healthy lifestyles
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Technologies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Ioanna Dratsiou ◽  
Annita Varella ◽  
Evangelia Romanopoulou ◽  
Oscar Villacañas ◽  
Sara Cooper ◽  

As people age, they are more likely to develop multiple chronic diseases and experience a decline in some of their physical and cognitive functions, leading to the decrease in their ability to live independently. Innovative technology-based interventions tailored to older adults’ functional levels and focused on healthy lifestyles are considered imperative. This work proposed a framework of active and healthy ageing through the integration of a broad spectrum of digital solutions into an open Pan-European technological platform in the context of the SHAPES project, an EU-funded innovation action. In conclusion, the SHAPES project can potentially engage older adults in a holistic technological ecosystem and, therefore, facilitate the maintenance of a high-quality standard of life.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. e0262246
Ozra Tabatabaei-Malazy ◽  
Sahar Saeedi Moghaddam ◽  
Masoud Masinaei ◽  
Nazila Rezaei ◽  
Sahar Mohammadi Fateh ◽  

Introduction The prevalence of metabolically healthy obesity (MHO) varies based on different criteria. We assessed the prevalence of MHO and metabolic unhealthiness based on body mass index (BMI) and their association with metabolic syndrome (MetS) in a nation-wide study. Methods Data were taken from the STEPs 2016 study, from 18,459 Iranians aged ≥25 years. Demographic, metabolic, and anthropometric data were collected. Subjects were stratified by BMI, metabolic unhealthiness, and having MetS. The latter was defined based on National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III 2004 (NCEP ATP III), was then assessed. Results The prevalence of MHO and metabolic unhealthiness in obese subjects was 7.5% (about 3.6 million) and 18.3% (about 8.9 million), respectively. Most of the metabolic unhealthy individuals were female (53.5%) or urban residents (72.9%). Low physical activity was significantly and positively associated (Odds Ratio: 1.18, 95% CI: 1.04–1.35) with metabolic unhealthiness, while being a rural residence (0.83, 0.74–0.93), and having higher education (0.47, 0.39–0.58) significantly but negatively affected it. Dyslipidemia was the most frequent MetS component with a prevalence rate of 46.6% (42.1–51.1), 62.2% (60.8–63.6), 76.3% (75.1–77.5), and 83.4% (82.1–84.6) among underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese phenotypes, respectively. Conclusion BMI aside, an additional set of criteria such as metabolic markers should be taken into account to identify normal weight but metabolically unhealthy individuals. Given the highest prevalence of dyslipidemia among obese subjects, further interventions are required to raise public awareness, promote healthy lifestyles and establish lipid clinics.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (19) ◽  
pp. 16-23
Rosa Nayheli Villegas Delgadillo ◽  
Salvador Manzur-Valdespino

Introduction: Lifestyles at the college stage involve fundamental changes in human development, which may have an impact on the school performance. The present work consists of a documentary review on the lifestyles of university students Objective: To identify the information that allows the evaluation of the lifestyles that are associated with the school performance of students of health sciences. Methodology: The research was carried out by using the keywords: lifestyles, school performance and students of health sciences, through PubMed and Crossref, in addition to the websites of public institutions, governments or organizations. The results of 20 studies were analyzed, which included a student population that was intervened through questionnaires about their lifestyles in school systems Results: It was found that students have unhealthy habits, 40% of students do not exercise, 90% of students consume junk food and 1 out of 5 students have mental health disorders. All of the above is striking, since being students of health sciences, it would be assumed that they practice healthy lifestyles, however, their knowledge has been little applied. Conclusion: Lifestyles and school performance are a problem that worries students, parents, teachers and authorities, not only in our country but also in other countries of the world.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 244-251
Kartika Arum Wardani

ABSTRAK Pandemi Covid-19 belum berakhir, banyak masyarakat yang sudah mulai lelah dalam menghadapi situasi pandemi ini. Gaya hidup sehat pun mulai menurun. Kesadaran tanggung jawab antara keluarga baik orang tua dan anak juga semakin menurun. Banyak warga yang mengeluhkan kondisi pandemi yang tak kunjung selesai. Sehingga diperlukan strategi upaya untuk meningkatkan semangat dan juga kesadaran masyarakat di Indonesia khususnya di Desa Beji kecamatan Boyolangu-Tulungagung, beberapa upaya diantaranya melakukan sosilaisasi edukasi tentang pengenalan pandemi Covid-19 serta penerapan protokol kesehatan, sosialisasi peran tenaga kesehatan dan pemeriksaan Covid-19, strategi aktivitas pengantar orang tua dan anak. Hasil dari kegiatan menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan sebesar 87%, antusias pelaksanaan protokol kesehatan 55%, dan pelaksanaan kartu aktivitas 2%. Pentingnya dari hasil kegiatan ini diharapkannya dapat memacu motivasi masyarakat agar terus melaksanakan protokol kesehatan dan melakukan aktivitas positif di masa Pandemi. Kata kunci : COVID-19, Protokol Kesehatan, Aktivitas Pandemi  ABSTRACTThe Covid-19 pandemic is not over yet, many people are getting tired of dealing with this pandemic situation. Healthy lifestyles began to decline. Awareness of responsibility between families, both parents and children, is also decreasing. Many residents have complained about the ongoing pandemic. So that an effort strategy is needed to increase the enthusiasm and awareness of the people in Indonesia, especially in Beji Village, Boyolangu-Tulungagung sub-district, several efforts including conducting outreach education about the introduction of the Covid-19 pandemic and the application of health protocols, socialization of the role of health workers and Covid-19 checks, strategies parent and child introductory activities. The results of the activity showed an increase in knowledge by 87%, application of health protocol by 55%, and effectivity of pandemic card about 2%. The importance of the results of this activity is expected to spur people's motivation to continue to implement health protocols and carry out positive activities during the Pandemic. Keywords:  COVID-19, Health Protocols, Pandemic Activities

Khairul Nizam Mahmud ◽  
Asmat-Nizam Abdul-Talib

Organic food is becoming popular among today's millennial consumers because of increased awareness of healthy lifestyles. Scholars and practitioners attempt to understand what drives consumers to purchase organic foods toward developing market domination strategies and tactics. Since organic food tends to be more expensive than non-organic, this study aims to analyze the impact of consumer values on their tendency to buy organic food. Consumption values are an important factor that could drive consumer behavior and their preferences for goods or services. Consumption values are defined in terms of the required benefits from the purchase and consumption of the preferred products. Sheth, Newman, and Gross defined consumption values in terms of practical, social, emotional, epistemic, and conditional values.

2022 ◽  
pp. 625-634
Luis Saboga-Nunes ◽  
Uwe H. Bittlingmayer ◽  
Pauline Bakibinga

AbstractIn this chapter, the authors explore salutogenesis in the context of the ‘digital world’, concerning both high- and low-resource countries. The digital world is rapidly developing and can transcend physical and financial barriers of health care and health promotion. The digital world also has many challenges, especially for equity. On the one hand, digitalization carries the risk of excluding many people – also healthcare workers – because they cannot access the digital world or do not have the technical skills to understand it (make sense of it). On the other hand, the digital world offers both new generalized resistance resources (GRRs) and specific resistance resources (SRRs) to improve population health and promote healthy lifestyles and health literacy. The authors nicely illustrate how the sense of coherence (SOC) helps people find a balance in the digital world’s stress-rich environment. Important steps forward in this field include work to strengthen the evidence base and to document the preconditions for a digital world that supports decision making in health care, health behaviour change (e.g. quitting smoking) and – above all – supports empowerment and social justice.

Shashi K Agarwal

Sexual dysfunction is a common malady. It causes immense emotional suffering and interferes with social wellbeing. Many physical and psychological ailments are frequently implicated in its development and progression. There are several therapeutic options available for its attenuation. However, more recently, the focus has shifted significantly to several lifestyle factors that can help in its prevention. A brief review of these influences exerted by the five major lifestyles, namely, smoking, obesity, exercise, alcohol intake, and diet is done in this manuscript.

2021 ◽  
Vol .4 (4) ◽  
pp. 47-53
Edin Kukavica ◽  

The culture of life is a theological-philosophical term, which signifies a commitment to respect and protect life. The aim of this study was to investigate students’ attitudes towards the culture of life in Sarajevo Canton. Research included a sample of 1204 students of 6th grade of primary schools in Sarajevo Canton, divided into two subsamples of 602 students attending schools in suburban and urban parts of Sarajevo Canton, we examined the attitudes of students who acquired competencies in the subject Culture of Living to the aspect of culture as a phenomenon, with all its integral wholes from healthy lifestyles, through general cultural habits to traditional values. The results obtained by factor analysis indicate that students attending schools in the suburbs of Sarajevo Canton determine attitudes that have the premise of education in relation to students attending schools in urban areas of Sarajevo Canton, which are more determined by educational categories of attitudes. to conclude that the children of suburban schools have a greater influence of parents and families on attitudes compared to urban schools where the influence of teachers and schools is greater, based on the attitudes of students through a survey conducted.

2021 ◽  
pp. 135910532110651
Ying Zhang ◽  
Ning Zhang ◽  
Chenyang Xu

Engaging in a healthy lifestyle could be helpful to decrease lifestyle-related health risks and bring long-term health benefits. This research investigated how implicit theories of body weight influence people’s engagement in healthy lifestyle among young adults in China. The results suggested that implicit theories of body weight significantly influence people’s engagement in heathy eating behaviors and physical activity. Self-control mediated the effect of implicit (incremental) theories of body weight on people’s engagement in healthy eating. Implications of the current research for understanding how to promote engagement in healthy lifestyle and directions for future research are discussed.

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