scholarly journals Classification and analysis of measuring transducers of intensity (induction) of alternating magnetic fields

Yurii Bobkov

The current state of technology is characterized by the mass use of electricity, the use of various electrical, electronic and radio devices. This causes expansion of magnetic measurements and the need to develop new highly sensitive measuring equipment for a wide range of frequencies. One of its main elements, that largely determines the accuracy, frequency and dynamic ranges, are the primary measuring sensors of strength (induction) of alternating magnetic fields. Many works have been devoted to the analysis and development of various sensors of strength (induction) of magnetic fields. At the same time, it can be noted the lack of a systematic approach to the measurement of alternating magnetic fields. The problem of the general classification of methods of measurement of alternating magnetic fields and, accordingly, primary measuring sensors of strength (induction) of alternating magnetic fields is not solved. In most cases, separate issues of measuring alternating magnetic fields and certain types of sensors are considered. That does not allow obtaining a holistic picture in this area and make the right choice of direction for solving assigned tasks. The comprehensive analysis of methods of measuring alternating magnetic fields was carried out in this work. Based on it, the classification of primary measuring sensors of strength (induction) of alternating magnetic fields, on the physical principles of transformation was proposed. Accordingly, the available measuring sensors of alternating magnetic fields following to the group of used physical phenomena can be divided into: magnetomechanical, induction, galvanomagnetic, quantum, magneto-optical and photomagnetic. Depending on the characteristics of each of these phenomena, separate measurement methods and types of measuring sensors were highlighted. The current state of development of each of the types of measuring sensors of strength of alternating magnetic fields was analyzed, their advantages and disadvantages were determined, the limits of dynamic and frequency ranges, the maximum values of errors were outlined. The obtained results allow to significantly simplify and reduce the time of choosing the necessary method of strength (induction) of alternating magnetic fields measuring and to choose the necessary type of measuring sensor to effectively solve the tasks.

The early and long-term development of promising young athletes is a decisive factor in being internationally competitive in top-level sports. Among the multitude of talent criteria suggested in the literature, motivation plays a prominent role in the area of psychological characteristics. It is recognised in practice and research as a relevant criterion for performance development across all sports. This article provides an overview of the current state of talent research in the field of motivation. First, the most common theories of motivation in competitive sports are described, then different measurement methods and their advantages and disadvantages as well as the predictive value of motivation for athletic performance are discussed. Finally, implications for practice are suggested. It can be summarised that motivation in sport is conceptualised and operationalised in different ways and that the decision for the right measurement instrument depends on the goal of the assessment. To get a comprehensive picture of an athlete’s motivational status, it is useful to assess several aspects of motivation through different methods.

2021 ◽  
Marta Lacková

Terminology represents a significant factor in healthcare communication between specialists and patients. The present paper deals with the lexicosemantic characteristics of multi-word lexical units multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, epidural abscess, Huntington’s chorea, and carpal tunnel syndrome. The research questions focus on collocations, word combinations, and concordances in which they regularly appear; the first lemma to the left and the first lemma to the right from the studied lexeme demonstrate the principal positions of our interest. Simultaneously, the researcher considers their semantic restrictions, semantic prosody, and grammatical relations that influence their lexical features. The whole linguistic material is investigated in the framework of the text corpus English Web 2015 (enTenTen15) with the help of the search tool Sketch Engine. To begin the research, the frequencies of these lexical units are elaborated. The researcher also looks into the morphological classification of the studied words as these two factors affect them from the lexicological perspective. The research outcomes confirm that the nervous disease names appear in a wide range of structures, and they considerably contribute to successful communication in the medical surroundings. Moreover, the results indicate that the lexicosemantic behaviour of the terms reflects extralinguistic factors (psychological, social) of individual communication acts. The phenomenon is to be further examined and interpreted within the corpus analyses of other chosen lexical units, not only from the field of medicine. Eventually, the researcher outlines possible pedagogical implications of the research results in the process of teaching English.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 50-65
Marta Lacková

Terminology represents a significant factor in healthcare communication between specialists and patients. The present paper deals with the lexicosemantic characteristics of multi-word lexical units multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, epidural abscess, Huntington’s chorea, and carpal tunnel syndrome. The research questions focus on collocations, word combinations, and concordances in which they regularly appear; the first lemma to the left and the first lemma to the right from the studied lexeme demonstrate the principal positions of our interest. Simultaneously, the researcher considers their semantic restrictions, semantic prosody, and grammatical relations that influence their lexical features. The whole linguistic material is investigated in the framework of the text corpus English Web 2015 (enTenTen15) with the help of the search tool Sketch Engine. To begin the research, the frequencies of these lexical units are elaborated. The researcher also looks into the morphological classification of the studied words as these two factors affect them from the lexicological perspective. The research outcomes confirm that the nervous disease names appear in a wide range of structures, and they considerably contribute to successful communication in the medical surroundings. Moreover, the results indicate that the lexicosemantic behaviour of the terms reflects extralinguistic factors (psychological, social) of individual communication acts. The phenomenon is to be further examined and interpreted within the corpus analyses of other chosen lexical units, not only from the field of medicine. Eventually, the researcher outlines possible pedagogical implications of the research results in the process of teaching English.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Vladimir Milićević ◽  
Slavoljub Milovanović

The paper examines the current state and the possibilities of using contemporary approaches and tools in HelpDesk systems development with the aim to examine its disadvantages. Disadvantages are accurately analyzed and the paper gives clear guidance how to eliminate them. It has been noticed that current design and development approaches have their own advantages and disadvantages. The application of the unified approach that combines the best individual characteristics of the existing approaches enables development of an automated HelpDesk system that is capable of expanding its own expertise. By combining unified aspect approach with the zero tolerance model driven approach, a new innovative approach to the development of a wide range of expert systems is obtained. This innovative approach is characterized by the highest possible degree of modularity. The application of the aforementioned approaches has also enabled expansion and improvement of the existing expert systems used for servicing numerous companies operating in various fields of business.

2021 ◽  
Björn Schreiweis ◽  
Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer

The primary intention of any scientific work is to share the gained knowledge and to contribute to the knowledge and progress in the scientific domain. The wide range of journals and conferences, each with specific submission requirements, can be difficult to navigate, especially for young scientists without extensive experience. But a suitable publication strategy can be helpful, especially at the beginning of a scientific career. Using the annual conference of the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS) e.V. as an example, this editorial highlights fundamental differences, advantages and disadvantages, as well as assistance in selecting the right form of submission.

2021 ◽  
Aleksei Nikolaevich Birzul'

The article discusses the current state of the issue about identifying changes in water as a result of various physical influences. The paper provides a classification of indication methods, analyzes their main advantages and disadvantages, discusses the most commonly used indicators, and assesses the prospects of their further usage for water quality control. The necessary information for lecturing and practical trainings on the water chemistry is given.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 499-512
Nikolay Kulchitsky ◽  
Arkadii Naumov ◽  
Vadim Startsev ◽  
Mikhail Dem’yanenko

The paper discusses the problems associated with the development of technology for terahertz radiation detectors. The main physical phenomena and recent progress in various methods of detecting terahertz radiation (direct detection and heterodyne detection) are considered. Advantages and disadvantages of direct detection sensors and sensors with heterodyne detection are discussed. In part 1, a number of features of direct detection are considered and some types of terahertz direct detection detectors are described. Part 2 will describe heterodyne detection and continue to describe some types of modern photonic terahertz receivers.

Pavlo Ilchuk ◽  
Lyudmyla Zadorozhnyuk ◽  

The article analyzes the main characteristics and features of the most common project management methodologies. The study proved that due to the widespread concept of "project management methodology", its interpretation by different scientists, as a rule, are quite different. The usage of this concept by practitioners has also significantly expanded the range of objects that are included in the list of such methodologies. The main classifications of project management methodologies are analyzed and it is proved that there is no generally accepted approach to defining the concept of project management methodology, as well as a single classification of such methodologies. Instead, most researchers believe that the effective choice of methodology directly affects the success of the project, which further increases the relevance of research in the field of classification of methodologies, identification of their features and developing of recommendations for choosing of project management methodologies. It is proved that choosing of the optimal project management methodology is traditionally a complex process that depends on a wide range of factors, but primarily such choosing depends on the type of project (investment, infrastructure, etc.), the project team structure (number of people), project documentation requirements, the duration of the project and other factors. It is recommended when choosing a project management methodology to take into account in what type of economic activity such a project will be implemented, which may also affect the choice of methodology. The advantages and disadvantages of using certain project management methodologies have been identified. Developed general recommendations to be followed when choosing project management methodologies, as well as identified their characteristics (scope, size of the project, level of risk, complexity of implementation, the number of projected changes in the project, etc.).

2013 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. CIN.S10356 ◽  
Benjamin Ulfenborg ◽  
Karin Klinga-Levan ◽  
Björn Olsson

We present a novel machine learning approach for the classification of cancer samples using expression data. We refer to the method as “decision trunks,” since it is loosely based on decision trees, but contains several modifications designed to achieve an algorithm that: (1) produces smaller and more easily interpretable classifiers than decision trees; (2) is more robust in varying application scenarios; and (3) achieves higher classification accuracy. The decision trunk algorithm has been implemented and tested on 26 classification tasks, covering a wide range of cancer forms, experimental methods, and classification scenarios. This comprehensive evaluation indicates that the proposed algorithm performs at least as well as the current state of the art algorithms in terms of accuracy, while producing classifiers that include on average only 2–3 markers. We suggest that the resulting decision trunks have clear advantages over other classifiers due to their transparency, interpretability, and their correspondence with human decision-making and clinical testing practices.

2020 ◽  
pp. 52-63
Olha M. Bespala ◽  

Introduction. The need to establish causality covers a fairly wide range of different industries with different specifics and approaches. Therefore, it becomes necessary to apply various methods to solve the assigned tasks (in the context of causality), which is accompanied by the choice of a wide range of tools, depending on the task at hand. Purpose. The purpose of this work is a brief overview and analysis of modern methods, algorithms and technologies for detecting causation and the range of tasks in which the use of the appropriate tools takes place. Methods. Starting from the gold standards of causal identification and to more accurate, but limited by the range of conditions, algorithms, the current state, advantages and disadvantages of the use of tools are described. Result. The analysis of the current state of existing methods, algorithms and technologies for establishing causality is carried out, the prospects for further development and improvement of tools for causal detection are examined. Conclusions. At the moment there is a large list of known methods, algorithms and technologies, there is a number of problems in which there is a need for more accurate detection of causality. The paper shows that most of the tools for establishing causality give good results for acyclic structures, at the same time, they can give false positive conclusions for cyclic structures. Well-known world scientific institutions and leading corporations of computer technology are fruitfully engaged in the development and implementation of more and more perfect tools for establishing causality in order to develop automated software projects close to human thinking.

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