scholarly journals Secondary Low-Level Waste Treatment Strategy Analysis

1999 ◽  
D.M. LaRue
2015 ◽  
J. D. Vienna ◽  
E. D. Collins ◽  
J. V. Crum ◽  
W. L. Ebert ◽  
S. M. Frank ◽  

Andrew Craze ◽  
Pete Davis ◽  
Matthew Clark

NDA is delivering a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) to underpin the UK Nuclear Industry Low Level Waste Strategy. The purpose of this assessment is embed sustainability issues into our decision making and to fulfil our requirements under the European Union’s Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive (2004/42/EU) and transposing UK Regulations, and to underpin the development of the strategy. The outputs of the SEA have provided input into particular aspects of the strategy, leading to a more robust and better informed result. Development of options to be assessed under the SEA has looked at a number of factors, including: • what the strategy is aiming to achieve; • expectation from stakeholders as to what should be addressed; • consideration of tactical approaches to implementation of the strategy in addition to high level strategic issues; • links to other projects and programmes (for example the Environmental Safety Case for the Low Level Waste Repository. The SEA aims to provide a robust assessment of the environmental and sustainability impacts of alternative strategies for providing continued capability and capacity for the management and disposal of LLW in the UK. The assessment also considers other, more tactical, issues around implementation of the strategy, for example: issues around the location of LLW management facilities; the environmental impacts of alternative waste treatment options (metal recycling etc); considerations of alternative approaches to the classification of radioactive waste and opportunities that would result. Critical to the development of the SEA has been the involvement of statutory and non-statutory stakeholders, who have informed both the output and the approach taken.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 23
Wenxian Dai

<p><strong>Objective: </strong>Related factors and treatment strategies of premature rupture of membranes (PROM) were discussed. <strong>Method: </strong>Retrospective analysis of 182 cases of preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) from Yanshan County Hospital from January 2010 to October 2015. <strong>Results</strong><strong>: </strong>From the 182 cases [123 vaginal delivery and 59 cesarean section (C-section)], there were 79.12% PROM cases were detected in the presence of risk factors. Neonatal mortality and complications were significantly higher at 28−33 + 6 weeks of pregnancy than those at 34−36 + 6 weeks, 28−33 + 6 weeks, and 34−36 + 6 weeks. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>In order to improve the survival rate of newborns, the related factors leading to PPROM should be treated.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-144
Ake Wihadanto ◽  
Baba Barus ◽  
Noer Azam Achsani ◽  
Deddy S. Bratakusumah

An unexpected growth of slum settlement has been happening in most of Indonesian cities. “Kampung Braga” is one of the slum areas located in one of strategic areas in the centre of Bandung city. It is an enclave that lies along the side of Cikapundung river and surrounded by the tourism area. This research analyzed characteristics and untidiness level of “Kampung Braga”. The untidiness level assessment was based on dimensions (aspects) stated by Minister of Public Works and Housing’s Regulation no. 02/PRT/M/2016 regarding housing and slum area quality development: (1) building; (2) surrounding road; (3) water; (4) drainage; (5) waste management; (6) trash management; and (7) fire security. This research also formulated composite index that can be used in area quality assessment. The index consists of the following aspects or indicators: (1) The buildings’ density; (2) people’s density per lot; (3) availability of infrastructures and utilities; (4) availability of open public space; (5) inexpediency to area’s spatial planning; and (6) lot’s ownership. The index was determined or calculated based on weighted average of those indicators. The results show that(1) most of the residents are small (low scale) entrepreneurs in trading, with low level of education and income; (2)most of the buildings are under 45 m2, occupied by 8 people (mostly consists of 2 households), lie on high density location, and in improper condition; (3) Low level infrastructures (road, water, waste treatment facility, drainage, and green area); and (4)spatially, the buildings lie irrelarly, and some of those are also located at the bank of Cikapundung river. The overall condition is also reflected in the result of the quantitative assessment that the quality of “Kampung Braga” is categorized as “Very Low” which score of 0.25 (0.00 – 1.00 scale), and “Very High Slum” (score 88).  Therefore, “Kampung Braga” needs to be transformed in order to enhance quality of the area, as well as people’s quality of life.

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