scholarly journals Estimate of Efficiency of Class and Learning Activities based on Criterion-Oriented Testing

Irina Sokolova ◽  
Olga Spirina

The research featured the views of the teaching staff of a military engineering university about didactic testing and diagnostics. It included a survey of students' learning motivation based on the achievement goal theory. The military students proved to be oriented towards improving their skills and getting new knowledge in order to achieve professional and personal growth. The article introduces a criterion-oriented estimate of efficiency methods that can be used to assess class activities and communicative interaction between the teacher and the student. The modeling process was illustrated using the mathematical formalization method. The authors believe that criterion-oriented testing can help to verify teachers' achievements. The article justifies the need to develop new criterion-oriented methodologies for identifying teachers' performance and offers a detailed algorithm that can be used in future research and verification of professional achievements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 97 ◽  
pp. 01035
Aleksandra Yurievna Sergienko ◽  
Irina Ivanovna Sokolova ◽  
Olga Sergeevna Spirina

The article presents the results of empirical research on perception of teachers from military engineering university about the features of didactic testing and on methodologies of diagnostics used by experienced and young teachers. It also presents the results of the survey on students’ learning motivation according to the achievement goal theory. Students have been identified as being oriented towards mastery goal, and concentrate on getting new knowledge and skills that lead to professional and personal growth. It has been proved possible to develop methods for determining the effectiveness of pedagogical action and communicative interaction between the teacher and the student using didactical criterion- oriented testing. One of the goals is to assess teacher’s performance as a factor influencing students’ cognitive activity, their results and motivation. The method of formalization by mathematical means of the modeling process and representation of criterion-oriented testing results as a communicative task of interaction between the teacher and the student is described. Prospects for use of theoretical bases, ideas and methods of educational evaluation in criterion-oriented testing and in verifying teachers’ achievements are discussed.

2019 ◽  
pp. 134-197
V.E. . Sergei

The article is dedicated to the history of the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineering and Signal Corps. The author examines the main stages of the museums formation, starting with the foundation of the Arsenal, established in St. Petersburg at the orders of Peter the Great on August 29th 1703 for the safekeeping and preservation of memory, for eternal glory of unique arms and military trophies. In 1756, on the base of the Arsenals collection, the General Inspector of Artillery Count P.I. created the Memorial Hall, set up at the Arsenal, on St. Petersburgs Liteyny Avenue. By the end of the 18th century the collection included over 6,000 exhibits. In 1868 the Memorial Hall was transferred to the New Arsenal, at the Crownwork of the Petropavlovsky Fortress, and renamed the Artillery Museum (since 1903 the Artillery Historical Museum). A large part of the credit for the development and popularization of the collection must be given to the historian N.E. Brandenburg, the man rightly considered the founder of Russias military museums, who was the chief curator from 1872 to 1903. During the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars a significant part of the museums holdings were evacuated to Yaroslavl and Novosibirsk. Thanks to the undying devotion of the museums staff, it not only survived, but increased its collection. In the 1960s over 100,000 exhibits were transferred from the holdings of the Central Historical Museum of Military Engineering and the Military Signal Corps Museum. In 1991 the collection also received the entire Museum of General Field Marshal M.I. Kutuzov, transferred from the Polish town of Bolesawjec. The Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineering and Signal Coprs is now one of the largest museums of military history in the world. It holds an invaluable collection of artillery and ammunition, of firearms and cold steel arms, military engineering and signal technology, military banners, uniforms, a rich collection of paintings and graphic works, orders and medals, as well as extensive archives, all dedicated to the history of Russian artillery and the feats of our nations defenders.Статья посвящена истории создания ВоенноИсторического музея артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связи. Автор рассматривает основные этапы становления музея, начиная с основания Арсенала, созданного в СанктПетербурге по приказу Петра I 29 августа 1703 года для хранения и сохранения памяти, во имя вечной славы уникального оружия и военных трофеев. В 1756 году на базе коллекции Арсенала генеральный инспектор артиллерии граф П. И. создал мемориальный зал, установленный при Арсенале, на Литейном проспекте СанктПетербурга. К концу 18 века коллекция насчитывала более 6000 экспонатов. В 1868 году Мемориальный зал был перенесен в Новый Арсенал, на венец Петропавловской крепости, и переименован в Артиллерийский музей (с 1903 года Артиллерийский Исторический музей). Большая заслуга в развитии и популяризации коллекции принадлежит историку Н.Е. Бранденбургу, человеку, по праву считавшемуся основателем российских военных музеев, который был главным хранителем с 1872 по 1903 год. В годы Гражданской и Великой Отечественной войн значительная часть фондов музея была эвакуирована в Ярославль и Новосибирск. Благодаря неусыпной преданности сотрудников музея, он не только сохранился, но и пополнил свою коллекцию. В 1960х годах более 100 000 экспонатов были переданы из фондов Центрального исторического военноинженерного музея и Музея войск связи. В 1991 году коллекцию также получил весь музей генералфельдмаршала М. И. Кутузова, переданный из польского города Болеславец. Военноисторический музей артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связи в настоящее время является одним из крупнейших музеев военной истории в мире. Здесь хранится бесценная коллекция артиллерии и боеприпасов, огнестрельного и холодного оружия, военной техники и сигнальной техники, военных знамен, обмундирования, богатая коллекция живописных и графических работ, орденов и медалей, а также обширные архивы, посвященные истории русской артиллерии и подвигам защитников нашего народа.

Leana A. Bouffard ◽  
Haerim Jin

This chapter provides an overview of the literature examining the role of religion and military service in the desistance process. It also identifies outstanding issues and directions for future research. It first presents an overview of research examining the role of religion in desistance and highlights measurement issues, potential intervening mechanisms, and a consideration of faith-based programs as criminal justice policy. Next, this chapter covers the relationship between military service and offending patterns, including period effects that explain variation in the relationship, selection effects, and the incorporation of military factors in criminal justice policy and programming. The chapter concludes by highlighting general conclusions from these two bodies of research and questions to be considered in future research.

Susanne Scheibe ◽  
Ute Kunzmann ◽  
Paul B. Baltes

In search for concepts that help understand how individuals strive for growth and perfection within the boundaries and constraints of human lives, we describe theory and research on the concepts of wisdom, or expert knowledge about human nature and the life course, and Sehnsucht (life longings), the recurring and strong desire for ideal (utopian), alternative states and expressions of life. Both represent relatively new concepts on the agenda of lifespan research, originating from an interest in identifying major topics of public and humanist discourse about the potentials and constraints of life-span development and finding ways to measure them with the methods of normative psychological science. Despite their complexity and multiple meanings, progress has been made in the theory-driven operationalization of wisdom and life longings, allowing new insights into their ontogenesis and role for positive development. Emerging research shows that wisdom and life longings do not directly promote a hedonic life orientation or happiness: neither the insight that life is incomplete (wisdom) nor the experience of this incompleteness (life longings) is compatible with feelings of unequivocal joy and pleasure. Yet, there is emerging evidence that they contribute to other aspects of positive development, emphasizing personal growth, meaning, and the aligning of one's own and other's well-being. We suggest that future research should focus on the links of wisdom and life longings with multiple developmental outcomes and the possible interplay of both concepts in promoting positive development.

Piotr Michoń

AbstractThe need for qualitative research of deservingness perception is strongly emphasised in the literature. This article studies the perception of deservingness for a "Family 500 +"—cash benefit in Poland. For the first time, data from online forums was used in the studies of deservingness and welfare attitudes. It allowed to avoid numerous limitations associated with social surveys. The qualitative analysis showed how participants of Internet debates perceive the criteria of deservingness: control, attitude, reciprocity, identity, need, and what are the relations between the criteria. The impurity of all deservingness criteria was indicated and a new criterion “adequacy” was proposed. Moreover due to the fact that the study concerned a concrete, non-abstract family cash benefit addressed the relationship between the perceived deservingness of children and their parents was pointed out. The vast majority of posts on Internet forums referred to deservingness of parents, not children. This is particularly evident in relation to the criteria of control and reciprocity. Presenting the hypothesis of jealousy and scapegoat strategy, the article also shows the direction of future research on deservingness.

Denis S. Lapay

The study is devoted to the Moscow Military Railway School activities in the command and control staff qualifying for the Special Corps of Railway Troops during its existence from 1932 to 1941. The relevance of the research is due to the lack of the issues of construction and training studies of the Special Railway Corps military personnel and the little studied aspects of command and control staff training in the Moscow Military Railway School during the period of Russian historiography. Factor analysis of justification of Railway School foundation historical necessity is carried out. We reveal the main activities of the military authorities, management and teaching staff of the school to train specialists for the Railway troops of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army. The experience of deploying the material and training base of the military school within a limited time frame is analyzed. The specificities of the school’s variable staffing system are also noted. The background for the school establishment discontinuing is analyzed, and the conclusion is drawn that this reorganization in March 1941 on the eve of the Great Patriotic War is unjustified, as well as the need to restore historical memory of the school.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-57
Iitáa Dáakuash ◽  
Alma McCormick ◽  
Shannen Keene ◽  
John Hallett ◽  
Suzanne Held

Chronic illness self-management best practices include goal-setting as an important tool for developing better self-management habits and are often included as elements of chronic disease self-management interventions. However, the goal theory that many of these tools employ relies on individualistic principles of self-efficacy that are not culturally consonant within many Indigenous communities. During the creation of the [blinded] program, a chronic illness management intervention, we developed a goal-setting tool specific to the [blinded] Nation. Emerging from an Indigenous paradigm and methodology, Counting Coup serves as a goal-setting tool that promotes the [blinded] culture, connects individuals with their ancestors, and focuses on achievement of goals within relationships. Future research and practice should be grounded in the historical and cultural contexts of their communities when designing and implementing goal-setting tools. Limitations to Counting Coup as a goal-setting tool include the need for program facilitators to have a relationship with participants due to Counting Coup’s foundation in relational accountability and that the environmental context may pose difficulties for participants in moving towards behavior change.

2020 ◽  
Pauline Barbeau ◽  
Alan Michaud ◽  
Candyce Hamel ◽  
Danielle Rice ◽  
Becky Skidmore ◽  

ABSTRACT Introduction Musculoskeletal injuries (MSKi) are a common challenge for those in military careers. Compared to their male peers, reports indicate that female military members and recruits are at greater risk of suffering MSKi during training and deployment. The objectives of this study were to identify the types and causes of MSKi among female military personnel and to explore the various risk factors associated with MSKi. Materials and Methods A scoping review was conducted over a 4-month time frame of English language, peer-reviewed studies published from 1946 to 2019. Search strategies for major biomedical databases (e.g., MEDLINE; Embase Classic + Embase; and the following EBM Reviews—Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, Health Technology Assessment, and the NHS Economic Evaluation Database) were developed by a senior medical information specialist and included 2,891 titles/abstracts. Study selection and data collection were designed according to the Population, Concept, and Context framework. Studies were included if the study population provided stratified data for females in a military context. Results From a total of 2,287 citations captured from the literature searches, 168 peer-reviewed publications (144 unique studies) were eligible for inclusion. Studies were identified from across 10 countries and published between 1977 and 2019. Study designs were primarily prospective and retrospective cohorts. Most studies assessed both prevalence/incidence and risk factors for MSKi (62.50%), with few studies assessing cause (13.69%). For MSKi of female recruits compared to active female members, the prevalence was higher (19.7%-58.3% vs. 5.5%-56.6%), but the incidence (0.02%-57.7% vs. 13.5%-71.9%) was lower. The incidence of stress fractures was found to be much higher in female recruits than in active members (1.6%-23.9% vs. 2.7%). For anthropometric risk factors, increased body fat was a predictor of MSKi, but not stress fractures. For physiological risk factors for both female military groups, being less physically fit, later menarche, and having no/irregular menses were predictors of MSKi and stress fractures. For biomechanical risk factors, among female recruits, longer tibial length and femoral neck diameter increased the risk of stress fractures, and low foot arch increased risk of an ankle sprain. For female active military members, differences in shoulder rotation and bone strength were associated with risk of MSKi. For biological sex, being female compared to male was associated with an increased risk of MSKi, stress fractures, and general injuries. The consequences of experiencing MSKi for active military included limited duties, time off, and discharge. For recruits, these included missed training days, limited duty days, and release. Conclusions This scoping review provides insight into the current state of the evidence regarding the types and causes of MSKi, as well as the factors that influence MSKi among females in the military. Future research endeavors should focus on randomized controlled trials examining training paradigms to see if women are more susceptible. The data presented in the scoping review could potentially be used to develop training strategies to mitigate some of the identified barriers that negatively impact women from pursuing careers in the military.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 15-24
Denis S. Lapay

The article deals with the training of commanding (technical) staff at schools of military railway technicians’ during the period of military staff training system foundation for the Red Army railway troops in the first half of the 1920s. Topicality of the study is caused by insufficient research of training problems of Red Army railway painter technicians throughout the days of the Civil War ending, the military reform of the 1920s, reorganisation of system of military professional education and stabilisation of a staff contingent. The article reveals the primary activities of the military administration, managing and teaching staff of military railway technicians’ schools in the interests of training technical specialists for the Red Army railway troops. An analysis is made of the disbandment background of mentioned military educational institutions, as well as of the countermeasures taken to preserve them. The finding is about the unreasonableness of the total abolition of military-railway technicians’ schools with the transfer of training junior technical personnel functions directly to the units of railway troops in the format of regimental schools. A brief generalised comparison is made of the Red Army technicians’ historical experience versus the modern training system of junior specialists and technicians of railway troops.

10.28945/3863 ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
pp. 167-184 ◽  
Smadar Bar-Tal ◽  
Christa S. C. Asterhan

Aim/Purpose: The present study aims to describe existing peer-to-peer, social network-based sharing practices among adult students in teacher colleges. Background: Ubiquitous social network sites open up a wide array of possibilities for peer-to-peer information and knowledge sharing. College instructors are often unaware of such practices that happen behind the scenes. Methodology: An interpretative, qualitative research methodology was used. Thirty-seven Israeli students at a teacher college in Israel participated in either focus group discussions of (N = 29) or in-depth interviews (N = 8). Contribution: Whereas knowledge sharing has been a main focus of research in organizational and information sciences, its relevance to educational settings has thus far been underscored. Recent research shows that peer–to-peer knowledge sharing is wide-spread among teenage students. The current study extends that work to an adult student population. Findings: The findings show that knowledge sharing of this type is a common and even central feature of students’ college life and study behavior. It takes place through a variety of small and larger social network-based peer groups of different formations, including mostly college students but at time also practicing, experienced teachers. Sharing groups are formed on the spot for short term purposes or are stable, continuous over longer time periods. The contents shared are predominantly lesson summaries, material for exams, reading summaries, and lesson plans. They are used immediately or stored for future use, as students have access to vast data bases of stored materials that have been compiled throughout the years by students of previous cohorts. Teacher students mentioned a range of reasons for sharing, and overall regard it very positive. However, some downsides were also acknowledged (i.e., superficial learning, exclusion, attentional overload, and interruptions). Recommendations for Practitioners: College faculty and teaching staff should be cognizant and informed about these widespread peer-based knowledge sharing practices and consider whether perhaps changes in teaching formats and task assignments are required as a result. Future Research: Future research should extend this work to other higher education settings, cultures and countries, and should map the perceptions of higher education teaching staff about peer-to-peer, online knowledge sharing.

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