Development of Ternary Concrete Utilizing Agricultural Waste Material
Abstract The present project proposes to utilize rice husk and maize cob husk ash in the cement to mitigate the adverse impact of cement on environment and to enhance the disposal of waste in a sustainable manner. Ternary concrete / MR concrete was prepared by using rise husk and maize cob ash with cement. For the present project, five concrete mixes MR-0 (Control mix), MR-1 (Rice husk ash 10% and MR-2.5%), MR-2 (Rice husk ash 10% and MR-5%), MR-3 (Rice husk ash 10% and MR-2.5%), MR-4 (Rice husk ash 10% and MR-2.5%) were prepared. M35 concrete mix was designed as per IS 10262:2009 for low slump values 0-25mm. The purpose is to find the optimum replacement level of cement in M35 grade ternary concrete for I – Shaped paver blocks.In order to study the effects of these additions, micro-structural and structural properties test of concretes have been conducted. The crystalline properties of control mix and modified concrete are analyzed by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscope (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The results indicated that 10% Rice husk ash and 5% maize cob ash replaced with cement produce a desirable quality of ternary concrete mix having good compressive strength. The results of SEM analysis indicated that the morphology of both concrete were different, showing porous structure at 7 days age and become unsymmetrical with the addition of ashes. After 28 day age, the control mix contained more quantity of ettringite and became denser than ternary concrete. XRD analysis revealed the presence of portlandite in large quantity in controlled mix concrete while MR concrete had the partially hydrated particle of alite.