2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 27-35
Ekaterina A. Lukinova ◽  
Elena A. Kotenkova ◽  
Ekaterina K. Polischuk

This article highlights the problem of the use of chemical preservatives in the food industry. The prospects of implementation natural substances with an antimicrobial effect for prolonging shelf life and improving the quality of food products are also discussed. Methods for isolating of antimicrobial substances from epithelial and mucous tissues of animal origin are proposed, taking into account the minimization of losses of their biological activity in accordance with the structure of protein-peptide molecules. Based on the results of the determination of antimicrobial activity against Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa using flow cytometry, stains Eva Green and PI, the most promising raw materials were determined and the feasibility of using weakly acid extraction followed by trypsinolysis for releasing antimicrobial substances from preprotein molecules and ultrafiltration for purification from high-molecular compounds were investigated.

E A Azhmuldinov ◽  
M G Titov ◽  
M A Kizaev ◽  
D M Muslumova

N. I. Kulmakova ◽  
T. A. Magomadov ◽  
N. M. Kostomakhin ◽  
M. N. Dmitrieva ◽  
H. Saleh

The quality of raw materials and goods of animal origin depends first of all on the safety of feed, their balance in terms of the main nutrients and digestibility by the body. As a rule, the lower the quality and safety of feed, the lower the productivity of all types of animals and poultry. The quality of feed is influenced by all stages of their production: growing conditions, harvesting and storage, processing technologies, canning and preparation for feeding. Where high-quality feed is used in diets, maximum productivity and high realization of the genetic potential of animals are obtained. During the storage and processing of plant and animal raw materials its physic and mechanical, biochemical, sanitary and microbiological properties change. This can be avoided only by observing the sanitary and hygienic requirements for bagging, harvesting, and storing feed. The quality of feed is confirmed by its physical, chemical, organoleptic, microbiological and other indicators, which determines the variety of feed control methods at all stages of their turnover. In this connection, the development and strengthening of control over the quality and safety of feed and feed additives is one of the important tasks of modern animal feeding science. The purpose of the work was to carried out a comparative assessment of four samples of the starting compound feed SK-3 for piglets of different producers. The experimental part of the work has been carried out in the laboratory of veterinary expertise at the compound feed plant LLC “Athens-Volga”. For the study of compound feed an average sample was taken from each sample, separating from the combined sample using a hand scoop according to Federal standard 13496.0-2016. Methods of sampling. Quality and safety control was carried out according to organoleptic, physic and chemical, microbiological indicators and the content of mycotoxins in compound feed. Monitoring of compound feed of the compared samples of the starting compound feed for piglets SK-3 according to the studied indicators has shown that all samples meet the sanitary and hygienic requirements of Federal standard of our country.

2012 ◽  
pp. 153-155
József Fenyvessy

The relationship between the civilisation illnesses and incorrect nutrition can be considered as demonstrated. The functional foods having one or several nutritional- biological advantage can contribute to the healthy nutrition and to improving the quality of life. Beside the healthy nutrition it is an another important requirement that the food does not contain pathogens or substances of chemical and biological origin namely it has to be safe. In this publication the foods of animal origin were investigated in the point of view of public health hazards arising during their production and processing.The contamination and infection of food raw materials, the consequence of chemical substances getting in or developing it the food, the judgement of food deviring from genetically modified or cloned animals are discussed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 104-113
O. P. Deryugina ◽  
E. A. Trapeznikov

The article discusses the issue of industrial compounding, which improves the quality of the raw materials supplied to the main pipelines. Compounding from "to compound" (English) - to mix. When mixing different types of oil obtained, "incompatibility" is possible, which is expressed in the precipitation of a solid sediment and violation of the stability of the colloidal system and due to the differing properties of oils. Attention to this problem is due to the tightening of requirements for the quality of raw materials that must comply with modern standards. The article discusses the causes of the problem of "incompatibility" of oil during compounding and effective ways of solving it, substantiates the need for a preliminary study of the properties of mixed oil in order to identify possible incompatibility of various types of oil. The standard tests for determination of incompatibility indices characterizing the ability of raw materials to mix are considered. The article substantiates the need to develop methods for diagnosing the incompatibility of oils as the most important task of modern chemical science, the solution of which will improve the quality of the raw material obtained and solve many technological problems in the compounding process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 166 ◽  
pp. 02004
Volodymyr Peregudov ◽  
Ihor Hryhoriev ◽  
Serhii Joukov ◽  
Yulian Hryhoriev

Further development of the open mining works on the domestic enterprises will be accompanied by the worsening of mining-geological conditions and declining of the quality of iron ore raw materials. In the same time, the accumulated mining wastes, that can make the technogenic deposits, pass into one of the important sources of the mineral raw materials. Taking into account this thing, the development and implementation of the modern technological circuits of the technogenic deposit development is an actual calling for mining industry, and determination and optimization of process conditions of the technogenic deposit development – is the scientific task of this publication. The obtained results of studies of the optimum step value of the ore chute transfer during the technogenic deposit development can be used by design organizations and mining enterprises for designing works. The obtained methodology and the proposed mathematical dependencies will reduce the cost of mining of the technogenic deposit due to the reasonable timely transfer of the open ore chute.

2020 ◽  
Vol 99 (11) ◽  
pp. 1308-1314
Irina V. May ◽  
Svetlana A. Vekovshinina ◽  
Svetlana V. Kleyn ◽  
Nadejda V. Nikiforova

Introduction. In conditions of the high density of urban development, efficient use of municipal lands is of particular relevance. Food production facilities make up a significant sector of many cities’ economy, including centers of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemistry, petrochemistry, mining, etc., i.e., settlements where significant areas are limited in use by sanitary protection zones. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2018, No. However, such a justification is a scientific and methodological problem since there is no regulatory consolidation of the procedure. The purpose of the study was to develop and practically test methodological approaches to justification the admissibility (inadmissibility) of placing a food production facility in the sanitary protection zone of enterprises in other line of the industry. Material and methods. Design and technical documentation were studied on sources of data on air quality at the industrial site and indoors, and the quality of food products. Authors performed hygienic assessment of the safety and quality of air, raw materials, water, and manufactured food products for compliance with sanitary requirements and standards. When analyzing potential threats to contamination of food products, a mechanism was used to isolate critical points of the technological process. Results. An algorithm for the formation of the evidence base of the absence (presence) of the negative impact on food quality, the fact of the location of the production facility in the sanitary protection zone of a large industrial enterprise on the quality of food products is proposed. On the example of the production of juices from natural concentrated products, each step of the algorithm has been worked out: analysis of the technological process of production; hazard identification, instrumental measurements of the quality of environmental objects and raw materials and products. Conclusion. The proposed algorithm allows creating a reliable evidence base for deciding on the admissibility (inadmissibility) of the location of the food production facility in the sanitary protection zone of the enterprise with a different type of activity, tested in real conditions of a large industrial unit. The algorithm can be used as a base for the widespread use and further improvement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (1) ◽  
pp. 179-187
Anastasia Kozhemayko ◽  
Irina Sergeeva ◽  
Irina Dolgolyuk

Introduction. With the development of the food and processing industry, the matter of environmental pollution is becoming more and more acute. Environmental protection is based on the principle of rational use of natural resources and sustainable technology. Vegetable pomace is a secondary raw material; its amount depends on the production technology and equipment. The observed positive trend in the gross harvest of vegetables in open ground can increase the number of vegetable processing enterprises and the capacity of existing enterprises. Eventually, waste will start accumulating at processing sites, and it will have to be used as raw materials. The present paper features the content of biologically active substances in pomace of carrots and beets grown on the territory of the Siberian region and introduces options for their further use in functional foods. Study objects and methods. The research featured carrot pomace of the varieties Losinoostrovskaya, Nantskaya, and Queen of Autumn, as well as beet pomace of varieties Cylinder and Bordeaux. All the samples were harvested in the Kemerovo region in 2019. Determination of physical and chemical parameters was carried out using standard methods. Carotenoids, flavonoids, β-cyanine were studied using spectrometry and photocolorimetric method. Results and discussion. The experiment featured the content of bioactive substances in pomace of carrots and beets obtained during industrial processing. The content of carotenoids in carrots (mg of β-carotene per 100 g of dry weight): for Losinoostrovskaya variety – 23.56 ± 0.23; Nantskaya – 25.32 ± 0.18; Queen of Autumn – 20.78 ± 0.25. Flavonoid content (mg of catechol equivalent per 100 g of dry weight): Losinoostrovskaya – 12.02 ± 0.37; Nantskaya – 13.45 ± 0.56; Queen of Autumn – 11.50 ± 0.48. The content of β-cyanine in beets (mg per 100 g of dry weight): Cylinder – 100.0 ± 8.5; Bordeaux – 35.0 ± 1.8. The nutritional value of carrot and beet pomace with a mass fraction of moisture was 10%. The nutritional value of vegetable pomace is due to the high content of dietary fiber; therefore, the raw materials can be considered for functional food production. The content of biologically active substances in vegetable pomace (flavonoids, carotenoids, β-cyanines) can enhance the functional orientation of this secondary raw material when used in food technologies for the production of food of high nutritional value. Conclusion. The results obtained will make it possible to use the biochemical potential of plant raw materials in many aspects, as well as to obtain new functional food products, thereby expanding the range of healthy foods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3(59)) ◽  
pp. 46-49
Kateryna Kasabova ◽  
Nataliа Shmatchenko ◽  
Aleksey Zagorulko ◽  
Andreii Zahorulko

The object of research in this work is the technology of pastille with the addition of multicomponent fruit and berry paste. Pastille are becoming more and more popular in the world for all segments of the population. Usually, the main ingredients for their manufacture are fruit raw materials, a structurant and egg white, therefore, the products contain practically no fat and have a low calorie content. It is proposed to replace 75 % of traditional applesauce in the recipe with a multicomponent fruit and berry paste made from apples, cranberries, hawthorn. It was found that such a composition makes it possible to obtain products with an increased content of pectin substances, ascorbic acid, polyphenols, including anthocyanins, catechins and flavonols. The work is aimed at studying the application of the principles of qualimetry to determine a complex indicator of the quality of pastille For this, the organoleptic and physicochemical indicators of the quality of the developed pastille were taken from previous studies and the chemical composition was determined and the content of biologically active substances was calculated relative to the average daily human need. The content of pectin substances in new products increases 1.7 times and satisfies the average daily human need by 18.2 %. The content of ascorbic acid is 4.2 times higher, which is 20.5 % of the average daily human need, and polyphenols 3.2 times higher – 579.0 %. The data obtained make it possible to consider the developed product functional. The next step was to determine the complex indicator of products by the qualimetric method. For a more complete disclosure of product properties, a structure of pastille quality indicators has been developed – a «tree of properties». Thus, the comprehensive assessment of the quality of the control sample corresponds to the indicator «good» (0.66), while the integrated assessment of pastille with multicomponent paste corresponds to the indicator «very good» (0.98). On the basis of organoleptic, physicochemical indicators and chemical composition of products, it was established that the indicator of a comprehensive assessment of the quality of a pastille with a multicomponent paste, taking into account all group indicators, is 48 % higher compared to the control.

2020 ◽  
Iryna Kovalchuk

It is well-known that melliferous bees are the most sensitive indicators of ecologic conditions of natural environment. Researches in recent years show that bees and bee products can accumulate selectively some heavy metals, radioactive substances, pesticides and other polluters. Scales of heavy metals accumulation on the territory of Ukraine, as toxins of technologic origin unfortunately increase. Environmental pollution by heavy metals leads to their accumulation in plant and animal raw materials and production, consequently their quality decreases. It was proved that apiary accommodation in heavy metal polluted territories leads to their accumulation in pollen, honey bee-comb and wax. But the questions concerning study of peculiarities of sources, ways of pollution and heavy metals content in bee products are not enough lightened, and that was the purpose of our work. Generalized we present in literature information and results of our researches about the use of bees and bee products in quality of bioindicator contamination of environment by heavy metals. Dependence of content of heavy metals is set in the organism of bees in relation intensity of greening to contamination of environment. It is marked on the necessity of lead through of systems research in relation to determination of content of heavy metals in fabrics of bees and bee products with the purpose of search of new methodological approaches for authentication these toxicant of objective environment of contamination and him apimonitoring. Methodological elements of the researches of regularities of heavy metals and lipids content in the tissues of different anatomic sections of the organism and bee products were elaborated.

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