scholarly journals Socioeconomic Health Disparities in Canadian Regions

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-95 ◽  
Jalil Safaei

Purpose: Numerous studies have estimated health disparities along socioeconomic dimensions using individual data from sample surveys. Disparities between communities or regions cannot be estimated without a consistent set of individual data across communities. This study uses data at the health region level to estimate the socioeconomic health disparities between health regions in Canada. Methods: Tow measures of income and a measure of education are used for regional socioeconomic ranking along with several health outcomes such as life expectancies, mortality rates, perceived health and obesity. Weighted regressionanalysis is used to estimate the relative inequality index (RII) between Canadian health regions. Results: The findings of the study indicate the existence of health disparities between Canadian health regions along the three socioeconomic markers of average income, median household income and education in favor of regions with higher socioeconomic ranking on those markers. Disparities are more pronounced along the education and average income dimensions, however. Greater inequalities are observed for premature mortality, avoidable mortality and obesity, which are higher for women than men. Conclusion: There are health disparities between Canadian health regions along education and income dimensions. Such disparities signify the role of socioeconomic factors as important instruments in reducing health disparities.

Healthcare ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 1704
Thais Muratori Holanda ◽  
Claudia Alberico ◽  
Leslimar Rios-Colon ◽  
Elena Arthur ◽  
Deepak Kumar

Long-term coronavirus disease 2019 (long-COVID) refers to persistent symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) lingering beyond four weeks of initial infection. Approximately 30% of COVID-19 survivors develop prolonged symptoms. Communities of color are disproportionately affected by comorbidities, increasing the risk of severe COVID-19 and potentially leading to long-COVID. This study aims to identify trends in health disparities related to COVID-19 cases, which can help unveil potential populations at risk for long-COVID. All North Carolina (NC) counties (n = 100) were selected as a case study. Cases and vaccinations per 1000 population were calculated based on the NC Department of Health and Human Services COVID-19 dashboard with reports current as of 8 October 2021, which were stratified by age groups and race/ethnicity. Then, NC COVID-19 cases were correlated to median household income, poverty, population density, and social vulnerability index themes. We observed a negative correlation between cases (p < 0.05) and deaths (p < 0.01) with both income and vaccination status. Moreover, there was a significant positive association between vaccination status and median household income (p < 0.01). Our results highlight the prevailing trend between exacerbated COVID-19 infection and low-income/under-resourced communities. Consequently, efforts and resources should be channeled to these communities to effectively monitor, diagnose, and treat against COVID-19 and potentially prevent an overwhelming number of long-COVID cases.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 340-348 ◽  
Satoshi Kanazawa ◽  
Marie-Therese von Buttlar

Organisms acquire more calories from eating hot food than eating the identical food cold; thus, the widespread use of microwave ovens might have played a small role in the current obesity epidemic, just as the widespread use of refrigerators might have retarded the historic increase in obesity a century ago. Analysis of the British Cohort Study showed that, net of dietary habit, physical activities, genetic predisposition, and other demographic factors, the ownership of a microwave was associated with an increase of .781 in body mass index (BMI) and 2.1 kg in weight (when the ownership of other kitchen appliances was not associated with increased BMI or weight), and it more than doubled the odds of being overweight. In the United States from 1960 to 2015, the adult overweight, obesity, and extreme obesity rates were very highly correlated ( r = .94–.98) with the proportion of households with microwaves, and it was not because both were consequences of increasing wealth. Net of median household income, the proportion of households with microwaves was very strongly ( ds > 1.0) associated with adult overweight, obesity, and extreme obesity rates, while median household income was not at all associated with them. Individual data from the United Kingdom and historical data from the United States highlighted the possible role of the widespread use of microwave ovens in the obesity epidemic.

BMJ Open ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. e029373
Mathew V Kiang ◽  
Nancy Krieger ◽  
Caroline O Buckee ◽  
Jukka Pekka Onnela ◽  
Jarvis T Chen

ObjectiveDecompose the US black/white inequality in premature mortality into shared and group-specific risks to better inform health policy.SettingAll 50 US states and the District of Columbia, 2010 to 2015.ParticipantsA total of 2.85 million non-Hispanic white and 762 639 non-Hispanic black US-resident decedents.Primary and secondary outcome measuresThe race-specific county-level relative risks for US blacks and whites, separately, and the risk ratio between groups.ResultsThere is substantial geographic variation in premature mortality for both groups and the risk ratio between groups. After adjusting for median household income, county-level relative risks ranged from 0.46 to 2.04 (median: 1.03) for whites and from 0.31 to 3.28 (median: 1.15) for blacks. County-level risk ratios (black/white) ranged from 0.33 to 4.56 (median: 1.09). Half of the geographic variation in white premature mortality was shared with blacks, while only 15% of the geographic variation in black premature mortality was shared with whites. Non-Hispanic blacks experience substantial geographic variation in premature mortality that is not shared with whites. Moreover, black-specific geographic variation was not accounted for by median household income.ConclusionUnderstanding geographic variation in mortality is crucial to informing health policy; however, estimating mortality is difficult at small spatial scales or for small subpopulations. Bayesian joint spatial models ameliorate many of these issues and can provide a nuanced decomposition of risk. Using premature mortality as an example application, we show that Bayesian joint spatial models are a powerful tool as researchers grapple with disentangling neighbourhood contextual effects and sociodemographic compositional effects of an area when evaluating health outcomes. Further research is necessary in fully understanding when and how these models can be applied in an epidemiological setting.

Andi Kurniawati

<p>This research was conducted to determine the role of the fisher's wife to increasing household incomes in terms of the type of work and the income earned as well as the contribution of such the revenues to increase household income. The research was conducted in 2016 in Tasikagung village of Rembang Regency. Survey method was used in this study. The selection of respondents used a purposive sampling. The data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that most of the fisher's wife in the Tasikagung Villages has a job as a processing fishery products. Average income of the fisher's wife is Rp. 400.000, -/month. Work performed by the wife and the head of the family in the fisher households have the same characteristics, is highly dependent on the season. Increasing the participation of wife and family members in work is one of the current strategic effort to increase the househods revenue. Business development outside of the fisheries sector is very important because the level of income from the fisheries sector is still low and heavily depend on the<br />season.</p><p><strong>Keywords : Role, Fisher Man Wife, Income, Household</strong></p><p>Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui peran istri nelayan dalam meningkatkan pendapatan rumah tangga menurut jenis pekerjaan yang dilakukan dan pendapatan yang diperoleh serta besarnya sumbangan pendapatan tersebut untuk meningkatkan pendapatan rumah tangga. Penelitian dilakukan pada tahun 2016 di Desa Tasikagung Rembang. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode survei. Pengambilan responden dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar istri nelayan di Desa Tasikagung Rembang memiliki pekerjaan sebagai pengolah produk perikanan . Rerata besarnya nilai pendapatan istri nelayan adalah Rp.400.000,-/bln. Pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh istri dan kepala keluarga dalam rumah tangga nelayan memiliki karakteristik yang sama, sangat tergantung pada musim. Meningkatkan partisipasi istri dan anggota keluarga dalam bekerja merupakan salah satu usaha strategis saat ini untuk meningkatkan pendapatan rumah tangga. Pengembangan usaha diluar sektor perikanan sangat penting dilakukan, mengingat tingkat pendapatan dari sektor perikanan masih rendah karena sangat dipengaruhi oleh musim.</p><p><strong>Kata kunci: Peran, Istri Nelayan, Pendapatan, Rumah tangga</strong></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 135 (6) ◽  
pp. 771-777
Kori Otero ◽  
Leonard A. Mermel

Objectives Health disparities are associated with poor outcomes related to public health. The objective of this study was to assess health disparities associated with influenza infection based on median household income and educational attainment. Methods We geocoded people with documented confirmed influenza infection by home address to identify the US Census 2010 tract in which they lived during 4 influenza surveillance seasons (2013-2014, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, and 2017-2018) in Rhode Island. We dichotomized influenza as severe if the person with influenza infection was hospitalized (ie, inpatient) or as nonsevere if the person was not hospitalized (ie, outpatient). We examined 2 socioeconomic factors: median household income (defined as low, medium low, medium high, and high) and educational attainment (defined as a ratio among people who completed <high school, high school, some college, or ≥bachelor’s degree). We calculated relative rates (RRs) to determine the associated level of risk for each socioeconomic factor. Results The incidence of influenza per 100 000 person-years was significantly higher in populations with low vs high median household income (620 vs 303; P < .001) and in populations with low vs high educational attainment (583 vs 323; P < .001). The RR of a severe infection in the quartile with the lowest educational attainment (0.57) was significantly higher than the RR in the other 3 quartiles of educational attainment (range, 0.36-0.39; P = .01). However, the RR of a severe infection was higher in the 3 quartiles of median household income (range, 0.38-0.40) than in the quartile with the lowest median household income (0.29). Conclusions People in Rhode Island with a lower socioeconomic status are at greater risk of an influenza infection than people with higher socioeconomic status. The reasons for these disparities require further investigation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18(33) (1) ◽  
pp. 143-148
Harshavardhan Kummitha ◽  
Raqif Huseynov ◽  
Michał Wojtaszek

Recreational activities pertaining to farmlands are receiving increased attention from both research and practice. One of the major reasons for this heightened importance attributed to farmland tourism is due partly to its potential to advance the local economy and to the benefits it brings for farmers and visitors. Thus, analyzing the role of agritourism in advancing socio-economic prosperity is of pivotal importance. With this background, the paper discusses the economic benefits of agritourism. The results reported in the paper are related to organizations located in Poland and Italy. Agritourism can bring several economic benefits in the countries and regions. What is interesting, the average income from agritourism is about one-third of the overall household income of farmers. Moreover, food service is a crucial factor in the success of agritourism as it brings extra money to farmers. It shows the importance of the relationship between the income obtained from agritourism activities and the benefits local communities gain by engaging in multiple tourism promotion activities.

Gilda A. Barabino

AbstractThe role of engineers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and in the elimination of health disparities, while not always visible, has important implications for the attainment of impactful solutions. The design skills, systems approach, and innovative mindset that engineers bring all have the potential to combat crises in novel and impactful ways. When a disparities lens is applied, a lens that views gaps in access, resources, and care, the engineering solutions are bound to be more robust and equitable. The disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on the Black community and other communities of color is linked to inequities in health rooted in a centuries long structural racism. Engineers working collaboratively with physicians and healthcare providers are poised to close equity gaps and strengthen the collective response to COVID-19 and future pandemics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Jaehong Yoon ◽  
Ja Young Kim ◽  
Ji-Hwan Kim ◽  
Seung-Sup Kim

Abstract Background We sought to examine the association between childhood experience of parental death (CEPD) and adulthood suicidal ideation, and the mediating role of adulthood SES in the association. Methods We analyzed a nationally representative dataset of 8609 adults from the Korea Welfare Panel Study, which is a longitudinal cohort dataset in South Korea. CEPD was measured using a question: “During your childhood (0-17 years old), have you experienced the death of parents?” We classified responses of CEPD during 2006–2011 into ‘yes,’ and the others into ‘no.’ Suicidal ideation over the past year was assessed annually during 2012–2019. As a potential mediator, adulthood educational attainment and household income in 2011 were included in the analysis. Logistic regression was applied to examine the association of CEPD with adulthood suicidal ideation across age groups (early adulthood, 19–39 years old; middle adulthood, 40–59 years old; late adulthood, ≥60 years old), after excluding people who reported lifetime suicidal ideation in 2011. Causal mediation analysis using a parametric regression model was applied to examine the mediating role of adulthood SES in the association between CEPD and adulthood suicidal ideation. Results After adjusting for potential confounders including childhood SES, CEPD was significantly associated with adulthood suicidal ideation among the late adulthood group (OR: 1.43; 95% CI: 1.13–1.81), while the association was not statistically significant among the early; and middle adulthood groups. In mediation analysis of adulthood household income, both indirect association (ORNIE: 1.05; 95% CI: 1.02–1.09) and direct association (ORNDE: 1.37; 95% CI: 1.09–1.73) were statistically significant among the late adulthood group. In the mediation analysis of adulthood education attainment among the late adulthood, only a direct association was statistically significant (ORNDE: 1.43; 95% CI: 1.14–1.80). Conclusions These results suggest that CEPD could be a risk factor for adulthood suicidal ideation. Furthermore, the findings imply that income security policy might be necessary to reduce suicide among the late adulthood group.

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