scholarly journals Machine Learning Analysis of Quasi-Stationary Magnetic Fields Optically-Driven by Short Laser Pulses

Iurii Kochetkov ◽  
Nikolai Bukharskii ◽  
Michael Ehret ◽  
Yuki Abe ◽  
Farley Law ◽  

Abstract Optical generation of kilo-tesla scale magnetic fields enables prospective technologies and fundamental studies with unprecedentedly high magnetic field energy density. A question is the optimal configuration of proposed setups, where plenty of physical phenomena accompany the generation and complicate both theoretical studies and experimental realizations. Short laser drivers seem more suitable in many applications, though the process is tangled by an intrinsic transient nature. In this work, an artificial neural network is engaged for unravelling main features of the magnetic field excited with a picosecond laser pulse. The trained neural network acquires an ability to read the magnetic field values from experimental data, extremely facilitating interpretation of the experimental results. The conclusion is that the short sub-picosecond laser pulse may generate a quasi-stationary magnetic field structure living on a hundred picosecond time scale, when the induced current forms a closed circuit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
A. S. Kazakov ◽  
A. V. Galeeva ◽  
A. I. Artamkin ◽  
A. V. Ikonnikov ◽  
L. I. Ryabova ◽  

AbstractWe report on observation of strong non-local photoconducitivity induced by terahertz laser pulses in non-zero magnetic field in heterostructures based on Hg1−xCdxTe films being in the topological phase. While the zero-field non-local photoconductivity is negligible, it is strongly enhanced in magnetic fields ~ 0.05 T resulting in appearance of an edge photocurrent that exceeds the respective dark signal by orders of magnitude. This photocurrent is chiral, and the chirality changes every time the magnetic field or the electric bias is reversed. Appearance of the non-local terahertz photoconductivity is attributed to features of the interface between the topological film and the trivial buffer.

1996 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-62 ◽  
V. Yu. Bychenkov ◽  
V.T. Tikhonchuk

The theory of magnetic field generation due to the interaction of short relativistic laser pulses with underdense plasmas has been developed. The magnetic field is generated due to the inverse Faraday effect occurring witha circularly polarized laser pulse. The spatial distribution of the magnetic field is investigated. It is shown that the magnetic field magnitude depends on the relationship between the laser beam radius and the plasma skin-depth.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Sophia Malko ◽  
Xavier Vaisseau ◽  
Frederic Perez ◽  
Dimitri Batani ◽  
Alessandro Curcio ◽  

Abstract The double laser pulse approach to relativistic electron beam (REB) collimation in solid targets has been investigated at the LULI-ELFIE facility. In this scheme two collinear laser pulses are focused onto a solid target with a given intensity ratio and time delay to generate REBs. The magnetic field generated by the first laser-driven REB is used to guide the REB generated by a second delayed laser pulse. We show how electron beam collimation can be controlled by properly adjusting the ratio of focus size and the delay time between the two pulses. We found that the maximum of electron beam collimation is clearly dependent on the laser focal spot size ratio and related to the magnetic field dynamics. Cu-Kα and CTR imaging diagnostics were implemented to evaluate the collimation effects on the respectively low energy (≤100 keV) and high energy (≥MeV) components of the REB.

2000 ◽  
Vol 179 ◽  
pp. 263-264
K. Sundara Raman ◽  
K. B. Ramesh ◽  
R. Selvendran ◽  
P. S. M. Aleem ◽  
K. M. Hiremath

Extended AbstractWe have examined the morphological properties of a sigmoid associated with an SXR (soft X-ray) flare. The sigmoid is cospatial with the EUV (extreme ultra violet) images and in the optical part lies along an S-shaped Hαfilament. The photoheliogram shows flux emergence within an existingδtype sunspot which has caused the rotation of the umbrae giving rise to the sigmoidal brightening.It is now widely accepted that flares derive their energy from the magnetic fields of the active regions and coronal levels are considered to be the flare sites. But still a satisfactory understanding of the flare processes has not been achieved because of the difficulties encountered to predict and estimate the probability of flare eruptions. The convection flows and vortices below the photosphere transport and concentrate magnetic field, which subsequently appear as active regions in the photosphere (Rust & Kumar 1994 and the references therein). Successive emergence of magnetic flux, twist the field, creating flare productive magnetic shear and has been studied by many authors (Sundara Ramanet al.1998 and the references therein). Hence, it is considered that the flare is powered by the energy stored in the twisted magnetic flux tubes (Kurokawa 1996 and the references therein). Rust & Kumar (1996) named the S-shaped bright coronal loops that appear in soft X-rays as ‘Sigmoids’ and concluded that this S-shaped distortion is due to the twist developed in the magnetic field lines. These transient sigmoidal features tell a great deal about unstable coronal magnetic fields, as these regions are more likely to be eruptive (Canfieldet al.1999). As the magnetic fields of the active regions are deep rooted in the Sun, the twist developed in the subphotospheric flux tube penetrates the photosphere and extends in to the corona. Thus, it is essentially favourable for the subphotospheric twist to unwind the twist and transmit it through the photosphere to the corona. Therefore, it becomes essential to make complete observational descriptions of a flare from the magnetic field changes that are taking place in different atmospheric levels of the Sun, to pin down the energy storage and conversion process that trigger the flare phenomena.

2001 ◽  
Vol 11 (PR2) ◽  
pp. Pr2-563-Pr2-566
T. Ozaki ◽  
K. Yamamoto ◽  
H. Kuroda

2008 ◽  
Vol 4 (S254) ◽  
pp. 95-96
Arthur M. Wolfe ◽  
Regina A. Jorgenson ◽  
Timothy Robishaw ◽  
Carl Heiles ◽  
Jason X. Prochaska

AbstractThe magnetic field pervading our Galaxy is a crucial constituent of the interstellar medium: it mediates the dynamics of interstellar clouds, the energy density of cosmic rays, and the formation of stars (Beck 2005). The field associated with ionized interstellar gas has been determined through observations of pulsars in our Galaxy. Radio-frequency measurements of pulse dispersion and the rotation of the plane of linear polarization, i.e., Faraday rotation, yield an average value B ≈ 3 μG (Han et al. 2006). The possible detection of Faraday rotation of linearly polarized photons emitted by high-redshift quasars (Kronberg et al. 2008) suggests similar magnetic fields are present in foreground galaxies with redshifts z > 1. As Faraday rotation alone, however, determines neither the magnitude nor the redshift of the magnetic field, the strength of galactic magnetic fields at redshifts z > 0 remains uncertain.Here we report a measurement of a magnetic field of B ≈ 84 μG in a galaxy at z =0.692, using the same Zeeman-splitting technique that revealed an average value of B = 6 μG in the neutral interstellar gas of our Galaxy (Heiles et al. 2004). This is unexpected, as the leading theory of magnetic field generation, the mean-field dynamo model, predicts large-scale magnetic fields to be weaker in the past, rather than stronger (Parker 1970).The full text of this paper was published in Nature (Wolfe et al. 2008).

1971 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. 329-339 ◽  
Dale Vrabec

Zeeman spectroheliograms of photospheric magnetic fields (longitudinal component) in the CaI 6102.7 Å line are being obtained with the new 61-cm vacuum solar telescope and spectroheliograph, using the Leighton technique. The structure of the magnetic field network appears identical to the bright photospheric network visible in the cores of many Fraunhofer lines and in CN spectroheliograms, with the exception that polarities are distinguished. This supports the evolving concept that solar magnetic fields outside of sunspots exist in small concentrations of essentially vertically oriented field, roughly clumped to form a network imbedded in the otherwise field-free photosphere. A timelapse spectroheliogram movie sequence spanning 6 hr revealed changes in the magnetic fields, including a systematic outward streaming of small magnetic knots of both polarities within annular areas surrounding several sunspots. The photospheric magnetic fields and a series of filtergrams taken at various wavelengths in the Hα profile starting in the far wing are intercompared in an effort to demonstrate that the dark strands of arch filament systems (AFS) and fibrils map magnetic field lines in the chromosphere. An example of an active region in which the magnetic fields assume a distinct spiral structure is presented.

Data ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 4
Evgeny Mikhailov ◽  
Daniela Boneva ◽  
Maria Pashentseva

A wide range of astrophysical objects, such as the Sun, galaxies, stars, planets, accretion discs etc., have large-scale magnetic fields. Their generation is often based on the dynamo mechanism, which is connected with joint action of the alpha-effect and differential rotation. They compete with the turbulent diffusion. If the dynamo is intensive enough, the magnetic field grows, else it decays. The magnetic field evolution is described by Steenbeck—Krause—Raedler equations, which are quite difficult to be solved. So, for different objects, specific two-dimensional models are used. As for thin discs (this shape corresponds to galaxies and accretion discs), usually, no-z approximation is used. Some of the partial derivatives are changed by the algebraic expressions, and the solenoidality condition is taken into account as well. The field generation is restricted by the equipartition value and saturates if the field becomes comparable with it. From the point of view of mathematical physics, they can be characterized as stable points of the equations. The field can come to these values monotonously or have oscillations. It depends on the type of the stability of these points, whether it is a node or focus. Here, we study the stability of such points and give examples for astrophysical applications.

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