scholarly journals Normal Modes of the Shallow Water Equations for Zonal Wavenumber Zero

1983 ◽  
Vol 61 (4) ◽  
pp. 479-494 ◽  
Yosuke Shigehisa
1987 ◽  
Vol 183 ◽  
pp. 343-363 ◽  
P. Ripa

The one-layer reduced gravity (or ‘shallow water’) equations in the f-plane have solutions such that the active layer is horizontally bounded by an ellipse that rotates steadily. In a frame where the height contours are stationary, fluid particles move along similar ellipses with the same revolution period. Both motions (translation along an elliptical path and precession of that orbit) are anticyclonic and their frequencies are not independent; a Rossby number (R0) based on the combination of both of them is bounded by unity. These solutions may be taken, with some optimism, as a model of ocean warm eddies; their stability is studied here for all values of R0 and of the ellipse eccentricity (these two parameters determine uniquely the properties of the solution).Sufficient stability conditions are derived from the integrals of motion; f-plane flows that satisfy them must be either axisymmetric or parallel. For the model vortex, the circular case simply corresponds to a solid-body rotation, and is found to be stable to finite-amplitude perturbations for all values of R0. This includes R0 > ½, which implies an anticyclonic absolute vorticity.The stability of the truly elliptical cases are studied in the normal modes sense. The height perturbation is an n-order polynomial of the horizontal coordinates; the cases for 0 ≤ n ≤ 6 are analysed, for all possible values of the Rossby number and of the eccentricity. All eddies are stable to perturbations with n ≤ 2. (A property of the shallow-water equations, probably related to the last result, is that a general finite-amplitude n-order field is an exact nonlinear solution for n ≤ 2.) Many vortices - noticeably the more eccentric ones - are unstable to perturbations with n ≥ 3; growth rates are O(R02f) where f is the Coriolis parameter.

Xiao-Hua Zhu ◽  
Xiao-Hua Zhu ◽  
Ze-Nan Zhu ◽  
Ze-Nan Zhu ◽  
Xinyu Guo ◽  

A coastal acoustic tomography (CAT) experiment for mapping the tidal currents in the Zhitouyang Bay was successfully carried out with seven acoustic stations during July 12 to 13, 2009. The horizontal distributions of tidal current in the tomography domain are calculated by the inverse analysis in which the travel time differences for sound traveling reciprocally are used as data. Spatial mean amplitude ratios M2 : M4 : M6 are 1.00 : 0.15 : 0.11. The shallow-water equations are used to analyze the generation mechanisms of M4 and M6. In the deep area, velocity amplitudes of M4 measured by CAT agree well with those of M4 predicted by the advection terms in the shallow water equations, indicating that M4 in the deep area where water depths are larger than 60 m is predominantly generated by the advection terms. M6 measured by CAT and M6 predicted by the nonlinear quadratic bottom friction terms agree well in the area where water depths are less than 20 m, indicating that friction mechanisms are predominant for generating M6 in the shallow area. Dynamic analysis of the residual currents using the tidally averaged momentum equation shows that spatial mean values of the horizontal pressure gradient due to residual sea level and of the advection of residual currents together contribute about 75% of the spatial mean values of the advection by the tidal currents, indicating that residual currents in this bay are induced mainly by the nonlinear effects of tidal currents.

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (6) ◽  
pp. 355-366
Vladimir V. Shashkin ◽  
Gordey S. Goyman

AbstractThis paper proposes the combination of matrix exponential method with the semi-Lagrangian approach for the time integration of shallow water equations on the sphere. The second order accuracy of the developed scheme is shown. Exponential semi-Lagrangian scheme in the combination with spatial approximation on the cubed-sphere grid is verified using the standard test problems for shallow water models. The developed scheme is as good as the conventional semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian scheme in accuracy of slowly varying flow component reproduction and significantly better in the reproduction of the fast inertia-gravity waves. The accuracy of inertia-gravity waves reproduction is close to that of the explicit time-integration scheme. The computational efficiency of the proposed exponential semi-Lagrangian scheme is somewhat lower than the efficiency of semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian scheme, but significantly higher than the efficiency of explicit, semi-implicit, and exponential Eulerian schemes.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (16) ◽  
pp. 2152
Gonzalo García-Alén ◽  
Olalla García-Fonte ◽  
Luis Cea ◽  
Luís Pena ◽  
Jerónimo Puertas

2D models based on the shallow water equations are widely used in river hydraulics. However, these models can present deficiencies in those cases in which their intrinsic hypotheses are not fulfilled. One of these cases is in the presence of weirs. In this work we present an experimental dataset including 194 experiments in nine different weirs. The experimental data are compared to the numerical results obtained with a 2D shallow water model in order to quantify the discrepancies that exist due to the non-fulfillment of the hydrostatic pressure hypotheses. The experimental dataset presented can be used for the validation of other modelling approaches.

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