2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Risma Dwi Arisona

Earthquake disasters occur suddenly without being able to be predicted by humans. By knowing that earthquakes cannot yet be scientifically predicted, efforts should be made to reduce the risk of the consequences of the earthquake. The cause of the large number of victims of earthquake disasters due to lack of knowledge and earthquake disaster preparedness. Therefore, it is important to socialize and simulate earthquake mitigation early to minimize the risk of becoming a victim through disaster education in schools. Education is an effective vehicle for building student behavior in the face of disasters. Knowledge possessed by students can influence the attitude of earthquake disaster preparedness. This research is a practical research with limitation of the problem through the provision of material and training in earthquake disaster mitigation simulation. The results showed that: 1) The material presented was interesting, there was very significant knowledge about the types of disasters, disaster symbols, and preparedness procedures before, when they occurred, and after the earthquake disaster; 2) Adding knowledge and skills in self-rescue in the event of an earthquake; 3) Practicing reflexes in taking steps to save themselves when an earthquake suddenly occurs, 4) Increasing earthquake preparedness for elementary school students and teachers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-59
Niken Setyaningrum ◽  
Pipin Nurhayati

Bantul district is an earthquake-prone area because it is close to the south coast area, it is traversed by plates that cause disasters. One of the disaster mitigation efforts is to prevent the number of victims when an earthquake occurs. It is necessary to increase understanding and change people's behavior. One of the right targets is elementary school students because education at an early age will affect behavior. Earthquake disaster education is a disaster mitigation effort. The indicator is the measurement of the level of earthquake preparedness using a questionnaire. Education is carried out for students in grades 3, 4, and 5 of the Elementary School of Jigudan Srandakan Bantul. The school is located in the red zone. The results of these measurements are mostly in the ready category with a score of 65 – 79 as many as 42 students. It is important to continue the education to improve earthquake disaster mitigation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Muchsin Riviwanto ◽  
Darwel Darwel ◽  
Defriani Dwiyanti ◽  
Juanda Juanda

Disability groups are groups vulnerable to disaster risk. Most families with disabilities feel worried about defending themselves in the event of a disaster. They are less socialized with disaster mitigation efforts. This research has provided an overview of the preparedness of families with disabilities children in increasing disaster resilience. Analytical research was conducted on families with disabilities children in the city of Padang. Data collection tools in this study used a standard questionnaire from LIPI-UNESCO / ISDR. The data were processed by a computer and analyzed using multiple regression statistical tests. The results showed the preparedness of Families With Disabilities Children in the face of disasters; it was seen that the knowledge category was ready (42.2%), the preparedness plan category was not ready (37.8%), the disaster warning category was not ready (46.7%), the resource mobilization category was not ready, ready (82.2%), the tsunami disaster preparedness index value is 57% (ready category). This research recommended local governments must provide special treatment for people with disabilities by increasing training, seminars, and disaster simulations.

Risma Dwi Arisona ◽  
Rohana Sufia

<p><em>The focus of this research is to describe the role of Tagana in disaster education and the obstacles it faces in providing disaster education for elementary school students. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. This research was conducted at SDN 2 Wates Ponorogo. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, literature study, and documentation. Data analysis used the Mile and Huberman analysis model. The results showed that the role of Tagana in disaster education for elementary school students can be seen from the Tagana Goes to School program. The program aims to accelerate the building of students' understanding and preparedness for disasters so as to minimize the impact. In the program, the roles of Tagana are: 1) providing knowledge of the types of disasters to students; 2) providing knowledge of disaster mitigation according to the type of disaster, and 3) conducting disaster mitigation simulations. In this case, disaster education is more focused on earthquake disasters. Meanwhile, the obstacles faced by the Tagana Goes to School team were limited personnel and lack of response from the school. For this reason, additional volunteers must be carried out and disaster preparedness cadres formed in schools, so that the program can run effectively and efficiently.</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Masta Hutasoit

Background: Bantul is one of the areas in Yogyakarta that is at risk of disaster. The results of interviews with the head of SD N 2 Padokan found that the school had never had any training on disaster and not yet implemented the curriculum on disaster mitigation. Children are age groups that are very vulnerable to the impact of both physical and psychological disasters. Knowledge of disaster preparedness is important for disaster preventionThe purpose of the study: to determine the effect of health education on knowledge of student preparedness to earthquake disaster events in SD N 2 Padokan, Bantul.Method: This research is quantitative research with quasi experiment design. The design used was pre test and post test nonequivalent control group. The number of samples in the intervention group and the control group were 27 students of class V. The sampling were collected by purposive sampling according to the criteria. Methods of data collection using questionnaires and using nonparametric statistical analysis Wilcoxon with the help of SPSS v.17 for Windows program.Results: The results showed no effect of health education on earthquake disaster preparedness knowledge in SD N 2 Padokan obtained p value 0.480 with α 0.05. In the intervention group the difference of knowledge before and after is indicated by p value 0.180, while for the control group 1,000.Conclusion: there is no effect of health education on disaster preparedness knowledge in SD N 2 Padokan.  

Akie Hisagi ◽  
Takashige Ishikawa

The possibility of a huge earthquake affecting Tokyo in the future is high. In the event of such an earthquake, many people will face problems returning to their homes, causing complete disorder and confusion as it will be impossible for everyone to access emergency shelters. If buildings such as high-rise condominiums remain standing and safe, it will be desirable that their residents take refuge at home. In this study, we investigated the awareness of disaster mitigation needs using an internet survey of over 800 residents of high-rise condominiums (of 10 or more stories) in central Tokyo. Our results show that approximately 60% of residents would take refuge at home. However, almost none of the respondents had emergency supplies such as water, food, and other daily necessities. This lack of preparedness would result in many people needing to move to emergency shelters. By analyzing these results, we aim to develop a method for avoiding confusion in the aftermath of a disaster and educate building residents on their needs in a disaster situation and the preparatory actions they must take.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Rusli Rusli ◽  
Ayu Fitriatul 'Ulya

<p>In Indonesia, the dangers of disasters such as floods, droughts, storms, and landslides have caused much loss of human lives and livelihoods, economic and infrastructure degradation, social order changes as well as environmental damage. In the face of disasters, the improvement of the system's preparedness in the community to reduce the risk of hazards is done through mitigation and adaptation efforts. Under Law No.26 of 2007 on spatial planning confirms disaster mitigation to be an important aspect of attention. Malang city of East Java including the recorded area is potentially prone to disasters, either flood, landslides, tectonic earthquakes or volcanic earthquakes. This study aims to determine the efforts of Malang City Government to improve community preparedness in facing the threat of disaster in Malang. The method used is positivism approach with qualitative approach. The result of this research indicates that the readiness of Malang City Government in facing disaster is with structural and non-structural mitigation. The structural mitigation effort that is done is the improvement of urban drainage channels, increasing the RTH and RTNH, incessant in the greening program by building a city park where as a tourist place is also useful for urban RTH, river normalization, reforestation on the banks of the Brantas river and other small rivers and cutting big trees on the street. While the effort in non-structural mitigation is the existence of regional regulations governing disaster (Malang Regional Regulation No. 1 of 2017 on Disaster Management Implementation, Strategic Plan (RENSTRA) BPBD Malang City 2015 - 2018), build synergy program with all actors (ministries, state institutions, social organizations, business entities, and universities) to empower communities, simulate increased knowledge and community awareness, increase community capacity to reduce and adapt to disaster risks by simulating and direction.</p><p><em><strong>Keywords: disaster; preparedness; mitigation</strong></em></p>

2018 ◽  
Srie Faizah Lisnasari

This paper has been presenting at The 11th International Workshop And Conference Of Asean Studies In Linguistics,Islamic And Arabic Education, Social Sciences And Educational Technology 2018 in Kisaran, North Sumatera, Indonesian on 7 May 2018

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 187-196
Rahmi Muthia ◽  
Fitri Mailani ◽  
Emil Huriani

Disasters can come suddenly at anytime and anywhere. Disasters can result in many casualties, injuries, and material loss. Therefore, the community must understand the threat of a disaster, have knowledge about disaster preparedness. The purpose of this activity is to provide education and training on disaster management that may occur in the Pakan Sanayan village, Banuhampu District. The activity was held on August 8, 2020 in Nagari Pakan Sinayan, Banuhampu District, Agam Regency, and was attended by 47 community members. The activity begins with conducting a pretest to the training participants, providing material on potential disaster analysis followed by a discussion on disaster risk analysis that may occur in the Pakan Sinayan area. The material was continued with disaster mitigation and preparedness, especially disasters that could potentially occur in the area, namely landslides, earthquakes, fires and volcanic eruptions. The results of the evaluation showed an increase in public understanding and knowledge of disasters. It is recommended that this activity be carried out continuously to encourage community empowerment in improving disaster preparedness.

Yustina Ni Putu Yusniawati ◽  
Putu Inge Ruth Suantika ◽  

ABSTRACT Background: In addition to unsuccessful policies to prepare communities for disaster reduction, the high risk of earthquakes and their harmful consequences indicate that more consideration should be given to social factors in this regard. All community shelters are vulnerable to disasters, especially children, so efforts are needed to determine disaster preparedness factors for elementary school students in Denpasar City. This study aimed to analyzed of earthquake preparedness measures in students at elementary school, Denpasar, Bali. Subjects and Methods: This was a descriptive study conducted at an elementary school in Denpasar from January to September. A sample of 350 elementary school students in Denpasar whose schools have a disaster preparedness school (SSB) program selected by purposive sampling. The inclusion criteria were elementary school students grades 5 and 6 in Denpasar City, who can read fluently and are willing to be research respondents. The exclusion criteria were respondents who refused to be research subjects. The data were collected by 40 questions, where knowledge was 10 items, attitude was 10 items, facilities and infrastructure were 10 items, and IEC was 10 items. The data was analyzed by descriptively Results: The preparedness factors of elementary school students in facing earthquake disasters were still low. There were five earthquake preparedness factors for elementary students in Denpasar, namely (1) experience, (2) knowledge, (3) attitude, (4) facilities and (5) infrastructure, and IEC. The dominant knowledge variable of elementary school students is less than 233 (63.7%), the prevalent attitude variable is negative 244 (64%), the prevalent facilities and infrastructure variable are less than 215 (61.4%), and 300 (85.7%) dominant information and education communication. Conclusion: It is essential to be able to improve these preparedness factors with a variety of continuous education and training for elementary students, and health workers should work together with regional disaster management agency to establish disaster prepared schools in Denpasar City. Keywords: preparedness factors, students, and earthquake Correspondence: Yustina Ni Putu Yusniawati. Institute of Technology and Health, Bali. Jl. Tukad Balian no. 180 Renon Denpasar-Bali. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: 087860000191 DOI:

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 122-128
Asep Badrujamaludin ◽  
Diki Ardiansyah ◽  
Dyna Apriany ◽  
Dwi Hastuti ◽  
Oop Ropei ◽  

ABSTRAK  Hasil kajian terbaru tahun 2017 menunjukkan laju pergeseran sesar Lembang sekitar 3,0- 5,5 mm/tahun. Angka ini bertambah dari prediksi tahun 2011 yang menyebut laju pergeserannya sekitar 2,0 - 4,0 mm/tahun. Selain itu, riset terbaru dari Pusat Penelitian Geoteknologi LIPI menemukan bahwa panjang sesar ternyata 29 kilometer, bukan 22 kilometer sebagaimana acuan peneliti sebelumnya. Kekuatan gempa akibat pergeseran sesar lembang melintang sepanjang 29 kilometer dari ujung barat di Kecamatan Ngamprah Kabupaten Bandung Barat sampa sisi tmur di Kecamatan Cilengkrang Kabupaten Bandung yang memungkinkan mengakibakan getaran gempat 6,8 sampai 7 skala richter. Dengan kekutan gempa sebesar itu, wilayah Kota Cimahi termasuk kota yang berpotensi tinggi mendapatkan dampak dari pergerakan sesar lembang tersebut. Hal ini juga disampaikan oleh Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kota Cimahi menyatakan Kota Cimahi merupakan wilayah yang berpotensi mendapatkan dampak jika terjadi gempa bumi akibat pergerakan sesar lembang. Melihat tingginya potensi dampak ancaman bencana gempa bumi pada wilayah kerja Puskesmas Cimahi Selatan, perlu adanya upaya persiapan penanggulangan bencana dengan sasaran masyarakat risiko tinggi seperti anak SD dan kelompok warga seperti kader di wilayah tersebut. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini berupa kegiatan-kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan terkait ancaman bencana serta penanggulangan bencana yang dimulai dari tahap prabencana, intrabencana sampai pasca bencana. Kegiatan ini akan dilaksanakan dengan bentuk kegiatan berupa penyuluhan, demonstrasi dan simulasi. Dengan memasukan kegiatan upaya penanggulangan bencana secara komprehensip dengan bentuk kegiatan simulasi, masyarakat akan lebih mudah dan cepat mengetahui upaya-upaya yang harus dilakukan sebagai upaya penanggulangan bencana. Kegiatan-kegiatan dalam upaya penanggulangan bencana gempa di wilayah ini juga merupakan salah satu langkah solusi dalam meningkatkan persiapan menghadapi bencana serta dapat mengurangi kemungkinan jumlah korban bencana. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini menggunakan metoda sosialisasi melalui pertemuan/diskusi dengan kelompok mitra berupa seminar/penyuluhan, demonstrasi dan simulasi penanggulangan bencana pada setiap tahap (pra, intra dan paska bencana). Hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini menambah pemahaman secara teori  dan juga praktik simulasi terkait mitigasi bencana para kader kesehatan di kelurahan utama. Kata Kunci : Penanggulangan Bencana, Kesiapsiagaan Bencana, Sesar Lembang  ABSTRACT  The results of the latest study in 2017 show the rate of displacement of the Lembang fault around 3.0-5.5 mm / year. This figure is increased from the prediction in 2011 which states that the rate of shift is around 2.0 - 4.0 mm / year. In addition, the latest research from the LIPI Geotechnology Research Center found that the length of the fault was 29 kilometers, not 22 kilometers as previously referred to by previous researchers. The strength of the earthquake was due to a transverse shift of the Lembang fault along 29 kilometers from the west end in Ngamprah District, West Bandung Regency to the east side in Cilengkrang District, Bandung Regency which made it possible to cause tremors of 6.8 to 7 on the Richter scale. With the magnitude of the earthquake, the Cimahi City area is a city with high potential to be impacted by the movement of the lembang fault. This was also conveyed by the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Cimahi City, stating that Cimahi City is an area that has the potential to be impacted if an earthquake occurs due to the movement of the Lembang fault. Seeing the high potential impact of the threat of an earthquake disaster in the work area of the South Cimahi Puskesmas, it is necessary to prepare for disaster management with the target of high-risk communities such as elementary school children and community groups such as community health providers in the area. This community service activity takes the form of activities aimed at increasing knowledge related to disaster threats and disaster management starting from the pre-disaster, inter-disaster to post-disaster stages. This activity will be carried out in the form of activities including counseling, demonstrations and simulations. By incorporating disaster management efforts comprehensively with the form of simulation activities, the community will find it easier and faster to know the efforts that must be made as disaster management efforts. Activities in earthquake disaster management in this area are also one of the solution steps in increasing the preparation for facing disasters and reducing the possibility of the number of victims of disasters. This community service activity uses the socialization method through meetings / discussions with partner groups in the form of seminars / counseling, demonstrations and simulations of disaster management at every stage (pre, intra and post disaster). The results of this community service activity add to the theoretical understanding and also simulation practice related to disaster mitigation for health cadres in the Kelurahan Utama. Keyword: Disaster Management, Disaster Preparedness, Sesar Lembang

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