2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-172
Lutfi Amalia

Today's family character is well known as millennial family because the family social environment in globalization era tends to use technology as supporting tools for daily activities such as using internet-connected smartphones to communicate between family members with social media (WhatsApp, Line, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) and to access the latest information available from all parts of the world. Patterns of family life that change because of the ease of accessing information in the use of technology raises the challenges of life that increasingly heavily in family life. Therefore, this study aims to determine the assessment of family resilience to millennial families in the era of globalization as one of the foundations of national resilience. The research method uses quantitative research to determine the assessment of family resistance to millennial families in the era of globalization. Participants in this study amounted to 115 families consisting of 47 husband respondents and 68 wife respondents. The indicators of family resilience based on family values ​​and functions are divided into three categories: physical resilience, social resilience and psychological resilience. Based on the results of the research, family resilience of millennial generation is considered quite strong because it is in the range of 67% between 88.5%. This is because millennial family generation is still running the value and family functions that become indicators of family resilience in order to create harmony and resilience in the family.   Abstrak Karakter keluarga saat ini lebih dikenal dengan keluarga generasi millennial karena lingkungan sosial keluarga di era globalisasi saat ini, cenderung menggunakan teknologi sebagai alat penunjang kegiatan sehari-hari seperti menggunakan smartphone yang terkoneksi dengan internet untuk berkomunikasi antar anggota keluarga dengan media social (WhatsApp, Line, Instagram, Facebook, dll) dan untuk mengakses informasi terbaru yang ada dari seluruh belahan dunia. Pola kehidupan keluarga yang berubah karena adanya kemudahan mengakses informasi dalam penggunaan teknologi menimbulkan tantangan hidup yang semakin berat dalam kehidupan berkeluarga. Oleh karena itu suatu keluarga perlu mempertahankan nilai dan fungsi keluarga yang menjadi indicator ketahanan suatu keluarga. Karena ketahan keluarga akan menggambarkan kualitas kepribadian dan pola perilaku anggota keluarga dalam berinteraksi dan bersosialisasi dengan masyarakat. Indikator ketahanan keluarga berdasarkan nilai dan fungsi keluarga dibedakan menjadi tiga kategori yaitu ketahanan fisik, ketahanan social dan ketahanan psikologis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ketahanan keluarga generasi millenial dinilai cukup kuat karena berada pada kisaran 67% antara 88.5%. Hal tersebut dikarenakan keluarga generasi millennial masih menjalankan nilai dan fungsi keluarga yang menjadi indicator ketahanan keluarga agar dapat tercipta keharmonisan dan ketahanan dalam keluarga. Kata kunci: ketahanan keluarga, keluarga generasi millennial

2018 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-150
Luthfi Amalia

Abstract:  Today's  family  character  is  well  known  as  millennial  family  because  the  family  social environment in globalization era tends to use technology as supporting tools for daily activities such as using internet-connected smartphones to communicate between family members with social media (WhatsApp, Line, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) and to access the latest information available from all parts of the world. Patterns of family life that change because of the ease of accessing information in the use of technology raises the challenges of life that increasingly heavily in family life. Therefore, a family needs to maintain the value and function of family which become indicator of resilience of a family. Because family resilience will describe the quality of personality and behavior patterns of family members in interacting and socializing with the community. The indicators of family resilience based on family values and functions are divided into three categories: physical resilience, social resilience and psychological resilience. Based on the results of the research, family resilience of millenial generation is considered quite strong because it is in the range of 67% between 88.5%. This is because millennial family generation is still running the value and family functions that become indicators of family resilience in order to create harmony and resilience in the family. Abstrak:  Karakter  keluarga  saat  ini  lebih  dikenal  dengan  keluarga  generasi  millennial  karena lingkungan sosial keluarga di era globalisasi saat ini, cenderung menggunakan teknologi sebagai alat penunjang kegiatan sehari-hari seperti menggunakan smartphone  yang terkoneksi dengan internet untuk  berkomunikasi  antar  anggota  keluarga  dengan  media  social  (WhatsApp,  Line,  Instagram, Facebook, dll) dan untuk mengakses informasi terbaru yang ada dari seluruh belahan dunia. Pola kehidupan   keluarga   yang   berubah   karena   adanya   kemudahan   mengakses   informasi   dalam penggunaan   teknologi   menimbulkan   tantangan   hidup   yang   semakin   berat   dalam   kehidupan berkeluarga. Oleh karena itu suatu keluarga perlu mempertahankan nilai dan fungsi keluarga yang menjadi indicator ketahanan suatu keluarga. Karena ketahan keluarga akan menggambarkan kualitas kepribadian  dan  pola  perilaku  anggota  keluarga  dalam  berinteraksi  dan  bersosialisasi  dengan masyarakat. Indikator ketahanan keluarga berdasarkan nilai dan fungsi keluarga dibedakan menjadi tiga kategori  yaitu ketahanan fisik, ketahanan social dan ketahanan psikologis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ketahanan keluarga generasi millenial dinilai cukup kuat karena berada pada kisaran 67% antara 88.5%. Hal tersebut dikarenakan keluarga generasi millennial masih menjalankan nilai dan fungsi keluarga  yang menjadi indicator ketahanan keluarga agar dapat tercipta keharmonisan dan ketahanan dalam keluarga.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 13-23
Muhammad Al Aziz Nurfitrah ◽  
Agus Supriyanto

This study analyzes the direction of family resilience development from the perspective of IslamicLaw Compilation. This research is a field research, using descriptive methods with an interdisciplinaryapproach, such as the normative approach, the sociological approach and the psychologicalapproach. From the results of this study it can be concluded that Efforts to build family resilience areby improving family quality, through family development programs by increasing the role and qualityof the family. The components of family resilience are (1). Physical Resilience, related to the economiccapacity of the family. (2). Social Resilience, is the strength of the family in the application of religiousvalues, maintenance of bonds and commitment, effective communication, division and acceptance ofroles, setting goals and encouragement to progress, which will be a strength in dealing with familyproblems and having positive social relationships. (3). Psychological Resilience, The ability of familymembers to manage their emotions resulting in a positive self-concept and satisfaction with meetingneeds and achieving family development tasks. Thus a family that is not immune can be seen from theunderstanding between each family member in understanding the roles and functions as well as therights and obligations of each family member.

2021 ◽  
pp. 79-94
Kathleen Wellman

Although the ancient Greeks and Romans have long been appreciated as foundations for Western civilization, for these textbooks, the Greeks’ philosophy, gods, and immorality tar them as godless humanists. Nonetheless, the Greeks and the Romans allow these curricula to introduce several key social, political, and moral arguments. They assess whether ancient civilizations implemented the “family values” of the political right as it emerged in the 1970s. Thus the Greeks were commendable in excluding women from the public sphere and the Romans for their strong patriarchal families. But Rome fell when it failed to maintain family values. These textbooks disparage the Romans to downplay their influence on the American founding. Furthermore, the rise of Islam reveals the presence of Satan in the world. These curricula’s repudiation of the classical tradition reflects not only contemporary concerns of the religious right but also American anti-intellectualism.

2001 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 551-578 ◽  
Laura Janara

Standing interpretations of the family relations depicted in Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America project onto his portrait of democracy a strong public-private dichotomy. However, de Tocqueville insists that family life is embedded in the dynamics that shape the broader society and culture. Investigating this claim yields a psychological account of the desires, fears and anxieties that haunt democratic society. These passions foment a paradoxical mix of egalitarianism and hierarchy, liberty and subjugation, within family life and beyond. De Tocqueville's fundamental thesis that democracy boasts healthy and unhealthy potentialities is better understood when the idea of family as a discrete sphere is abandoned.

Ted Ownby

When Tammy Wynette sang "D-I-V-O-R-C-E," she famously said she "spelled out the hurtin' words" to spare her child the pain of family breakup. In this innovative work, Ted Ownby considers how a wide range of writers, thinkers, activists, and others defined family problems in the twentieth-century American South. Ownby shows that it was common for both African Americans and whites to discuss family life in terms of crisis, but they reached very different conclusions about causes and solutions. In the civil rights period, many embraced an ideal of Christian brotherhood as a way of transcending divisions. Opponents of civil rights denounced "brotherhoodism" as a movement that undercut parental and religious authority. Others, especially in the African American community, rejected the idea of family crisis altogether, working to redefine family adaptability as a source of strength. Rather than attempting to define the experience of an archetypal "southern family," Ownby looks broadly at contexts such as political and religious debates about divorce and family values, southern rock music, autobiographies, and more to reveal how people in the South used the concept of the family as a proxy for imagining a better future or happier past.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 104
Siti Kolipah ◽  
Shrimarti Roekmini Devy

The family is a small unit in a nation and its existence having infl uence large enough tosuccessful the development of the power quality. Every family was expected to have the ability to exercisefunctions and its role in the economic aspect, social, psychology and culture. Changes in family haveinfl uence that is not good for families, so the family is undergoing many changes of form , function androle. The study is done to analyze relations endurance family to indulgence playing games online atprimary school student of grade IV and V Hidayatul Ummah primary school in Mulyorejo urban village,Surabaya. Research carried out to a cross sectional by adopting quantitative. Technique data collectionwas carried out by the provision of the questionnaire at 62 primary school student still was played gamesonline. The sample collection by means of simple random sampling. Variable independent to researchis family resilience (X) consisting of three variables namely variable their physic (X1), psychologicalresilience (X2) and social resilience (X3) while variable bound was a play online games (Y). The resultshowed the signifi cant infl uence of their physic family indulgence students to play online games (sig =0,000; or = 0,239). Conclusion that can be drawn is the their physic family being or good enough haveleverage large enough to play online games in children. Thus, parents must continue to monitor and limittheir children in playing online games and give education about the dangers of playing online gamesKeywords: family resilience, students, game online

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 108
Ridwan Nurdin ◽  
Muhamad Yusuf ◽  
Syarifah Sharah Natasya

This research explores the Gayonese culture of marriage through an analytical view of the Islamic law. There has been a shift in marriage system in the Gayonese society, in which the Juelen and the Angkap, the two formerly known systems shifted to Kuso Kini. This is an empirical research using the law historical approach to allow the author restropectively explore the construction of law and its shift from time to time.  The data was gathered through an in-depth analysis of the literature and semi-structured interviews of the community leaders. The findings suggest that marriage systems are shifting and the Gayonese communities do not problematize this transformation. In fact, they are not in the position to force their children to adopt both the Juelen and the Angkap marriage system. This is so, since most communities in the present times prefer Kuso Kini marriage system to the other two. The Kuso Kini marriage system gives freedom for spouses to decide where they should stay, either with their parents or find their own living. This shift in marriage system is the result of cultural intermingled, in which some non-Gayonese migrated to the Gayonese Island and brought with them their own cultural values. The same is true to the Gayonese communities migrating to places beyond the Gayonese Island. It is therefore believed that a shift in marriage system is a must as the world today allow people across different cultural values to integrate with each other. The integration for sure gives changes to a certain cultural value. However, changes in cultural practices do not result in cultural-religious clashes. In fact, it is expected that the changes contribute to the family resilience and the marriage cultural system, the Kuso Kini, prevails.

Maria Bella ◽  
Maichal Maichal

<p>This research aims to find out how significant the mindset, leadership, and family values influence the organizational culture of family firms. This research is a quantitative research which uses questionnaires as the data collection method. The population of this research is the students of University of Ciputra who attend the Family Business class in the odd semester of 2016 Entrepreneurship subject. There are 59 respondents’ data which fit as samples of this research and the data is processed by using the Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis method. The result of this research shows that (1) mindset significantly affects leadership, (2) leadership does not significantly affect the organizational culture of family firms, (3) mindset significantly affects family values, (4) family values significantly affect the organizational culture of family firms, (5) family values do not significantly affect leadership, (6) mindset does not significantly affect the organizational culture of family firms, and (7) the organizational culture of family firms can be formed by the leader’s mindset which are reflected through the family values believed and applied within the companies.</p><p><em><strong>Bahasa Indonesia Abstrak</strong>: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa signifikan mindset, kepemimpinan, dan nilai keluarga berpengaruh terhadap budaya organisasi perusahaan keluarga. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang menggunakan kuesioner sebagai metode pengumpulan data. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Universitas Ciputra yang tergabung dalam kelas Family Business pada mata kuliah Entrepreneurship semester ganjil 2016. Terdapat 59 data responden yang dinyatakan layak untuk digunakan sebagai sampel penelitian dan data diolah dengan menggunakan metode analisis Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) mindset berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kepemimpinan, (2) kepemimpinan tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap budaya organisasi perusahaan keluarga, (3) mindset berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap nilai keluarga, (4) nilai keluarga berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap budaya organisasi perusahaan keluarga, (5) nilai keluarga tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kepemimpinan, (6) mindset tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap budaya organisasi perusahaan keluarga, (6) kepemimpinan tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap budaya organisasi perusahaan keluarga, dan (7) budaya organisasi perusahaan keluarga dapat dibentuk oleh mindset pemimpin yang tercerminkan melalui nilai keluarga yang diyakini dan ditanamkan di dalam perusahaan.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Siti Harsia ◽  
Ida Rochani Adi

This thesis investigates the American popular family films from the 1950s to the 2000s by using Interdisciplinary approach. This approach is intended to explore the object of research from the history, sociology, and cultural background. The theory of representation and commodification are used together to examine how the films represent American family life and how the film industry commercializes American family values. By focusing on family roles that include the division of roles between husband and wife, interactions between family members, and the values adopted by children as a result of parenting practice, it was found that the family concept shown in films from the 1950s to the 2000s represented the reality of the dynamics of family life in every decade. Besides, in popular films of the 1990s, 'Hollywood Family Entertainment' commercialized the patriarchal issues contained in the 'traditional family' concept. There is an ideology of 'ideal woman' strictly as a housewife which was commodified through these films. Optimistic value in the family was also commodified through the child character consistently, shown by the emergence of child character who tends to be positive towards the future, focus on goals, strives for success and happiness and free in making choices.

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