquish their land to the government for development purposes under the pretext that the amount of compensation paid for land is too low and unfair. Therefore, it is necessary to revise the policy in the land aspect that leads to the integrated state land asset management mechanism that can accommodate the wishes of all parties, so as to ensure the creation of social justice (al-'Adalah al-Ijtima'iyyah). Implementation of the concept of a land bank as a means of managing state land assets can be a solution in overcoming the land crisis for development that occurs today. The concept of a land bank acquiring land through buying and selling mechanisms, exchange, grants, and auctions will satisfy the sense of justice coveted by the people. Before applying the concept of the land bank through a legal instrument, the concept must be adjusted to national positive law, especially in the legal system of agrarian. This needs to be done to avoid the occurrence of dis-harmonization between laws and regulations in the agrarian legal system that is interconnected between one and the other. This article aims to analyze the legal basis for the concept of the land bank as a manager of state land assets that can realize social justice (al-'Adalah al-Ijtima'iyyah) for Indonesians)

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Dorota Szelewa

This article analyses two cases of populist mobilisation – namely, one against a primary school entry-age reform and another against WHO sexuality education and the concept of gender – that took place in Poland between 2008 and 2019. Both campaigns had a populist character and were oriented towards restoring social justice taken away from ‘the people’ by a morally corrupted ‘elite’. There are differences between the cases that can be analytically delineated by assessing whether a religious mobilisation has an overt or a covert character. While the series of protests against the school-age reform represents a case of mobilisation with covert religious symbolism, the campaigns against sexuality education and the use of the concept of gender are characterised by overt religious populism. To characterise the dynamics of the two campaigns, the study uses the concept of a moral panic, emphasising the importance of moral entrepreneurs waging ideological war against the government and/or liberal experts conceived of as ‘folk devils’.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-155
Mul Yadi ◽  
Harry Rudyantoro ◽  
Ujang Bahar

ABSTRACT  Related to the implementation of the Regional Regulation (Perda) about the increase in parking rates at the edge of the road prone to congestion in the city of Bogor ratified and entered into force on July 2, 2012, The first location that imposed this tariff is the Way Suryakencana and Jalan Siliwangi Bogor and the second location is the application of The Government through the Department trials Traffic Transportation (DLLAJ) Bogor City gets a reaction from the people around Jalan Suryakencana. Enactment of the increase in parking rates at Jalan Bogor Suryakencana expected to reduce illegal parking of vehicles in the area, which has been causing congestion. With parking rates that have been enacted many road users who park their vehicles in multiple and indiscriminate. The method used in this study is empirical juridical approach. The study, based on an inventory of positive law, the discovery of the principles of law and legal discovery inconcretto, which include observation of empirical operationalization of law in society. The conclusion from this study is the basis of the application of the levy Parking Services Bank Public Road, especially in the city of Bogor is Law No. 28 of 2009 on Regional Taxes and Levies and Regional Regulation No. 4 of 2012. Implementation of Regional Regulation No. 4 of 2012 on Increase Rates Parking is not yet fully effective this is due to high payments also has not been matched with adequate services, the responsibility for the damage and loss still be a burden for the owner of the vehicle so that the functions and responsibilities of the government that deal with parking problems is questionable. Impact parking tariff policy to demand that any increase in the parking rate of 10 percent would result in a decrease in the use of parking of 0.7 -0.8 percent, increase use of public transport and cycling amounted to 3.71 percent of 0.9 percent. This figure is even greater in the short term, when applied can lead to a new increase in the elasticity to be about - 0.28., Where the parking lot reducing the length of parking time and reduce the amount of parking.  Keywords: Regional Regulation, Rates Parking, Traffic Order

Rechtsidee ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Fatimah AlZahra

The fact that the amount of land is fixed while the need for physical development is increasing as the increase in population, leads to inevitable social conflict. Social conflict is caused by the conflict of interest between the government and the people. The people tend to be reluctant to let go of the land they owned for the development of infrastructure in public interest with the pretext that the price set by the government is too low. As an agency for which its primary task is to reserve land for the government that is obtained before the need arises, a land bank appears to be able to be considered one of the alternatives for land procurement without conflict that can be applied in Indonesia as a solution in overcoming the land crisis for development. Through the normative legal research method, this research aims to analyzes the land bank’s concept in finding a legal construction of land bank regulations to realize fair management of state land assets in Indonesia. The result of the research shows that the legal construction of regulations for a land bank as an effort to realize fair management of state land assets can be achieved with regulations equal to a law. Values of fairness, legal certainty, and legal usefulness in the organization of a land bank must be included in the legal and normative basis in the content of the proposed law.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 457
Julius Sitangihonon Sihotang ◽  
Kartika Pakpahan ◽  
Hilda Siregar ◽  
Yunepa Pebi Yanti Sembiring ◽  
Kevin Dwiputra Sitorus

The sales system in the form of a pyramid scheme is prohibited in Article 9 of Law Number 7 of 2014 concerning Trade because it can harm the people who are its members. In the pyramid scheme sales system, the concept is almost close to the concept of a multi-level marketing sales system, which creates opportunities for companies by running a pyramid scheme that bills itself as an official multi-level marketing company. This study aims to analyze the positive law on the prohibition of distribution business actors in the application of the pyramid scheme system and about the efforts to overcome criminal acts by implementing a pyramid scheme system in the distribution of goods. This study analyzes the main problems with the scope and identification of the problems through the Normative Juridical Approach with descriptive analytical research. The existence of various forms of driving factors for the development of companies with a pyramid scheme sales system is the characteristic of most Indonesians who want to have large income instantly, with public awareness and law enforcement officials about the dangers of pyramid schemes that are still lacking, so that the distribution of goods with a pyramid scheme system is carried out by If business actors make mistakes or violate regulations from the government regarding pyramid scheme businesses, those who carry out such actions will be subject to sanctions either by fines or imprisonment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Muhamad Abas

ABSTRAK Hak mendahului (hak preferen) upah pekerja dalam perkara kepailitan perusahaan sebaiknya dilakukan dengan penerapan asas kepastian hukum dan keadilan serta manfaat, hal ini dimaksudkan agar efektivitas penerapan dan pelaksanaan dari putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi(MK) No. 67/PUU-XI/2013 yang menyatakan upah pekerja harus didahulukan dapat terlaksana dengan baik. Terdapat benturan kepentingan antara kreditor saat terjadi kepailitan dan mudahnya syarat kepailitan. Putusan MK pertama lebih mengedepankan asas kepastian hukum daripada asas keadilan dan sependapat dengan pemerintah lebih melindungi investor daripada pekerja. MK menolak permohonan para Pemohon. Putusan MK kedua Majelis hakim bersifat responsif dalam memutus permohonan, menjunjung tinggi nilai keadilan berdasarkan pada nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dengan mempertimbangkan subjek hukum, objek hukum dan risiko yang timbul akibat kepilitan. MK menerima permohonan para Pemohon sebagian. Inkonsistensi penegakkan hukum bertentangan dengan konsep negara kesejahteraan dimana tugas negara memikul tanggungjawab mewujudkan keadilan sosial, kesejahteraan umum dan sebesar-besarnya untuk kemakmuran rakyat. Keadilan terhadap kedudukan pekerja dengan kreditor lainnya dapat terwujud apabila masyarakat menganut prinsip keadilan yang sama atau mempunyai pokok pikiran yang sama dalam perkara kepailitan. Kata Kunci : “ Hak Preferen, Upah Pekerja, Kepailitan”. ABSTRACT Preemptive rights (preferential rights) of workers' wages in the case of corporate bankruptcy should be carried out with the application of the principle of legal certainty and justice and benefits, this is intended so that the effectiveness of the implementation and implementation of the Constitutional Court decision No. 67 / PUU-XI / 2013 which states that workers' wages must take precedence can be carried out well. There is a conflict of interest between creditors when bankruptcy occurs and easy bankruptcy requirements. The first decision of the Constitutional Court to prioritize the principle of legal certainty over the principle of justice and agree with the government to protect investors more than workers. The Court rejected the Petitioners' petition. The second Constitutional Court verdict The panel of judges is responsive in deciding the petition, upholding the value of justice based on human values by considering legal subjects, legal objects and risks arising from constriction. The Court accepted the request of the Petitioners in part. The inconsistency in enforcing the law contradicts the concept of a welfare state where the duty of the state to assume responsibility is to realize social justice, public welfare and as much as possible for the prosperity of the people. Justice towards the position of workers with other creditors can be realized if the community adheres to the same principle of justice or has the same subject matter in bankruptcy cases. Keywords: "Preferential Rights, Workers' Wages, Bankruptcy".

2018 ◽  
Hardianto Djanggih

The Articke Pubish in IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), Volume 23, Issue 8, Ver. 3 (August. 2018) PP 54-58Implementation of national development that utilizes natural resources, environmental legislation becomes an important aspect as the legal basis. This research uses normative juridical approach, through the approach of legislation approach, conceptual approach and anlytis approach. Limitations of research on the Inventory of positive law and research on legal system. The result of the research shows that the concept of harmonization of the regulation of the environment in the framework of sustainable development must be based on the principles, theories and philosophies which underlie the formation of a law. It should consider the characteristics of the Indonesian nation so that the rules can be easily implemented

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 151-155
Mima I. V.

The process of formation of different directions of objective scientific analysis of problems of the theory of state and law is investigated; the analysis of the transformation processes of Christian- law traditions in the legal system is carried out. Attention is drawn to the fact that the issue of preserving an identical national law culture and law traditionalism in the general context of globalization and European integration processes remains open; in the process of formation and development of the legal system. The author argues the point of view, the Christian-law traditions as an activity of social and interpersonal interaction through religious cognition and worldview is reflected on the level of social and individual consciousness. Guidelines are formed on the basis of ideas, beliefs, and ideas about Christian-law traditions. The ideals of Christian-law traditions are in the minds of both the postulates and the patterns of material and spiritual content. It is noted that the appeal to the Christian-law traditions is important in creating a community and in seeking to give society independence and autonomy In modern society, Christian-law traditions are used as a form of preservation and transmission to the next generations of spiritual culture, an important element of education of the people. In addition, Christian-law traditions as a kind of cultural and law traditions form the historical basis of the modern existence of the people, fix the sources of its existence. The ideological content of Christian-law traditions are spiritual and law values, stable standards of worldview and behavior, norms of morality, stereotypes of thinking, political, law and philosophical ideas, aesthetic ideas. It is argued that Christian-law traditions, together with axiological perceptions, beliefs and knowledge of acceptable order and structure of society, are passed down from generation to generation in the form of law experience on the basis of law mentality and within the law culture form law traditions. In addition, Christian-law traditions are part of the system of values of law, are the basis of law values, law ideas and ideas that have found their normative fixation, official recognition, institutionalization in positive law and are transmitted from one state to another in the form of laws, rules, legal attributes, legal monuments, etc. within the relevant legal system. Key words: legal system, law traditions, Christian-law tradition, law inheritance, law culture, law polycentrism, law consciousness.

Aleksandrs Kuzņecovs ◽  

Due to rapid spread of Covid-19 worldwide, Latvian government declared the state of emergency. This decision was adopted by the parliament in order to contain the virus and undertake all the necessary measures to prevent its further spread. At the same time, it is clear that government’s actions undertaken within the state of emergency mostly remain unchecked. The absence of any legal basis for the parliament to extend their oversight during the state of emergency makes role of the parliament in these circumstances unclear. The current position of the parliament precludes political and legal liability over the executive and their officers. Lack of the delegated legislative and human rights restriction clause applicable specifically during the state of emergency raises questions regarding powers of the government and parliamentary control during the state of emergency. The article explores the possible solutions to rectify such flaws in the legal system of the Republic Latvia

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 291-309
Fajar Sugianto ◽  
Slamet Suhartono

President Instruction Number 1 Year 1991 is a legal instrument that became Indonesia’s positive law regulating the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI). However, the constitutional system and regulation system in Indonesia have undergone significant changes since the reform era. It raised another legal issue in the application and implementation of the Compilation of Islamic Law since it is not categorized as the source of law in Indonesia’s legal system. It cannot be applied to the government directly because of lack of legal binding. Nevertheless, the existence of the President Instruction still provides recognition through join decision with the Ministry of Religion and the Supreme Court. Thus, the Compilation of Islamic Law can be institutionally applied in the Religious Court which positioned under the Indonesia’s Supreme Court. Since then Judges easily apply the Compilation of Islamic Law as the legal source in resolving disputes in Muslim society. (Inpres 1/1991 merupakan instrumen hukum yang menjadikan hukum Islam sebagai hukum positif di Indonesia, akan tetapi perkembangan sistem ketatanegaraan dan sistem perundang-undangan di Indonesia telah mengalami perubahan yang sangat pesat sejak era reformasi. Hal ini menimbulkan problem hukum baru dalam pemberlakuan Kompilasi Hukum Islam (KHI) mengingat kedudukan Inpres 1/1991 dalam sistem perundang-undangan tidak dikenal sebagai peraturan perundang-undangan. Dalam aspek kekuatan mengikat, Inpres tersebut tidak dapat diberlakukan untuk umum karena tidak mempunyai kekuatan mengikat umum dan hanya bersifat mengikat ke dalam terhadap pejabat yang berkedudukan lebih rendah pada 1 (satu) institusi. Kendatipun demikian eksistensi Inpres 1/1991 hingga hari ini masih diakui keberadaannya mengingat substansinya dibentuk melalui keputusan bersama antara Menteri Agama dengan Ketua Mahkamah Agung. Sehingga, Kompilasi Hukum Islam mengikat hakim-hakim peradilan agama yang berada di bawah lingkungan Mahkamah Agung. Para hakim dapat menggunakan Kompilasi Hukum Islam sebagai dasar hukum untuk menyelesaikan sengketa yang terjadi diantara masyarakat yang beragama Islam)

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
Tri Setiady

The business world today has grown indefinitely so as to break through the dimensions of human life and behavior of the economy into banking minded and change the values and aspects of the business itself, either legally or sociologically. Business development with the pattern and any system can not be separated from the financial institution whose name the bank. Banking deregulation undertaken by the government has been precise to support the economy in order to develop better. With the enactment of Law Number 10 of 1998 concerning amendments to the Law Number 7 of 1992 on Banking, is an opportunity and provide an opportunity for Muslims to establish a bank based on Islamic Shari'a, as support to the business world and the economy of the people. With the presence of banks based on Islamic Shari'a is expected to accelerate the economic revival in the race entering the era of globalization.Keywords: Arbitration Islam, the Islamic Perspective, Positive Law 

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