product ratio
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2021 ◽  
Hani W. Maalouf

Abstract Solving for the missing masses in the Higgs resonances, it was necessary to extend, even quantitatively via an index measurable amount, the SM using a threshold related longitudinal violation procedure. The obtained expression, by being non-contributing via its non-anomalously resulting parameter, is linked to a Cauchy-Schwartz 4-scalar product ratio type of two virtual Gauge Bosons momenta in its minimal anomalous configuration, as vs. its non-anomalous internal. Changing the bounds from energy into momenta, a convexity condition appears. Such technique clarifies the perturbative e.m. fields’ extensions into perturbative and non-perturbative QCD.In applications, there is the violation of the chiral insertion by the axion into neutrinos, and the Lepton number when passing form velocity to spin resonances, such confirming the CS procedure as plus the defiance of the SM comes through their branching ratios but not their angular distributions. Further which if remaining at the same level of minimization can restore the universality of extendibility in the Higgs self-couplings.Leading into deriving the phase of K0 → π+π-, in A(∆1=2)/A(∆1=0) so a conformal skipping dynamical shift from direct CP violation of D0 → K+K- and D0 → π+π- asymmetries, in the long-short mixing concords the phase of KL → π0ννbar, solving the KOTO anomaly.

Yuxin Liu ◽  
Lige Tong ◽  
Fulin Kong ◽  
Xiufen He ◽  
Hao Yang ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 135-139
Paweł Lis ◽  
Krzysztof Wasilczyk

Several pits, the remains of wood tar production using the so-called ‘vessel-less method’, were discovered in the Lublin region. They contained objects related to the early Middle Ages. These discoveries were used as the base for experiments run in 2013 in the experimental archaeology centre at Grodzisko Żmijowiska. The first experiment involved the acquisition of wood tar from birch bark, while the other attempts were aimed at extracting tar from pine stumpwood. The experiments were conducted in a shallow pit that was plastered with clay and had a small depression at its bottom used as a container for the tar, separated from the pit by a clay strainer. The raw material gathered in the pit was covered with a clay dome. When the dome was dry, it was slowly heated up with burning wood to the right temperature which was checked inside the dome with a thermocouple. Both processes were conducted successfully. The results were compared with experiments focused on the production of wood tar using the two-vessel method known in the early Middle Ages. The comparison showed that the vessel-less method is less economical due to the amount of fuel used and almost three times less efficient in terms of the raw material to final product ratio. However, it is very simple technically and allows the effective production of wood tar.

2021 ◽  
Csaba G. Tóth

AbstractCentral and Eastern European countries faced a serious mortality crisis in the second part of the 20th century, resulting in many years of decreasing life expectancy. In the last few decades, however, this was followed by a period in which mortality improved. This dichotomy of past trends makes it difficult to forecast mortality by way of stochastic models that incorporate these countries’ long-term historical data. The product–ratio model (Hyndman et al. 2013) is a model of the coherent type, which relies more closely on subpopulations with common socioeconomic backgrounds and perspectives to forecast mortality for all populations. This paper examines whether the product–ratio model is suitable for forecasting mortality in countries that have experienced serious mortality crises. To that end, we present a case study centered on Hungary, where the mortality crisis lasted three decades. The evaluation is founded on a comprehensive comparison of the product–ratio model and the classical Lee–Carter model. Our main finding is that in the Hungarian case, the product–ratio model is more reliably accurate than the classical Lee–Carter model. The superior performance of the product–ratio model may indicate that coherent models are better suited to handling mortality crises in forecasting mortality than are independent models.

Jarkko Tapio Niemelä ◽  
Mari Partanen ◽  
Jarkko Ojala ◽  
Mika Kapanen ◽  
Jani Keyriläinen

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 53-61

We consider a general problem of the confidence interval for a cross-product ratio ρ=p1(1-p2)/p2(1-p1) according to data from two independent samples. Each sample may be obtained in the framework of direct Binomial sampling scheme. Asymptotic confidence intervals are constructed in accordance with direct Binomial sampling scheme, with parameter estimators demonstrating exponentially decreasing bias. Our goal is to investigate the cases when the normal approximations (which are relatively simple) for estimators of the cross-product ratio are reliable for the construction of confidence intervals. We use the closeness of the confidence coefficient to the nominal confidence level as our main evaluation criterion, and use the Monte-Carlo method to investigate the key probability characteristics of intervals corresponding to direct Binomial sampling schemes. We present estimations of the coverage probability, expectation and standard deviation of interval widths in tables and provide some recommendations for applying each obtained interval.

Transfusion ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 61 (3) ◽  
pp. 991-992
Thorsten Haas ◽  
Jeannie Callum ◽  
Oliver Grottke ◽  
Lars M. Asmis ◽  
Melissa M. Cushing

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 435-450
Chanakan Sungboonchoo ◽  
Thuntida Ngamkham ◽  
Wararit Panichkitkosolkul ◽  
Andrei Volodin

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