scholarly journals Combined In Vitro and In Vivo Propagation for Rapid Multiplication of Grapevine cv. Arka Neelamani

HortScience ◽  
2001 ◽  
Vol 36 (6) ◽  
pp. 1107-1110 ◽  
Pious Thomas ◽  
John W. Schiefelbein

A novel combination of in vitro and in vivo approaches was employed to generate sufficient stock of an introduced grape (Vitis vinifera L.) cv. Arka Neelamani which significantly accelerated the multiplication rate. The in vitro part included induction of root and shoot growth in shoot tip and nodal microcuttings in MS medium containing 1 μm IAA, sequential pruning of shoots at 1, 1.5, and 2 months, leaving the basal one to two nodes, resulting in fresh sprouts on the stump, and use of remaining stumps for in vivo establishment. The in vivo part included acclimatization of in vitro rooted plantlets and stumps, use of single node cuttings from 1.5- to 2-month-old in vivo shoots for the subsequent propagation, and utilizing the fresh sprout growth from these cuttings and in vivo stumps for further propagation. Employing both in vitro and in vivo approaches, we achieved a multiplication rate unparalleled to the general micropropagation or conventional propagation and significant stock was obtained within 6 months of introducing the material. The in vivo plants exhibited adult characters like distichous phyllotaxy, three lobed leaves and normal pattern of tendril development within 2 months from planting.

Cennet Yaman ◽  
Uğur Başaran

In this study, the effect of different concentrations of smoke solution derived from sage (Salvia officinalis L.) on root and shoot growth of grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) was investigated in pots, in petri dishes (in vivo) and in vitro conditions. Smoke solution was obtained from hookah method and different concentrations (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) were prepared by diluting the stock solution with distilled water and, distilled water was used as control. Solutions were used starting water of petri and perlite media and to prepare MS0 for in vitro condition. Nodal segments of grass pea seedlings as explants were cultured on MS0 medium in vitro. Plant nutrients, antioxidants, organic or inorganic chemicals, and plant growth regulators are commonly used for plant development both in vivo and in vitro. However, their use has risks in terms of economic costs as well as nature, environment and human health. Therefore, use of naturally derived chemicals in these applications has great advantages. Observations for in vivo conditions were determinate after 7 days from sowing and 15 days after in vitro culture. The longest root length (6.089 cm) was determined in 75% smoke solution of sage and, while the longest shoot length (3.026 cm) was obtained from 100% smoke solution of sage on petri media. In perlite media, the highest root and shoot length were observed in pure water (control). İn vitro conditions, although shoot formation was above 85% in all applications, root formation was under 33%. The shortest shoot length was obtained from smoke solutions of 100% (5.02 cm), the longest shoot length was obtained from 25% and 75% concentrations of smoke solution, respectively 8.35 and 8.94 cm.

HortScience ◽  
1992 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 261-262 ◽  
Eric Bunn ◽  
Kingsley W. Dixon

Micropropagation, including adventitious shoot growth from leaf sections, was achieved for Grevillea scapigera (Proteaceae), a rare and endangered species from Western Australia. Shoot tips were initiated on filter paper supports with liquid WPM (Woody Plant Medium) and supplemented with 20 μm zeatin riboside and 2 μm GA3. Shoots were then incubated on WPM solidified with agar and supplemented with 5 μm kinetin and 0.5 μm BA, which produced an approximate 6-fold multiplication rate per month. Up to three adventitious shoots were induced from 0.7-cm2 leaf sections after 6 to 7 weeks on solid 1/2 MS (Murashige and Skoog) medium supplemented with 10 μm BA and 0.5 μm IBA. Shoots, 30 to 50 mm long, were rooted in vivo in a fogged glasshouse under 70% shade using a commerical rooting powder [IBA, 0.1% (w/w)] applied to the base of the shoots. Most (67%) of the shoots treated in this way rooted after 5 weeks. Established, rooted plants have been grown on under glasshouse conditions. Chemical names used: N6-[2-isopentenyl] adenine riboside (zeatin riboside); gibberellic acid (GA3); 6-furfurylaminopurine (kinetin); N-(phenylmethyl)-1H-purine-6-amine (BA); 1-H-indole-3-butyric acid (IBA).

2007 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
A. Zok ◽  
A. Zielinska ◽  
R. Oláh ◽  
E. Szegedi

In vitro cultures have widely been used in horticulture for rapid multiplication of new varieties and clones as well as to produce pathogen-free stock material. To improve efficient hardening and transfer in vitro grown grapevine plants were multiplied by cutting them into single-node internodes with the whole leaf. Microcuttings including the shoot tips were rooted in granulated perlite moisted with tapwater under sterile conditions. After 2-3 weeks the rooted microcuttings were supplied by nutrients and hardened by gradual opening and finally by complete removal of the lids of jars or plastic boxes used for growth. Using this method microcuttings of Vitis vinifera cvs. „Chardonnay", „Cabernet franc", „Riesling" and „Sauvignon blanc" and the rootstock varieties Vitis riparia x Vitis cinerea cv. „Barrier" and Vitis berlandieri x Vitis rupestris cv. „Richter 110" formed new roots and shoots and 100% of the tested plants survived the acclimatization procedure. Similar results were obtained when perlite was replaced with rockwool-, or pit-pot blocks. This method may highly increase the efficiency of producing pathogen-free propagating material and new transgenic lines.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 50
Yati Supriyati ◽  
Ika Mariska ◽  
NFN Mujiman

<p>Star fruit (Averrhoa carambola) is one of tropical fruits which had a high content of vitamin C, which was higher than that in apple and grape. As fresh consumption, star fruit had a good role in decreasing human blood pressure. Main constraints of star fruit development weather for conservation purpose and or for cultivation were still limited due to lack of seedlings availability. In vitro culture technique was one of the altrnative technologies capable of producing seedlings in a large quantity, uniform growth and relatively in a short period. One of the important keys in micropropagation work was the step of shoot initiation and multiplication. In this study we used two kind of explant, namely shoot with single node and shoot from germinated embrio. Experiment I, shoot with single node and shoot from germinated embrio were planted at WPM media + citric acid 100 mg/l. The next activities was focused on single node shoots which was subcultured at WPM + BAP 0.5 mg/l. In experiment II in vitro shoots from previous experiment was subcultured at WPM + BA (1 and 2 mg/l) + thidiazuron (0.1 and 0.2 mg/l). To stimulate shoot multiplication rate, shoot was subcultured at WPM or MS media in combination with IAA 0.5 mg/l and zeatin 2 mg/l. To improve vigourity of the plant, in vitro shoots resulted from multiplication media was planted at WPM or MS media containing paclobutrazol (0.4 and 0.8 mg/l) + BA 2 mg/l + thidiazuron 0.2 mg/l. Result showed that the use of single node shoot as an explant better than shoot comes from germinated embrio. Sub culture of star fruit shoot on WPM basal media containing BAP of 0.5 mg/l produce the shoot number about 4, and the shoot number could be increased until 18 by using IAA 0.5 mg and zeatin 2 mg/l. The treatment of schock temperature at 4-5oC during 4 days before planting could fasten shoot initiation time from 3 months to 1 months. An addition of 0.4 mg/l paclobutrazol on MS or WPM media containing 2 mg/l BA and 0.2 mg/l thidiazuron could improve vigourity of plantlet.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Belimbing (Averrhoa carambola) merupakan tanaman buah tropik yang mengandung vitamin C lebih tinggi daripada apel dan anggur. Buah belimbing segar sangat berguna untuk menurunkan tekanan darah. Pengembangan tanaman ini untuk keperluan budi daya ataupun untuk tujuan konservasi masih belum optimal karena terbatasnya bibit. Teknik kultur jaringan merupakan alternatif teknologi yang mampu menyediakan bibit secara massal, seragam, dan relatif cepat. Salah satu tahap yang harus ditempuh dalam perbanyakan bibit melalui kultur jaringan adalah multiplikasi tunas yang menjadi kunci dalam keberhasilan teknik perbanyakan ini. Percobaan terdiri atas beberapa kegiatan menggunakan dua jenis eksplan, yaitu tunas dengan nodus tunggal dan tunas dari perkecambahan embrio. Pada percobaan I eksplan tunas dengan nodus tunggal ditanam pada media WPM + asam sitrat 100 mg/l kemudian disubkultur pada media WPM + BAP 0,5 mg/l. Pada percobaan II, tunas in vitro disubkultur kembali pada media WPM + BA (1 dan 2 mg/l) + thidiazuron 0,1 dan 0,2 mg/l). Untuk lebih memacu tingkat pertunasan dilakukan subkultur kembali pada media WPM atau MS yang ditambah dengan IAA 0,5 mg/l dan zeatin 2 mg/l. Untuk meningkatkan ketegaran, tunas hasil multiplikasi ditanam pada media WPM atau MS + BA 2 mg/l + thidiazuron 0,2 mg/l dan paclobutrazol (0; 0,4; dan 0,8 mg/l). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan eksplan tunas dengan nodus tunggal lebih baik dibandingkan dengan tunas yang berasal dari perkecambahan embrio. Subkultur yang dilakukan pada media WPM yang mengandung 0,5 mg/l BAP dapat menginisiasi dan menghasilkan rata-rata empat tunas. Subkultur tunas belimbing pada media MS + IAA 0,5 mg/l + zeatin 2 mg/l dapat memacu pembentukan tunas yang banyak, mencapai 18 buah. Penambahan paclobutrazol 0,4 mg/l ke dalam media MS atau WPM yang telah mengandung BA 2 mg/l dan thidiazuron 0,2 mg/l dapat memperbaiki ketegaran biakan.</p><p><strong><br /></strong></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
pp. 9039-9046
Rodrigo Alberto Hoyos Sanchez ◽  
Diego Chicaíza Finley ◽  
Juan Carlos Zambrano Arteaga

Carludovica palmata Ruíz & Pavón is a plant that belongs to the Cyclanthaceae family. Its commercial interest is related to the production of fibers for the manufacture of handicrafts, mainly the Panama hat, so it is important to study its propagation. This investigation aimed to determine the effect of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) in the formation of new shoots and 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) in the formation of roots, as well as the adaptation in greenhouse conditions of Carludovica palmata Ruíz & Pavón. In order to find the optimal multiplication rate, 0.5 cm length explants were planted in glass jars with 15 mL of semisolid MS with different concentrations of BAP and cultured under in vitro conditions for 90 days. The multiplication parameters in this stage were number of shoots per explant (NSE), length of shoots (LS), and length of roots (LR) as multiplication parameters. In a similar procedure, the number of roots per explant (NRE), length of roots (LR), and length of plantlets (LP) was determined using different concentrations of NAA. Finally, different substrates were evaluated for the adaptation of plantlets of C. palmata produced in vitro, under greenhouse conditions for 80 days. The highest multiplication rate (17±3 shoots per explant) was obtained with 2.0 mg L-1 of BAP. Root formation occurred efficiently in all treatments, without significant statistical differences between them. On the other hand, the use of substrate soil-t15 was the best treatment for the growth of C. palmata under greenhouse conditions. From the results obtained, it is concluded that C. palmata can be efficiently multiplied under in vitro conditions and did not present problems during the in vivo rooting process.

2012 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-86 ◽  
Lygia Maria Friche Passos

Continuous cell lines have been established from several ixodid and argasid tick species, representing an excellent tool suitable for the isolation of pathogens and their subsequent propagation, which in turn allows the production of antigenic material for diagnostic tests, antibody and vaccine production, and also for studies on host-vector-pathogen relationships. This paper reviews the use of tick cells for culture initiation and maintenance of two obligate intracellular bacterial pathogens, Anaplasma marginale and Anaplasma phagocytophilum. These in vitro cultivation systems have been used in a wide range of studies, covering morphological ultrastructural analysis, genetics, proteomics and biological differences between strains, including genome transcriptional and protein expression approaches, enabling comparisons between host and vector cells. Thus, such systems open a new window for a better understanding of interactions between pathogens and tick cells. Last but not least, such systems contribute to the reduction in usage of animals for experimental research, as antigenic material can be produced in reasonably large quantities without the use of in vivo species-specific systems.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
M Alizadeh ◽  
SK Singh ◽  
VB Patel ◽  
PS Deshmukh

Single node segments were used to initiate in vitro cultures in two grape rootstocks namely, Dogridge (Vitis champini) and H-144 (Vitis vinifera × V. labrusca). Culture establishment was enhanced using different growth regulators, while BAP was found essential for culture initiation in both genotypes. Less success (38.31%) was obtained in culture establishment of H-144 but it exhibited better vegetative growth and rooting and ex vitro performance as compared to Dogridge. Higher shoot multiplication rate (12 micro-cuttings per culture) was recorded in H-144 while only 9 micro-cuttings per subculture were registered in Dogridge. Addition of activated charcoal to the rooting medium was found beneficial with enhancement of rooting and reduction in time to root initiation in both genotypes. The results suggested that multiplication of these two grape rootstock genotypes can be carried out efficiently by means of direct in vitro regeneration using nodal segments. In vitro performance of these two genotypes was also compared during different stages of micropropagation.Plant Tissue Cult. & Biotech. 28(1): 1-11, 2018 (June)

1993 ◽  
Vol 177 (6) ◽  
pp. 1723-1733 ◽  
R J North ◽  
A A Izzo

The kinetics of growth of two virulent strains of mycobacteria (M. tuberculosis Erdman and M. tuberculosis H37Rv) and two attenuated strains (M. tuberculosis H37Ra and M. bovis Bacillus Calmette-Guerin [BCG]) were studied in the lungs, livers, spleens, and kidneys of severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice and of their coisogenic CB-17 immunocompetent counterparts. It was found, in keeping with the findings of earlier investigators (Pierce, C. H., R. J. Dubos, and W. B. Schaefer. 1953. J. Exp. Med. 97:189.), that in immunocompetent mice, virulent organisms grew progressively only in the lungs, whereas the growth of attenuated organisms was controlled in all organs. In SCID mice, in contrast, virulent mycobacteria grew rapidly and progressively in all organs, as did BCG, although at a slower rate. However, H37Ra failed to grow progressively in any organs of SCID mice, unless the mice were treated with hydrocortisone. In fact, hydrocortisone treatment enabled virulent, as well as attenuated, organisms to grow strikingly more rapidly in all organs of SCID mice and in all organs of CB-17 mice. A histological study showed that in SCID mice, multiplication of mycobacteria in the liver occurs in the cytoplasm of macrophages in granulomas and presumably in macrophages in other organs. It is suggested, therefore, that the macrophages of SCID mice possess a glucocorticoid-sensitive mycobacterial mechanism that prevents virulent and avirulent mycobacteria from expressing their true minimal doubling times. In the absence of this mechanism in the lungs of hydrocortisone-treated SCID mice, the doubling times of Erdman, H37Rv, BCG, and H37Ra were 17.7, 17.4, 44.6, and 98.6 h, respectively. The possible importance of a rapid multiplication rate for mycobacterial virulence is discussed.

1991 ◽  
Vol 116 (3) ◽  
pp. 585-589 ◽  
Antonio Figueira ◽  
Anna Whipkey ◽  
Jules Janick

Axillary shoots of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.), induced in vitro with cytokinins (BA or TDZ), elongated and produced leaves only in the presence of cotyledons and/or roots. Detached axillary shoots, which do not grow in `vitro under conventional tissue culture protocols, rooted with auxin and developed normally in vivo. Detached axillary shoots from cotyledonary nodes and single-node cuttings from mature plants were induced to elongate and produce normal leaves in the presence of 20,000 ppm CO2 and a photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) of 150 to 200 μmol·s-1·m-2. Subculture nodal cuttings continued to elongate and produce leaves under elevated CO2 and light levels, and some formed roots. Subculture of microcuttings under CO2 enrichment could be the basis for a rapid system of micropropagation for cacao. Chemical names used: N -(phenylmethyl) -1 H -purin-6-amine (BA); 1 H -indole-3-butyric `acid (IBA); α -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA); thidiazuron (TDZ).

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