scholarly journals A Covariant Cauchy-Schwartz Measure’s Bounding Conditions to BSM Searches

Hani W. Maalouf

Abstract Solving for the missing masses in the Higgs resonances, it was necessary to extend, even quantitatively via an index measurable amount, the SM using a threshold related longitudinal violation procedure. The obtained expression, by being non-contributing via its non-anomalously resulting parameter, is linked to a Cauchy-Schwartz 4-scalar product ratio type of two virtual Gauge Bosons momenta in its minimal anomalous configuration, as vs. its non-anomalous internal. Changing the bounds from energy into momenta, a convexity condition appears. Such technique clarifies the perturbative e.m. fields’ extensions into perturbative and non-perturbative QCD.In applications, there is the violation of the chiral insertion by the axion into neutrinos, and the Lepton number when passing form velocity to spin resonances, such confirming the CS procedure as plus the defiance of the SM comes through their branching ratios but not their angular distributions. Further which if remaining at the same level of minimization can restore the universality of extendibility in the Higgs self-couplings.Leading into deriving the phase of K0 → π+π-, in A(∆1=2)/A(∆1=0) so a conformal skipping dynamical shift from direct CP violation of D0 → K+K- and D0 → π+π- asymmetries, in the long-short mixing concords the phase of KL → π0ννbar, solving the KOTO anomaly.

2015 ◽  
Vol 143 (14) ◽  
pp. 144304 ◽  
I. Powis ◽  
D. M. P. Holland ◽  
E. Antonsson ◽  
M. Patanen ◽  
C. Nicolas ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (26) ◽  
pp. 14376-14386 ◽  
Pan Jiang ◽  
Xiaoping Chi ◽  
Wenke Qi ◽  
Qihe Zhu ◽  
Min Cheng ◽  

Various patterns of rotational dependence for the photodissociation branching ratios and irregular angular distributions of the photofragments have been observed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 79 (11) ◽  
K. Sravan Kumar ◽  
Paulo Vargas Moniz

AbstractIn this paper, we generalize Coleman–Weinberg (CW) inflation in grand unified theories (GUTs) such as $$\text {SU}(5)$$SU(5) and $$\text {SO}(10)$$SO(10) by means of considering two complex singlet fields with conformal invariance. In this framework, inflation emerges from a spontaneously broken conformal symmetry. The GUT symmetry implies a potential with a CW form, as a consequence of radiative corrections. The conformal symmetry flattens the above VEV branch of the CW potential to a Starobinsky plateau. As a result, we obtain $$n_{s}\sim 1-\frac{2}{N}$$ns∼1-2N and $$r\sim \frac{12}{N^2}$$r∼12N2 for $$N\sim $$N∼ 50–60 e-foldings. Furthermore, this framework allow us to estimate the proton lifetime as $$\tau _{p}\lesssim 10^{40}$$τp≲1040 years, whose decay is mediated by the superheavy gauge bosons. Moreover, we implement a type I seesaw mechanism by weakly coupling the complex singlet, which carries two units of lepton number, to the three generations of singlet right handed neutrinos (RHNs). The spontaneous symmetry breaking of global lepton number amounts to the generation of neutrino masses. We also consider non-thermal leptogenesis in which the inflaton dominantly decays into heavy RHNs that sources the observed baryon asymmetry. We constrain the couplings of the inflaton field to the RHNs, which gives the reheating temperature as $$10^{6}\text { GeV}\lesssim T_{R}<10^{9}$$106GeV≲TR<109 GeV.

1978 ◽  
Scott Wallace ◽  
Dan Dill ◽  
Joseph L. Dehmer

2011 ◽  
Vol 26 (17) ◽  
pp. 2899-2912 ◽  

In the framework of factorization, based on the first-order of isospin violation, we study direct CP violation in the decay of [Formula: see text] including the effect of ρ–ω mixing. The CP violation depends strongly on Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements and the effective parameter, Nc. Recently, the experimental data for the branching ratios of [Formula: see text] are accurate and we can give the strong constraint on the range of Nc. We find that the CP violating asymmetry is large and ranges from -82% to -98% via ρ–ω mixing mechanism when the invariant mass of the π+π- pair is in the vicinity of the ω resonance. We also discuss the possibility to observe the predicted CP violating asymmetries at the LHC.

2003 ◽  
Vol 18 (31) ◽  
pp. 2187-2193 ◽  
Chongxing Yue ◽  
Hongjie Zong ◽  
Lanjun Liu

We study a new method for detecting non-universal gauge bosons Z′ via considering their effects on rare top decays. We calculate the contributions of the non-universal gauge bosons Z′ predicted by topcolor-assisted technicolor (TC2) models and flavor-universal TC2 models on the rare top decays t → cV (V = g,γ,Z) and t → clilj (li,lj = τ,μ, or e). We show that the branching ratios of these processes can be significantly enhanced. Over a sizeable region of the parameter space, we have Br (t → cg) ~ 10-5 and Br (t → cττ) ~ 10-7, which may approach the observable threshold of near future experiments. Non-universal gauge bosons Z′ may be detected via the rare top decay processes at the top-quark factories such as the CERN LHC.

1985 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
pp. 167-175 ◽  
K. Akama ◽  
I. Ito ◽  
H. Komatsu ◽  
M. Yasue

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