scholarly journals Public-Private Partnership in the Investment Sphere

2020 ◽  
pp. 152-167
L.L. Hrytsenko ◽  
O.I. Tverezovska

With reference of crisis’s deepening processes at the present stage of national economy’s development there is emerge a reduction in investment by both the private sector and public institutions. At the same time, one of the important components of creating a favorable climate for Ukraine’s economic growth is the development of infrastructure. Up today a set of problems related to the fixed assets` obsolescence in almost all areas of economic activity, physical and moral deterioration of equipment, lack of investment in infrastructure, lack of budget funding for infrastructure investment and innovation projects, etc. Consequently, there is a need to find qualitatively new tools and mechanisms for investment development of Ukraine’s economy, also forms and methods of investment interaction between the state and business based on public-private partnership (hereinafter – PPP). The effective interaction between the state and the private sector in PPP together with well-organized risk management system will allow investing in the development of production capacity, accelerate industrial growth, expand domestic and foreign markets, improve the quality of goods, works and services, improve public services, improve investment attractiveness and business activity. The research in the article is devoted to public-private partnership, which arises as a result of partnership between the state and business. PPP today is one of the qualitatively new tool and mechanism for investment development of Ukraine's economy. The world practice of PPP projects’ application, their most widespread types in different countries is investigated in the work. At present PPP is quite widely, especially in Europe, in the implementation of socio-economic tasks, such as ensuring effective governance in the field of PPP, reducing burden on the budget, strengthening the social responsibility of business, improving the quality of life of the country`s population, etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (9) ◽  
pp. 87-94

The article shows that, in general, cooperation between public authorities and private business is one of the most important factors that generally affect the social and economic development of territories. The powers in the field of organizational and regulatory regulation of public-private partnership issues at the federal level are considered.

Hakan Yurdakul ◽  
Rifat Kamasak

The public-private partnership (PPP) model has been increasingly popular in recent decades as a mechanism to support infrastructure related investment activity. PPPs creates many advantages for countries such as releasing from financial burden of high cost infrastructure investments, bringing high quality of public service and increasing efficiency of operations through transfer of private sector expertise. However, these benefits are not guaranteed for every PPP project since successful implementations are subject to several factors. This chapter aims to review the different aspects of PPPs in detail and examine the factors which play crucial roles for successful PPP implementation.

2021 ◽  
Renalia Iwan

<p>Clean water is crucial for survival and economic development. Everyday, people need a sufficient amount and a suitable quality of water for drinking, cleaning and sanitation. However, rapid population growth, pollution and climate change have made water a scarce resource, which everyone competed. The United Nations Development Program's recent report stated that more than 1 billion people, up to this day, are without access to safe drinking water and sanitation. Lack of access to clean water can cause social, economic and health problems. Therefore, there is an urgent need to find solutions to this problem. To solve the problem of water scarcity, International Financial Institutions introduced Public Private Partnership (PPP) in the management of water sector. PPP is a concept which involves private sector participation in the management of drinking water service. In PPP, water is recognized as an economic good which is recognised under the 1992 Dublin Principles. It was hoped that by placing an economic value on water, efficient and equitable use of water can be achieved. It was also hoped that it would encourage conservation and protection of water resources. However, studies show opposite results from the Principle. Jakarta drinking water service is one example of a failed PPP. Jakarta, the Capital City of Indonesia, adopted Public Private Partnership (PPP) in the management of its drinking water service in 1998. The twenty five years concession contract was granted to Thames Water International (TWI) and its local partner, Kekarpola Airindo (KATI), now known as Thames PAM Jaya (TPJ). This company is responsible for the management of Eastern Jakarta drinking water service. This research was aimed to evaluate Thames PAM Jaya (TPJ) performance on water provision in Eastern Jakarta, ten years into the twenty five years concession by undergoing a qualitative research method. A range of semi-structured interviews were used to: gain perceptions and opinions of each stakeholder on the Public Private Partnership (PPP), identify the advantages and/or disadvantages of the water privatization in the capital city and to identify the constraints and limitations facing the private sector. Participants involved in this research include Government officials, Thames PAM Jaya, Jakarta Water Supply Regulatory Body (JWSRB), non governmental organizations (NGOs), and TPJ customers. The analysis concludes that Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Eastern Jakarta does not bring improvement to the region's drinking water service. Thames PAM Jaya (TPJ) had failed in fulfilling targets set in the Cooperation Agreement. Lack of transparency and public tendering in the process of forming the public private partnership may have contributed to this poor performance because the proper search for a competent partner was short circuited. Political interference in the bidding process is a form of corruption in which the company granted the contract was clearly complicit. The water tariff in Jakarta is not only the highest in Indonesia, but it is also the highest in the Southeast Asia region. The quality of its service, however, is still of poor quality. Limited access to water due to its high price and low service has resulted in water hacking and the on-going use of groundwater. The Cooperation Agreement, on the other hand, has locked the Government of Indonesia into a long term partnership which is very disadvantageous for the government and the residents. Private sector involvement should be the last alternative to improve the management of the water supply service in Indonesia.</p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 12-20
M. I. Muslimov ◽  

Expanding the sphere of interaction between the state and the medical business is one of the priorities for the development of the medical services market in the Russian Federation. The healthcare reform, based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, digital healthcare, and high medical technologies, is primarily aimed at improving the quality of medical services and the availability of highly qualified medical care for all segments of the population. Accessibility, quality and timeliness of medical care are the main postulates of the daily activities of a private medical institution. during the period of increasing crisis phenomena in the economy and social sphere, private medicine can provide significant assistance to the state health service, become the “lifesaver” for the domestic health protection system, which today is mostly represented by the public sector. One of the most effective mechanisms of interaction between the state and private business, adopted all over the world, is the system of public-private partnership. The purpose of the study is to analyze possible forms and mechanisms of interaction between the medical business and the state within the framework of public-private partnership. M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . The assessment of the current regulatory framework was carried out, a significant volume of domestic and foreign literary publications was analyzed, the main theoretical hypothesis was formulated on the basis of the systematic scientific method and a research plan was built. R e s u l t s . In the course of the conducted research, objective main cause-and-effect factors affecting the development of an adequate system of public-private partnership in the field of medicine and healthcare have been identified and analyzed, in terms of the distribution of benefits, costs and risks carried out on the principles of long-term, voluntary, manageability, legal validity between a private medical organization and federal and/or municipal executive authorities. The main causal factors include insufficient funding, an unfavorable demographic situation, low efficiency of using the resource base, a reduction in the bed fund under the guise of “optimization”, a decrease in the social level of the population and the redistribution of the medical and diagnostic structure due to the COVID‑19 infection pandemic. It should be recognized that the state system of medical care is not always able to fully meet the needs of societies for high-quality qualified medical care. The analysis of foreign literature has shown that medical services abroad successfully use the principle of public-private partnership, redistributing efforts to form the necessary institutional environment in healthcare between private business and the state. Such a form of interaction as concession, leasing, franchise, outsourcing, aufstaffing allows us to optimally balance the interests of the medical business and public health, significantly optimize the budget costs for health protection, especially in a difficult epidemiological period. The result of the research was the development of a conceptual and theoretical model of various forms of interaction between private medical business and government agencies within the framework of public-private partnership programs. C o n c l u s i o n s . Thus, public-private partnership is an effective economic tool that ensures the coincidence of the interests of private medical business and the state, allowing to make a profit for both subjects of medical activity, with a reduction in state budget expenditures for healthcare purposes, but with the preservation of high quality medical services and resource provision.

Михаил Косов ◽  
Mihail Kosov ◽  
Александр Сигарев ◽  
Aleksandr Sigarev ◽  
Ольга Буздалина ◽  

The textbook is devoted to theoretical and practical aspects of interaction between business and the state. Theoretical bases of interaction between business and the state are considered. The features of interaction between the state and business in the field of investment, public procurement, antitrust regulation, public-private partnership are analyzed, the social responsibility of the participants of this interaction is determined. Theoretical bases of adaptation of the state and business in the conditions of cyclic development of economy are given. The publication is intended for bachelors studying in the direction of "Economics", for undergraduates studying in different directions, for teachers.

Management ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-37
Danyil V. Laponoh

Introduction. The active use of the institution of public-private partnership (PPP) allows us to distinguish PPP from the totality of financial and economic relations between the state and the private sector based on the principles of equality and freedom of PPP participants, stability of the agreement and its flexibility, responsibility of the parties, competitiveness, non-interference, incentive and guarantees, retribution.The research hypothesis. The algorithm for selecting and assessing the effectiveness of projects in the road transport market to select the most effective form of financing with the participation of the state and the private sector will create conditions for attracting private investment in the development of transport infrastructure on the basis of public-private partnership.The purpose of this article is to improve the system of public-private partnership in the market of road transport services.The methodology of the study: expert, statistical, comparative, factor and scenario analysis; empirical data analysis using grouping, generalization methods.Results. An algorithm for selection and evaluation of the efficiency of projects in the sphere of the road service market to select the most effective form of financing with the participation of the state and the private sector has been proposed and tested, in particular: four alternative options for project financing to select the optimal one (state order, life cycle contract (LCС) without extra-budgetary financing, LCС with extra-budgetary financing, concession agreement); clarification of the methodology for evaluation of commercial, socio-economic and budgetary indicators of the road service market.Conclusions. Theoretical provisions developing the methodological basis of public-private partnership were formulated, including: the concept of public-private partnership was defined and its main principles were highlighted; classification of PPP forms and models was proposed taking into account the existing world and national practice; methodological tools for evaluation of PPP projects efficiency were improved.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (10) ◽  
pp. 25-30

The article reveals the essence and necessity of using public-private partnership as an optimal mechanism for interaction between the authorities and business entities, examines the features that distinguish it from other forms of interaction between the state and the private sector, analyzes key aspects, models and main criteria and aspects of the economic content of public-private partnership.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
V. Maslov

In recent years, cooperation between the state and private business is one of the prerequisites for implementing the strategy of economic development of Ukraine's economy. The separation of forms and models of public-private partnership depending on the industry, type of partnership and form of socio-economic significance of projects will ensure the creation of a platform for the formation of national competitiveness. The purpose of the article is to identify and analyze domestic and foreign models of public-private partnership, the formation of prospects, priority areas for their implementation and realization. To achieve this goal, a set of general scientific methods is used: theoretical generalization - to determine the nature and content of public-private partnership models, the method of scientific abstraction - to identify areas of application of models of cooperation between government and business, comparison - to identify models -logical - for theoretical generalization and formulation of conclusions. The analysis and generalization of public-private partnership models revealed the content of their classification proposed by the World Bank and taking into account the basic principles of risk sharing between the state and the private sector: "Management and lease contracts", "Concessions", "Projects from scratch" "And" Transfer of assets ". It is noted that the main PPP models used in the implementation of infrastructure projects in the European Union differ slightly from the above classification, mostly in the degree of involvement and transfer of project risks from the state to the private sector. The main models of public-private partnership in the European Union are analyzed, which according to the study include: service contract; management and operation contract; lease agreement; turnkey construction; design, construction, financing and operation. It is studied that in the United States three models of PPP are most often used: design and construction; design, construction and operation / maintenance; construction, operation and transmission. It is proved that for the full effect for the national economy it is necessary to implement the characteristic features of several of the analyzed models of public-private partnership. A promising area of ​​research is the need to improve approaches to implementing the principles of public-private partnership, given the study of structural classification of forms and models, the etymology of the concept of partnership in dynamic economic conditions, and the uncertain realities of today.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1(86)) ◽  
Kseniia Pashynska

The article examines the use of public-private partnership in education, one of the most important in the social sphere. The experience of using public-private partnership projects in foreign countries, such as Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Japan and the Republic of Korea, is analyzed. The mechanisms of cooperation between the state and the private partner are described, and the positive sides are shown on concrete examples of functioning public-private partnership projects in the world. A qualitatively distinctive feature of the pattern of interaction between the state, business and educational institutions is that it should take into account the impact of PPP on society through the social orientation of educational services, as well as the implementation of public functions and implementation of state educational policy. PPP's priority areas are innovation-oriented infrastructure projects and projects in the fields of science, technology and education. Strategic partnership of educational institutions, research organizations and enterprises is expressed in long-term agreements and programs of cooperation in research and education; namely staff, resources and financial support for joint activities; purposeful training of personnel at enterprises; conducting joint research, research and development work; creation of joint structures of educational, scientific and innovative profiles. Forms of partnership cooperation are the development of technology parks, resource centers and technology transfer centers, which provides for public-private partnership in the field of research, project efforts to create innovative products, modernization of technological processes and more. It is believed that PPPs will ease financial constraints, as the private sector itself makes huge investments within PPPs. As the private and public sectors complement, the overall resource base should increase. As the resource base increases, access to education will improve and the quality of education will improve. In the absence of PPPs with limited public resources, the education system can be severely affected. In such circumstances, PPP is seen as the main, though not the only option for the development of education.

2021 ◽  
pp. 126-135
Tetiana Popova ◽  
Nataliia Gavkalova

Introduction. In Ukraine, in conditions of insufficient funding and too slow reforms, an inefficient health care system (HE) has developed, which is not able to fully meet the requirements of the time and overcome such negative factors as low logistics, low staff costs, underdeveloped system health insurance, etc. Goal. The purpose of the article is to specify the concept of PPP in relation to the specifics of the health sector, as well as to clarify the definition of PPP in the field of health. Method (methodology). In the process of research the methods of scientific cognition were used, in particular monographic, bibliosemantic, historical, dialectical, logical generalization, system analysis. Results. The inefficiency of public administration and financing of the health care system has been stated, which creates obstacles to improving the quality of health care. Foreign experience in attracting private investment in the industry, which will create the foundations for improving the level and quality of health care, maintaining social stability, improving citizens' access to health services. It is established that this will also have a positive effect on optimizing public spending and accelerating the reform of the industry as a whole. A new definition of the term "public-private partnership" in the field of health care has been proposed, which can be used for further scientific and practical developments. The necessity of reforming the industry with the use of alternative ways of attracting investments, namely the mechanisms of public-private partnership, is substantiated. It was found that a promising model of PPP in the field of health care can be the implementation of a private partner reconstruction of a state (municipal) medical institution, as well as obtaining the right to operate and maintain the infrastructure of such an institution during the payback period. It was found that the interaction of the state and private business in the field of health care can also be manifested in the participation of private institutions in providing free medical care to the population. Possible options for cooperation between the state and business within the PPP in the field of health care in Ukraine are considered. Priority is given to the development of health infrastructure based on attracting private investment and long-term interaction between the state and business.

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