implementation of the strategy
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A. A. Lansberg ◽  
A. V. Vinogradov ◽  
A. V. Vinogradova

THE PURPOSE. Evaluation of the power transformer fleet 6-10/0,23-0,4 kV on the example of a branch of PJSC «Rosseti Center»-«Orelenergo».METHODS. In the work, based on the database of the branch of PJSC «Rosseti Center»-«Orelenergo», an analysis was made of the fleet of power transformers with a higher voltage of 6-10 kV in terms of their number, circuits and groups of connection of windings, rated power, terms of service, as well as energy efficiency classes, taking into account the current standards of the technical organization of PJSC «Rosseti».RESULTS. According to the results of the study, it was revealed that among the transformer fleet of the branch of PJSC «Rosseti Center»-«Orelenergo», the number of which is 6026 units, 4528 (73% of the total number) transformers have a circuit and a group of winding connections Y/Y0. The most numerous are transformers with rated capacities of 63 kVA, 100 kVA, 160 kVA, 250 kVA (respectively 853, 1454, 1252, 802 pieces of equipment). It was also revealed that only 268 transformers out of 6206, i.e. 4.3% of the total amount comply with the standard of PJSC «Rosseti» in terms of modern requirements for the level of energy efficiency class.CONCLUSION. A variant of the strategy for replacing power transformers in the branch of PJSC «Rosseti Center»-«Orelenergo» is proposed, within the framework of which trasformers with a given design, circuit and winding connection group, rated capacities and energy efficiency classes are replaced. The implementation of the strategy proposed in the work will make it possible to reduce total electricity losses by 2.3%, as well as increase the share of energy-efficient transformers from 4.3% to 20.4% in the branch of PJSC «Rosseti Center»-«Orelenergo».

G.V. Shepelev ◽  
N.A. Mironov ◽  
V.M. Sergeev ◽  
I.M. Sergeev

The article presents the results of the analysis of the first stage of the implementation of the Strategy of scientific and technological development on the basis of complex scientific and technological programs/projects of the full innovation cycle, expert support for this process and current changes in the organization of the development of such programs and projects.

Epidemiologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 621-638
Amr ElAteek ◽  
Shimaa A. Heikal ◽  
Ludmila Rozanova ◽  
Antoine Flahault

A key learning lesson from country responses to COVID-19 pandemic was the impact of the strategies that are followed on combating the pandemic. Since the development of different vaccines and their supply globally, most countries have developed their own strategies to effectively provide sufficient doses for their population and start the vaccination process with the best outcomes. In this perspective, we review the African Union vaccination strategy by exploring the implementation of the strategy and its outcomes. We report on the strategy initiatives, vaccines distribution, administration, and the impact on new COVID-19 cases in African countries.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1319-1325
Olga S. Glinskaya ◽  
Raisa V. Kalinicheva ◽  
Ivan A. Chusov ◽  
Elena A. Ozornina ◽  
Irina S. Jararah

2021 ◽  
Vol 103 (11) ◽  
pp. 1-45
Arthur Alexander Blagorodov ◽  
Vladimir Timofeevich Prokhorov ◽  
Pavel Mikhailovich Postnikov ◽  
Galina Yurievna Volkova ◽  


The strategic level of public management of transport infrastructure innovative development is characterized by a high degree of uncertainty in the assessment of the environment, weak formalization of management methods and widespread use of expert assessments and knowledge, multicriteriality in assessing decisions. In order to improve the quality of strategic processes, it is necessary to use decision support systems. Based on the analysis of research, it is determined that decision support systems can overcome the difficulties associated with multicriteria, limited resources and incomplete information. The study identifies three levels of decision support systems, depending on the specifics of the tasks and the technology used. The authors determined the composition of the decision support system, which includes: file accumulation systems; data analysis systems; accounting systems; representative (image) systems; optimization systems; recommendation systems. Based on the existing approaches to the construction of decision support systems and certain procedures of strategic public administration, the article develops a decision support system for the formation and implementation of a strategy for innovative development of transport infrastructure. The authors proposed a system of decision support for the formation and implementation of a strategy for innovative development of transport infrastructure, which includes the consistent implementation of blocks. The study identifies elements of such a system, which include a set of task blocks (goal setting, project proposals, strategic alternatives, motivation, communication, controlling) and tool modules (data, expert evaluation, analytics, modeling). The use of the developed decision support system for the formation and implementation of the strategy of transport infrastructure innovative development allows to increase the quality and validity of strategic decisions and, accordingly, to ensure the possibility of effective implementation of strategic public administration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 94-102
V. V. Pilshchikova ◽  
T. A. Shiltsova ◽  
Yu. A. Vasiliev

The research devoted to providing the population with preferential medicines is quite relevant, since it is a priority area in the framework of state social assistance. The state program of preferential drug provision affects the effective economic development of the domestic pharmaceutical market, the successful overcoming of social risks, prevents a decrease in the standard of living of the population, in particular, it assumes a significant reduction in patient costs for high-tech medical care. The priority state tasks of improving the preferential drug supply for certain categories of citizens until 2025 are defined in the Strategy for drug provision of the population of the Russian Federation. The article presents the regulatory framework for the implementation of the Strategy on the example of the Krasnodar Territory. Analysis at the regional level of preferential drug provision has made it possible to identify some modern trends in financing this area. The dynamics of growth in funding for drug provision to the privileged category of citizens from the federal budget has been revealed on the basis of the obtained data. The analysis of the provision of preferential drugs on a regional scale, proposed in the research, also tends to increase, which undoubtedly improves the condition of patients in a number of nosological forms. The results of the research are presented by a detailed analysis of the dynamics of the number of citizens eligible for state social assistance in terms of drug provision. The proportion of citizens using preferential drug provision over the past several years is stable. An analysis of the financing of preferential drug provision for residents of the region has revealed a tendency for the growth of subventions to municipalities for the implementation of powers to provide the necessary drugs, respectively, the average amount of funds for drug provision of one resident of the region, who has a corresponding benefit, has increased. Moreover, the analysis has revealed an increase in financing of the privileged category of citizens from the regional budget. As a result of the research, a downward trend in preferential drug provision for citizens from other regions has been revealed, which is due to the limited attendance of the region due to the coronavirus infection. The analysis of the provision of drugs to the population by «high-cost nosologies» indicates an increase in the cost of financing them. The results of the analysis of the implementation of the Strategy for drug provision in the Krasnodar Territory have made it possible to identify the effectiveness of financial state support for certain categories of the population.

2021 ◽  
Vol 102 (10) ◽  
pp. 37-75
Artur Alexandrovich Blagorodov ◽  
Danil Sergeevich Shcherbakov ◽  
Yulia Alekseevna Homenko ◽  
Vladimir Timofeevich Prokhorov ◽  

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