scholarly journals Human Potential of the Population of the Russian Regions: Level and Dynamics of Development (Part One).

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-59
L. Migranova ◽  
M. Toksanbaeva

The Object of the Study. Human potential.The Subject of the Study. The level and dynamics of development of the human potential of the population of the RF subjects. The Purpose of the Study. Identifying differences in development of the human potential of the population of the RF subjects and opportunities for their reduction.The Main Provisions of the Article. Human potential and its development are considered in the article both as the purpose and the means of human progress reflecting extension of human opportunities including creative (resource) capabilities. Theoretical and instrumental interpretation of the main components of human potential based on its reproductive structure is analysed. The components include a demographic component, components of population health and education, and a sociocultural component. For estimation of human potentialindicators for each its component, as well as a methodology for both component-by-component and composite (aggregate of all components) calculations using the index method are proposed. The methodology is applied to all RF subjects using the Rosstat data for 2010 and 2015. On the basis of the obtained estimates the authors identified the levels of human potential development in regions that made it possible to range them by this level and to analyze the direction of its changes in dynamics. Components have been found out a weak and strong impact on the composite estimates as well as specifics of this impact by groups of regions. It was established that demographic and health components leave much to be desired, particularly in northern regions characterized by harsh natural climatic conditions of life.In North Caucasus regions the problem of raising educational level of population has not lost its relevance. It is shown that despite the general growth in the level of human potential development in most subjects of the Russian Federation over the period under consideration it remains insufficient for implementing modernization processes in some regions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 59-72
L. Migranova ◽  
M. Toksanbaeva

The Object of the Study. Human potential.The Subject of the Study. The level and dynamics of development of the human potential of the population of the RF subjects. The Purpose of the Study. Identifying differences in development of the human potential of the population of the RF subjects and opportunities for their reduction.The Main Provisions of the Article. Human potential and its development are considered article both as the purpose and the means of human progress reflecting extension of human opportunities including creative (resource) capabilities. Theoretical and instrumental interpretation of the main components of human potential based on its reproductive structure is analysed. The components include a demographic component, components of population health and education, and a sociocultural component. For estimation of human potential indicators for each of its component, as well as a methodology for both component-by-component and composite (aggregate of all components) calculations using the index method are proposed. The methodology is applied to all RF subjects using the Rosstat data for 2010 and 2015. On the basis of the obtained estimates the authors have identified the levels of human potential development in regions that enabling to range them by this level and analyze the direction of its changes in dynamics. Components have been found out a weak and strong impact on the composite estimates as well as specifics of this impact by groups of regions. It has been established that demographic and health components leave much to be desired, particularly in northern regions characterized by harsh natural climatic conditions of life in particular.In North Caucasus regions the problem of raising educational level of population has not lost its relevance. It is shown that despite the general growth in the level of human potential development in most subjects of the Russian Federation over the period in question it remains insufficient for implementing modernization processes in some regions.

The article presents the results of the development of a methodology for assessing the structural structure of the labor potential of a region and its role in socio-economic development, territorial and environmental features of labor resources and mechanisms of reproduction of labor potential. The development of the methodology was based on a conceptual and methodological review of foreign and domestic scientific sources. Promising markers of labor resources in foreign science have been identified, which are manifested in the assessment of migration risks, the impact of globalization factors, forecasting the dependence of labor productivity at the regional level on market factors, climatic conditions, insurance mechanisms, etc. A high level of scientists' interest in the problem of labor potential on micro-, meso and macro levels in Russia. The authors pay special attention to the assessment of existing approaches to the methods for assessing the labor potential of the region proposed by domestic researchers and applied in the Russian Federation; The features of the main methodological approaches are evaluated; their classification is given, as well as the technology for conducting the assessment, depending on the research tasks of scientists. The article describes the methodology developed by the authors for measuring the labor potential of the region based on the index method, which allows taking into account the specific conditions of its reproduction and use at the regional level, as well as conducting reasonable comparative assessments. The calculations are presented according to the proposed methodology of the state and level of development of labor potential for the regions of the North Caucasus and Southern Federal Districts and the Russian Federation as a whole.

Anna Yu. Lukyanova ◽  
Svetlana A. Fedorova ◽  
Alexander A. Prostyakov ◽  
Irina S. Gruzinova ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 262 ◽  
pp. 01019
Aslan Apazhev ◽  
Artur Egozhev ◽  
Magomed Misirov ◽  
Evgeny Polishchuk ◽  
Asker Egozhev

Horticulture is one of the most dynamically developing branches of agricultural production. In recent years, in the Russian Federation, there has been an annual increase in the area for gardens, including on sloping lands, gross harvest and good yield. In the conditions of the foothill zone of the North Caucasus, the most promising direction is the development of slope lands, with favorable soil and climatic conditions for the cultivation of fruit crops. The design features of the terraces impose restrictions on the operating conditions of agricultural units, among the many it is necessary to emphasize the possibility of approaching the row line for processing the near-trunk circle from only one side. Most of the horticultural businesses have mainly equipment designed for work in flat gardening conditions, which for complete processing requires the passage of the unit along each side of the row line that cannot be provided in terraces. A design technology scheme of the machine working tool is proposed, the technical result of which lies in the performance of a high-quality processing in the zone of the near-trunk circle by ensuring the bypass of rotors with cutting segments around the tree trunk, without its damaging, in one passage of the unit along the row line.

2021 ◽  
Vol 112 ◽  
pp. 00004
Elena Eduardovna Grigoryeva ◽  
Evgeniy Petrovich Grigoryev

The article discusses the results of a study of the issues of maintaining highways of regional and intermunicipal importance in the northern regions of Russia. A special role in the article is given to the category of highways as land and ice winter roads. In the hard-to-reach areas of the Arctic and North of Russia, winter roads are the most important element of the transport system. The maintenance and service of winter roads are the responsibility of the regional authorities. The existing issue of insufficient budgetary support for the maintenance of winter roads is, inter alia, associated with the imperfection of the methodology for calculating target norms of budgetary appropriations. The article presents well-reasoned facts and substantiation of the need to update the norms of budgetary appropriations for the maintenance of winter roads, taking into account difficult territorial natural and climatic conditions of work and transport accessibility of goods delivery. Recommendations are given for changing the methodology for calculating monetary costs for the maintenance of winter roads of regional and intermunicipal importance when determining the amount of appropriations from the budget of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

A. B. Teslya ◽  
V. K. Kryukova

The article discusses the relevance of the use of automated medical technologies for employees of oil companies in remote regions of theRussian Federation. The theoretical base is studied and types of application of telemedicine technologies are considered. The statistics of the use of available technologies in the Northern regions, in particular, in the Khanty-Mansiysk district, is analyzed. It was determined the growth of popularity, as well as the need for the use of these technologies, due to the increase in population and harsh climatic conditions. The absence of application of telemedicine technologies in oil companies was revealed. The relevance of technology application was considered in more detail on the example of employees of PJSC Gazprom. The ratio of the working and administrative staff is analyzed, and it is revealed that 48.7% of the working staff work in shifts in the Northern regions of Russia, remote from settlements and do not have specialized medical centers in their territories, providing a full examination and quality treatment. Thus was proved the relevance of the use of telemedicine technologies, which are able to provide quality and timely medical aid workers to solve the problem of deficiencies of qualified doctors in remote villages, to reduce the cost of medical services, increase the investment attractiveness and improvement of the company image in the society. 

2020 ◽  
pp. 33-36
Е.Л. Макарова ◽  
Л.А. Чистякова ◽  
О.В. Бакланова ◽  
Ю.В. Борцова

Приведены экспериментальные данные оценки по хозяйственно полезным признакам одиннадцати новых партенокарпических гетерозисных гибридов огурца в условиях весенне-летнего оборота Кировской области. Проблема возделывания теплолюбивых культур в северных регионах страны формирует цели селекционных исследований. Выращивание культуры огурца в Кировской области усугубляется неблагоприятными климатическими условиями второй световой зоны (короткая продолжительность вегетационного периода, низкие положительные температуры, заморозки в третьей декаде июля и в первой декаде августа). Цель научной работы – оценка и выявление перспективных партенокарпических гетерозисных гибридов огурца для выращивания в условиях необогреваемых теплиц в весенне-летнем обороте второй световой зоны. Исследования проводили в лаборатории северного овощеводства Кировской области во Всероссийском научно – исследовательском институте овощеводства – филиале ФГБНУ «Федеральный научный центр овощеводства» в условиях поликарбонатных необогреваемых грунтовых теплиц в течение 2018-2019 годах. В результате фенологических наблюдений и оценки биометрических показателей определены раннеспелость, скороспелость и товарность испытуемых партенокарпических гетерозисных гибридов огурца селекции Агрохолдинга «Поиск» и ВНИИО – филиала ФГБНУ «Федеральный научный центр овощеводства»: F1Авоська, F1 Атос, F1 Букет для мамы, F1Малахитовая шкатулка, F1 Мультифрут, F1 Новатор, F1Пилигрим, F1 Спринтер, F1 Реванш, F1 Тонус, F1Экспресс в сравнении с районированным гибридом огурца F1 Каролина. Определено сильное негативное влияние климатических условий второй световой зоны на продолжительность периода «всходы-плодоношение», который в среднем за годы исследований в зависимости от гибрида варьировал от 47 до 55 суток. Установлено, что для получения ранней продукции огурца в условиях поликарбонатных необогреваемых грунтовых теплиц Кировской области следует выращивать гетерозисные партенокарпические гибриды огурца F1Спринтер (3,6 кг/м2), F1 Авоська (2,1 кг/м2) и F1 Атос (2,5 кг/м2). Отмечены партенокарпические гибриды огурца F1 Спринтер и F1 Атос, которые имеют наиболее высокий выход товарной продукции 95,7 и 94,0%, соответственно. Выделен самый урожайный партенокарпический гибрид огурца F1 Новатор (16,1 кг/м2). В результате исследовательской работы рекомендовано выращивать в условиях необогреваемых теплиц весенне-летнего оборота Кировской области партенокарпические гибриды огурца F1 Новатор, F1 Спринтер, F1 Атос и F1 Авоська. The article presents the experimental data on the assessment of economically useful traits of eleven new parthenocarpic heterotic cucumber hybrids under the conditions of the spring-summer turnover of the Kirov region. The problem of cultivation of thermophilic crops, which arises in the northern regions of the country, is one of the stages of breeding research. The cultivation of cucumber in the Kirov region is aggravated by unfavorable climatic conditions of the second light zone (short duration of the growing season, low positive temperatures, frosts in the third decade of July and in the first decade of August). The purpose of the scientific work is to evaluate and identify promising parthenocarpic heterotic hybrids of cucumber for growing in unheated greenhouses in the spring-summer turnover of the second light zone. The research was carried out in the laboratory of northern vegetable growing of the Kirov region at the All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing - a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Scientific Vegetable Centre in the conditions of polycarbonate unheated ground greenhouses during 2018-2019. As a result of phenological observations and assessment of biometric indicators, the early maturity, early maturity and marketability of the tested parthenocarpic heterotic cucumber hybrids of the selection of Agroholding Poisk and ARRIVG – a branch of the Federal Scientific Vegetable Centre were determined: F1 Avoska, F1 Atos, F1 Buket dlya mamy, F1 Multifrut, F1 Novator, F1 Piligrim, F1Sprinter, F1 Revansh, F1 Tonus, F1 Express in comparison with the zoned hybrid of cucumber F1 Carolina. A strong negative influence of climatic conditions of the second light zone on the duration of the seedling-fruiting period was determined, which on average over the years of research, depending on the hybrid, varied from 47 to 55 days. It has been established that to obtain early production of cucumber in polycarbonate unheated ground greenhouses of the Kirov region, heterotic parthenocarpic cucumber hybrids F1 Sprinter (3.6 kg/m2), F1 Avoska (2.1 kg/m2) and F1 Atos (2.5 kg/m2). Parthenocarpic cucumber hybrids F1 Sprinter and F1 Atos were noted, which have the highest yield of marketable products, 95.7 and 94.0%, respectively. The most productive parthenocarpic cucumber hybrid F1Novator (16.1 kg/m2) has been identified. As a result of the research work, it was recommended to grow parthenocarpic cucumber hybrids F1Novator, F1 Sprinter, F1 Atos and F1 Avoska under conditions of unheated greenhouses of spring-summer turnover of the Kirov region.

L.A. Velibekova ◽  
Sh.M. Magomedgadgiev ◽  

The article notes that the growing popularity of healthy lifestyles contributes to the increase in consumption of fruits and berries. At the same time, the analysis of the dynamics of the gardening industry for 2000-2018 shows that the problem of providing fresh fruits and berries to the population remains one of the most important. Based on actual data, linear and logarithmic models of time series of key industry indicators for the period 2010 – 2019 have been compiled. Calculations showed that in the Russian Federation as a whole the trend of reduction of sown areas of perennial fruit plantations will continue with growth of yield and gross fees. In this regard, the issues of distribution and introduction of gardens of intensive type are updated. An overview of the views of domestic scientists-gardeners on the concept of “intensive garden” is given. It has been established that the distribution of intensive gardens is possible only if there are favorable natural and climatic conditions and a developed scientific and production base of nursery management. The current state and problems of gardening in one of the leading regions – the Republic of Dagestan - are considered. A significant technological lag of region in the further development of intensive horticulture has been identified. Various directions of intensification process in horticulture as the main and necessary condition of growth of efficient and sustainable production are summarized.

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Arkadiusz M. Tomczyk ◽  
Ewa Bednorz ◽  
Katarzyna Szyga-Pluta

The primary objective of the paper was to characterize the climatic conditions in the winter season in Poland in the years 1966/67–2019/20. The study was based on daily values of minimum (Tmin) and maximum air temperature (Tmax), and daily values of snow cover depth. The study showed an increase in both Tmin and Tmax in winter. The most intensive changes were recorded in north-eastern and northern regions. The coldest winters were recorded in the first half of the analyzed multiannual period, exceptionally cold being winters 1969/70 and 1984/85. The warmest winters occurred in the second half of the analyzed period and among seasons with the highest mean Tmax, particularly winters 2019/20 and 1989/90 stood out. In the study period, a decrease in snow cover depth statistically significant in the majority of stations in Poland was determined, as well as its variability both within the winter season and multiannual.

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